Chapter 230 Important Secret

Inside Fuying Mountain, Bai Qiuwu has now told Fuyun what needs to be said about Liu San and his wife. Now Fuyun wants to know clearly what other threats there are, and it is also an opportunity for Fuyun. Dongfang Lianshan If it is really because of Fuyun's help that Liu San and his wife are captured, the Dongfang Mountains behind will give Fuyun a lot of help. Obviously, Bai Qiuwu doesn't need to say this. Fuyun himself knows that the opportunities in this area are At present, it depends on Fuyun's own plan.

Liu San and his wife are very useful to Fuyun now, and it is indeed possible to bring opportunities to Bai Qiuwu, and Dongfang Lianshan can get a lot of benefits from it. But at this time, Fuyun needs to know that he actually got a lot of benefits from Liu San and his wife. , Dongfang Lianshan got more from the cooperation, Liu San and his wife could even continue to be controlled by Fuyun. By then, Dongfang Lianshan, Liu San and his wife would have a good relationship with Fuyun, and the one who gained the most was obviously Fuyun, not Fuyun. Talk about the Eastern Mountains at this time.

Bai Qiuwu has handed over the cooperation between Liu San and his wife, Dongfang Lianshan, to Fuyun. It depends on whether Fuyun can really make good use of Liu San and his wife, and take Dongfang Lianshan directly into his own hands. The third couple now has some obstacles between them and Dongfang Lianshan. Fuyun can remove the obstacles between Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan. Bai Qiuwu is not letting Fuyun take risks now, but at this time, Fuyun You can gain a lot from this.

Bai Qiuwu knows how capable Liu San and his wife are, Dongfang Lianshan also knows, and Fuyun even knows that he may not be as important as Liu San and his wife, so Dongfang Lianshan needs Liu San and his wife, and Fuyun can just think of a way. To help Dongfang Lianshan, Fuyun must make good use of his own advantages to ensure that he does not suffer too much losses in the future. Instead of saying that Fuyun at this time only thinks that he will gain more soon, but forgets how you should act.

The cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan has indeed made Dongfang Lianshan very satisfied. It will have a lot of effects in the future. It also makes Dongfang Lianshan willing to cooperate directly with Liu San and his wife. Possibility, as long as Fuyun has enough harvest, Fuyun can actually do more things. Anyway, Fuyun is already prepared now, instead of just thinking about getting benefits but forgetting to get benefits, it is There's a price to pay, and Fuyun won't be that stupid.

"The relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Liu San and Murong Qinghu in the past is actually hard to say who is right and who is wrong. Since you and Dongfang Lianshan are investigating things in the mountains, you probably know that Mr. and Mrs. Liu San were well off at the time, and Murong Qinghu's father's business was... It was Liu San and his wife who took the lead in supporting the business, and it was even Liu San and his wife’s business at the beginning.”

"It's just that Dongfang Lianshan doesn't pay much attention to these in the company's records. Liu San and his wife's business was very good, but later Murong Qinghu's father was more courageous and spent a lot of money to sell Liu San and his wife's shares. After buying it back and making a lot of money, Liu San and his wife had some conflicts when they wanted to invest. "

Fuyun said this. When Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu investigated Murong Qinghu and Liu San, Bai Qiuwu probably thought earlier than Dongfang Lianshan that there was no relationship between Murong Qinghu and Liu San. Who is right and who is wrong? The Dongfang Lianshan side may think that there is nothing wrong with the villagers. In fact, when Liu San and his wife and many people in the village were mining in the mountains, they were similar to Murong Qinghu’s father, so the mountain spirit arrived. It is not Murong Qinghu's father's responsibility that Fuyun is in charge of.

As for the current cooperation between Fuyun, Dongfang Lianshan, and Liu San, whether they can succeed actually depends on how Fuyun thinks about it. At this time, many troubles can actually be solved. It is not that Dongfang Lianshan cannot be solved. , Liu San and his wife cooperate. At this time, Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife join forces, which is a big opportunity for Fuyun. It depends on whether Fuyun can solve the threat. Dongfang Lianshan’s plan is clear. Liu San and his wife have already He has many connections with Fuyun.

Dongfang Lianshan has many plans, but it is also to directly cooperate with Liu San and his wife. Rather than talking about Dongfang Lianshan, Liu San and his wife's union is difficult to do well now. Fuyun does not interfere, but Dongfang Lianshan can actually do it. Find a way to directly cooperate with Liu San and his wife. However, if Dongfang Lianshan contacts Liu San and his wife, there will be great resistance. Dongfang Lianshan may not be able to have more contact with Liu San and his wife immediately, but Fu Yun Ke can think of another way to join forces with Liu San and his wife.

At this point, what Dongfang Lianshan thinks is not that important. Liu San and his wife are very crucial to Dongfang Lianshan. At this time, if Fuyun can find a way to really solve the problem of Liu San and his wife, then Bai Qiuwu It can represent Dongfang Lianshan, and then Liu San and his wife, Fuyun, and Dongfang Lianshan will not interfere. As long as Fuyun and Liu San and his wife do not cause trouble in the company, Dongfang Lianshan will not restrict Liu San and his wife. Bai Qiuwu can guarantee this.

How far can Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife cooperate in the future? In fact, this is a small matter now and will not directly cause too much trouble. Dongfang Lianshan's many alliances with Bai Qiuwu can make Fuyun feel at ease. , this is enough, Fuyun can't think about it. He just needs the benefits, and he doesn't worry about the many troubles in the future. It is already possible for Liu San and his wife to cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan, not between the two parties. Cannot be united.

"I didn't think too much about it before, but Bai Qiuwu has investigated Murong Qinghu's matter. In fact, there is no real right or wrong in the matter between Murong Qinghu and Liu San. It's just Dongfang Lianshan, Bai Qiuwu Wu needs help from Liu San and his wife, and then Murong Qinghu’s father has bigger problems.”

"Dongfang Lianshan doesn't know these things now, but I have to make it clear to Bai Qiuwu that Liu San and his wife are not absolutely fine. Otherwise, if I don't make it clear now, it will be equivalent to me guaranteeing Liu San and his wife. If there is any trouble between the couple, it is easy to blame it on me, which is not appropriate. "

Fuyun, who was thinking about this, knew that Dongfang Lianshan did not care about the conflict between Liu San, his wife, and Murong Qinghu now, but Dongfang Lianshan might care about these in the future. As for whether Bai Qiuwu cared about the relationship between Liu San, his wife, and Murong Qinghu , Fuyun didn't think too much, and now he told Bai Qiuwu many things, and it was up to Bai Qiuwu to decide. Anyway, Fuyun would not bear too much pressure. Even if there was trouble in the future, Fuyun would not intervene all of a sudden. Bring yourself a lot of trouble.

As long as the Liu San couple and Dongfang Lianshan's cooperation are properly handled, Fuyun's future pressure will be reduced, and naturally he can directly reap a lot of benefits. At this time, it depends on whether Liu San and his wife are safe in the future, and whether Fuyun can be among them. , and take more actions to ensure that he will not have any more troubles. If Fuyun's plan succeeds, he will actually be much safer in the future. Fuyun already has Bai Qiuwu's help, and he will be much more stable in the future. This is the opportunity now. Bai Qiuwu gave Fuyun a lot of help, but in the final analysis, just this kind of help could not actually make Fuyun gain more. Fuyun just saw his own opportunity. Now that the matter is over, if Fuyun If you are truly willing to help Dongfang Lianshan, Fuyun's pressure can be reduced a lot. This is also a big opportunity at the moment. Bai Qiuwu has already told Fuyun what to do next. As for Fuyun's own luck, So, Bai Qiuwu couldn't say for sure.

At this time, Fuyun's plan was actually to eliminate more troubles, and Bai Qiuwu tried his best to help Fuyun, which would be enough to eliminate a lot of risks in the future. However, Bai Qiuwu's intervention would really make Fuyun There is no pressure, and you can gain more in the future. It depends on whether Fuyun can think clearly about the next advantage. Bai Qiuwu's plan is to solve the many hidden dangers at present, not to say that Bai Qiuwu is at this time. There is no other chance.

If Liu San and his wife want to solve the trouble, they must take action as soon as possible to ensure that they are not in trouble now. If the threat can be eliminated now, then the pressure on the Eastern Mountains will naturally be reduced a lot. At this time, Liu San and Bai Qiuwu's Regarding the relationship, Fuyun is not so anxious. Dongfang Lianshan's plan is actually to give Fuyun some opportunities. There is no other threat, and there will be no other losses at the moment. Fuyun needs to think clearly.

"Captain Dongfang will investigate the affairs of Liu San and his wife, and I have basically guessed what you are saying now. You have to tell me more information. Otherwise, if you just say these words, it will be difficult for me to give you more help now. And if you are not careful, there will be more trouble later, and I will not be able to take any further action."

"It doesn't matter what news I heard about Liu San and his wife. But at this moment, Captain Dongfang is not necessarily curious about the relationship between Liu San, his wife and Murong Qinghu. Captain Dongfang only needs to solve many current troubles, not that he will care about the previous ones. You should be aware of many things."

Bai Qiuwu said that the cooperation between Liu San and his wife and Dongfang Lianshan is a more important matter now. Fuyun knows that Liu San and his wife are very important to Dongfang Lianshan, so Fuyun wants to use Liu San and his wife to give Dongfang Lianshan If Shan helps, Fuyun actually has to come up with some actual benefits, and then let Liu San and his wife cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan. By then, Fuyun will be able to have more cooperation with Dongfang Lianshan, instead of just talking about this At that time, Fuyun and Bai Qiuwu kept talking about this.

In fact, Bai Qiuwu cannot be sure whether Liu San and his wife are following Dongfang Lianshan now, but if Liu San and his wife really cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan, Fuyun needs to take action to talk to Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu are in Liu San In front of the couple, Dongfang Lianshan does not have as big an advantage as Fuyun. Especially Dongfang Lianshan is extremely embarrassed in front of Liu San and his wife. Dongfang Lianshan wants to get more benefits from Liu San and his wife, so Dongfang Lianshan needs to keep an eye on Liu San and his wife. Three couples.

Bai Qiuwu is different from Dongfang Lianshan. When Bai Qiuwu comes into contact with Liu San and his wife, Bai Qiuwu just needs to know some information. Liu San and his wife should be willing to give Bai Qiuwu more information, but Dongfang Lianshan wants Recruiting Liu San and his wife is not that easy. Bai Qiuwu and Liu San and his wife are a one-time deal, but Dongfang Lianshan wants to keep Liu San and his wife helping. In this way, Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu's The difference will actually be huge.

The current couple Liu San and his wife were only in contact with Bai Qiuwu for a short time in Bai Qiuwu. The difference between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu meant that Liu San and his wife were not necessarily willing to cooperate here in Dongfang Lianshan, but Bai Qiuwu found a way. Let Fuyun contact Liu San and his wife. Fuyun will be the lobbyist of Dongfang Lianshan at that time. This is enough. In the future, Bai Qiuwu can also find a way to solve the cooperation between Liu San and Dongfang Lianshan, instead of just saying Bai Qiuwu had no choice but to deal with Liu San and his wife.

Many of Dongfang Lianshan's current achievements are related to Liu San and his wife. Bai Qiuwu naturally helped Dongfang Lianshan and was able to directly win over Liu San and his wife. At this moment, Dongfang Lianshan will really consider his next step. There are many gains. If Fuyun wins Liu San and his wife, the pressure on Dongfang Mountain will be reduced. Bai Qiuwu is already ready. It depends on how Fuyun solves the current troubles, rather than talking about Liu San and his wife. Fuyun is difficult to deal with.

"The relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Liu San and Murong Qinghu's father is indeed extraordinary. It is not difficult for Dongfang Lianshan to investigate these. But at the moment, Fuyun still did not give out appropriate information immediately to solve the problem of Mr. and Mrs. Liu. Of course, Fuyun also It’s a bit sincere, and it’s really good. Dongfang Lianshan doesn’t need to investigate the previous threats.”

"The conflict between Murong Qinghu's father and Liu San and his wife seemed not only to cause Liu San and his wife to suffer losses, but also to say that a lot of business was originally not in the hands of Murong Qinghu's father, but in Liu San's hands. In the hands of the couple, Dongfang Lianshan probably did not expect that he would have such gains at this time."

Bai Qiuwu knew that Liu San and his wife had many secret conflicts with Murong Qinghu's father. Now by talking to Fuyun about this, Bai Qiuwu actually knew that Murong Qinghu's father might not be the original source of everything. Dongfang Lianshan and The company's investigation should not investigate some conflicts between Liu San and his wife, and Murong Qinghu's father a long time ago. Now Bai Qiuwu knows this news, and Dongfang Lianshan also knows this. In the future, they can convince Liu San and his wife, and again There is a way.

The cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife was already a plan to become Dongfang Lianshan. Bai Qiuwu put Liu San and his wife in front of Dongfang Lianshan. Liu San and his wife naturally became the partners that Dongfang Lianshan must consider for cooperation. However, Liu San and his wife Now, the three couples are not necessarily able to directly provide more help. On the contrary, the cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Liu San and his wife is already very important. Dongfang Lianshan is definitely not willing to give up Liu San and his wife, so Fuyun still has A lot of gains.

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