Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 288 Cooperation between all parties, key connections

Chapter 288 Cooperation between all parties, key connections

In the Situ family, Bai Qiuwu's words now leave Situ Yongyi speechless. It can only be that he has no other considerations. According to Bai Qiuwu, it is a better opportunity to first ensure that there are no problems with subsequent cooperation. As for Bai Qiuwu knew the roles of Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi. Dongfang Lianshan would do what he should do, and Situ Yongyi could not hinder Dongfang Lianshan. Bai Qiuwu would satisfy Situ Yongyi in the future. Dongfang Lianshan will certainly not disappoint.

At the moment, it is more difficult for Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan to unite, but now Bai Qiuwu can find a way to ensure that Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan will not conflict immediately. This is more important. Bai Qiuwu Knowing Situ Yongyi's thoughts and Dongfang Lianshan's plan, it will be much easier for Bai Qiuwu to win over Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan, instead of saying that Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan will each have their own plans in the future. , unable to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu.

Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan have different plans, but they both need Bai Qiuwu's help. Situ Yongyi's future calculations will be changed by Bai Qiuwu. Some plans gradually become clear. Dongfang Lianshan will not threaten Situ Yongyi, and Bai Qiuwu He will not help Dongfang Lianshan and cause a lot of trouble in the Situ family. Situ Yongyi can rest assured that Bai Qiuwu will not make any moves soon, causing Situ Yongyi to have any more trouble. This is very important. Bai Qiuwu There is already a lot of planning.

Bai Qiuwu knew about Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi's situation, and had also helped Dongfang Lianshan do a lot of things. As for the connection between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan, there would no longer be any major problems. Situ Yongyi wants to be free of trouble, but what Dongfang Lianshan needs is to get more credit. Bai Qiuwu makes Situ Yongyi stable. In the follow-up Dongfang Lianshan, there will be many achievements without having to keep an eye on Situ Yongyi. It is more important to investigate the children of the Liusan couple as soon as possible.

Dongfang Lianshan's previous plan was very simple, that is, to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu and then keep an eye on Situ Yongyi. Now Bai Qiuwu is helping Dongfang Lianshan change the plan. As for Situ Yongyi's plan, Bai Qiuwu has already made certain decisions. Change, Dongfang Lianshan does not keep an eye on Situ Yongyi. The follow-up Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu's cooperation are more important. Situ Yongyi does not have to worry about Dongfang Lianshan. This is the key point. Situ Yongyi may not be sure There will be a lot of cooperation with Bai Qiuwu.

"Miss Bai said this, then naturally there will be no other conflicts in the future cooperation. The Situ family and Miss Bai will have more contact, so there will be no problem. As for the needs of Captain Dongfang, Miss Bai We can also tell the Situ family that after all, Miss Bai and Captain Dongfang have a very good relationship."

"The Situ family is ready. Miss Bai can rest assured that there will definitely be no other threats in the subsequent investigation. Captain Dongfang will not be under much pressure. After all, Miss Bai and the Situ family can help Captain Dongfang. There won’t be many troubles in the future.”

And Situ Yongyi smiled reluctantly now. Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu had a very good relationship, which made Situ Yongyi a little regretful. After all, Dongfang Lianshan had become the team leader of the company and came to the Situ family. Situ Yongyi should be careful about Dongfang Lianshan. As a result, the alliance between Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu was not so smooth. Bai Qiuwu was only willing to do his own thing. As for the cooperation between the Situ family and Bai Qiuwu, Bai Qiuwu did not agree to it now. , but I didn’t object either.

Situ Yongyi has the support of the Situ family, so there is no need to worry. If the company is in trouble, what can the Situ family do? However, Dongfang Lianshan has to consider its own future. Situ Yongyi is the second lady of the Situ family, so everything will be smooth sailing in the future. , but if Dongfang Lianshan is not careful, he will only fall into more threats in the end. At least Situ Yongyi can already think about bypassing Dongfang Lianshan to win over Bai Qiuwu, but facing Situ Yongyi's little The Eastern Mountains of mind can only do what needs to be done.

At present, Situ Yongyi has a great advantage, but Bai Qiuwu has not given up cooperation with Dongfang Lianshan. Even if Situ Yongyi and the Situ family can help Bai Qiuwu live broadcast, Bai Qiuwu still chooses balance, Dongfang Lianshan, Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu are equally important to Bai Qiuwu. If Bai Qiuwu expresses his position directly now, he will have a lot of troubles in the future. The loss of Dongfang Mountain will have a huge impact on Bai Qiuwu. Without Situ Yongyi, the cooperation of the Situ family will be even more difficult. A lot of trouble.

Bai Qiuwu has already seen clearly what Situ Yongyi will think about now, but Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi have different ideas. At this time, Bai Qiuwu does not need to deal with Dongfang Lianshan, he only needs to let Situ Yong On Yi's side, there is no need for any other plans. There will be no conflict between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi. This is enough. The cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan is very stable, but the contact between Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu has It is very stable.

The direct cooperation between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi is mainly based on this investigation. However, Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi each have their own plans. Bai Qiuwu can cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan, and Situ Yongyi targets Dongfang Lianshan. Mountain, so that there will be no other troubles. Bai Qiuwu knows that if Situ Yongyi's troubles increase in the future, Dongfang Mountain will also be in certain danger. Therefore, regarding the connection between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Mountain, Bai Qiuwu is trying his best to balance Situ The relationship between Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan.

"The relationship between Dongfang Lianshan and the Situ family is not very good, but Bai Qiuwu has already had a lot of cooperation. No matter what Dongfang Lianshan wants to do now, it will actually gain a lot, and what the Situ family can do , just to ensure that Bai Qiuwu and Dongfang Lianshan can investigate as soon as possible."

"Bai Qiuwu doesn't help Dongfang Lianshan investigate the Situ family's affairs. This is Bai Qiuwu's sincerity. Dongfang Lianshan has no way of knowing many of the Situ family's plans. This is certainly not a bad thing, but the biggest problem at the moment is also being exposed. , Bai Qiuwu is choosing between the Situ family and the Eastern Mountains..."

Today, Situ Yongyi knows very well what Bai Qiuwu is doing. The helpless Situ Yongyi can only think that the attraction of Dongfang Mountain to Bai Qiuwu may not be as attractive as Situ Yongyi, and the Situ family is bigger. But Situ Yongyi himself knew that Dongfang Lianshan and the company actually had more effect on Bai Qiuwu. Situ Yongyi and the Situ family seemed to be powerful, but it was difficult to help Bai Qiuwu. After all, the Situ family could not directly affect many ordinary people.

Situ Yongyi has many plans, but Bai Qiuwu will not act according to the plan, and there is no way to do this investigation. He has to formulate a plan that can be implemented without any problems. Dongfang Lianshan's thoughts are naturally not There will be changes. If there is any loophole in Situ Yongyi and the Situ family, and Dongfang Lianshan discovers it, then Situ Yongyi will naturally be investigated by Dongfang Lianshan. However, at this time, Situ Yongyi has Bai Qiuwu. Help, even in the Eastern Mountains it is difficult to gain anything. Situ Yongyi's plan is mainly to stabilize the current situation. As a member of the company, Dongfang Lianshan will naturally consider investigating Situ Yongyi from all aspects, so Dongfang Lianshan asked Bai Qiuwu to go to Situ Yongyi. On Yi's side, it is indeed Dongfang Lianshan who is in charge of Situ Yongyi. The Situ family has a nail in their hands. Dongfang Lianshan's calculation is very clear, and what Situ Yongyi can do is to truly eliminate more risks. Otherwise, Dongfang Lianshan will There are a lot of troubles on the side.

For Situ Yongyi, there are a lot of things that can be done in Dongfang Lianshan. Cooperation with Bai Qiuwu should be Bai Qiuwu's way to attract Dongfang Lianshan. Situ Yongyi will not have any more troubles in the future. Dongfang Lianshan's win over Situ Yongyi is mainly to eliminate many troubles in his family, not that Dongfang Lianshan wants to find a way to directly target Situ Yongyi. No matter what Dongfang Lianshan wants to do now, it will be difficult for him to have another chance. With more gains, Situ Yongyi's plan will be helped.

Now Bai Qiuwu doesn't have to worry. After all, Dongfang Mountain has many plans. Bai Qiuwu also knows Situ Yongyi's thoughts very well. Therefore, no matter whether it is Dongfang Mountain or what Situ Yongyi's specific plans are, it is actually not a big deal. , Dongfang Lianshan's plan is no longer that important. The connection between Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu is very stable. No matter what Dongfang Lianshan plans, Bai Qiuwu will solve the troubles between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan.

"Captain Dongfang has made some preparations, and Miss Situ has a lot of plans. This is a good thing. Even if there are any risks later, they can be solved as soon as possible. It is not that many troubles cannot be dealt with at all. I still have to thank Miss Situ and Captain Dongfang for this.”

"Now that Miss Situ is so proactive and wants to help me, I really don't know what to do next to be able to conduct a better investigation. Perhaps the best way now is to take a step and see One step, after all, no one knows, there will be other threats later.”

Bai Qiuwu did not choose either Dongfang Lianshan or Situ Yongyi. Dongfang Lianshan would not ask Bai Qiuwu whether he would cooperate with Situ Yongyi, because Dongfang Lianshan knew Bai Qiuwu. Now that Bai Qiuwu has joined the Situ family, then The cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Situ Yongyi is inevitable. Dongfang Lianshan knows Bai Qiuwu, but Situ Yongyi does not know some of Bai Qiuwu's plans, so Situ Yongyi has been thinking about asking Bai Qiuwu not to cooperate with Dongfang Lianshan.

Situ Yongyi, what are the specific conflicts between Dongfang Lianshan and Dongfang Lianshan in private? There are some other troubles between the two parties. It is not a big deal whether Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan can truly cooperate to a certain extent. Situ Yongyi wants to has always had a certain connection with Dongfang Lianshan, but Situ Yongyi only wanted to know the secrets of Dongfang Lianshan. Situ Yongyi did not want the secrets of the Situ family to be discovered by Dongfang Lianshan. This would be extremely important to Situ Yongyi. Importantly, Dongfang Mountain has become Situ Yongyi's goal.

No matter what Dongfang Lianshan wants to do now, it cannot bypass Situ Yongyi. This makes Dongfang Lianshan can only cooperate with Situ Yongyi, otherwise Dongfang Lianshan will have more troubles in the future. Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan The connection with the mountain will make Situ Yongyi have no other risks. At least Dongfang Lianshan and Bai Qiuwu will cooperate, and Situ Yongyi will have more opportunities to have more alliances with Bai Qiuwu. Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yong With Yi's contact, there will be no more problems.

From now on, there will be no other risks in the relationship between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi, and there is not much that Dongfang Lianshan can do. At most, it is just to let Situ Yongyi's side avoid any other troubles. For today's For Dongfang Lianshan, the cooperation between Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan has enabled Situ Yongyi to see many opportunities. Dongfang Lianshan must act as soon as possible to solve the hidden dangers. Situ Yongyi and Dongfang Lianshan There can be no other problems with Shan's cooperation.

Situ Yongyi's current plan is already very clear. No matter what other connections there are between Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi, it will not cause too much trouble. As long as Dongfang Lianshan and Situ Yongyi If they have their own plans, then the troubles on Dongfang Lianshan will be reduced a lot. As for Situ Yongyi, if Dongfang Lianshan truly cooperates, it will eliminate future risks. Bai Qiuwu's plan, Situ Yongyi is now Forced to acknowledge.

At this special moment, Dongfang Lianshan also needs to act as soon as possible in order to truly feel at ease. Situ Yongyi's plan is very clear, which is to have more cooperation with Bai Qiuwu. What Dongfang Lianshan will consider specifically is not a matter of fact. For major matters, what Situ Yongyi wants is to truly resolve risks. As for Dongfang Lianshan's own plan, it is still based on Bai Qiuwu's plan. Situ Yongyi will not think about conflicts with Bai Qiuwu, and Dongfang Lianshan will not think about it. There will be too much planning.

"The Situ family and Dongfang Lianshan are both important. Situ Yongyi wants to win over me so that the Situ family can investigate as soon as possible. This is not a bad thing, but there are some secrets about Dongfang Lianshan and the company. I still don't want to tell Situ Yongyi, don’t let Dongfang Lianshan get into trouble, otherwise..."

"Right now, Situ Yongyi is willing to help me and let Dongfang Lianshan cooperate with the Situ family. This is because Situ Yongyi thinks that Dongfang Lianshan and I are useful. Once Situ Yongyi guides many things, he feels that Dongfang Lianshan and I are useless. If so, Situ Yongyi will not continue to help Dongfang Lianshan."

Bai Qiuwu, who knew something about Situ Yongyi, knew that Dongfang Lianshan and the company were willing to cooperate. However, Situ Yongyi only wanted to know the plans of the company and Dongfang Lianshan. Situ Yongyi wanted to know from Bai Qiuwu Now, Dongfang Lianshan’s next move, and Situ Yongyi wants to know how many people in Dongfang Lianshan and the company know the secrets of the Situ family. Situ Yongyi will still be willing to cooperate if he can help with the specific situation. Once he knows , cooperation is difficult to carry out.

Therefore, Bai Qiuwu is very cautious now and tries his best to ensure that there is more cooperation between him and Situ Yongyi, rather than saying that cooperation is impossible.

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