Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 315: Strange Town, Advance Discussion

In Huangquan Town, Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu came into a small shop. Even though it was dinner time, there were not many people in the shop, and it seemed that no one had been here for a long time. In Huangquan Town, this kind of place was actually very normal. After all, there were not too many people in the town, so the shops were of course half open and half closed. Without much income, how could some business owners do business normally? They would only continue to do business when there were customers, and would not be open all day for a long time.

This place used to belong to the Situ family, and it was prosperous. However, the Situ family would not always control Huangquan Town. After many people from the Situ family left, Huangquan Town was completely defeated. Even if some tourists came occasionally, it would not allow the people of Huangquan Town to gain more. Many people from the Situ family were the customers of most people in Huangquan Town. It was not that the Situ family in Huangquan Town would have any other opportunities after the Situ family left.

The departure of the Situ family has caused a lot of trouble. Many people in Huangquan Town chose to leave Huangquan Town because they could not make a living in Huangquan Town. This is very important. What big plans the Situ family has has nothing to do with these people in Huangquan Town. Now that there is no Situ family as a backer, the remaining people in Huangquan Town can only stay in Huangquan Town reluctantly. After all, these people are either the elderly, the weak, women and children, or they have been here for many years and do not want to leave Huangquan Town.

"There are only 31 bowls of vegetarian noodles. Once you finish eating, leave quickly. The town is not accepting guests from outside recently. After you finish eating, you have half an hour to leave, which is enough time for you to leave Huangquan Town!"

An old woman came over slowly and said something coldly. She glanced at Situ Yongyi and the people in plain clothes from the Situ family. The old woman was ordering them to leave. Moreover, the old woman only gave them half an hour. Huangquan Town does not welcome outsiders recently. Even some tourists would not make the people in Huangquan Town happy. After all, these people could not have business every day. If tourists came to Huangquan Town, it would cause a lot of trouble for Huangquan Town.

Situ Yongyi was aware of the many troubles of the Situ family, but the next threat from the Situ family would need to be dealt with by Situ Yongyi himself. If the Situ family wanted to be truly safe in the future, Situ Yongyi needed to make certain plans on his own. Only then would the Situ family be able to be more stable in the future. Situ Yongyi himself also needed to be prepared. To solve these troubles of the Situ family, Situ Yongyi needed to make plans on his own. Only then would the crisis of the Situ family be reduced later.

And Situ Yongyi originally did not have to plan to make certain changes to the Situ family, but the cooperation between Situ Yongyi and the Situ family also caused certain troubles for Situ Yongyi. How to deal with the threat from the Situ family, Situ Yongyi himself did not know. He could only make the Situ family safe temporarily, and then Situ Yongyi would not have to worry about any other turmoil in the Situ family. This was already extremely critical. Situ Yongyi could only cooperate with Bai Qiuwu so that the Situ family would not have any trouble.

"Now that the Situ family has Miss Bai's help, there are indeed fewer troubles. The Situ family will have fewer troubles. In the future, if Miss Bai needs help from the Situ family, she can ask directly. The Situ family is willing to have more cooperation with Miss Bai. Huang Quanzhen and his party will go directly to the depths to take a look. There should be clues."

"Although the Situ family has left Huangquan Town for many years, if they want to investigate now, there won't be too many problems. I can assure Miss Bai that this time in Huangquan Town, there will be certain gains. The Situ family is also trying to collect more information and complete the investigation as soon as possible."

Now, after hearing this, Situ Yongyi glanced at Bai Qiuwu. Bai Qiuwu was also sitting in the store and did not express anything else. Situ Yongyi did not need to say much about the affairs of the Situ family. Anyway, the Situ family had no trouble. The cooperation between Bai Qiuwu and Situ Yongyi would also be beneficial to Bai Qiuwu. Therefore, the risk of the Situ family had been reduced. Situ Yongyi needed to think it over carefully, and then the crisis of the Situ family would disappear in the future. Otherwise, Situ Yongyi's pressure would only increase.

The people they met along the way in Huangquan Town all had strange attitudes, which made the people of the Situ family a little unhappy, but Bai Qiuwu didn't feel anything else. These people in Huangquan Town were extremely miserable and under great pressure. Could it be that they needed to be extremely enthusiastic when they saw outsiders on the road? These people of the Situ family were welcomed and comfortable wherever they went, but when they arrived at Huangquan Town, which was previously the territory of the Situ family, it was a bit awkward, and the people of the Situ family were naturally dissatisfied.

It's just that Situ Yongyi didn't say much now, and Bai Qiuwu was even more calm. He accepted the dissatisfied attitude of the old lady and some people in Huangquan Town. In this way, no matter what the Situ family does, the future risks will be minimized, and Situ Yongyi's pressure can also be reduced. Otherwise, the Situ family will only face a bigger crisis. But Situ Yongyi is still not ready. The Situ family must try their best to solve their own threats. Situ Yongyi already has many plans.

Situ Yongyi assured Bai Qiuwu that the future risks of the Situ family can be resolved. Situ Yongyi can guarantee this. As for whether the Situ family will have no troubles in the future, Situ Yongyi doesn't know, but Situ Yongyi now knows a lot about the Situ family. The Situ family will first cooperate with Bai Qiuwu to ensure that there will be no problems in the current investigation. This is enough. After Bai Qiuwu has investigated certain results, Situ Yongyi's risks will be reduced.

Now that Situ Yongyi has made certain preparations himself, the threat from the Situ family will be reduced in the future. Otherwise, Situ Yongyi will only have additional troubles. The threat from the Situ family has been dealt with directly, and Situ Yongyi's pressure will be reduced in the future. The plan of the Situ family is very clear, that is, let Situ Yongyi cooperate with Bai Qiuwu first. Now the Situ family has also changed to a certain extent. Situ Yongyi at least does not have to worry about the people of the Situ family covering up the affairs of Liu San and his wife. Situ Yongyi is very clear that this is more important.

"Many troubles have arisen for the Situ family, and they still need Bai Qiuwu's help. Otherwise, the Situ family will only face additional risks. The Situ family cannot be too anxious now. They must cooperate with Bai Qiuwu as soon as possible to ensure that the Situ family is more stable so that there will be no other troubles. Otherwise, the Situ family will face more threats."

"Before, the Situ family had no other hidden dangers, just because there were no troubles on the surface. The Situ family looked glamorous, but in fact, they already had a lot of troubles. Now with Bai Qiuwu's help, perhaps they can be truly safe. However, these people in the Situ family still cannot think that there is no risk."

Situ Yongyi, who knows many people in the Situ family, naturally knows that many people in the Situ family have many little thoughts at the moment. Situ Yongyi can only find a way as soon as possible to prevent the Situ family from having any additional troubles. Now that Situ Yongyi trusts Bai Qiuwu, it is natural that the threat of the Situ family is reduced, and Situ Yongyi can be at ease in the future. It is not that Situ Yongyi will leave all the subsequent affairs of the Situ family to Bai Qiuwu. This is impossible. The troubles that the Situ family still has need to be solved by Situ Yongyi. Today's Situ Yongyi needs to prepare as soon as possible, so that the Situ family will not have other risks in the future. Situ Yongyi himself wants to be free of threats, and the people of the Situ family want to sit back and relax, so Situ Yongyi must promote changes in the Situ family. At least Situ Yongyi must make up for the mistakes of the Situ family, so that Situ Yongyi's troubles will be directly reduced in the future. Situ Yongyi also needs to understand some of the Situ family's secret plans himself before he can help the people of the Situ family.

For Situ Yongyi, there are many things that need to be done next. These people in the Situ family cannot be anxious. Situ Yongyi himself knows very well that the Situ family may not be able to get away from trouble, but for Situ Yongyi, the Situ family at this time has already had many variables. Situ Yongyi can make the Situ family truly safe, but Situ Yongyi needs to make Bai Qiuwu feel no pressure. Situ Yongyi actually agrees with this, not that the Situ family will pose any more threats.

At the moment, Situ Yongyi already knows what he should do to make the Situ family more stable, and Situ Yongyi can only ensure the stability of the Situ family if he takes action as soon as possible. Situ Yongyi can only consider how to deal with future threats, otherwise the affairs of the Situ family will cause Situ Yongyi more trouble. The threat of the Situ family needs to be dealt with by Situ Yongyi as soon as possible. After all, the Situ family is lucky to meet Bai Qiuwu. Situ Yongyi and the Situ family don't have much time.

The Situ family is actually not stable now because of the matter of Liu San and his wife's child. If Situ Yongyi needs to make the Situ family stable, the only way Situ Yongyi can think of is for the Situ family to truly be recognized by Liu San and his wife. Situ Yongyi does not have to convince the people of the Situ family, and the people of the Situ family can solve the problem later. In this way, Situ Yongyi's troubles will also be reduced. After all, if many people in the Situ family do not want to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, Situ Yongyi has no choice.

"It is very important that the Situ family can change to a certain extent. Miss Situ does not need to worry. As for some information about Huangquan Town, the Situ family can slowly collect it. It is not urgent. After all, it is more important for Miss Situ to conduct on-site investigations in Huangquan Town. The Situ family does have a lot of cooperation."

"Miss Situ was worried about some hidden dangers of the Situ family in the past. Now, Miss Situ doesn't have to worry. If the Situ family is in trouble, just treat it like this when Miss Situ is solving the problem of Liu San and his wife. As long as the Situ family can truly solve the trouble, it will naturally be safe in the future."

Bai Qiuwu did not accept Situ Yongyi's invitation. The Situ family now wanted to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu to investigate the affairs of Huangquan Town. Bai Qiuwu could give Situ Yongyi face. The Situ family was willing to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, which was not a bad thing. But Situ Yongyi wanted Bai Qiuwu to help solve all the troubles. The Situ family would completely rely on Bai Qiuwu in the future, which was naturally impossible. Situ Yongyi felt that Bai Qiuwu had a good relationship with the company, so it would be best for him to become an assistant to the Situ family, but this was impossible.

The Situ family has already faced many risks. If Situ Yongyi does not consider the threat from the Situ family and does not really try to solve it, then the trouble of the Situ family this time can be temporarily suppressed by Situ Yongyi. In the future, the Situ family will not have more opportunities, but many hidden dangers. Situ Yongyi himself knows that the internal situation of the Situ family is not so stable. Now Situ Yongyi is asked by the people of the Situ family to cooperate directly with Bai Qiuwu, and there is nothing he can do.

Because Situ Yongyi understood these people in the Situ family, Situ Yongyi himself also knew that many people in the Situ family were not truly cooperating, but were forced to do so, so he chose to let Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu cooperate. If many people in the Situ family could resolve future risks as soon as possible without any other pressure, in fact, Situ Yongyi would not have to calculate anything else. At the moment, the plan of the Situ family is actually very clear, that is, Situ Yongyi try his best to stabilize the overall situation, and the Situ family will get through the difficulties.

But it is not so difficult for Situ Yongyi to keep the Situ family out of trouble for the time being. The most important thing is that what Situ Yongyi can do is to make the Situ family safer. Now Situ Yongyi has no other way to truly solve many troubles in the future. The Situ family can't always think about how to solve other troubles in the future, and Situ Yongyi can't just think that there will be other opportunities in the future and he doesn't need to rush. Now Situ Yongyi wants to solve the threat of the Situ family once and for all.

The current Situ family actually faces quite a few threats. What Situ Yongyi can do is not only to make the Situ family truly safe. In fact, Situ Yongyi can find a way to make certain changes within the Situ family. Situ Yongyi can try to cheer up, instead of saying that the Situ family is in trouble. It is difficult for Situ Yongyi to resolve the risks at this time. The Situ family is indeed in danger, but Situ Yongyi can cooperate with Bai Qiuwu to ensure that the Situ family will no longer have any other troubles.

"Situ Yongyi really treats me like a fool. Once I agree to cooperate completely with the Situ family, if Situ Yongyi and the Situ family have more troubles in the future, I will have to cooperate with Situ Yongyi to cover up more crises for the Situ family. The current risk to Situ Yongyi and the Situ family is not great, so it naturally doesn't matter."

"But Situ Yongyi himself doesn't know how many secrets the Situ family has. Situ Yongyi wants to get me to cooperate, which is a big problem. I can't be stupid enough to cooperate with the Situ family. Situ Yongyi still has to wait. The threat from the Situ family will decrease in the future. Long-term cooperation is not very important."

Bai Qiuwu naturally knew about Situ Yongyi's little thoughts. (End of this chapter)

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