Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 129 Multiple Choice Questions

The village chief's house is no better than other villagers' houses. It's all made of earth with a clay brick bed, and it's shabby and old.

It was late autumn and early winter, and it was extremely cold in the southern countryside. Pu Xi gave them enough money, and the village chief even thoughtfully brought them a few new quilts.

It's the kind of quilt with big red peonies. Under the orange candlelight, the bright red is dazzling, and it's a bit weird inexplicably.

Puxi's timidity was reflected in all aspects. He first proposed to light candles all night, and after getting the village chief's permission, he felt that the quilt was scary under the candles and wanted to change the quilt.

The village chief suddenly showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"This is the only new quilt we have. The others are old and worn. I'm afraid you may not like them very much."

"I was afraid that you might think it was unclean, so I took out my son's wedding quilt and covered it for you."

Pu Xi felt a little embarrassed when she heard this, and asked in a low voice: "Does your son mind?"

"My son has been dead for many years, and he hasn't covered him with this quilt. What should he care about?"

The village chief said nonchalantly. The short and thin old man seemed to have gotten over the grief of losing his son. When he mentioned his son, his expression was only nostalgia, not sadness.

Pu Xi was speechless for a moment, feeling that he had said something wrong, and apologized awkwardly.

The village chief waved his hand, but he didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he took out another black quilt from the cabinet on the side.

"If you don't want the red one, this is the only one."

What can I say about this quilt? There are patches everywhere, and there are dark, unknown objects on it. They are heavy and heavy, like iron lumps. There seems to be a strange smell, a bit like something. Things are moldy.

As soon as the village chief put him on the bed, Pu Xi immediately stepped away, his expression full of disgust.

The village chief was not surprised by his reaction, he just had a "I'll just say it" expression on his face.

"Besides the new quilt, this is the only thing." The village chief said helplessly, "You can choose it yourself."

For the sake of money, the village chief seems to be particularly easy to talk to.

So here comes the question. I heard that no one has ever used a quilt that looks clean and bright. But a quilt that looks dirty, tattered, smelly, and covered with something is unknown to normal people. How to choose?

Pu Xi felt that he was a normal person, so he decided to choose the new red quilt.

As a result, at this time, Bai Qiuwu, who had been silent next to him, suddenly stopped him.

Pu Xi looked at her doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Bai Qiuwu didn't say much, just smiled slightly: "If I were you, I would choose this bed."

She pointed to the dirty and hard old quilt on the bed.

Pu Xi suddenly became even more confused: "Why?"

Bai Qiuwu did not explain, and his expression was not serious. He said as if he was joking: "Seeing is not necessarily believing."

Pu Xi's head was filled with questions.

Because they are here to live broadcast to fight against counterfeiting, and they don’t know whether those dirty things exist, it is impossible to discuss with them in advance when to show up so that they can start a live broadcast, so since they entered the village, the live broadcast has not Passed.

In order to prevent the rural network from being poor, they also spent a lot of money to bring their own signal sources. Except for the privacy of washing and going to the toilet, the entire process was broadcast live, similar to a reality show.

Now the camera is standing aside, completely recording the conversation between several people.

At this time, there were hundreds of thousands of netizens watching, and the discussion was also lively.

[What, you still have to choose between these two quilts? That must be a new quilt, it looks festive. As for that old quilt, my god, it feels like it hasn’t been washed in hundreds of years. There are all kinds of black stuff on it. Let me cover it. , I would rather freeze to death]

[Although this old quilt doesn’t look very good, am I the only one who thinks that the new quilt is a little too red? I feel bad when I look at it. I always have a bad feeling. What should I do? These two quilts are too red. I don’t want any quilts. Are these really the only two multiple-choice questions? Can I choose to freeze to death? 】

[What does Master mean by this? Seeing is not necessarily believing. Does it mean that what looks dirty is not actually dirty, and what looks clean is not actually clean either? So do the opposite and choose dirty? But this looks really unclean...]

[You may be one-sided in what I said before. Maybe what the master means is that if you look clean, you may have problems, and if you look dirty, maybe you are just simply dirty, but you may be life-threatening? Therefore, I also choose not to have both hehe]

[I feel like this is a bit like the fatal multiple-choice questions in the infinite flow script. Every wrong choice may bring bad consequences, but our Master Bai is as confident as if he is holding the script in his hand! So, I feel like I can watch it with confidence]


Netizens' discussions were all kinds of, Pu Xi's mind was in a mess, but Bai Qiuwu was as steady as an old dog.

Bai Qiuwu suddenly spoke and asked Pu Xi not to choose a new quilt. Of course, there was a reason.

At this moment, in Bai Qiuwu's eyes, there was a clear difference between the two quilts on Pu Xi's bed.

The old quilt was indeed dirty, and the black stains also had a strange smell. Bai Qiuwu was basically sure that they were blood stains.

This quilt had probably been wrapped around a corpse before. It was very dirty and stained with blood that couldn't be washed away.

But it's just dirty.

As for the new quilt... Pu Xi couldn't see it, otherwise he might cry on the spot.

In Bai Qiuwu's eyes, she could clearly see countless souls roaring silently, one after another, inside the bright red quilt.

These things seemed to be trapped in this quilt by something. They kept struggling, but they couldn't escape and could only twist like crazy.

These souls are old and young, and there is nothing in common in their faces. The reason why this quilt is so bright red is probably because these souls are attached to it.

This soulful color is naturally extremely bright and can make people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts. This is a person's sixth sense protecting the person himself.

However, these souls seem to have lost their minds, they are just obsessions that can dissipate at any time. There is probably some special reason why they have not dissipated.

This kind of thing can't hurt the person itself, but sleeping with this kind of quilt will definitely bring bad luck.

If one person is lucky, he may bring two obsessions to him, and then the gain outweighs the loss.

In comparison, this kind of poor shipping kid who knows how to buy 1 and get 1 free on a new quilt will definitely be able to cover it without covering it.

As for the other bed, it was just a little dirty. Pu Xi didn't know what had been done to this quilt anyway.

Pu Xi was indeed frightened by what Bai Qiuwu said. She looked at Bai Qiuwu tremblingly and whispered, "I...can I not cover both of them?"

Ah, that's a good choice.

Bai Qiuwu nodded when she heard this and gave Pu Xi a thumbs up to express her approval. She admired Pu Xi's innovative thinking very much.

But the village chief looked embarrassed: "The temperature will probably reach below zero tonight. If we don't cover ourselves with a quilt, we might freeze to death." Pu Xi: "..."

Pu Xi had nothing to say. Of course he didn't want to freeze to death, but he was afraid. In the end, disgust and fear prevailed. He hugged the dirty quilt with humiliation and looked at Bai Qiuwu pitifully.

Bai Qiuwu nodded: "Great, then I will take this quilt away. I just feel that my bed is not thick enough."

She said, smiled politely at the village chief and Pu Xi, and left with the bright red quilt in her arms.

Pu Xi: "?"

Netizens who are watching the live broadcast: "?"

What's up with this Nima?
  Pu Xi was so confused that she couldn't help but ask loudly: "Why don't you let me cover you?"

"Maybe it's because I can cover this quilt, but you can't." Bai Qiuwu happily talked about nonsense literature, which immediately left Pu Xi and the netizens watching the live broadcast speechless.

But as God testifies, what Bai Qiuwu said was the truth.

Others couldn't see the mystery on the quilt, but she could see it, and she wasn't afraid at all.

These obsessions also tried to touch her when she picked up the quilt, but just like the thing on the little deer, Bai Qiuwu could not remove these things without knowing the cause and effect.

But if these things come to seek death, Bai Qiuwu won't be polite.

She didn't even have to do anything, these things would melt silently the moment they touched her.

Although these things had lost their minds, they still had instincts. After discovering that they would melt if they touched Bai Qiuwu, they were like mice seeing a cat, twisting, screaming, and hiding in the corner of the quilt.

Bai Qiuwu didn't care at all about their reactions. He calmly folded the two quilts together and went to bed.

And she was like a terrible plague virus. These obsessions wanted to be far away from her. They all huddled in the corner of the quilt, not daring to move.

If they hadn't been controlled and could only stay under the quilt, they would have scattered and fled for their lives by now.

Bai Qiuwu was covered with a brand new warm quilt, but he was thinking about the aborigines in this quilt.

So many obsessions, each one represents a living life.

Being able to form an obsession means that these things died unexpectedly, otherwise they wouldn't have such a big resentment.

But with so many lives, at a glance, there are at least hundreds of lives, far more than those who are said to be missing. This shows that the water in this village may be deeper than they imagined.

And there is another problem. The owner of these two quilts is the village chief.

So, does the village chief know about the problem with this quilt?
  Bai Qiuwu was more inclined to think that he probably didn't know. If he knew, he probably wouldn't have carried it out to them personally.

Bai Qiuwu saw clearly that just when the village chief picked up these quilts, those obsessions also attacked the village chief. The village chief's luck may have been damaged now, but this thing is rather mysterious and he will not be able to see it for a while. Get results.

Bai Qiuwu felt that the village chief would not do such a harmful thing to others. If he really wanted to use this quilt to harm them, he could just say that he was not in good health and could not hold it, and let them hold it by themselves.

This statement is completely reasonable and defensible, and there is no need for him to harm himself.

So the question is, if the village chief doesn’t know about the problem with this quilt, then why is this quilt at the village chief’s house?

So many people died, and all the obsessions were trapped in the wedding quilt of the village chief's son, and the village chief's son also died. Is there any connection between the two?

If there was no contact, how did the village chief's son die?

If there is a connection, what did the village chief's son do? The village chief's son couldn't have killed these people alone, right?

Also, everyone in this village is covered in black fog, especially the village chief. This means that there is at least one bad guy in this village.

But now this bad thing has no intention of appearing.

Isn’t it said that every time a new person comes, he will encounter a terrifying scene?
  Is it because the time has not come yet, or is it that the bad thing this time is more advanced than the thing on Xiaolu, and has already had thoughts. At the same time, he has seen how powerful Bai Qiuwu is, and knows how to avoid Bai Qiuwu?
  Too many questions.

Even Bai Qiuwu couldn't figure it out for a while. The main reason was that there were too few clues and the time was too short.

But it doesn't matter. If there is no clue, then she will wait for the clue. She has plenty of time, and at worst, she will waste it here.

After all, she had anticipated that there might be a big deal hidden here.

If the people who died in these two quilts were all killed by the same thing, it would probably be several times the merit of that thing on Xiaolu.

Thinking this way, Bai Qiuwu even started to look forward to it.

As the night progressed, the village chief did not disturb them anymore. He helped them prepare things for rest, and then went back to his room.

But I was thoughtful enough to leave a lot of candles for them.

Pu Xi was so scared that the door between the two rooms was left open, and his room was full of candles and looked quite bright.

Bai Qiuwu had no need in this regard, so she only lit one in her room. It looked gloomy, but Bai Qiuwu didn't feel the same at all and slept calmly.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the sky outside turned completely dark. I don’t know when, but the wind suddenly started blowing in the middle of the night.

Maybe it's because of the geography of this village, and there are no trees or anything to block the wind. When the wind blows, it sounds extra loud.

It's pretty scary.

There are quite a few people who have not yet fallen asleep after ordering this live broadcast. In addition, this equipment is expensive enough, which really makes people feel like they are actually there.

Many people have even started to get goosebumps.

Pu Xi couldn't sleep at first. Hearing the howling wind, he became even more frightened. The most frightening thing was that the house was not very windproof. The windows were blown loudly, and even the candles in the house began to flicker. It flickers on and off.

It can be said that the horror atmosphere is fully realized.

At this time, Pu Xi didn't care that the quilt was dirty, she just got under the quilt and covered her head in fear.

But this just blocks the line of sight.

He could no longer see the flickering candles, but the sound of the wind seemed to be clearer.

At this time,
  The sound of a woman crying suddenly came from the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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