Bai Qiuwu's home. After returning home, Bai Qiuwu directly opened the browser and intensively self-searched everything recently.

The live broadcast room has not been blocked, and the previous updates of the live broadcast account are also very lively.

[Brother, don’t be funny. It’s just a live broadcast like this. It’s nothing more than theater acting. Is it possible that some people take it seriously? I’m here to make a wish, and I don’t care about her acting! Moreover, the official announcement has been made that Miss Bai has been punished]

[Yes, why keep holding on to this kind of thing? Now Master Bai has been closed for half a month. Is it possible that he really wants to cancel his account? I make a wish every day. I want to be rich. Don't smear the black and white. Grandmaster】

[I think it’s fake, but this live broadcast is interesting. Could it be that even acting has various restrictions, and her wish is indeed very effective. It’s just that she used the wrong method for this exposure. She was punished and accepted the punishment. , there is no need to think too much]

[Hey, I don’t know if Master Bai will continue to live broadcast after this time. Only watching the live broadcast can I really feel at ease. It’s really unlucky. I just found a good live broadcast room and encountered this kind of thing]

[Make a mistake, accept the punishment, and see how this live broadcast goes in the future. There is no need to rush to express your position now. Miss Bai doesn’t have a clear attitude anyway]

Many people have no idea whether the content in the live broadcast room is true or false. After all, most people can see that a lot of the content is actually props, and since it has been officially announced, there should be no problem.

Nowadays, no one says that there is something wrong with the content of Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast. The content of Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast is indeed somewhat inappropriate and too real. However, many people come to Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast not just to watch the content.

Many people are just curious about whether Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast can make people succeed in making wishes. As for the content, even if Bai Qiuwu is acting or doing other things, many people actually don't care.

The content of the live broadcast has turned into an act, and everything is fake. Most of the people who truly believe in Bai Qiuwu's mysterious abilities will not leave messages at this time, but are just waiting and watching.

In the company, Nangong Yunzhen reported in front of Mr. Duanmu that everything about Bai Qiuwu is now very clear, that is, the company still has not found out Bai Qiuwu's specific identity.

Nangong Yunzhen can only say that Bai Qiuwu has no hostility towards the company. Bai Qiuwu can have many effects on the company in the future. This is what Nangong Yunzhen discovered.

As for whether Bai Qiuwu should be recruited by the company or dealt with by the company at this time, Nangong Yunzhen didn't feel the need to go to either extreme.

"Sir, you can rest assured. I will ask someone to look at Bai Qiuwu. Since there are no problems with the information, you can trust him for the time being."

"And if she does something small, she is under the company's semi-supervision, which is not a bad thing."

Nangong Yunzhen told Mr. Duanmu that at this time, Mr. Duanmu was under a lot of pressure. After all, many people were thinking about not exposing the company's existence.

But Mr. Duanmu is considering using Bai Qiuwu as a fulcrum to make the company's work easier in the future. As for why this is done, it is actually because it is difficult for the company to continue to hide.

In today's era, the requirements for company concealment are getting higher and higher, and many special events are difficult to handle.

So Mr. Duanmu's idea is very simple, that is, Nangong Yunzhen conducts an experiment with Bai Qiuwu, and Nangong Yunzhen is responsible for watching Bai Qiuwu.

"Mr. Duanmu has done a lot this time. If I can give Mr. Duanmu some help, I will naturally help."

"Bai Qiuwu has already involved many people, and I can't hold him back now."

Nangong Yunzhen, who was thinking about this, naturally knew what kind of trouble he was in right now.

At this time, the relationship between Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen was pretty good. Nangong Yunzhen didn't realize that Bai Qiuwu had any bad intentions anyway.

Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu had similar ideas. Instead of completely hiding the company, it would be better to let Bai Qiuwu semi-reveal it.

After all, many things are extremely clear. Either Nangong Yunzhen wants to cover it up, or he can cover it up.

In this way, whatever actions Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen take, they must of course implement them quickly, rather than exposing Bai Qiuwu to others.

"Well, the information is very clean, which represents two results. First, her identity is mysterious. Who can hide it from the company? Second, she did appear 'suddenly'. She has other plans for the live broadcast. It may be a special practice! "

"It doesn't matter either way, as long as the theory is proven successful and it can be blocked skillfully."

Mr. Duanmu nodded and expressed his opinion. Nangong Yunzhen did not have to worry about what to do if Bai Qiuwu was exposed.

Bai Qiuwu has been exposed. Now that the company is covering up Bai Qiuwu, he naturally wants to help the company as much as possible.

Nangong Yunzhen couldn't think about anything else at this time, nor could he just think about what he could do for Bai Qiuwu.

Now Bai Qiuwu is not the key to the problem. There must be a problem with Bai Qiuwu's identity. Nangong Yunzhen does not need to stick to the so-called procedures.

"To put it bluntly, even at this time, Bai Qiuwu's information is true, or if you find a problem, what can you do?"

"The so-called information is not trustworthy. It depends on what a person can do. The main thing is to plan clearly in advance what Bai Qiuwu needs to do."

Nangong Yunzhen said this. Bai Qiuwu and Nangong Yunzhen's plan is actually very clear. It just depends on whether there are other gains in the future.

Today's Bai Qiuwu is not the key. It mainly depends on Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu's specific considerations, not on the impact Bai Qiuwu can bring.

No matter what specific plans Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu have, Nangong Yunzhen needs to know that he is the one in control of the overall situation.

Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast does not mean that the company has no choice, so Nangong Yunzhen wants Bai Qiuwu to live broadcast. Nangong Yunzhen needs to know that Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast belongs to everyone, but the company is just doing experiments.

Even if Bai Qiuwu is very powerful, the company will not let Bai Qiuwu have access to many of the company's secrets for the time being.


Nangong Yunzhen nodded when he heard what Mr. Duanmu said. He was still putting the cart before the horse. Nangong Yunzhen couldn't think that Bai Qiuwu was the core of the plan. Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen were the ones who decided to cooperate. Bai Qiuwu is a smart man and is now willing to experiment with the company. Mr. Duanmu can see clearly, and Bai Qiuwu also understands this. However, Nangong Yunzhen seems to be the one in the game. The authorities are confused, but Mr. Duanmu is a bystander.

No matter what Nangong Yunzhen wants to do, Mr. Duanmu hopes that Nangong Yunzhen understands that the company does not need to make way for Bai Qiuwu, nor does it need to solve any troubles all the time.

Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen have many choices in dealing with Bai Qiuwu's plan. Mr. Duanmu is doing this experiment now in the hope that there will be no trouble in the future, not that he needs to calculate anything else at this time.

Nangong Yunzhen's plan is very simple, which is to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, but at this time, the so-called alliances cannot directly bring opportunities to Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen.

Mr. Duanmu doesn't care whether Bai Qiuwu's information is true or false, and Nangong Yunzhen shouldn't worry about Bai Qiuwu's identity. As long as Bai Qiuwu can help, Mr. Duanmu's experiment can succeed.

"Well, do this well and don't think about anything else. If there is any trouble, just solve it when the time comes!"

"If Bai Qiuwu can really help, then Bai Qiuwu can do some things privately, but if Bai Qiuwu doesn't obey orders, it will be of no use."

After looking at Nangong Yunzhen, Mr. Duanmu said this. At this time, Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu were still different.

Now Nangong Yunzhen is concerned about Bai Qiuwu's identity and dare not really give Bai Qiuwu too much authority, but Mr. Duanmu has no intention of letting Bai Qiuwu have access to the company's core affairs.

If Nangong Yunzhen thought about asking Bai Qiuwu to do things for the company, Mr. Duanmu would think that it would cause trouble for the company.

At this time, Nangong Yunzhen and Bai Qiuwu were in direct contact. They couldn't just think about the superficial benefits. Nangong Yunzhen had to see clearly what Mr. Duanmu was going to do.

"It's still a bit unclear. Bai Qiuwu has no intention of cooperating with the company. It's enough for each of us to get what we need at this time."

"Bai Qiuwu, please don't give too many opportunities at once. You can only plan more later."

Mr. Duanmu couldn't say some things directly. Nangong Yunzhen couldn't see clearly what Bai Qiuwu was going to do, but Mr. Duanmu understood that Bai Qiuwu didn't want to stay in the company.

In this way, it is best for Nangong Yunzhen not to think about recruiting Bai Qiuwu. The key point is that Mr. Duanmu knows that Bai Qiuwu has other goals using live broadcasts. Nangong Yunzhen still thinks too simply.

Mr. Duanmu is very sophisticated and knows that there are mountains outside the mountains and there are people outside the mountains. Even though Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen are at the top of the company, in fact this top level is nothing.

There are many masters that Mr. Duanmu cannot control and Nangong Yunzhen cannot look up to. For example, Bai Qiuwu should be this kind of person!

"My subordinates acted too hastily and will not think twice about dragging Bai Qiuwu in!"

"In the future, my subordinates will be very cautious about Bai Qiuwu's matters and make decisions only after thorough investigation."

When Nangong Yunzhen said this, he naturally knew that he had actually done something wrong at this time, and it was extremely wrong.

Nowadays, Bai Qiuwu cannot be directly won over. Mr. Duanmu sees this clearly, so he asked Nangong Yunzhen to treat the cooperation with Bai Qiuwu as an experiment.

Mr. Duanmu made it very clear at the beginning, but Nangong Yunzhen himself did not understand all this. Fortunately, Mr. Duanmu reminded him at this time, otherwise Nangong Yunzhen would not know what trouble he was in.

What Mr. Duanmu and Nangong Yunzhen should consider is not the immediate interests. Now that Mr. Duanmu's attitude is so clear, Nangong Yunzhen cannot bring hidden dangers to Mr. Duanmu about the Bai Qiuwu incident.

Nangong Yunzhen didn't say much, he already knew in his heart that according to Mr. Duanmu's request, Nangong Yunzhen must act early to be truly safe.

"Hey, I still underestimated Bai Qiuwu. I didn't expect that Mr. Duanmu had planned well from the beginning not to give Bai Qiuwu too many opportunities."

Thinking about this, Nangong Yunzhen naturally knew what exactly he needed to do at this time.

Mr. Duanmu hopes to see if Bai Qiuwu can prevent the company's actions from attracting more people's attention and let more people focus on Bai Qiuwu instead of the company.

Nangong Yunzhen and Mr. Duanmu's plans should be consistent, but Nangong Yunzhen was still a little too anxious before and thought that Bai Qiuwu should be allowed to take more actions.

At this time, Mr. Duanmu made it clear to Nangong Yunzhen, so that there would be no more problems with Mr. Duanmu's plan.

Half a month passed quickly and twelve days passed. Bai Qiuwu rested at home and thought about the general live broadcast process.

During this period, Nangong Yunzhen didn't have much contact, and Bai Qiuwu didn't care about Nangong Yunzhen's plans. Anyway, when the time came, she would start live broadcasting. If the company didn't have any requirements, then she would simply live broadcast other things first.

"If there is no problem with the live broadcast content, we need help from the company. We still have to have a lot of contact with the company, but this is not a problem."

"Everything in the live broadcast room now seems fake to others. As for some people who believe that my live broadcast has mysterious effects, there are indeed many of them, and I can't change it. However, the company needs most people not to believe that I have a mysterious effect. Mysterious ability, this is actually possible.”

Bai Qiuwu looked at the various comments and messages, and knew that the company's goal was partially achieved. In fact, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast content has not caused any big trouble now, mainly because the props reassured many people.

After all, in this era, atheists or limited atheists still account for the majority. Many people believe in good gods such as the God of Wealth and Yue Lao, but they do not believe in the God of Plague and various bad gods.

If Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast said that the God of Wealth exists, many people would believe it, but the content at that time was so sinister that many people subconsciously did not believe it was true.

In this way, Bai Qiuwu's live broadcast will of course be no problem. There is no need to worry about Bai Qiuwu's future content during his live broadcast. After all, the content has been labeled as a drama.

"What the company wants is not what a few people think about. After all, only those who really study and understand mysticism know what I have done. But such people are not the majority. The company does not want my live broadcast to cause panic. "

"I still have to find a way in the future, otherwise it will be really troublesome. I can't let more people believe that I have mysterious abilities!"

Thinking about this, Bai Qiuwu naturally knew that the content of the live broadcast was very important. At this moment, Bai Qiuwu could not directly change the minds of those who had already believed him.

After all, if Bai Qiuwu cooperates with the company and others still believe that Bai Qiuwu has mysterious abilities in some new live broadcast content, then Bai Qiuwu has nothing to do. The company has not forced Bai Qiuwu to give any explanation.

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