Chapter 229 Trouble Solving
The atmosphere in Fuying Mountain has changed a lot, and Liu San and his wife are also being targeted by Fuyun and Bai Qiuwu. Before, Fuyun only thought about cooperating with Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu to bring Liu San and his wife together. After telling the secret, Fuyun will get enough benefits, Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu can deal with Liu San and his wife, but at this time Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu can take action to keep Liu San and his wife out of trouble, Fuyun can also think about it, He helped Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan with their work.

Liu San and his wife are indeed in trouble, but Fuyun at this time can find a way to solve the Eastern Mountains, rather than being unable to deal with the current troubles. Liu San and his wife have many plans, but if they want to really give Bai Qiu Wu, it is impossible for Dongfang Lianshan to cause trouble, so Fuyun still needs to think more about what to do. Otherwise, Fuyun can still benefit from Liu San and his wife, and Fuyun's opportunities will also Add a lot.

Dongfang Lianshan has ways to deal with Liu San and his wife, but if Fuyun helps Dongfang Lianshan, Dongfang Lianshan will be able to eliminate these threats when Liu San and his wife are in trouble, instead of saying that Liu San and his wife will be in danger in the future. But Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan couldn't take action. They all had to rely on Fuyun. At this moment, Bai Qiuwu was just giving Fuyun a chance. Now that Bai Qiuwu has handed over the affairs of Liu San and his wife to Fuyun, Dongfang Lianshan will definitely I would also like to thank Fuyun.

Bai Qiuwu knew that there were many things that Liu San and his wife had to do, and he was trying his best to find ways to solve them. If Fuyun wanted to make good use of the Eastern Mountains, then if Liu San and his wife's troubles were solved, there would be no more troubles. There is so much pressure. Dongfang Lianshan’s plan can indeed target Liu San and his wife. Now that the matter is over, Dongfang Lianshan’s thinking is very simple, that is, to eliminate the current risks as soon as possible and ensure that Fuying Mountain can be truly safe in the future. There are other variables.

The current plan of Liu San and his wife is to deal with Murong Qinghu. Fuyun knows Liu San and his wife better than Dongfang Lianshan. Fuyun can also think of ways to gain more gains. What Dongfang Lianshan has to do , that is to investigate Liu San and his wife as soon as possible, but Fuyun can find a way to solve Liu San and his wife. The cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Fuyun can also start from Liu San and his wife to ensure that there will be no more problems in the future. Fuyun still has a bigger plan.

"Miss Bai is right. I did think too much, and I didn't expect this opportunity. When Miss Bai talked about Liu San and his wife, and even Dongfang Lianshan, she really thought about it for my old bones. , if Liu San and his wife can really make use of it, they can really help me a lot!"

"And Dongfang Lianshan doesn't know Liu San and his wife. I am now helping Dongfang Lianshan. As long as I can cooperate with Liu San and his wife, Dongfang Lianshan will indeed give a lot of help. I didn't think of this in the past, but now I have Bai Bai." With Miss’s help, I can really consider whether to do this.”

Fuyun listened to Bai Qiuwu's meaning and considered it very carefully. Now that the matter has come to this point, what Bai Qiuwu said is indeed very reasonable. Now Fuyun cannot refute Bai Qiuwu's meaning. At this time, Liu San and his wife are indeed It may bring greater benefits to Dongfang Lianshan, and if Fuyun finds a way to send Liu San and his wife to Dongfang Lianshan, and Fuyun uses Liu San and his wife to have other cooperation with Dongfang Lianshan, it will naturally be the same It's not difficult, Bai Qiuwu thought there was nothing wrong.

Dongfang Lianshan has made a lot of preparations. Bai Qiuwu depends on what Fuyun thinks. Many of the plans of Liu San and his wife have made the entire company more stable, but Fuyun is not sure whether the cooperation at this time can really be done well. The cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan is indeed good. Fuyun knows that Liu San and his wife have played a great role in Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan, so what Bai Qiuwu said is indeed reasonable. Now Fuyun should also is to have more plans sooner rather than later.

Now that Fuyun has thought clearly about making good use of Liu San and his wife to gain more benefits, Fuyun at this time should naturally prepare as early as possible so as not to have any other troubles. Dongfang Lianshan Working with Bai Qiuwu, Fuyun can also find a way to solve the hidden dangers of Liu San and his wife, so that Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu don't think too much. Fuyun will not have any other troubles in the future, and Liu San and his wife will also It will not bring greater hidden dangers to Fuyun.

Dongfang Lianshan’s thoughts are very clear. Fuyun can trust Dongfang Lianshan. If Liu San and his wife are taken down by Fuyun at this time, Dongfang Lianshan does not need to take action. When the time comes, Fuyun and Dongfang Lianshan will cooperate to take down Liu San and his wife. Let's share the credit. Fuyun will have gained more by then. Dongfang Lianshan will also have more contact with Fuyun. Even if Liu San and his wife have many plans, they will only deal with Murong Qinghu. Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan can quickly investigate Liu San and his wife.

And if Fuyun really wants to help Dongfang Lianshan and solve the hidden dangers of Liu San and his wife, Fuyun's pressure will actually increase a lot, but he can build a good relationship with Dongfang Lianshan, and Liu San and his wife will As far as Fuyun is concerned, it is not a big trouble. Dongfang Lianshan has already had a lot of contact with Fuyun at this time. Liu San and his wife do not pose any big threat in front of Fuyun. Fuyun helps Dongfang Lianshan can deal with Liu San and his wife without Fuyun taking risks.

"Bai Qiuwu has really helped me by talking so much about Liu San and his wife. Moreover, it is difficult for Dongfang Lianshan to control Liu San and his wife immediately. Bai Qiuwu is very powerful. Dongfang Lianshan will benefit from it. Liu San and his wife will be with each other in the future." By cooperating with Dongfang Lianshan, I also have the opportunity to control Liu San and his wife, but Bai Qiuwu also gains something!"

"Before, I was not so satisfied with Bai Qiuwu because of Murong Qinghu, but at this time, I was convinced by Bai Qiuwu. Even many of the contacts between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife were because I needed Bai Qiuwu's help. If I really think about it, Dongfang Lianshan can give me a lot of help in the future!”

Fuyun, who wanted to make good use of Liu San and his wife and cooperated with Dongfang Lianshan, was naturally convinced by Bai Qiuwu's words. What Bai Qiuwu said was indeed reasonable. Fuyun could not refute Bai Qiuwu for a while. After all, at this time, If Fuyun has more plans, it is indeed very likely that Liu San and his wife will bring greater help to Fuyun, but Fuyun knows that Bai Qiuwu is indeed powerful, and Bai Qiuwu has the Dongfang Company Shan assisted, and Fuyun also helped...

Bai Qiuwu directly brought the opportunity of cooperation between Fuyun and Dongfang Lianshan to Fuyun. In the future, Liu San and his wife may cooperate with Fuyun because of Fuyun's help. In this way, Bai Qiuwu will bring many benefits to Fuyun. It depends on whether Fuyun himself can seize these benefits and avoid many troubles in the future. Bai Qiuwu will give Fuyun a chance anyway. It depends on Fuyun's own plan. Anyway, Bai Qiuwu is not so anxious. Fuyun will think about it himself. That’s it. Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu's cooperation involves many aspects. At this time, Bai Qiuwu handed over the affairs of Liu San and his wife to Fuyun. It depends on Fuyun himself. Dongfang Lianshan really needs the help of Liu San and his wife. And if Fuyun can provide help to Dongfang Lianshan, directly control Liu San and his wife, and then Fuyun allows Dongfang Lianshan to cooperate, then Fuyun will indeed have made a great contribution, but now that the matter is over, it depends on Fuyun himself. How to think about it, after all, this is Fuyun's business.

No matter how much Bai Qiuwu said, if Fu Yun himself did not see clearly, Liu San and his wife would be dealt with by Dongfang Lianshan, and Fu Yun would not be able to make good use of Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan would not give Fu Yun too much face in the future. Bai Qiuwu had already made it clear about the many troubles of Liu San and his wife. It depended on whether Dongfang Lianshan could think it over and solve these troubles. Fu Yun's opportunity was right in front of him, but it was not much. Bai Qiuwu told this plan and Fu Yun had to consider it as soon as possible.

If Liu San and his wife were captured by Dongfang Lianshan, it would actually be impossible for Fuyun to help Dongfang Lianshan control Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan would not have any other troubles in the future. Liu San Fuyun can still intervene in the many cooperations between the couple and Dongfang Lianshan, but if Fuyun still thinks about finding other opportunities in the future to solve the problems of Liu San and his wife, and then cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan, actually Shang Fuyun's thinking was too simple.

"Okay, Liu San and his wife will bring a lot of benefits. You can think of these now. It is true that you can gain more. It does not mean that there will be no other opportunities in the future. Captain Dongfang and Liu San and his wife have a certain connection. Later, Captain Dongfang needs Liu San and his wife’s help very much, you should know this too!”

"Captain Dongfang and I can also win over Liu San and his wife, but the plan of Captain Dongfang and I is actually to win over Liu San and his wife as soon as possible. If Captain Dongfang wins over Liu San and his wife immediately, then the future Captain Dongfang will naturally start from Liu San and his wife. The more things you get as a couple, the more you gain.”

Bai Qiuwu nodded. Now that Fuyun has said this, Bai Qiuwu can naturally solve a lot of troubles. The cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu has already solved a lot of troubles. Liu San and his wife are indeed It will bring a lot of opportunities, but the cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan is not that simple. The cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan also needs Fuyun to do a good job as soon as possible, so that there will be no other troubles. , Bai Qiuwu hopes Fuyun will speed up.

Liu San and his wife may directly bring a lot of trouble. Bai Qiuwu knows this well. He also knows that the Dongfang Mountains are actually not that safe, so Liu San and his wife may bring a lot of trouble. Bai Qiuwu just wants to He and Dongfang Lianshan are far away from Liu San and his wife. If Fuyun can find a way to help Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan to capture Liu San and his wife, then Bai Qiuwu will have no pressure on himself, and Dongfang Lianshan will have less trouble. A lot, this is important.

In the past, when Bai Qiuwu faced Liu San and his wife directly, he might not have to think too much, but at this time, Dongfang Lianshan not only wanted to investigate Liu San and his wife, but even many matters in the company were decided by Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan. In this way, the pressure Liu San and his wife put on Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan will naturally be handed over to Dongfang Lianshan. If Liu San and his wife are caught by Fuyun, Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu can actually feel at ease. After all, Liu San and his wife will not cause trouble to Dongfang Lianshan again.

When Liu San and his wife are directly used by Dongfang Lianshan, Bai Qiuwu can also think of a way to get Liu San and his wife to give him more information. As for Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu using Fuyun to target Liu San and his wife, Fuyun Bai Qiuwu doesn't really care about what he thinks. Anyway, Fuyun wants certain benefits, and he just gives them. Dongfang Lianshan doesn't know Bai Qiuwu's plan now. Bai Qiuwu is just chatting with Fuyun. In fact, It’s also taking risks.

Now Bai Qiuwu knows the importance of Liu San and his wife, and there will be no more troubles in Dongfang Lianshan. Bai Qiuwu will find a way to reduce the pressure on Liu San and his wife, instead of saying that at this time, Bai Qiuwu Wu will not really help Dongfang Lianshan. He just wants to reap the benefits brought by Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan will just become Bai Qiuwu's pawn. Bai Qiuwu will find a way to solve the hidden dangers brought by Liu San and his wife. At the same time, It will also make Dongfang Lianshan stress-free.

"Dongfang Lianshan has a lot of opportunities now. I can give Dongfang Lianshan an explanation for the matter between Liu San and his wife and Murong Qinghu. And if Liu San and his wife are dealt with by Fuyun, Dongfang Lianshan will still have to deal with it well. Thank me, after all, without me, Liu San and his wife would have needed Dongfang Lianshan to find a solution."

"Liu San and his wife are very capable. Dongfang Lianshan is also attracted by Liu San and his wife. But I want to find a way to make Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife cooperate. Dongfang Lianshan can provide more help to Liu San and his wife. I can The pressure on Dongfang Lianshan will be reduced, and Liu San and his wife will be able to make contributions to Dongfang Lianshan.”

At this moment, Bai Qiuwu was not in such a hurry. The matter of Murong Qinghu and Liu San and his wife had been something that Dongfang Lianshan had been thinking about a lot. Bai Qiuwu told Dongfang Lianshan about the troubles of Liu San and his wife. In fact, Dongfang Lianshan had already been thinking about it. The pressure is great. Liu San and his wife may bring more trouble to Dongfang Lianshan. Bai Qiuwu knows the hidden dangers caused by Liu San and his wife, so it may not be difficult for Dongfang Lianshan to investigate Liu San and his wife. But Dongfang Lianshan, Liu San Cooperation between husband and wife is not easy.

Dongfang Lianshan cannot directly cooperate with Liu San and his wife, and even Dongfang Lianshan can only investigate Liu San and his wife. As for Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife, it is not that easy. After all, Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan do not know Liu San. Husband and wife, even if Fuyun told Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu about Liu San and his wife's past affairs with Murong Qinghu, Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan would still find it difficult to make good use of Liu San and his wife. This is very important. Eastern Mountains can reduce a lot of stress.

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