Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 138 In fact, this is all fake

Bai Qiuwu decisively turned off the live TV broadcast.

Because she realized that the key to her live broadcast seemed to be to combat feudal superstition.

The girl in red accidentally appeared on the scene before, so she didn't dare to say anything more for fear that netizens' attention would be diverted here. Bai Qiuwu was even happy when someone said that the girl in red was an actress.

But how to explain this now?

Damn it, why did this girl rush out so violently? Didn't she hide well before?

Yes, Bai Qiuwu could feel that this girl was following her, but she didn't care. She could just follow her if she wanted. It wouldn't be a big problem.

She now has a general understanding that this girl has indeed never harmed anyone. The reason why she is so full of resentment is just her resentment towards these villagers.

Of course, to be able to reach such a scale, she must have killed many villagers, but can these villagers be considered human beings?

It definitely doesn’t count!

Therefore, in Bai Qiuwu, this girl's level of pending treatment was not as good as that of these villagers, so she gave priority to finding out the truth.

If you want to follow this girl, if you see her taking action against these villagers and feel that the big revenge will be avenged and dissipated happily, then it would be the best, saving Bai Qiuwu from having to take action again and just get the merit in vain.

But what Bai Qiuwu never expected was that this girl would actually choose to show up.

After becoming a Piao, you will also be subject to quite terrible restrictions, even greater restrictions than when you were a human. If you are not careful, you will really trigger thunder.

What's more, people like them tend to harm people more subtly and more aggressively, like the one on the deer. When others are driving and can't concentrate, they suddenly appear scary, but in essence, car accidents are still It is caused by humans driving carelessly.

However, this method must have been tried many times on the little deer, which resulted in a thick line of cause and effect on her body. Even if she is left alone, this kind of thing will cause thunder after a while.

This one in the village is obviously more awesome than that one. At least she has her own reason. I don’t know how much resentment she must have to maintain her current state.

But in such a state, the wisest way is to hide in the dark and wait for opportunities to act. She has always been like this before, howling in the middle of the night to scare away tourists so that no one will continue to be threatened here.

But now she is like crazy, taking the initiative to show up and greet them, but she is an illusory body, how can she touch these people.

These five villagers were originally very scared. After seeing that the young lady could not touch them, they gradually became frightened and uncertain, and their steps gradually stopped.

In fact, they had always known about this person's existence. They pretended not to hear his cries that night, but they didn't really not hear him.

In addition, they have a guilty conscience and really don't dare to have any ideas, so they just hide away.

Now I finally see the true face of this person, but I find that it doesn't seem so scary.

How to calculate this?

The village chief was indeed a man who had read books and had seen the world. He was the first to react among the few people. He looked straight at the woman who was still frantically attacking them and waved his hand.

"Don't move, she can't touch us."

"You really have turned into a monster, but so what, you can't touch us. Do you want revenge? In the next life, you have no chance in this life."

He sneered, with resentment flashing in his eyes: "What's more, I haven't settled my son's debt with you yet. What's so hateful about you that you deserve to show up?"

When it came to his son, the village chief went a little crazy. He was his only son, and it was all his hard work, but he was taken away by such a crazy woman.

To be honest, the village chief is no less resentful than this woman.

The other four people also stopped under the village chief's order and looked at the screaming woman with some surprise. At this time, someone noticed Bai Qiuwu on the side and pointed at her and asked.

"Is this thing the same monster? I obviously used a lot of strength, she must be dead!"

"Yes, I brought her here after I was sure she was exhausted. This thing must be a monster too!"

"What about the body? It can't be a resurrected body, right? Can we still touch her? If we can't touch her, how can we use a knife!"

These people have killed so many people, how can their psychological quality be so bad? At first, they were afraid because they just felt the danger. After discovering that this thing seemed to pose no threat to them, they immediately felt nothing at all.

What they care most about is their own interests.

Bai Qiuwu looked at these people with greed in their eyes and didn't make any comments. He just asked: "You have killed so many people. Do you regret it?"

"Oh, this one can actually talk." The village chief was a little surprised, with doubts in his eyes: "Is this a human or a ghost?"

"No matter what she is, she can't stand in the way of our wealth!"

Bai Qiuwu didn't care about the attitudes of these people. He pointed at the crazy young lady and looked directly at the village chief: "A girl like her should have a bright future, but it was ruined in your hands. Don't you think Guilty?"

The village chief was inexplicably afraid to look directly at such eyes, but the resentment in his heart made him unable to reason. He gritted his teeth and glared at Bai Qiuwu, asking each word.

"What about my son? My son is dead too!"

"If it weren't for this crazy woman, would my son have died? Do you know how sad I am? This is my only son!"

"Don't women just want to get married and have children? No matter how powerful she is, she still doesn't want to get married and have children. She was accidentally abducted here. Can she blame us?"

"Didn't we spend money? I spent a total of 3 yuan just to find a wife for my son, but this woman didn't know what to do and insisted on running away. I cut off her feet, but she still didn't want to live in peace. Live your life separately.”

"Can you blame us? Don't we want to live a good life? This woman deserves this! We spent money, and she is ours! But she went crazy and hurt people, and she has no peace after death! I should ask someone Taoist priests are here!”

At the end of the sentence, the village chief almost gritted his teeth. Thinking about it, he had a lot of hatred in his heart over the years.

Bai Qiuwu was a little helpless. She didn't expect that someone could be so shameless and could express such strong words in such a clear and refined manner.

"Did this girl take the money you lost?"

Bai Qiuwu asked sincerely: "Did this girl take the initiative to marry into your family? She was abducted by human traffickers because of her carelessness. Does she deserve it? Don't you think your logic is very thief?"

"I have never seen anyone so shameless. You resent the girl for harming your son, but the girl can't blame you, right? It's really outrageous."

"Now that you say these things in front of a girl, aren't you afraid at all?"

Bai Qiuwu almost laughed out loud as she spoke. Her expression was extremely sarcastic and inexplicably heart-piercing. The village chief only felt irritated. He lost the patience to continue talking, and instead roared angrily: "I don't know whether you are a human or a ghost, but you are not qualified to ask me about a person like you. Even if you are a god today, I will kill you!"

He said, as if he had made up his mind, and waved his hand heavily. The other four villagers seemed to finally realize what to do. They held knives in their hands and began to approach Bai Qiuwu.

"Pretend to be a ghost." The village chief sneered: "You are unlucky to meet me today."

Bai Qiuwu knew that this man was stubborn and stopped talking nonsense. She didn't even look at the villagers approaching her, but looked at the woman who was still crazy.

The woman's figure had become illusory, but she was still stubborn and kept biting the village chief. Unfortunately, such actions did not harm the village chief at all, but made her own body become more and more illusory.

Bai Qiuwu suddenly sighed.

She can control all monsters and ghosts. If she understands the cause and effect and knows that he is indeed guilty, she can even hang him on the spot, but humans cannot.

If a being like her interferes with humans in this situation, she will be punished by God.

So she can only let humans make wishes voluntarily, which is normal and reasonable.

She cannot hurt humans at will, there will be retribution. Even if these humans have committed extremely heinous crimes, they should not be judged by her. They should be handed over to the law during their lifetime and settled after death.

Therefore, what Bai Qiuwu wanted at first was to use his magic power to make them fall, or to prevent them from catching up with him and bump into some strange things while running.

Instead of using the law to harm them head-on.

But after the exchange with the village chief, Bai Qiuwu felt that he could not be so kind.

So she looked at the crazy girl.

"Girl, do you want revenge? You can't touch them now. Do you need my help?"

A polite smile appeared on Bai Qiuwu's lips. Like a marketer, she said very enthusiastically: "There is no charge. It's just a friendly help."

She can't attack humans at will, but she can attack this girl.

This girl is no longer a human being, she is completely within her jurisdiction.

So it is completely feasible for her to lend her strength to this girl.

As for this girl taking action against these people after taking her power, does that have anything to do with her?

Of course it doesn't matter. Bai Qiuwu just pitied this girl for her misery. Who knows what she did with her strength.

Although if the girl takes revenge like this, she will definitely be guilty when the time comes to settle the matter, but the girl's current appearance does not seem to care about this at all.

She just wants revenge and doesn't care what kind of punishment she will receive, so what else can she say? Bai Qiuwu also has to respect others.

Very good, the logic is smooth, so let’s do it.

Bai Qiuwu's mind was spinning rapidly, and her tone became more and more sincere: "I'll help you. There's no charge. It's free. You can't suffer a loss or be cheated."

Her words came suddenly and strangely. The five villagers looked at her suspiciously. The crazy woman was also stunned and looked at her blankly.

Bai Qiuwu looked back at him without fear: "If you have a grudge, just take revenge. It's a matter of course."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, and the power was transferred to the girl. The girl's originally illusory body instantly became fuller. She looked at her hands blankly, as if she couldn't believe it.

Bai Qiuwu was afraid that she would get too excited and kill everyone, so he gave her a serious advice: "The point of revenge is torture. You just have to vent your anger. Don't torture people to death. I still have to keep the mission."

"I guess the police will come soon. They died here. I can't explain it."

This girl is sensible and of course she understands. After Bai Qiuwu finished speaking, she nodded with red eyes and finally made a sound other than screaming in pain.

"Thank you... thank you..."

Bai Qiuwu just responded with a friendly smile.

When the five villagers saw that the situation was not good, they ran away, but could the girl with the entity let them go?

They rushed forward in an instant, and for a while there were screams everywhere, but as they ran outside the cave, the sounds became quieter and quieter.

When the sound was almost gone, Bai Qiuwu slowly took out his mobile phone and connected to the live broadcast room just now.

Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast was interrupted, but it did not affect Pu Xi's side. After all, she was only connected to a channel.

And her sudden departure and return also attracted considerable attention.

In just ten minutes, the number of online viewers in Pu Xi's live broadcast room has exceeded 300 million, and it is still rising rapidly.

Seeing her sudden return at this time, the barrage instantly went crazy.

[Come back, come back, Master Bai is actually back, I am not dreaming, these things are actually true, what about the girl in red? Damn it, why can’t I find her in the playback? She can’t really be something weird. Mom, my three views are shattered! 】

[I knew you were real, Master! Those who criticize me, those who say it's a script, get out, come out and fight, aren't you very good at shouting? Come on, didn't they all say that I have delusion before? Do you still dare to say it now? ? Who is so ignorant? 】

[It turns out that there really are these weird things in this world. I’m convinced, I’m really convinced, so Master, your wish is a real spirit, right? I’ll go now, damn, I can actually see it in my lifetime. True master, this life is really disillusionment]

[So what just happened? Why shut down the live broadcast suddenly? Is there something we shouldn't look at? What about the villagers who came to see you? And what about the girl in red who suddenly appeared? Is that girl really the missing college student? Is she human now or what? 】

[Master Bai, why don’t you speak? You see so many questions and you don’t know what to answer. In fact, you can first tell me what happened just now and the girl in red. I think everyone is still more curious about this/eyesore.jpg 】

The screen was filled with questions and all kinds of exclamations. Bai Qiuwu scanned through them and felt that there were too many questions, so she thought about it and finally spoke with great solemnity and sincerity.

"Actually, the girl in red just now was a special effect."

"Actually, these are all my scripts."

She looked at the camera with a serious face, with bones on her feet: "Everyone, believe me, really, I am most afraid of these things. There are no ghosts in this world, it's all feudal superstition."

Netizens: "?"

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