Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 287 More plans, stable execution

Chapter 287 More plans, stable execution

In the Situ family, Bai Qiuwu is not in a hurry now. What Situ Yongyi wants is to truly solve more troubles. Dongfang Lianshan also wants to investigate Situ Yongyi and the entire Situ family. In this way, Dongfang Lianshan and Situ are now Yongyi's connection makes Dongfang Lianshan no risk, but the cooperation between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan means that there will be no other risks on Situ Yongyi's side. This is more important. Dongfang Lianshan Shan needs Situ Yongyi's help.

There are many plans for Dongfang Mountain at the moment, but the contact between Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu is enough to make it difficult for the plan of Dongfang Mountain to have any other effect in the future. Situ Yongyi wants to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu and try to solve more problems first. Only if there are too many risks will there be no pressure in the future. What Dongfang Lianshan wants is to resolve the company's risks as soon as possible. Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan can still temporarily unite. Such cooperation is not a bad thing, but for Situ Yongyi, Still using the Eastern Mountains.

Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi have similar ideas, except that Dongfang Lianshan helps the company solve problems, while Situ Yongyi's plan gradually changes. It is mainly Bai Qiuwu who can gradually influence Dongfang Lianshan, not Situ. There will be other hidden dangers on Yongyi's side in the future. This is a big risk. Dongfang Lianshan cannot do nothing, which will eventually cause more threats. The connection between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan is Bai Qiuwu. Just maintain it.

The plan of Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan has actually gradually changed, and Situ Yongyi's calculation has become very clear. Dongfang Lianshan's win over Situ Yongyi will not really relieve Dongfang Lianshan from pressure in the end. On the contrary, it will promote Situ Yongyi. With the cooperation between Yi and Bai Qiuwu, Dongfang Lianshan and the company sent Bai Qiuwu to Situ Yongyi, which allowed Situ Yongyi to be more stable and not have to worry about any other risks in Dongfang Lianshan in the future.

At present, Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan can naturally solve many problems if they cooperate. But what Situ Yongyi wants is not to have more threats. However, the connection between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi is not that important. Bai Qiuwu has already thought of a way to make Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi have no other conflicts. As long as Dongfang Lianshan does not want to take action and make contributions against Situ Yongyi, then Dongfang Lianshan can be calmed down for the time being.

The current situation has changed a lot and will not cause any more trouble on Situ Yongyi's side. The relationship between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi should not have too many problems soon. Bai Qiuwu's plan is already very clear, that is Ensure the stability of Dongfang Mountain, and then Situ Yongyi can gain more. What Dongfang Mountain needs is just to get some news, not that Situ Yongyi will have any more troubles. Dongfang Mountain always needs Act as soon as possible to avoid the risk.

"What Captain Dongfang plans specifically and what Miss Bai thinks about it are all matters that the Situ family cares about. After all, the Situ family at this time is cooperating with Captain Dongfang and Miss Bai, and what Miss Bai said is right. We should investigate as soon as possible instead of thinking about it for too long.”

"Furthermore, the Situ family is also joining forces with Captain Dongfang this time to ensure that there will be no problems with Miss Bai's live broadcast. As for future cooperation, it depends on the Situ family this time and whether Miss Bai can truly cooperate with each other. I am indeed a little too anxious, and I just told Miss Bai this without really thinking about what to do.”

Situ Yongyi's plan at this moment is very clear. Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi have a lot of cooperation directly because of Bai Qiuwu. No matter what Dongfang Lianshan thinks, Situ Yongyi's goal is to target Dongfang Lianshan as soon as possible, not Situ. Yongyi really wanted to investigate with Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan, but Bai Qiuwu seemed to know what Situ Yongyi was thinking. Bai Qiuwu said that he would always cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan, and Situ Yongyi could not say much.

Now there will be no other risks in the relationship between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan. What Situ Yongyi wants is to truly guard against Dongfang Lianshan. It is not that Situ Yongyi needs to deal with Dongfang Lianshan and the people of the company. Situ Yongyi Yongyi and the Situ family just need to keep it secret. Dongfang Lianshan's exploration of the Situ family is what worries Situ Yongyi. As long as Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu don't really cooperate, Bai Qiuwu will help Dongfang Lianshan and explore the Situ family. , In fact, Situ Yongyi will not be in a hurry.

It's just that many troubles in the dark cannot be solved by the Situ family alone. The cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu is very stable. The alliance between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan is a superficial cooperation at this time, and Situ Yongyi values ​​​​more. Bai Qiuwu, but the connection between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi is the cooperation between the company and the Situ family. Dongfang Lianshan hopes to help Bai Qiuwu, but it is obvious that Dongfang Lianshan cannot succeed alone. Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan Mountains are about the same.

Situ Yongyi does not want the company to get involved, and Dongfang Lianshan does not want the Situ family and Bai Qiuwu to have more contact. This is a big trouble at the moment. Many of Situ Yongyi's plans and some of Dongfang Lianshan's calculations also make the current situation worse. Great changes, some conflicts between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan are already difficult to suppress. Bai Qiuwu is extremely crucial. Situ Yongyi knows the importance of Bai Qiuwu, and Dongfang Lianshan naturally understands that the troubles have increased at this time, so Situ Yongyi, Dongfang Lianshan can cooperate for the time being.

It’s just that Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan now have a certain connection in order to maintain the superficial alliance. As for Situ Yongyi’s private considerations and what Dongfang Lianshan thinks, it actually doesn’t matter anymore. Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan Shan's cooperation is a special competition between the company and the Situ family. Situ Yongyi's thoughts are very clear. Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi quickly investigated. The news about Dongfang Lianshan was told to Bai Qiuwu, so Situ Yongyi also wants to gain something as soon as possible.

"Dongfang Lianshan is very lucky. The situation will change greatly in the future. If the Situ family and Bai Qiuwu unite, there should be no other troubles. Now that Dongfang Lianshan has Bai Qiuwu's help, the Situ family does not have to worry. Dongfang Lianshan has What else can I gain all of a sudden? At least the Situ family is stable! "

"No matter what Dongfang Lianshan wants to do, Bai Qiuwu is the person that the Situ family needs to win over. Bai Qiuwu seems to know many secrets of the company. Dongfang Lianshan is lucky. The Situ family does not have to keep an eye on Dongfang Lianshan. Follow-up The Situ family is better off focusing on cooperation with the company.”

Situ Yongyi, who already has many plans, knows that if he simply thinks about some conflicts with Dongfang Lianshan, then Situ Yongyi can deal with Dongfang Lianshan, and the company in the future will not keep an eye on Situ Yongyi, and This is impossible for the Situ family. Dongfang Lianshan now has Bai Qiuwu to help. Situ Yongyi cannot directly deal with Dongfang Lianshan and oppose some private verifications by the company. In this way, Situ Yongyi can only choose to fight with Bai Qiuwu. Wu cooperates. Now that Dongfang Lianshan can help Bai Qiuwu, Situ Yongyi and the Situ family can naturally think that it will play a greater role than Dongfang Lianshan. Situ Yongyi has this confidence. Dongfang Lianshan and the company are very powerful, and Situ The people of Yongyi and the Situ family are not useless wastes. Dongfang Lianshan and the company need the cooperation of the Situ family to help Bai Qiuwu investigate. So now Situ Yongyi can only think about targeting Dongfang as much as possible. Mountains.

Situ Yongyi had no way to directly deal with Dongfang Lianshan, but Situ Yongyi found a way to let many people in the Situ family directly provide more help to Bai Qiuwu. Dongfang Lianshan did not have many people in the company who could be directly mobilized. , and whether the connection between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan can really solve many future troubles, Situ Yongyi does not know, but if Dongfang Lianshan investigates faster, it will be difficult for Situ Yongyi to deal with Dongfang Lianshan in the future.

At this time, Situ Yongyi was already thinking about bypassing Dongfang Lianshan and the company, so that the Situ family and Bai Qiuwu could truly cooperate. Situ Yongyi could be sure that Bai Qiuwu definitely knew many secrets, and Dongfang Lianshan itself did not have the ability to do so. , unable to dig out Bai Qiuwu's secrets, but Situ Yongyi can bring the people of the Situ family to have more alliances with Bai Qiuwu. If Dongfang Lianshan thinks about directly wooing Bai Qiuwu now, it is actually too late. Situ Yong Yihe Dongfang Mountain was used by Bai Qiuwu.

The company and the Situ family should join forces as soon as possible to investigate together, but Situ Yongyi may not necessarily believe in Dongfang Lianshan. After all, Situ Yongyi, the Situ family does not believe in the company and Dongfang Lianshan, and Situ Yongyi is prepared. In fact, Dongfang Lianshan will not recognize the Situ family and Situ Yongyi. In the eyes of Dongfang Lianshan and the company, a family like the Situ family has many secrets and also represents very danger. In this way, Situ Yongyi is naturally in trouble.

"Captain Dongfang and I are investigating as soon as possible and try our best to ensure that there will be no other troubles in the future. The help of Miss Situ and the Situ family will make the investigation faster. Captain Dongfang and the company are not in any trouble. I also You can live broadcast with peace of mind without worrying about other risks. ”

"Now Miss Situ, the Situ family has helped me and Captain Dongfang a lot. The investigation needs to be done step by step. Miss Situ doesn't have to worry. After the news from Captain Dongfang comes, Miss Situ will continue the investigation. Although the situation is urgent, we can't go too far. Be urgent, otherwise there will only be a lot of trouble.”

Bai Qiuwu is very cautious now. Bai Qiuwu doesn't care about the specific relationship between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi. The most important thing is that there are a lot of troubles here in Dongfang Lianshan. Bai Qiuwu knows very well what he should do. , so that there will be no other troubles. This is very important. What Situ Yongyi needs now is a helper who can really solve the problem, not for Dongfang Mountain. Even if Situ Yongyi thinks that Dongfang Mountain has nothing Situ Yongyi would not do anything without reason.

Because what Bai Qiuwu needs is to complete the investigation as soon as possible. As for the conflict between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi, it is not a big deal for Bai Qiuwu. Dongfang Lianshan and the company can best help Bai Qiuwu, and Situ Yongyi can help Bai Qiuwu and let the Situ family cooperate with Bai Qiuwu's investigation. This is not a bad thing. Situ Yongyi can provide help to Bai Qiuwu in Dongfang Lianshan, not that Situ Yongyi has others in Dongfang Lianshan. of union.

In the follow-up, Dongfang Lianshan wanted credit, while Situ Yongyi wanted to see what the company and Dongfang Lianshan were doing. Bai Qiuwu knew Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan’s thoughts, so Situ Yongyi, Dongfang Lianshan’s The conflict will not bring trouble to Bai Qiuwu. On the contrary, the conflict between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan can give Bai Qiuwu more help. Situ Yongyi and the Situ family are now helping Bai Qiuwu to conduct more investigations. In the future, The trouble will not increase.

What Dongfang Lianshan's plan is is not that important right now, and more conflicts between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan will become more frequent in the future. Situ Yongyi will definitely want to win over Bai Qiuwu as soon as possible. After all, Bai Qiuwu has already made preparations to ensure that there will be no more troubles in future cooperation. The conflict between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi has become an opportunity for Bai Qiuwu to win over Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi. In the future, Dongfang Lianshan Lianshan has contributed a lot, as long as Situ Yongyi is satisfied.

Regardless of what specific plans Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan have, it is not a big deal. The most important thing is that the connection between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan is unstable. Bai Qiuwu, as Situ Yongyi, Situ The family's help has solved a lot of troubles, and there will be no other risks in Dongfang Lianshan in the future. Bai Qiuwu doesn't care about the relationship between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan. As long as Situ Yongyi, Dongfang Lianshan Lianshan just needs to help Bai Qiuwu, Situ Yongyi can help now.

"Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi actually have similar ideas. They both want to cooperate with me. But what Dongfang Lianshan needs is more credit. Situ Yongyi wants to win over me directly, so that he can know about Dongfang Lianshan. , the secret of the company, at least Situ Yongyi doesn’t want me to be directly attracted by the company, Dongfang Lianshan. "

"No matter what Situ Yongyi's specific calculations are now, at this time, Dongfang Lianshan already has a good relationship with me, so Situ Yongyi wants me to stop cooperating with Dongfang Lianshan, and then Situ Yongyi will find a way to have a relationship with me. More union, this is impossible, Dongfang Lianshan and the company are very important.”

Bai Qiuwu, who was attracted by Situ Yongyi, naturally knew what he should do at this time to ensure that Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi would not have any major conflicts again. No matter what other plans Dongfang Lianshan had, they actually did not It's not that critical. Bai Qiuwu will find a way to deal with Situ Yongyi's matter. Dongfang Lianshan doesn't have to keep calculating. Bai Qiuwu knows how to plan next. The alliance between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan.

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