Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 198 It’s not easy to investigate

In the mountain, the affairs of Liu San and his wife have indeed brought a lot of trouble. Qi Dafa is very worried because he talks too much in Bai Qiuwu, causing no trouble for Murong Qinghu but bringing danger to Liu San and his wife. If Qi Dafa really did this, many problems would arise. Qi Dafa really would not forgive himself, but Qi Dafa had no other choice at the moment. He could only think of the next steps as soon as possible.

If Murong Qinghu is not in danger now, then Liu San and his wife may really be in crisis. For Qi Dafa now, he cannot see this scene happening, so how to talk to Bai Qiuwu next, in fact Qi Dafa didn't think it through clearly, but he knew one thing very well, that is, Murong Qinghu had to be punished. If Liu San and his wife could be safe, Liu San at this time wanted to try his best to ensure the safety of Liu San and his wife.

Murong Qinghu's family is not a good person, but Liu San and his wife are Qi Dafa's neighbors. Therefore, Qi Dafa at this time naturally does not want to help Murong Qinghu, but considers how to help Liu San and his wife. , even if Qi Dafa knew that Murong Qinghu was cheated by Liu San and his wife, Qi Dafa actually didn't think there was anything wrong with what Liu San and his wife did. He only felt that it was a pity that Murong Qinghu was not dealt with by Liu San and his wife. .

Murong Qinghu, this bastard, should be dealt with by Liu San and his wife. This is what Qi Dafa wants to see now. Murong Qinghu is already lucky, which makes Qi Dafa dissatisfied. Liu San and his wife must deal with it. Murong Qinghu, even if Liu San and his wife's plan fails, Murong Qinghu should not be allowed to go unpunished now, and Liu San and his wife should be punished. At least in Qi Dafa's heart, he does not want such a thing to happen.

As for how Qi Dafa can guarantee it, he can't say for sure. Bai Qiuwu wants to know what Murong Qinghu did, and the many contacts between Fuyun and Liu San. This is to make Fuying Mountain safer. Now that the matter is over, this If Qi Dafa has other thoughts, he is actually looking for trouble on his own, and there will be no chance later. However, Qi Dafa still wants to hide everything by himself and not tell Bai Qiuwu everything.

If Qi Dafa said it, he would have betrayed Fu Yingshan and many people in the village. This is naturally not what Qi Dafa wants to see. Today, Qi Dafa and Bai Qiuwu have a lot of cooperation. Bai Qiuwu is indeed important to Qi Dafa. However, in the final analysis, Qi Dafa still has to live in the village. If Qi Dafa tells Bai Qiuwu about Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife, how will Qi Dafa survive in the village if Murong Qinghu is safe and something happens to Liu San and his wife.

"Murong Qinghu's matter has nothing to do with Liu San and his wife. Murong Qinghu will definitely be punished. You can rest assured that I will do what I say and won't cause Liu San and his wife too much trouble. And At this time, you don’t want to have any other troubles at home, now the threat has appeared.”

"You should know that even if Murong Qinghu commits a crime, it will be dealt with by the company. What Liu San and his wife did is probably inappropriate, so at this time, I want you to understand what to do specifically. Murong Qinghu doesn't need to worry about you. , but since Liu San and his wife are involved in this matter, they still have to take the initiative to admit it."

Bai Qiuwu said this, Qi Dafa hated Murong Qinghu, and wanted to give it to Liu San and his wife, so Qi Dafa was very anxious about Murong Qinghu's matter, wishing Bai Qiuwu would deal with Qi Dafa immediately, but when it came to Liu San and his wife, Qi Dafa But with such an attitude, Bai Qiuwu naturally understood how to talk to Qi Dafa. Anyway, Qi Dafa needed Murong Qinghu to be punished, and Liu San and his wife were safe.

But this is impossible. Bai Qiuwu can now investigate the relationship between Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife. Then the people in the company can investigate Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife soon. If Qi Dafa and Bai Qiu If Wu cooperates, will Murong Qinghu be safe? Now Qi Dafa can rest assured that the affairs of Liu San and his wife will not affect Murong Qinghu. Even if Liu San and his wife are at fault, it will not lessen their feelings towards Murong Qinghu. punishment.

And at this time, it is still the same sentence. Qi Dafa told Bai Qiuwu directly some things, and many troubles can be solved. At this time, it is really impossible to judge whether Liu San and his wife are so safe. Bai Qiuwu wants to know from Qi Dafa what happened. What, and Bai Qiuwu can guarantee that he can help intercede for Liu San and his wife. There is no conflict between Bai Qiuwu and Liu San and his wife, and Murong Qinghu was dealt with by Liu San and his wife for a reason.

In this way, Bai Qiuwu can naturally guarantee that Liu San and his wife are safe now. As for Murong Qinghu, he will be punished according to some of the original rules. In this way, Fuyingshan will not have any big trouble. Otherwise, it is actually difficult to judge whether Liu San and his wife were directly protected by Qi Dafa. It is a good thing or a bad thing. After all, to put it bluntly, Fuyingshan at this time is not extremely safe, on the contrary, it is extremely troublesome.

The relationship between Murong Qinghu and Liu San is actually a trivial matter. The most important thing is how Bai Qiuwu handles the troubles of Murong Qinghu and Liu San. Even if Murong Qinghu is The company caught it, but it will always be released in the future. Liu San and his wife failed to deal with Murong Qinghu this time. Next time Liu San and his wife don’t know what they will do. As a result, the current relationship between Murong Qinghu and Liu San If there is a conflict, it is best to resolve it quickly.

"Qi Dafa and Liu San's couple have a good relationship. Now I want to know from Qi Dafa's mouth more about Murong Qinghu's contact with Liu San and his wife. It is still a bit impossible. In this case, there is not much I can do, but Continue to wait here, otherwise, if we continue to force Qi Dafa, Qi Dafa will be scared."

"Murong Qinghu's father originally did a lot of things. Liu San and his wife definitely had many unknown collaborations with Murong Qinghu's father. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Liu San and his wife to put a lot of money in their position. , the one who has a close relationship with Murong Qinghu now is probably Liu San and his wife."

At this moment, Bai Qiuwu naturally knew that Murong Qinghu's father had a very close relationship with Liu San and his wife. If the investigation of many things about Murong Qinghu was not started from Liu San and his wife, I am afraid that many of Murong Qinghu's secrets would not be revealed. It may be exposed that Liu San and his wife have become the focus of Bai Qiuwu's investigation at this time, and many of Murong Qinghu's secrets seem to be nothing. Liu San and his wife have played a great role in Bai Qiuwu, and Murong Qinghu has nothing to do with it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it.

If Liu San and his wife can cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, then Bai Qiuwu can know the secrets of many people behind Murong Qinghu and Fuyun, not even just about Fu Yingshan. In this way, Liu San and his wife will naturally be extraordinary. In fact, Bai Qiuwu has no interest in Murong Qinghu. After all, at this time, Liu San and his wife have much more to offer than Murong Qinghu, and Liu San and his wife know more secrets than Murong Qinghu. Some. How to make good use of Liu San and his wife? Now Bai Qiuwu is also thinking about the relationship between Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife. Who is it? It may have many effects next. As long as Bai Qiuwu finds the connection, then There will definitely be a lot of harvest in the future, and Bai Qiuwu's plan is to start with Murong Qinghu and investigate as soon as possible. Then the harvest will be greater. Otherwise, Fuyingshan will be threatened even more in the future. many.

Liu San and his wife have a lot of secrets. What Bai Qiuwu wants to do is to make some of the company's plans can be carried out quickly, instead of thinking about protecting Murong Qinghu's safety at this time. Bai Qiuwu at this time, The safety of the company must still be given priority, otherwise Bai Qiuwu will be too anxious and will only bring many risks in the end. Bai Qiuwu can slowly investigate Liu San and his wife. After all, Liu San and his wife are not Murong Qinghu. There is no need for Bai Qiuwu to think about it now. Do you want to keep an eye on Liu San and his wife?

Murong Qinghu has had many contacts with Fuyun, and has cooperated a lot secretly. As for Liu San and his wife, there is no actual evidence of Fuyun's contact to support Bai Qiuwu's thoughts, so Bai Qiuwu now also Don't be in a hurry, otherwise, there will only be many risks in the future. Instead of saying that Bai Qiuwu is still scheming to help Murong Qinghu solve some secret troubles, Liu San and his wife are more important. Murong Qinghu It's the little things.

"This... what Miss Bai said makes sense. I really need to think about this. Otherwise, they will really be in trouble later. But we are all from the same village. If I say it directly now, there will indeed be some trouble." It’s inappropriate, and even if Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife were originally connected, it was a long time ago.”

"Now that Murong Qinghu is doing well, there shouldn't be any trouble. Moreover, at this time, Liu San and his wife came here just for the sake of their family, and they didn't really want to deal with Murong Qinghu, so Liu San, his wife and Murong Qing Hu’s matter shouldn’t be serious, that’s basically what I know now.”

Qi Dafa said this. Qi Dafa is still prepared to hide the matter of Liu San and his wife. Even if what Bai Qiuwu said is very reasonable, Qi Dafa should not tell other people in Fuyingshan at this time, even if it is for his own family. He concealed more things about Murong Qinghu and Liu San, but now Qi Dafa still chose to tell Bai Qiuwu this way, and did not explain clearly some of the connections between Murong Qinghu and Liu San. Anyway, Murong Qinghu should die.

Liu San and his wife did not kill Murong Qinghu this time. For Qi Dafa, there was no big problem with Liu San and his wife. In addition, Murong Qinghu’s father had cheated Liu San and his wife before, and Murong Qinghu was wiping the soles of his feet again. The oil is gone, and Liu San and his wife are not satisfied. Now that they have some means, there is no problem. Besides, Liu San and his wife have done things that Qi Dafa did not dare to do. After this, Qi Dafa now admires Liu San and his wife even more.

After all, this bastard Murong Qinghu has done many bad things in Fuying Mountain. If Liu San and his wife deal with Murong Qinghu at this time, it will naturally be a good thing. As for the conflict between Liu San and Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa is on the side Liu San and his wife believed that Murong Qinghu had done many wrong things and Liu San and his wife had no major problems. In this case, Murong Qinghu would naturally be dealt with by the company at this time. As for Liu San and his wife, what about Liu San and his wife? Qi Dafa helped cover it up.

Even if Murong Qinghu's troubles may spread to the entire Fuying Mountain, Qi Dafa is not so worried at this time. Liu San and his wife have to deal with Murong Qinghu, and Murong Qinghu is brought to the company. , Liu San and his wife will naturally not do anything in Fuying Mountain. Even if Murong Qinghu continues to be tricked by Liu San and his wife, in fact Murong Qinghu will also come to the company. Liu San and his wife will find a way to deal with Murong Qinghu.

Now Qi Dafa naturally does not dare to be like Liu San and his wife, who are dissatisfied with Murong Qinghu and take action directly. But at this time, whether there are other problems in the conflict between Liu San and Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa will not think too much. Living in Fuying Mountain, such troublesome things have nothing to do with him. As long as he lives a simple life, Qi Dafa will actually feel at ease.

"There is nothing I can do to deal with Murong Qinghu directly. Now that Liu San and his wife are taking action, I can't think of helping Murong Qinghu and causing problems with Liu San and his wife's plan. Once I do that, But he is just causing trouble for himself, not that there are any other opportunities."

"If the alliance with Bai Qiuwu cannot be carried out because I don't help Murong Qinghu, but help Liu San and his wife, it doesn't matter now. Anyway, my business is good, and I don't have to worry too much about not having business in the future. It's just that By following Bai Qiuwu, I can make more money, so it’s okay if I can’t make this much money.”

In Qi Dafa's heart, he naturally thought that it would be better to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu. But if Qi Dafa had to make a choice, should he betray Liu San and his wife and then cooperate with Bai Qiuwu? In fact, now Qi Dafa would not think that he would have to have such cooperation with Bai Qiuwu in a short time. It does not mean that Qi Dafa does not love money, but it is just that Qi Dafa can find ways to earn money, not that he must Make money from Bai Qiuwu.

But to deal with Murong Qinghu, this is extremely crucial. At this time, Liu San and his wife, Bai Qiuwu, can no longer have any other direct contact. Qi Dafa is willing to give up money. Anyway, he has money on hand. To deal with Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa is also very important. If Bai Qiuwu can cooperate and there are no conflicts between the two parties, the cooperation can actually proceed normally. But if Bai Qiuwu is dissatisfied because of this, Qi Dafa does not have to cooperate at this time.

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