Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 199 Absolute confidentiality

In Fuying Mountain, Qi Dafa is now very cautious. Naturally, Qi Dafa does not want to say more about Liu San and his wife, nor does he want to help Bai Qiuwu. Murong Qinghu is solved immediately by Liu San and his wife. For Qi Dafa, this is the most important thing. The good news can make Qi Dafa feel at ease, instead of saying that he will encounter a lot of troubles. Murong Qinghu deserves to be dealt with by Liu San and his wife, and Murong Qinghu should be unlucky.

After all, Qi Dafa, Liu San and his wife, and many people in Fuyingshan have suffered a lot because of Murong Qinghu's father over the years. Liu San and his wife's life is even more bleak, but Murong Qinghu has a lot of money. They spent the whole day living and drinking everywhere, not to mention that Liu San and his wife had to deal with Murong Qinghu. In fact, Qi Dafa also wanted to deal with Liu San and his wife. Now that Murong Qinghu was dealt with by Liu San and his wife, this made Qi Dafa really happy now.

What Liu San and his wife want to do is something Qi Dafa dares not to think about. In this way, if he can deal with Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa is willing to pay a lot of price, not to say that he does not want any benefits. Now that the matter is over, the current opportunity It has appeared that Qi Dafa cannot give up such an opportunity. If Liu San and his wife can be allowed to deal with Murong Qinghu without Qi Dafa paying the price, this is of course a good thing. As for any trouble in the future, it is actually not a big deal.

Anyway, Qi Dafa knew the truth but didn't report it at most, so there weren't really too many risks. Bai Qiuwu didn't have to think about whether he wanted to scare Qi Dafa. Murong Qinghu's success is extremely important to Qi Dafa today. In order to ensure the success of this plan, Qi Dafa is willing to do a lot of things.

Even if it is Qi Dafa today, it does not matter if he may be investigated by the company because he helped Liu San and his wife conceal it. Anyway, Qi Dafa at this moment has certain assets. I dare not say that he is a multi-millionaire. He really has a lot of funds. In fact, Qi Dafa has a certain amount of assets. It's almost the same. I can't say that it was because of the company's investigation that my family didn't have food or drink. I could only continue to cooperate with many verifications. At this point, Murong Qinghu was targeted by Liu San and his wife. This was very critical.

"Since you want to help hide something directly, I can't advise you. Anyway, it is very clear now that Murong Qinghu was taken care of by Liu San and his wife. Murong Qinghu will indeed pay the price when the time comes. But Liu San and his wife are also in trouble, and since you think it’s not a big deal, it’s just a small matter.”

"Murong Qinghu's guilt is not light. There was already a lot of trouble in the first place, so there was no need to take such risks. But by doing this, you are completely increasing the trouble yourself. In the end, it will only bring many threats. Specifically, this is What do you mean, I think you understand this better, and you still have to consider future safety."

Bai Qiuwu said this. The current situation is actually very clear. Liu San and his wife have caused a lot of trouble at this time. However, Murong Qinghu was targeted by Qi Dafa at this time, so he wanted to help Liu San as soon as possible. The couple wanted to deal with Murong Qinghu. It was normal for Qi Dafa to have such an idea. Bai Qiuwu could understand it. But if Liu San and his wife dealt with Murong Qinghu, then Qi Dafa would not be in trouble, but Liu San and his wife would be caught directly.

If Qi Dafa feels that this is not a big problem at this time, in fact, it is not easy for Bai Qiuwu to say much now. After all, Bai Qiuwu cannot decide many things. What does Murong Qinghu's future look like? Liu San and his wife do not need to worry about Qi Dafa Of course, Bai Qiuwu at this time will not interfere with Qi Dafa's choice. After all, this is Qi Dafa's own business, not that everything has many connections with Bai Qiuwu.

The company can directly control Murong Qinghu's life and death. Liu San and his wife may find a way to deal with Murong Qinghu, and they may succeed. However, Liu San and his wife will be in great trouble in the future. Murong Qinghu's side has gained a lot. Liu San and his wife may feel that all this is worth it, but now Qi Dafa also feels that all this does not matter, but at this time, it is possible that there will really be no price.

Bai Qiuwu knew what Qi Dafa needed to see most now. The situation in Fuying Mountain was extremely clear. It was impossible for Qi Dafa to directly tell Bai Qiuwu more about Murong Qinghu and Liu San. , even though Bai Qiuwu talked a lot about cooperation and promised that they can unite with each other, in the final analysis, all this can't really make Qi Da excited now, unless Bai Qiuwu guarantees that Murong Qinghu may be punished more severely.

Otherwise, Qi Dafa would say nothing about Liu San and his wife's side. Only when Murong Qinghu was directly punished would the people in Fuyingshan be truly satisfied. In fact, only people like Liu San and his wife and Qi Dafa would really feel that there was no such thing. What kind of threat? Otherwise, if Murong Qinghu is imprisoned for a period of time, he will not pay too much price. Not to mention how Liu San and his wife think about it, even Qi Dafa actually thinks it is inappropriate.

"Today's situation is changing too fast. I still can't make too hasty judgments. But now, Qi Dafa, after hearing my words, should think about it and take some action directly. Murong Qinghu and Liu San couple What is our relationship like? Are there any other private contacts? It’s all trivial matters.”

"The only way to connect Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife is through Qi Dafa. Murong Qinghu is not easy to deal with, but Liu San and his wife should have gained a lot. If this happens, I We can also think of ways to solve these troubles in the dark."

Bai Qiuwu, who knew Qi Dafa's thoughts, naturally understood what he wanted to do now. There was not much contact between Murong Qinghu and Bai Qiuwu. Now Bai Qiuwu would definitely not be able to ask Liu San and his wife, and Bai Qiuwu Wu said nothing, which would naturally bring many risks. In this way, only by asking Qi Dafa more questions about Murong Qinghu and Liu San's affairs, could Bai Qiuwu be sure what Murong Qinghu would do next. What is the threat.

Bai Qiuwu did not ask Qi Dafa to think about Murong Qinghu, but only to think about the future of Liu San and his wife. Could it be that Murong Qinghu was guilty, Qi Dafa wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, and also made Liu San and his wife, who were already extremely miserable, pay a huge price. , This is obviously inappropriate. As a result, the atmosphere at this time has naturally changed. Bai Qiuwu also knows how to solve the problem, that is, start with Liu San and his wife and let Qi Dafa think carefully.

There is indeed a problem with Murong Qinghu, but the company will deal with Murong Qinghu, not that Qi Dafa, Liu San and his wife, and more people in Fuyingshan will be implicated in all these troubles. Once there is a real problem, If there are more threats, Murong Qinghu may still be extremely safe under the protection of the company, but Liu San and his wife are likely to be in more dangers. Qi Dafa wants to deal with Murong Qinghu, so there is no need to pay so much. Much price. Liu San and his wife were already very unlucky. If there were more troubles now, even if they were extremely unlucky, there would be a lot of trouble in the future. Murong Qinghu would have to pay a lot of price, but at this time Liu San and his wife were extremely unlucky. Dealing with Murong Qinghu put Liu San and his wife in danger. Could it be that Qi Dafa's heart was not in trouble. Murong Qinghu had already caused losses to many people in Fuying Mountain. Could it be that Qi Dafa still wanted to watch Liu San and his wife? There was a lot of trouble.

Nowadays, the situation in Fuying Mountain is very complicated, but Bai Qiuwu is already very clear. Now Qi Dafa seems to be determined, but in fact he has not made many clear choices. After all, many of today's troubles are not small. Qi Dafa naturally has to think about what he will do in the future. Otherwise, there will only be trouble. Bai Qiuwu doesn't want to say anything else. Qi Dafa himself can figure out what hidden dangers there are later.

"What you said is indeed correct. If they do something, it will be difficult to continue living in the future. But I really don't know much. The couple is usually mysterious and makes a living by farming in the village. If there is anything else I can do, most of the time I just stay in the village."

"I have no contact with them. What I just told you is what I know about most of them. If there is any other contact, it is just an occasional encounter. We can chat. There is a red and white incident in the village. It’s just for everyone to meet and chat, I’m often not in the village.”

Qi Dafa said this. After chatting with Bai Qiuwu for a few words, Qi Dafa was still attracted by Bai Qiuwu's words. At this point, what Bai Qiuwu said was indeed extremely important. Qi Dafa did not pay attention to Murong Qinghu, but Liu If Liu San and his wife were punished by the company because of their dealings with Murong Qinghu, Qi Dafa would definitely not want to see this scene. And Liu San and his wife were in trouble because of Qi Dafa's help in hiding Murong Qinghu...

Qi Dafa, who was thinking about this, naturally knew that in order to deal with Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife had to pay a huge price. I should have thought clearly about how to act specifically. Murong Qinghu was punished by the company, which was indeed not a bad thing. It satisfied many people in the village. Liu San and his wife were already in a miserable situation, and they could not stay like this.

If Liu San and his wife deal with Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife will be in a lot of trouble. Qi Dafa doesn't want to see this. Even if Qi Dafa wants to make Murong Qinghu pay the price, Liu San and his wife are already in a miserable situation. , if in order to deal with Murong Qinghu, Liu San and his wife are in trouble, Qi Dafa cannot do such a thing, Murong Qinghu will be punished by the company, Qi Dafa can accept this, Liu San and his wife should also have a new life, instead of saying that they have always been They all have to deal with Murong Qinghu.

Bai Qiuwu didn't know about the many connections between Murong Qinghu and Liu San for the time being, but Qi Dafa knew it and knew how to tell Bai Qiuwu. So at this time, Bai Qiuwu might be able to eliminate the danger of Murong Qinghu, but Bai Qiuwu What Wu is most worried about is Liu San and his wife, not Murong Qinghu. In this way, Bai Qiuwu naturally needs to know the relationship between Liu San and Murong Qinghu, otherwise many people in Fuying Mountain will want to deal with it. Murong Qinghu.

If Liu San and his wife have any trouble at this time, their future life will be extremely difficult and they will not be able to earn much income. Together, Qi Dafa should know that even if Liu San and his wife have other ways to make money, Qi Dafa should I don't want to see if there are any other troubles. It is more important that the people in the village are truly safe, rather than having to deal with Murong Qinghu. Then many people in the village can feel at ease.

"Hey, Bai Qiuwu is right. Murong Qinghu is nothing. If Liu San and his wife are exposed to a lot of risks because of Murong Qinghu, it is indeed inappropriate. Liu San and his wife have gone through these years of hardship. They will be happy in the future. Yingshan has no trouble and can continue to live, that’s enough.”

"Murong Qinghu's matter should be left to professionals to handle it so that there won't be any more trouble. If some ordinary people insist on interfering, they will only get into trouble in the end, especially Liu San and his wife. Now the best The solution is for Murong Qinghu to be punished by the company as soon as possible, which is better."

Now that Qi Dafa is thinking about it, he naturally knows that at this dangerous time, Liu San and his wife cannot live in a more miserable life because of Murong Qinghu. The conflict between Liu San and Murong Qinghu has already been solved by a company. Solved, the matter has come to this, Qi Dafa decided to tell Bai Qiuwu about Liu San and his wife, instead of saying that Qi Dafa wants Liu San and his wife to take action in order to deal with Murong Qinghu. When Murong Qinghu is solved, Liu San and his wife will be in trouble .

Qi Dafa himself did not want to take action against Murong Qinghu because Qi Dafa was afraid of being punished. In this case, it was best not for Liu San and his wife to deal with Murong Qinghu. After all, Liu San and his wife had worked hard in the village for many years. If Liu San was still It may be easy for the couple to deal with Murong Qinghu, but at this time, Bai Qiuwu's words made Qi Dafa know that many things have become extremely clear. Once Liu San and his wife deal with Murong Qinghu, there will be a lot of trouble later.

Liu San and his wife will have to pay a lot of money by then. Murong Qinghu is already in trouble. Liu San and his wife should not take more risks because of Murong Qinghu. Qi Dafa knows that he has no need to make decisions for Liu San and his wife. , but Bai Qiuwu gave Qi Dafa the opportunity to choose, instead of letting Liu San and his wife, who were dealing with Murong Qinghu, choose. Qi Dafa could just solve his own pressure. Later, Qi Dafa didn't want to get himself into trouble, so he naturally had to act as soon as possible.

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