After the police intervened, the entire matter was investigated very quickly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bai Qiuwu has already investigated everything that needs to be found out. She has solved the most important burial ground and the villagers' witnesses to the murders by herself.

The police are just doing the finishing work.

However, this ending is also a bit difficult. It is really because these villagers are too ignorant. They even still don't know how big a crime they have committed, and they have refused to admit it.

Even the village chief was frightened into a trance and his head was bleeding from the blow, but he still refused to admit it.

The police had no choice but to take all those involved in the case back to the police station. As witnesses, Bai Qiuwu and Pu Xi were also taken back to drink tea.

Transcripts were indispensable, and there were various inquiries. Bai Qiuwu and Pu Xi were very cooperative, saying whatever they asked without hiding anything.

Except for the little girl in red, Bai Ting.

Before being questioned, Bai Qiuwu secretly communicated with Pu Xi. Everything else was normal. Just tell the truth. But this was not enough. He must not expose that there were really strange things in the world.

Although Pu Xi didn't understand, one of his advantages was that he was obedient. When faced with things that he couldn't understand, he decisively chose to believe the master's words.

Although I don’t know why she did this, since the master said it, she must have a reason.

Pu Xi thought so and cooperated with Bai Qiuwu very sensibly.

Bai Qiuwu originally wanted to use some means to make Pu Xi's memory confused and forget this paragraph.

But then she thought about it, if she did this, wouldn't it be very troublesome in the future? She didn't know how many times she would have to do this kind of thing in the future. As her assistant, Pu Xi would definitely have to come into contact with these things.

Erase his memory every time, and there will be no more trouble. What if it makes someone's brain stupid?

What's more, Pu Xi is a very good young man, much easier to control than his brother, easy to talk to, sensible and obedient, and it doesn't seem to matter if he knows.

So, Bai Qiuwu decided to be bold once, and believed that the two brothers would not erase their memories once.

Pu Xi also lived up to Bai Qiuwu's trust. The two of them took notes separately, but what they said was almost the same. They had a tacit understanding and bypassed the unspeakable things. Although the police thought something was strange, they couldn't tell what was strange.

"Are you sure that's what you said? We were following your live broadcast at the time. Is that footless girl in red in your live broadcast, the so-called Bai Ting, true?"

The person who took the notes for Bai Qiuwu was a young lady who looked young. Her tone was very gentle, but also serious.

Bai Qiuwu guessed that he would be asked this question early on. He didn't show any surprise and just nodded: "It's fake. It's just a special effect."

When the police girl heard this, she asked, "Then why didn't we see your special effects equipment?"

In fact, everyone in the police station thought that this should be a special effect, because Bai Ting's bones have been found, DNA identification has been done, and the identity of the deceased has been determined. How could a living Bai Ting appear again.

Moreover, everyone has lived under firm materialism for so many years, and this concept cannot be changed in a short time.

But you still have to ask.

Bai Qiuwu clearly grasped the police's thinking. He didn't say much and answered whatever they asked.

"This special effect was added to the live video and does not require any special effects machine, so it is normal that you did not find it on site."

The police girl meticulously recorded these words in the transcript. She read and re-read it and felt that nothing was missing, so she was ready to release him.

However, before releasing him, she still asked: "That's it. We may hope that you will keep the case secret for the time being, because we haven't found the exact result yet."

"Because of your live broadcast, everyone is paying attention to this matter now, and you are the person involved. If you go out and talk nonsense, it may cause serious repercussions, so I hope you can stay silent and wait for us to find out the truth. After it comes out, we will make an announcement through our official account to thank you."

Bai Qiuwu thought for a while and realized that this was a reasonable request, so he agreed happily.

By the time she returned Pu Xi and left the police station, it was already a little too late.

Bai Qiuwu originally wanted to find a place to rest for one night before leaving, but Pu Xi refused to agree anyway. He seemed to have a psychological shadow on this place and was leaving overnight.

Bai Qiuwu originally wanted to tell him that the girl had dissipated her obsession and was reincarnated and would not pose any threat to him, but in the end she said nothing because Pu Xi didn't seem to be afraid of that girl.

Anyone who has stayed in a village full of perverts for so long would be scared. This is how Pu Xi feels. Now he just feels lucky that he is still alive.

Bai Qiuwu didn't quite understand this mentality, but she still chose to respect it and silently followed Pu Xi away overnight.

Because of the police's request, they don't dare to say anything online now, and the live broadcast can't be started for the time being, so they can only stay silent for a while.

They can stay silent here, but for netizens who can't wait for the ending, it's really heart-breaking.

What could be more depressing than waiting from dawn to dusk and staying up all night to catch up on a series, only to end it just when the ending is about to be revealed?

This is simply killing people. The most important thing is that the content of the final live broadcast was quite explosive. It involved a chase and a police incident, and it also involved many sensitive elements. It attracted millions of people to watch it.

For such a big matter, with so many people paying attention, it is naturally impossible for no one to be curious about it in just two days. Even because the person involved has not come forward to explain, the popularity is getting higher and higher.

Almost as soon as Bai Qiuwu chose to start such a live broadcast, the trending search on Weibo was already on it, but it has always been on the tail, which shows that although some people care, it does not attract too much attention.

But the plot became more and more explosive later on, with monsters, demons, and trafficking crimes, and all kinds of things attracted attention. Bai Qiuwu even admitted that he had faked it in the end. After such a series of operations, the hot search rankings rose sharply. In the end, several entries all reached the top 10.

The police have asked them not to talk nonsense, but if you go online and check the response, it's still okay.

As the train got faster and faster, they quickly left this depressing city. Pu Xi finally came out of her isolation and was ready to appreciate the huge response these two days had brought.

Bai Qiuwu is also a little curious, but what she is curious about is not the response, but how much profit she made from this live broadcast. Well, let's judge whether this live broadcast method is right and whether it can achieve more than two points of performance by the end of the year.

The two people took out their mobile phones at the same time, and after looking at them for a while, their expressions changed.

Bai Qiuwu looked relieved and happy, because the live broadcasts in the past few days were breaking records every day, breaking her own records and breaking the platform's records. The data continued to rise, and the benefits this brought were unimaginable.

Although it has not yet reached the requirements, with such popularity of live broadcasts, as long as there are two more games, the task can be completed, and maybe it will not only complete the task, but also perform beyond normal.

This result is very satisfactory, and Bai Qiuwu is naturally happy.

But on Pu Xi's side, she originally opened her phone expectantly, but after looking at it for a while, her face became darker and darker, her expression became more and more ugly, and finally she even cursed outright.

"What! Are these people fools? How can they complain about this? Why do they complain about everything! I am so convinced that I am speechless!"

Although Pu Xi is not as perverted and restrained as his brother, he is not someone who loses his temper easily. It is still a bit rare to make him so angry.

Bai Qiuwu was attracted by her and looked over curiously: "What's wrong? What happened?"

As if she had finally found someone to complain to, Pu Xi approached Bai Qiuwu with her cell phone and frowned.

"I'm really convinced by these idiots. I don't know what's going on in their minds. Didn't we say that Bai Ting was created by our special effects? These people believed it and scolded us for being crazy for wanting to be famous."

"I really don't know what to say. I've never seen such an idiot, scolding him so unpleasantly, it makes people angry!"

Bai Qiuwu was still thinking about how unpleasant the scolding was to make Pu Xi break his guard like this, but he took his phone and looked at it, but he was a little disappointed.

This is currently the second most searched post, a post with many likes and comments.

[Title: A certain anchor really wants to be famous and wants to go crazy]

[Content: The world is declining, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. Now that the Internet has developed, all kinds of things have come out. I have never seen such an anchor, who is just trying to fool the public, and in the end he shamelessly admits it!

Bai Qiuwu, nicknamed the Electronic Bodhisattva by netizens, probably really thought she had the skills. She wrote a script, brought special effects, and ran to an unknown small village, pretending to be a ghost, just to attract attention, make money and become famous!

I went to watch the live broadcast, and the special effects were so fake. When I first said it was fake, people didn’t believe me. But in the end, the host himself admitted it. I really wanted to die laughing, and I didn’t know those who supported the host. Don’t you think it’s a slap in the face?

Also, this anchor is really awesome. Are people like this now? He writes his own scripts and special effects without being timid at all. He admits it directly in front of so many netizens. I feel like this is purely a matter of good character. The problem is, the quality is not good! 】

This post actually didn't say anything, it was just the thoughts of a live broadcast viewer. He was probably angry at the content of the live broadcast, so he complained on Weibo when he was angry.

The result resonated with quite a few people.

Floor 1: I still don’t understand how this damn liar and the Death Stick became so popular. What an electronic bodhisattva! Can this kind of clown stop taking up everyone's time?

Floor 2: I really feel that this woman is treating us all like fools. I have never seen such a brave person. She actually admits to doing such a small trick. Just because she has some fans, she starts to act like a big name? This behavior must not be tolerated! We must boycott her! We must resolutely resist!

Floor 3: I made a wish, but it didn’t work out. I always felt that this woman was a magician, and people who make wishes come true have survivor bias. This woman was useless at all. When I said that, a lot of people scolded me. , now I feel really proud. If there really are these strange things in this world, is this woman pretending to be a ghost?

Floor 4: I’m very curious, why is your logic so weird? She just admitted that she did a special effect, and this live broadcast is a script, but everything else is still true, why are you talking as if she is a liar? , were all the wishes she made before false? Can you use your cerebellum? Don't let your cerebellum shrink, okay?

Floor 5: Why is it that in this situation, there are still people washing? Let’s put aside whether she has the ability or not. In the previous article, you just said that her behavior is right, right? This person doesn't take everyone seriously and uses special effects and scripts to perfunctory us. Can't we, the audience, stop scolding him? There is no such reason, right?

If you don’t have the ability, don’t hype it up. If you get hyped and start treating everyone like fools, who will buy your fault? How about not listening at all?

She feels quite confident to admit it directly. What’s the matter, do you think everyone will forgive her? Do you think everyone will care less about her deception? This woman is so arrogant! Sooner or later something will happen!

Floor 6: But Pang didn’t say anything, she did solve a case, why are you all holding on to this small mistake, and I really don’t think this is like a special effect, what kind of special effects live playback You can't see it inside, and the woman is so sensitive, how could it be special effects?

I mean, is there a possibility that this is not a special effect, but a real thing? Bai Qiuwu insists on saying that this is a special effect, but he is actually trying to hide the real truth! What do you think? Is this the case?

7th floor: Don’t be too imaginative upstairs, and one code should be the same. It’s obvious that you have made a mistake and you have made a meritorious service. There is nothing to do with it. You should be rewarded and you should not be punished. That's it. Clear rewards and punishments are the last word, so you can't make up for the merits, right? In short, the summary is that this woman wants to be famous and wants to go crazy.


Bai Qiuwu directly admitted that she had committed fraud in the live broadcast room. This incident was indeed so hurtful that many people are still questioning her to this day.

Bai Qiuwu couldn't go out to speak now, so he could only watch these people slandering him. No wonder Pu Xi was so angry.

He finally managed to achieve some results, but now he is being criticized by everyone. How can he bear this?

However, the person involved, Bai Qiuwu, reacted mediocrely.

No, it can’t be said to be a mediocre response, it’s simply no response at all…

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