The next day, Pu Yao's office.

"This trouble is finally over. Miss Bai can rest for half a month!"

"You can go wherever you want to play, or you can just walk around. The company will reimburse you for everything."

Pu Yao said with a smile, as if he had survived the catastrophe. Nangong Yunzhen helped solve the trouble. Bai Qiuwu's matter did not cause any risks.

Without the help of the company and Nangong Yunzhen, Pu Yao really didn't know what he would do.

Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast room incident this time, in a small way, only affects one live broadcast room, but in a big way, even the entire company will be held accountable.

If it weren't for Nangong Yunzhen, Bai Qiuwu, Pu Xi, and Pu Yao would all be in trouble. Not to mention continuing the live broadcast, they might be taken away for research.

"Nangong Yunzhenhe and his company support the live broadcast. There is no need to worry about other troubles in the future. This time the risk has disappeared temporarily."

"As for whether there is any threat, we can only take it one step at a time."

Although Pu Yao didn't say much, Pu Yao actually knew that there were actually a lot of hidden troubles. As long as the matter was over, the company had no trouble.

Bai Qiuwu's matter seemed to be without any risk. In fact, Nangong Yunzhen knew that if Bai Qiuwu was not careful, he would almost be unable to live broadcast, and the trouble would even spread to all of Pu Yao's business.

Nangong Yunzhen helped Bai Qiuwu and suppressed a lot of troubles. This made Pu Yao feel at ease now. After all, what Nangong Yunzhen solved at this time was not just a one-time trouble, but also prevented Bai Qiuwu from causing trouble.

Pu Yao is very clear about Nangong Yunzhen's identity and the energy behind the company. At this time, Nangong Yunzhen is willing to help Bai Qiuwu cover up, rather than Nangong Yunzhen starting a comprehensive investigation, Pu Yao is actually very happy.

What happened to Bai Qiuwu, as long as Nangong Yunzhen and the company were slower, actually put a lot of pressure on Pu Yao.

"Well, okay, I also have this plan, let's see where we are going!"

"But there's a good chance it's time to take a rest!"

Bai Qiuwu nodded. Now Pu Yao's attitude is very clear, that is, there is a live broadcast about mysticism, and Pu Yao does not want to interfere at all.

At this time, Bai Qiuwu wanted to live broadcast how he wanted to live broadcast. For Pu Yao, he did not want any other variables to occur.

Why Pu Yao has such an attitude is actually because there are too many troubles this time, and Pu Yao is not so relieved, but Pu Yao can't let go of the huge profits from the live broadcast room.

As a result, Pu Yao now also understands what kind of trouble he is in. By now, some private troubles have arisen.

"Some other people are also putting pressure on Pu Yao. Otherwise, Pu Yao wouldn't be like this."

"But this is not a bad thing. Nangong Yunzhen will not think of making requests to me quickly, and Pu Yao will not consider anything else!"

Thinking that he has been feeling more relaxed recently, Bai Qiuwu is not in a hurry to talk to Pu Yao. After all, if there is no pressure, why should Bai Qiuwu cause any trouble for himself.

After all, in addition to the company and pressure from all aspects, Pu Yao is usually targeted by many people, and these people do not give him too many opportunities.

Many people are looking at Pu Yao, Pu Xi, and Bai Qiuwu, hoping that there will be some cracks within the company, rather than letting Pu Yao go. Now that Nangong Yunzhen has come forward, others, even if they are jealous of Bai Qiuwu, are very jealous. It is difficult to succeed immediately.

At this time, Pu Xi had already said what kind of contract was signed between Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu, and Pu Yao knew that such terms were equivalent to no restrictions.

"Well, okay, then you should take a rest. You have been really tired recently."

"Don't worry about the many opinions from the outside world. Half a month has passed quickly."

Pu Yao nodded. Whatever Bai Qiuwu does in the future, Pu Yao does not want to control now. Firstly, Pu Yao cannot manage it. Secondly, Pu Yao knows what the company does.

Nangong Yunzhen's contact with Bai Qiuwu was all to give Bai Qiuwu face. So what is Bai Qiuwu's identity? In fact, Pu Yao now also has to consider it.

After all, Nangong Yunzhen is not an ordinary person. Bai Qiuwu will have a lot of contact with Nangong Yunzhen. Later, Nangong Yunzhen will live broadcast with Bai Qiuwu. Naturally, Pu Yao cannot just look at the superficial benefits.

Bai Qiuwu wanted to rest, and now Pu Yao certainly supported it. After all, letting Bai Qiuwu decide what to do on his own was obviously more useful than what Pu Yao asked Bai Qiuwu to do under normal circumstances.

Whether Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu are mutually beneficial, or whether Nangong Yunzhen helps Bai Qiuwu, or Bai Qiuwu controls Nangong Yunzhen, this is not something Pu Yao can control. If Pu Yao is too anxious, he will only end up bringing trouble to himself. Come to trouble.

"Bai Qiuwu will rest for a while. I'm afraid he will really help Nangong Yunzhen in the future. With Bai Qiuwu's golden name, I don't have to worry about whether there will be other risks!"

"The company and Nangong Yunzhen are helping secretly. At least Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast can prosper, and I can get some benefits."

Pu Yao was thinking this way. Regarding Nangong Yunzhen's matter, now Pu Yao does not ask Bai Qiuwu, but Nangong Yunzhen helps Bai Qiuwu. This is self-evident.

Pu Yao can also gain a lot from this matter in the future. Even if Nangong Yunzhen will not directly help Pu Yao, Bai Qiuwu only needs to be able to broadcast normally.

As for what Bai Qiuwu discovered and how he planned to broadcast it live, Pu Yao didn't want to interfere now. The most important thing was that Bai Qiuwu would not interrupt his plan just because Pu Yao interfered!

Pu Yao has always been unable to interfere with what Bai Qiuwu wants to do. Whether it is conducting various live broadcasts or Bai Qiuwu's specific arrangements for live broadcasts, it is difficult for Pu Yao to really change.

Otherwise, Pu Yao would not have let Bai Qiuwu live broadcast mysticism to this extent all at once!

"Well, there's nothing wrong, so I'll leave first. If you have any specific arrangements, please let me know."

Bai Qiuwu didn't say anything else to Pu Yao. After all, now that he was carrying the company's name, he didn't have to have too many discussions with Pu Yao.

Nangong Yunzhen has already brought a lot of help. Of course, Bai Qiuwu wants to make full use of Nangong Yunzhen.

Moreover, Pu Yao just made a superficial handover. In fact, Bai Qiuwu has become Nangong Yunzhen's person on Pu Yao's side. It is not Bai Qiuwu who has the final say on what kind of live broadcast Bai Qiuwu wants to do, nor Pu Yao who can intervene, but Nangong Yunzhen who helps choose the live broadcast.

This actually has advantages and disadvantages for Bai Qiuwu. The advantage is of course that at this time, Bai Qiuwu does not have to worry about the safety of the live broadcast room, but the disadvantages are also obvious. In the eyes of others, Bai Qiuwu has already been connected with the company.

Most people are afraid of places like the company and don't want to get close, so they stay away. For example, Pu Yao in front of him is very worried.

"With the help of the company, the next live broadcast will be a famous one. Now take a good rest for half a month and think about how to live broadcast later!"

Bai Qiuwu thought about what he had said to Nangong Yunzhen, and knew that he still had half a month. After all, problems with the live broadcast could not be explained by two words in the script.

Even if Nangong Yunzhen is helping so that Bai Qiuwu will not be at any risk, Bai Qiuwu also knows that Nangong Yunzhen's help comes at a price.

Bai Qiuwu has spent half a month thinking about his past live broadcasts, what are the problems, and how to proceed with the next live broadcast. After all, even with Nangong Yunzhen's help, it is not that simple.

"I promised in advance that I will always follow her. No matter what the company does, one of you or I must follow her!"

"If I don't go, when you go, I won't be able to take care of all the business."

When Pu Xi saw Bai Qiuwu leaving, he quickly told Pu Yao what he was thinking. Pu Yao didn't need to say much now. Pu Xi knew the current situation and knew that Pu Yao didn't want to have too much contact with Bai Qiuwu.

At the very least, Pu Xi and Pu Yao cannot have any contact with Bai Qiuwu. The cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen is already very clear, but what Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen want to do is no longer a big deal.

Whatever Bai Qiuwu does, Pu Xi is willing to follow Bai Qiuwu. As for whether Nangong Yunzhen asks Bai Qiuwu to do things, this has little to do with Pu Xi. Even if Nangong Yunzhen belongs to the company, it does not matter if the company representative is dangerous.

Now that Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen are cooperating, Pu Xi and Pu Yao's business has no problem, so Pu Xi and Pu Yao must contact Bai Qiuwu alone.

Pu Xi made it clear directly that he wanted to follow Bai Qiuwu. Even if Pu Yao disagreed, Pu Yao would hand over the business and then follow Bai Qiuwu. Pu Xi would not be able to manage the entire business.

"Nangong Yunzhen will not deliberately put Bai Qiuwu into danger, but some troubles still need to be taken care of. What I can do now is to follow Bai Qiuwu as much as possible!"

"As for what to do specifically, it is up to Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu to decide. After all, Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen cooperate. In the future, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast location and Nangong Yunzhen have already been determined."

Now Pu Xi knows that she can't actually help Bai Qiuwu too much. Pu Xi can't intervene in Nangong Yunzhen's matter, but Pu Xi doesn't want any conflict between her brother and Bai Qiuwu in the future.

Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen have now reached a cooperation, which has brought a lot of gains to both Pu Xi and Pu Yao. In this way, if Bai Qiuwu needs someone here, Pu Xi is more suitable than Pu Yao.

And even for Nangong Yunzhen, the company represents danger, but Pu Xi believes in Bai Qiuwu and will not put himself in danger, so Pu Xi cannot let Bai Qiuwu face the company alone.

Pu Xi and Pu Yao probably know what Nangong Yunzhen's plan is at this time. It's not that Bai Qiuwu has Nangong Yunzhen's trust, it's just that Bai Qiuwu has an effect.

"When you help her in the future, you also need to pay attention. If you really have more contact with the company, you will do whatever the company tells you!"

"There are restrictions in some places where Bai Qiuwu can go, but you can't go. Just follow the company's instructions."

After Bai Qiuwu left, Pu Yao told Pu Xi that Nangong Yunzhen was supporting Bai Qiuwu, and the company had no trouble at the moment.

But at this time, even if there was not much turmoil, Pu Yao didn't want Pu Xi to interfere too much in Nangong Yunzhen's affairs.

Bai Qiuwu and Pu Xi have a very good relationship, but Nangong Yunzhen hopes that Pu Xi understands that many of Bai Qiuwu's researches are not something ordinary people can interfere with.

Nangong Yunzhen will definitely send some other assistants to Bai Qiuwu. It won't work if Pu Yao and Pu Xi don't send people there. Pu Xi is willing to go, and Pu Yao will not stop Pu Xi now.

But Pu Xi needs to pay attention to safety. Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu are the same kind of people, while Pu Yao and Pu Xi are ordinary people. Where Nangong Yunzhen can go, Bai Qiuwu should also be able to go. However, Pu Xi and Pu Yao Don't think that you have to interfere too much.

Whether it was for business or for Bai Qiuwu, Pu Xi had done a lot of things. Now Pu Yao didn't want Pu Xi to get stuck in the quagmire.

"This kid usually doesn't have any big problems, but sometimes he is very jerky. Let me explain it in advance now, otherwise, hey..."

"Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu's plan is for one party to solve the actual problem, while the other party is responsible for publicity. This is true seamless cooperation."

Pu Yao now knows very well about Nangong Yunzhen and the company's plans, but Pu Yao knows that Pu Xi doesn't know much about it.

Bai Qiuwu is now a hot potato. It is of course impossible for Pu Yao to directly abandon Bai Qiuwu, but Pu Yao does not want to interfere too much with Pu Xi, especially Pu Xi.

Pu Yao tried not to make any big moves and did not have in-depth contact with Bai Qiuwu. This was enough. Pu Yao would not have any trouble, but Pu Xi was different.

Pu Xi and Bai Qiuwu have a lot of daily contact, and Pu Xi often goes out with Bai Qiuwu.

Now Pu Yao doesn't want to talk to Pu Xi about Nangong Yunzhen's matter, and Pu Xi's statement leaves Pu Yao with nothing to do.

Bai Qiuwu came into contact with Nangong Yunzhen, and Bai Qiuwu was appointed by Nangong Yunzhen. Pu Yao could not control Bai Qiuwu. At the same time, one of Pu Xi and Pu Yao had to step forward, which also restricted Pu Yao and Pu Xi.

After this, Bai Qiuwu didn't say much now, but Pu Yao had to discuss it clearly with Pu Xi. Pu Xi's attitude was so clear, what else could Pu Yao say.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely not be in any danger!"

Pu Xi nodded and didn't say much else. At this time, Nangong Yunzhen, on behalf of the company, had already relieved Bai Qiuwu from any pressure, so why should Pu Xi worry too much.

Even if Nangong Yunzhen is in danger, Pu Xi and Pu Yao have no other choice. After all, Pu Xi also knows that Pu Yao will need help from the company to make his business better recently.

Bai Qiuwu not only directly brought vitality to Pu Yao's business, but most importantly, now that the company is helping Bai Qiuwu, Pu Yao can also have the opportunity to expand his own business, which is a good thing.

Since Pu Yao did this, Pu Xi should take the initiative and not let the company make more demands.

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