Bai Qiuwu didn't care how different her words and deeds were from her previous live broadcast style. Under the attention of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, she told lies with her eyes open in a serious manner.

What happened before can also be made like a detective suspense drama, leading everyone to find the buried truth and so on. It is so touching, like a detective TV drama.

But which detective TV series would include ghost elements? This will not pass the trial!

TV dramas are not broadcast like this. If the live broadcast contains such elements, it will also be blocked.

Bai Qiuwu is no longer in the ignorant state she was in when she first came to this world. Her style originally leans towards metaphysics. The company told her repeatedly when signing the contract that this area is a high-voltage line and must not be touched.

Therefore, even if she made a wish live in the past, her name in the live broadcast room was always chatting with her online, and she did not dare to go too far.

But what about now?

There was a non-human ghost openly appearing in her live broadcast room. If he really recognized it, it would be the end of the world.

Not to mention that the relevant departments would invite her to have tea to study this matter. I'm afraid it will be difficult for her live broadcast room to be opened again in the future.

This is very bad.

Bai Qiuwu's mission has not been completed yet. The most important thing is that as a god, she has the obligation to hide the truth. If so many people know it clearly and change the pattern of the world, then she is also guilty.

If you can't say it, the thunder will come.

That's why she agreed to Pu Yao's request to lose power and humiliate the country. Wasn't it because she was afraid that he would be exposed?

As a result, now, Pu Yao's side was not exposed, but something happened to her side first.

When Bai Qiuwu thought about the consequences of this exposure, his scalp was numb.

This is not possible, how can this be possible?

Before she could even return to her own world, she was struck to death by a thunderbolt. What an unbearable way to die.

I can't accept it, I can't accept it at all.

Bai Qiuwu thought of this and secretly made up her mind. Seeing the barrage of question marks on the screen, she simply felt heartbroken and gritted her teeth and said:

"As everyone knows, I have a very large background. I am the anchor recommended by our live broadcast app, and the investment in me is very large, so this is actually a big script, and what you see are all special effects."

"Including the cute girl in red just now. In fact, it was also a special effect. How could anyone in this world be able to fly? It was just a doll made by our prop teacher, so it has no feet."

"Now that the script is over, I hope everyone can take a calm view. There are no ghosts in this world. We must reject feudal superstition and believe in science. Long live socialism."

Bai Qiuwu's words were righteous, but the background behind her was so gloomy, and the bones under her feet were so dazzling.

When people looked at it, it was simply messy in the wind.

[How could this be a special effect? Who can do such realistic special effects? Moreover, Miss Bai Ting is really missing, and the student ID card is indeed from that university. Is this also your prop? And these things you step on, are they all props? 】

【script? Are you telling me this is a script? How could this be a script? I searched on the Internet and found that so many things happened in this village. Two policemen even disappeared. These were reported in the newspapers many years ago. You actually told me that it was a script. How awesome is your company? Can it all be used as a script? 】

[Really? I don’t believe it. Master, have you been threatened? If you have been threatened, just blink. We will find a way to save you. The police will definitely arrive soon/No]

[Let me just say this is a script. Now the protagonist has admitted it himself. I really don’t know what you people are thinking. How can there be such weird things in this world? Do you believe it now? A slap in the face? That person who was barking and scolding me before, come out and take a walk! 】

[I feel like this is not like the script. The words in the script are too real. Moreover, this village is really weird. How can it be possible that so many people are missing in the script? There are also these bones on the ground. It’s not that the medical experts have identified them. Human bones? Whose script can steal human bones? The cost is too high. There are also special effects. What special effects can be so real? 】

[I feel like you know nothing about the special effects in our country. The special effects can be so real. Have you ever seen an anime movie from a certain country? The heroine’s 3 hairs can be clearly and textured. This special effect What the heck, it’s so confusing, just 5 cents for special effects, no more, no matter how much, I’m sorry for this level]

[I am a special effects artist. I can tell you clearly that special effects cannot achieve this level of realism. The most important thing is that this village does not seem to have the conditions to do special effects. Damn, this village doesn’t even have electricity. , what are you thinking? A group of laymen shouldn’t point fingers. It’s really easy to distort everyone’s thinking.]


Needless to say, the repercussions brought about by Bai Qiuwu's remarks.

Everyone was doubtful about this matter and felt that it was difficult to accomplish this kind of thing with script special effects. Some people were sprayed with blood when they mentioned it.

As a result, now that the person involved has come out and admitted personally that this is a special effect, but everyone does not believe it even more.

It's ridiculous to say it. When you say it's true, a bunch of people question it as a lie. When you admit it's a lie, a bunch of people think it's true.

It can only be said that it is difficult to coordinate the opinions of many people, and it is difficult to serve too many people.

Bai Qiuwu had been paying attention to the barrage. Seeing that everyone had so many questions and looked like they didn't believe it, he quickly explained.

"I see everyone's doubts. In fact, this matter is not as simple as everyone thinks. Let me explain to everyone. What happened in this village is true, otherwise I would not ask everyone to call the police."

"It's like this. When I was browsing online forums occasionally, I saw posts about this village. I thought it was very interesting, so I discussed with people from the company whether I could come to this village for live broadcast."

"It was also at this time that we started to formulate the script. Originally we just wanted to come here for adventure and some gimmicks, so we prepared special effects. As for these missing persons, they are real, and Bai Ting's incident is also real. I came here Found it after here.”

"It's a truth discovered by accident. It's the weird things that everyone sees, such as the little girl in red with no feet flying around in the sky. Those are fake and are special effects."

"Including the crying that made everyone very strange, as well as the sudden poor signal of the equipment, and the snowflakes, those are all special effects. As for why there is no that young lady in the shot playback, it is also our work. It is all technical work. This matter is Fake, absolutely fake.”

"And I have no reason to lie to you. You might as well think about it. If this thing is true, wouldn't I be famous? Why should I deny it? It's just because it's false. I'm afraid it won't be true and I'm afraid of the future. I was caught out and slapped in the face, so I just admitted it happily."

"The current situation is that things are a bit out of my control. I just wanted to live broadcast casually, but I found out about such a big thing, so I want to live broadcast this matter seriously. I don't want to do any more messy things. I want to share it with everyone. Make it clear and save everyone from being afraid and overthinking.”

Compared with the denial that came out of his mouth before, this explanation was much more powerful. Bai Qiuwu had used his brain and thought about it seriously. After everyone listened and thought about it carefully, it seemed that it actually made some sense.

But this doesn’t seem to make much sense.

[So according to you, these are all accidents? Then why do you do such special effects to entertain the public? Does this count as deceiving netizens? Do you think this is the right approach? To stir up the heat? 】

After Bai Qiuwu made a fool of himself, some people immediately became dissatisfied. When Bai Qiuwu saw such comments, he was not angry and simply apologized: "Yes, I just wanted to make a little joke with everyone, but I didn't expect it would cause such a situation." Consequences."    "I'm sorry, and please don't be afraid, these are all false."

Bai Qiuwu said extremely seriously, and Pu Xi, who was connected to her, looked like a question mark at the moment.

He knew clearly that they had no script.

And I had close contact with that girl. Although I was separated by a layer of quilt, it was considered a close contact, so there was no doubt about the existence of this girl.

But now, Bai Qiuwu's direct denial made him look confused.

Bai Qiuwu felt that Pu Xi's dazed look was too big of a flaw, so he coughed heavily. Just as he was about to quietly tap him twice, he suddenly heard screams coming from outside and running in again.

Bai Qiuwu didn't even have time to react. When he turned around, he saw the village chief stumbling in from outside with blood on his face, and the girl in red was following behind him.

After the young lady had a physical form, she was so cruel. She didn't do anything directly, but kept pushing the village chief, causing him to fall to the ground and hit his head on the stone.

Or relying on him to put strong mental pressure on people.

All in all, very scary.

Bai Qiuwu subconsciously wanted to turn off the live broadcast, but netizens seemed to know what she was thinking. As soon as they saw her turning back and reaching out to touch her phone, the barrage immediately started.

【! What do you want to do? What do you want to do! Do you want to turn off the live broadcast again? Didn't you say this is a special effect? ​​What are you afraid of? Show us the special effects! what are you worried about! Isn't this a special effect? 】

[Ah, ah, you can’t turn off the live broadcast! Can I give you a gift? I’m paying attention. Don’t turn off the live broadcast. Damn it, this is when you’re watching something wonderful. It’s so inhumane for you to turn off the live broadcast at this time. We just love to see the special effects of this account! 】

[I love watching special effects +1. If you turn off the live broadcast, we will treat you as guilty! By the way, this actor is so dedicated. Oh my god, the knock on his head is covered in blood. He worked too hard. He deserves to be so popular! 】

Bai Qiuwu looked at these barrages, and his hand that was about to turn off the live broadcast was frozen in the air. He felt like he had been caught doing something bad for some reason.

Netizens are right. It would be too fake to turn off the live broadcast at this time. It would be too suspicious to look guilty.

With this in mind, Bai Qiuwu stopped the live broadcast, and while pointing the camera at the two people chasing each other, he explained: "Our special effects are actually projection of the doll, and then designed it to be movable, so it looks very real." .”

"If you watch it live, it's actually just a shadow. And this actor is not our actor. He is really the village chief of this village, but he has a guilty conscience. You know, even if he just sees a shadow, he will Fear."

Bai Qiuwu racked his brains to think of an excuse: "So his reaction was actually because he was frightened. Our special effects do not have any real hurtful effect. Please also bear witness for me. When the police came later, it was not me." Abuse him."

Just as he was talking, the village chief fell again. Bai Qiuwu quickly pointed at the village chief and said, "Look, he fell all by himself. It has nothing to do with me!"

The village chief, who was running around in fright: "..."

The farce is almost endless.

Bai Ting has accumulated a lot of resentment over the years. She killed the village chief's son with her own hands, but she still can't forgive her hatred because the village chief is still the culprit.

Now that she could finally take revenge, she went crazy for revenge, and when the police arrived, she almost scared the village chief crazy.

Bai Ting still had sense. She did not put Bai Qiuwu in trouble. After taking revenge on the village chief, she took the initiative to return her power to Bai Qiuwu, and then disappeared in a flash.

Bai Qiuwu didn't know where she went, but she didn't seem to disappear.

Bai Qiuwu had no time to continue to care about her, because the police came.

At that time, genius had just dawned.

This weird village was in a state of chaos that night.

When it finally dawned and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt like they could breathe, countless roaring police cars stopped at the entrance of the village, and a dozen heavily armed policemen got out.

This incident has attracted too much attention. The millions of netizens who watched it online last night were not just freeloaders. The hot search has already exploded. The police also expressed great importance to this incident.

They came overnight and wiped out the entire village.

When the bones were being collected, Bai Qiuwu and Pu Xi were taken aside to take notes.

Her live broadcast room was also closed at this time, and the two of them were like children who had made a mistake and were being scolded by the police.

"How can you take such a risk with such a dangerous thing? Especially you, do you know how dangerous it is to be hit on the temple? What if you die? You are gambling with your life!"

The police uncle had a look of hatred on his face. Bai Qiuwu still had a bandage on his head. Hearing this, he could only nod his head and admit his mistake.

And just as they were being scolded, someone shouted, "Found it."

Bai Qiuwu looked over and saw that someone had found a legless skeleton deep in the dark cave and was carrying it out.

At this moment, Bai Qiuwu suddenly felt a surge of spiritual power that made his wish come true.

But this is not that someone's wish has come true, but that Bai Ting's strong obsession has dissipated.

With the help of Bai Qiuwu, she successfully took revenge. Now that she was lost and found out again, she had no regrets anymore, her obsession dissipated, and she went to reincarnate with peace of mind.

From then on, there was no more her in this world.

But a brand new life will be ushered in.

I believe her luck will not be so bad this time and she will have a new beginning.

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