On the topic, a metaphysics anchor suddenly promoted science, saying that he wanted to reject feudal superstition, and even took everyone to the scene to fight against counterfeiting.

How can I put it this way? It feels like a fucking dream.

Comments on Bai Qiuwu's Weibo post have exploded.

Floor 1: Am I right? Masters make us believe in science? No, have you forgotten that you also have the name of an electronic Bodhisattva? What kind of weird play is this?
  Floor 2: Oh my god, are you serious? Do you want to see what content you have broadcast live before? Is this actually a joke to us? Wait, what the hell is in this link? Is this something we can see?
  Floor 3: Damn, damn, why is there such a scary place? With so many people missing, don’t the police care? Does this village really exist? Is it hype? How could there be such a village? impossible? Why does it feel so fake?
  Floor 4: The police were in charge of the place upstairs, and then they also took care of themselves and disappeared. Didn’t you see? This kind of rural village is very backward and doesn't even have electricity. You wouldn't think that they still have internet and surveillance, right? It would be difficult to find someone who disappeared in the wilderness, and it would be even harder to solve the case.

Floor 5: Could it be that the place is backward and that’s why there are these strange rumors? Maybe they haven’t read books and don’t know what science can explain, so they feel so scary. In fact, they can all be used. Explained by science.

Floor 6: No, I have a question earlier. The people who spread these things were not the people in the village itself, but the people who heard the rumors and went on expeditions. It was these people who spread the news, and they did not Have you read a book? Your statement is simply not true.

7th Floor: This post looks too scary. You don’t really want to go to a place like this. Damn it, I feel a little afraid to watch this live broadcast, but I am inexplicably looking forward to it. What’s going on? A typical person who loves to cook and loves to play, forget it, I'd better pay attention first.

Floor 8: Looking forward to plus one, this is the live broadcast that real men should watch! Come on anchor! Very much looking forward to it! waiting for your good news! (I hope it’s not missing or crazy news, may God bless you, Amen)


Looking at these rather expectant comments, Pu Xi's eyes widened, not because of expectation, but because of fear.

Bai Qiuwu spread his hands and said helplessly: "Although I also want to think about you and want to change to a simpler one, but now so many people know about it and everyone is looking forward to it, it seems that it is not convenient to change. …”

"Think about it, our first dungeon has now introduced this difficult one, and everyone is looking forward to it. If we change it to a simple one at this time, no one will be happy, and everyone will feel bad. After all, the expectations have already been raised. Being pulled high.”

"Do you think what I said makes sense?"


Pu Xi knew this much better than she did, so after seeing everyone's reaction, he knew that this trip was probably a must.

And there must be a good ending. If he runs away in the middle of the night or something, then the anchor will not have to do anything anymore, and he will be nailed to the pillar of shame.


"That's right, I mean, is there a possibility that you can do the live broadcast by yourself?" Pu Xi opened his big Kazilan eyes and tried to make the final struggle: "I think you can do it on your own, so you don't need me anymore. Bar?"

Bai Qiuwu smiled: "What do you think? We have already bought the tickets for both of us. You can't let me go alone. Don't worry, I will protect you."

Pu Xi: "..."

He really couldn't feel relieved at all.

It’s just that the tickets have already been bought and so on. It’s so fast!
  Pu Xi wanted to burst into tears, but at this point, he had no choice but to follow Bai Qiuwu on the train to the south with a lot of evil-proof gadgets he had bought two days later. airplane.

Because the things he brought were so outrageous, he almost failed the plane security check.

Bai Qiuwu was looking at the basket of strange things, such as tree branches, wooden swords, solidified blood, etc., and his expression was a little distorted.

"These are all good things, willow branches, peach wood swords, rooster's blood...it is said online that these things can ward off evil spirits, so be sure to bring them with you! They will definitely come in handy in the end!"

Pu Xi said seriously.

Although Bai Qiuwu wanted to talk about these things, they were actually of no use. They could not ward off evil spirits at all, and they might even anger those things.

But she didn't say in the end, if carrying these things can make him feel at ease and the value of these things has been realized, then bring them.

The most important thing is shipping, which doesn't cost her any money.

In this way, the two of them (the photographer stopped going as soon as he heard about this place and the job), carrying a bunch of things in big and small bags (mainly Pu Xi's things), set off on their way to the south.

This village is in a very remote small city. They first took a plane to the capital of that province, then transferred to the high-speed rail, and finally to the train, then to the bus, and finally even took a three-wheeler for a while.

I spent a whole day on the road like this, and finally arrived at my destination in the evening before it was completely dark.

This was also something they had planned. Otherwise, if they arrived in the middle of the night, the audience would have already fallen asleep. Who would it be broadcast to by then?

This was the reason Pu Xi gave. Bai Qiuwu was persuaded by him and pretended not to know because he was afraid of arriving here in the middle of the night.

This village is really shabby. The ground is still mud. The houses are all made of mud bricks. The roofs are covered with thick yellow straw. It looks like there are only a dozen or twenty households. It is basically the same as the description on the Internet. .

The population in the village is small, and everyone knows each other. Suddenly a stranger comes, and everyone is very curious.

Bai Qiuwu and Pu Xi started the live broadcast as soon as they arrived here. Pu Xi was holding the device and slowly turning it to take pictures of the situation in the village.

The villagers looked at them curiously, like looking at monkeys in a zoo.

Bai Qiuwu glanced at them and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He saw that each of these people had dark fog on their bodies. Although it was not as serious as the deer, it was more like they had been in contact with something dirty and then left it accidentally.

But this also means that there is indeed something in this village.

And it is very likely to be even more powerful than the little deer, because the little deer will not leave black mist on passers-by when it comes into contact with them.

This one is different. I don’t know how many people were killed and how much resentment there was to leave such a dark fog on every villager.

Look, this trip is really the right one!
  Bai Qiuwu was very happy, like a social cow, and went up to say hello directly.

She didn't choose, so she just found the nearest villager, an uncle who was hoeing the fields. The uncle had dark skin, looked to be in his 50s, and looked very smart and capable.

"Hello." Bai Qiuwu greeted politely: "We came here specially for fun. Can I meet your village chief?" Now that he has decided to come, Bai Qiuwu has made all the preparations. She turned I read the posts in that forum and made a special game guide.

People in the forum said that this village may be a bit exclusive because of the small number of people. If you want to live in this village, you must first communicate with their village chief.

Only by persuading their village chief, who then arranges their accommodation, will these villagers not object.

Otherwise, if you go directly to ask someone if there is a place to live, you will definitely be rejected, and you will be subject to malicious speculation, and some people may even be kicked away directly.

However, it was probably because many outsiders had been here before, so the uncle was not surprised. He nodded, put down the farm tools in his hands, and said, "Come with me."

His voice was a little hoarse and had a strong accent. Bai Qiuwu almost didn't understand it, but combined with his leading movements, he still understood it.

She immediately called for Pu Xi to follow her.

At this moment, the sun was gone in the sky, but there was still a little light, but it made the village look even more eerie.

The dilapidated thatched houses cast large shadows with strange expressions. The silent villagers stared at them, looking like a scene from a horror movie.

Many netizens who were watching the live broadcast felt a little panicked.

[This village feels so uncomfortable, like the scene of old corpses in the countryside. I always feel that when any door is opened, I am not surprised to find a coffin inside. Not only that, these villagers look so weird! One by one, they were talking like birdsong. I even doubted whether we were from the same country.]

[Previously, don’t you know that the more southerly our country is, the weirder its dialects are? There are different pronunciations for ten miles south. I’m not kidding you, but the accent in this village is really strong. As a pure southerner, I can’t hear it. I understand, I also feel that this village is weird, and I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect...]

[Oh my god, why does this village look so familiar? When I heard you talk about it before, I felt it was very familiar. But now I see it, isn’t this my hometown! There are indeed many rumors of ghosts in my hometown, but my parents have moved out and the older generation are all dead. I haven’t been back for a long time. My impressions are still there when I was four or five years old.

After reading those posts, I still thought about how dangerous this village was, but now I think it's okay. After all, it's the place where I lived when I was a child. However, eating melon in my hometown is also a very outrageous experience! 】

[Oh my god, this anchor is so brave. He actually came to this place. Don’t think I’m alarmist. I have a friend who is an adventure enthusiast. I don’t know where I heard about this village. I insisted on exploring, but now I’m still living in a lunatic asylum!
  I didn't scare you. My friend was so brave that he dared to go to the cemetery to sleep. But he was so scared in this village that he became a ghost. He told everyone not to kill him when he saw him. He looked miserable. I lied to you to death. The whole family! 】


Pu Xi kept holding the machine and paying attention to the barrage. When he saw the last one, he felt that his few courage was getting weaker.

He was very scared and didn't want to come here at all, but even though he came, he could only bite the bullet and continue to stay.

The only good news is probably that the gimmick of this village is quite big, and everyone loves to watch this genre. It has only been broadcast for a short time, and the number of viewers has already exceeded 10, and it is still rising like a rocket.

This momentum is no worse than any previous live broadcast, and there is even a vague tendency to catch up, which shows that this move is still on the right track.

After comforting herself in this way, Pu Xi could not help but take two steps forward, getting closer to Bai Qiuwu.

In this weird village, Bai Qiuwu was the only sense of security he could find.

Compared with Pu Xi's caution, Bai Qiuwu behaved much more calmly. She looked at this small village road with interest and greeted every villager passing by. The villagers looked at her as if she were a fool. Bai Qiuwu Wu didn't care either.

She mainly wanted to see the marks on these villagers, and walking along the way, she became even more sure that there was indeed something weird in this village.

It's not just ordinary weirdness, at least everyone in this village is contaminated with evil spirits, be it mild or severe, no one is spared.

The most serious one is the village chief.

The village chief is a kind-looking little old man. He is not tall and skinny, but he looks kind.

Unlike the villagers who only looked at them indifferently, he came up to say hello very warmly, and he could also speak Mandarin: "The two young friends came from afar, but we are just worried that we will not treat them well. Please forgive me."

He could speak Mandarin and was so literate, as if he had read a book. Pu Xi was relieved to see that the village chief was such an easy-to-communicate person.

It’s good to have read a book. After reading a book, you can understand and reason, but I’m afraid of being the kind of person who can’t understand anything and can’t explain the truth clearly.

The village chief's house is not big, and it is in the middle of the village. Although it is still shabby, it is also quite clean.

Pu Xi actively expressed that she wanted to live with the village chief, and even took out some cash. The village chief didn't seem happy at first, but when he saw the red note, he immediately changed his tune.

He happily arranged two rooms for them and asked his daughter-in-law to go to the city tomorrow to buy them good food.

Pu Xi's favorable impression suddenly increased, and he felt that the village chief's place must be safer than other people's places.

But what he didn't know was that in Bai Qiuwu's eyes, this kind-faced village chief was surrounded by black energy. Although he didn't see the shadow of evil spirits, it was obvious that he was more evil than anyone else in the village. Caring.

If there is really evil in this village, there is a 90% chance that the village chief will live here.

But she didn't say any of this, after all...

It's better to live closer to that thing, it's easier to catch!

Thinking this way, Bai Qiuwu had no objection to Pu Xi's behavior, which could be called seeking death, and he happily accepted it.

So the two people put down their things and began to tidy up the room.

Although it is two rooms, it is actually one larger room divided into two rooms. There is a door in the middle that can be pushed open. They are separated by a screen, and the sound insulation is not good.

But this makes Pu Xi feel very safe.

He felt that if things were like this, he could ask the master for help at any time if something happened at night, and the feeling of fear should be better.

But it turns out he was wrong.

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