Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 316 Knowing everything and preparing in advance

Chapter 316 Knowing everything and preparing in advance

In Huangquan Town, Situ Yongyi's pressure has been reduced a little. Bai Qiuwu is also looking at the information, trying to understand the current Huangquan Town as much as possible. It is not that Bai Qiuwu still has to plan at this time, so that there will be no other troubles in the future. This is an opportunity for the Situ family. Situ Yongyi must also be as careful as possible, so that the risks of the Situ family will not increase in the future. Situ Yongyi did not say that there would be no threat to the Situ family, but at least Situ Yongyi had to think about not letting the Situ family have more risks.

What Situ Yongyi needs to do now is to investigate the affairs of Huang Quan Town as soon as possible, rather than focusing on the troubles of the Situ family. If Situ Yongyi can think of a way to prevent Huang Quan Town from getting into trouble, then the Situ family will still have some time to resolve many future threats. However, Situ Yongyi did not prepare the Situ family, and in the future Situ Yongyi will only cause more trouble for the Situ family. Situ Yongyi cannot just think about the risks he is facing right now.

The Situ family is in a lot of trouble right now. If Situ Yongyi really wants to have no pressure, then the crisis of the Situ family still needs to be planned by Situ Yongyi as early as possible. Only then will the pressure on the Situ family be reduced in the future. It is not that Situ Yongyi has to plan and rely on Bai Qiuwu for a long time to solve the many troubles of the Situ family. It is impossible for Situ Yongyi to make the Situ family free of trouble by relying on Bai Qiuwu. On the contrary, Situ Yongyi needs Bai Qiuwu to solve the threat of the Situ family, which is Situ Yongyi's mistake.

If Situ Yongyi doesn't think about handling the Situ family's problems himself, the Situ family will only face more threats in the future. Situ Yongyi has not thought about solving the Situ family's problems fundamentally, let alone whether Situ Yongyi is thinking about stabilizing the Situ family. Situ Yongyi has no plan, which will only add to the Situ family's troubles. At that time, Situ Yongyi will face more threats, and the Situ family will have more turmoil. Otherwise, Situ Yongyi will still be in trouble.

In order to make the Situ family safer, Situ Yongyi should make preparations as early as possible in the future so that the Situ family will not have any troubles in the future. Situ Yongyi has tried his best to ensure the stability of the Situ family. However, Situ Yongyi himself understands that Situ family affairs need Situ Yongyi to find a way to handle them. If Situ Yongyi still has many concerns about the Situ family affairs and cannot make certain plans on his own, the Situ family at that time will only cause Situ Yongyi more troubles.

"As long as the many risks of the Situ family can be resolved, then the Situ family will naturally thank Miss Bai. Now the investigation in Huangquan Town will be completed quickly to ensure the stability of the Situ family. We need to thank Miss Bai for this. Otherwise, the Situ family will really be in crisis."

"Now the Situ family is willing to cooperate with the investigation, and the Situ family will not escape from their past mistakes. No matter what risks there will be in the future, the Situ family will take the initiative to assume responsibility and ensure that no more trouble will be caused. The Situ family is already trying to resolve more hidden dangers."

Situ Yongyi said this now, he was indeed extremely grateful to Bai Qiuwu. After all, many of the troubles of the Situ family were indeed solved by Bai Qiuwu. Situ Yongyi also understood what Bai Qiuwu meant, so Situ Yongyi would actually solve the Situ family's affairs himself and would not put too much pressure on Bai Qiuwu. It was indeed inappropriate for Situ Yongyi to involve Bai Qiuwu in the threat of the Situ family. Letting the Situ family be more stable was what Situ Yongyi should do.

The Situ family is not so stable now. All Situ Yongyi can do is to make the Situ family more stable. In the future, Situ Yongyi will have to take action as soon as possible. If risks arise in the Situ family in the future, Situ Yongyi has ways to solve the troubles. Whether there will be more crises depends mainly on how Situ Yongyi himself plans. Situ Yongyi can find a way to solve the threat to the Situ family, but it is hard to say whether the Situ family can remain stable for a long time.

If Situ Yongyi wants to make sure that there is no threat to the Situ family, then Situ Yongyi must have certain plans so that there will be no other variables in the future of the Situ family. Situ Yongyi has already made preparations to make the Situ family much safer. For Situ Yongyi, there are actually a lot of things to do, so he can't be anxious at the moment. The threats to the Situ family need to be dealt with by Situ Yongyi so that the Situ family will not have any more troubles in the future. Situ Yongyi still has to solve more crises.

The Situ family is now in more trouble, mainly because many people have made a lot of private moves. Situ Yongyi needs to continue to take action to deal with the people of the Situ family. For Situ Yongyi, he should try his best to make the Situ family truly stable. Only then will the pressure on Situ Yongyi be reduced directly in the future. Otherwise, the Situ family will only have more threats. Situ Yongyi cannot be too anxious, otherwise many people in the Situ family will definitely have more troubles. Situ Yongyi himself still needs to be careful.

The Situ family still has a lot of troubles at this time. Situ Yongyi himself knows that the threat from the Situ family needs to be resolved in order for Situ Yongyi to feel a little more at ease in the future. It is a big problem that people from the Situ family make mistakes. What Situ Yongyi has to do now is, on the one hand, let the Situ family investigate as soon as possible. On the other hand, Situ Yongyi should ask the people in the company not to investigate the Situ family. Then Situ Yongyi should make sure that there are no other troubles within the Situ family.

"The Situ family is in so much trouble now. They can only cooperate with Bai Qiuwu first. Only then will the Situ family be temporarily stable. But Bai Qiuwu can't help the Situ family forever. So the Situ family has to find a way to prevent others from taking action. Then, after a certain period of time, there will be no trouble."

"The current Situ family has already experienced a lot of turmoil. Although it seems that the Situ family can still dominate, in fact, many people are targeting them. If they want to avoid any trouble, the Situ family can only prepare themselves. Only then will the Situ family face less trouble in the future. The Situ family should not be too anxious."

Now Situ Yongyi is also aware that the Situ family is in more trouble, and this is not something he can solve quickly. Even if Situ Yongyi has made certain preparations, he cannot ensure that the Situ family is free of other threats. Situ Yongyi should not have any other calculations at the moment. Since the Situ family is in trouble, Situ Yongyi should find a way to prevent the Situ family from having any additional hidden dangers. What Situ Yongyi has to do is to make the Situ family truly stable. Now Situ Yongyi needs to be calm.

As the direct descendant of the Situ family, Situ Yongyi must now try his best to make the Situ family recognized by Bai Qiuwu, so that the troubles of the Situ family will be reduced. Later, Situ Yongyi can think of more ways to ensure that there will be no other threats to the subsequent Situ family. Situ Yongyi still needs to make certain plans on his own. The troubles of the Situ family need to be handled by Situ Yongyi himself, and the turmoil of the Situ family is also gradually decreasing. After all, Situ Yongyi has temporarily won over Bai Qiuwu, and the current Situ family will not have any additional troubles soon. Situ Yongyi at least does not have to worry about any other conflicts in the Situ family in the future. If Situ Yongyi can find a way to make the Situ family truly safe, then Situ Yongyi's pressure will naturally not increase. After all, Situ Yongyi cannot solve the affairs of the Situ family by himself, and needs the assistance of others for the Situ family. Moreover, Situ Yongyi knows that he does not have much time.

The troubles of the Situ family have increased because of some secrets. Situ Yongyi can only make sure that the people of the Situ family don't have any troubles. Now Situ Yongyi will no longer have any other troubles. Many people in the Situ family will no longer have any other hidden dangers. It's just that Situ Yongyi needs to pay attention as much as possible now to prevent the Situ family from being threatened. Situ Yongyi also needs to be prepared, otherwise the Situ family will have troubles in the future.

Situ Yongyi's plan is very clear, which is to try to make the people of the Situ family temporarily safe, and then Situ Yongyi will find a way to prevent the Situ family from having any additional crises. Situ Yongyi's plan will always succeed, and the pressure on the Situ family will be reduced directly. However, Situ Yongyi is very clear that there are actually many variables in the future for the Situ family. Situ Yongyi cannot do nothing. After all, many people in the Situ family are already very worried, so Situ Yongyi has to be careful.

"Miss Situ is able to say these things now, and the Situ family can have certain changes in the future. This is a good thing. As for the many troubles of the Situ family in the future, I can't guarantee whether they can be handled well, but the Situ family only needs to do what they should do. In fact, there is no need to worry about the rest. After all, as long as there is sincerity, it will be fine."

"As long as Miss Situ can get the Situ family to solve many problems with sincerity, Miss Situ can rest assured in the future. Many people are willing to accept the Situ family's sincerity, and Miss Situ's pressure can naturally be reduced. The Situ family just needs to be cautious and handle the troubles correctly."

Bai Qiuwu told Situ Yongyi what these people of the Situ family should do in the future so that they won't have too much trouble. Situ Yongyi shouldn't think that the Situ family will be safe soon. Now Situ Yongyi needs to know that the Situ family will not be stable soon, because Situ Yongyi himself knows very well that the Situ family has made many mistakes, so now that things have come to this, Situ Yongyi still has to solve many troubles by himself, otherwise the Situ family will only have more troubles.

The Situ family is not so peaceful at the moment, and what Situ Yongyi needs to do is to try his best to avoid other conflicts in the Situ family, and then Situ Yongyi's pressure can be really reduced. The Situ family needs Situ Yongyi to solve some threats, so the Situ family must be prepared. Some of Situ Yongyi's future plans will make the people of the Situ family pay a price. In fact, Situ Yongyi doesn't want the Situ family to have any more troubles, so Situ Yongyi still can't be too anxious.

Situ Yongyi was well aware of the many troubles of the Situ family, but he had not figured out how much the Situ family would have to pay to solve their own troubles. The Situ family now should not be too anxious. Situ Yongyi still had to be prepared so that the threat from the Situ family would be reduced in the future. If Situ Yongyi was too anxious, the crises of the Situ family would continue to increase. Situ Yongyi himself needed to be cautious so that the risks of the Situ family could be dealt with.

At the moment, Situ Yongyi should think of ways to make the Situ family more stable, instead of making any more calculations. Perhaps the threat from the Situ family is not so easy to deal with. At the moment, Situ Yongyi should make the Situ family truly safe, otherwise the pressure on Situ Yongyi will increase directly in the future. If the Situ family wants to be safe, then Situ Yongyi will naturally not have any additional hidden dangers in the future, and the Situ family will have less trouble later.

For Situ Yongyi, now he should try his best to prevent the Situ family from having any other troubles, so that Situ Yongyi's plan can succeed. Otherwise, the threat from the Situ family will increase. Bai Qiuwu can help Situ Yongyi, but the premise of Bai Qiuwu's help to the Situ family is that Situ Yongyi helps Bai Qiuwu, not that these people in the Situ family do nothing. Bai Qiuwu will provide certain help to Situ Yongyi and the Situ family next. The situation has gradually changed, and Situ Yongyi cannot be anxious.

"If Situ Yongyi had made some plans as soon as possible, the crisis of the Situ family would naturally be reduced in the future. But if Situ Yongyi still thinks that the Situ family can decide for themselves what they will gain in the future, Situ Yongyi did not help the Situ family solve the trouble, but only covered up the threat, so there will naturally be a crisis."

"It's just that it's not difficult for Situ Yongyi to make certain preparations at this time, but the current situation is unpredictable. Whether the Situ family can be stable for a long time requires Situ Yongyi to plan well, so that the Situ family can be stable. Situ Yongyi can see the overall situation clearly and know what the Situ family should do."

Bai Qiuwu does not have a good solution to the troubles of Situ Yongyi and the Situ family. Situ Yongyi himself understands that, in fact, the Situ family has many variables, and Situ Yongyi is willing to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu to deal with the many troubles of the Situ family. This is more important. Situ Yongyi does not have to worry about a long-term crisis. Then the Situ family has only one way, that is, Situ Yongyi handles the threat of the Situ family by himself, and Situ Yongyi should not let the secrets of the Situ family be exposed.

The Situ family is in some trouble right now, and Situ Yongyi is considering letting this group of people in the Situ family truly cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, so that Situ Yongyi's pressure will be reduced in the future. This is better. The Situ family cannot have any additional risks. Situ Yongyi still needs to consider as soon as possible what price he is willing to pay. Many people in the Situ family must also support Situ Yongyi, otherwise the Situ family will have more troubles and Situ Yongyi will also have more pressure.

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