Chapter 317 Many Secrets
In Huangquan Town, Situ Yongyi's pressure gradually decreased. Because of Bai Qiuwu's help, Situ Yongyi did not have to fear future threats in the crisis of the Situ family. This was an opportunity for many people in the Situ family. Situ Yongyi could not always think that he was lucky and the Situ family would not have any trouble. Situ Yongyi needed to understand that Bai Qiuwu was not the savior of the Situ family. Only when Situ Yongyi and the Situ family were completely united would there be no trouble.

Many people in the Situ family have already felt a lot of pressure, and whether Situ Yongyi can truly stabilize the situation depends mainly on the investigation of Huang Quanzhen. Some people in the Situ family are very clear that Situ Yongyi is facing more risks, but at this time, there are many variables in the Situ family, and Situ Yongyi must try his best to stabilize the overall situation so that he can reduce his own troubles in the future. The Situ family cannot have any additional risks, otherwise Situ Yongyi at this time can only make the Situ family temporarily safe.

Situ Yongyi was also very clear that it was impossible for the Situ family to be free of trouble, but Situ Yongyi also understood that he needed to be prepared for many things so that the Situ family would be safer in the future. However, Situ Yongyi was willing to make some changes to the Situ family and consolidate the foundation of the Situ family. This was more important. Situ Yongyi had already made sure that the Situ family had no other troubles. This was more important. At the moment, Situ Yongyi still had to make sure that the Situ family had no pressure.

Now Situ Yongyi can only make the Situ family more stable. If Situ Yongyi can prepare himself, then there will naturally be no other conflicts in the Situ family in the future. Situ Yongyi himself cannot think about some of the Situ family's previous handling methods. Situ Yongyi also knows that the risks of the Situ family are gradually increasing. For Situ Yongyi, stabilizing the situation of the Situ family is a great opportunity at the moment, but Situ Yongyi still needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

The crisis of the Situ family is increasing. This is an opportunity for Situ Yongyi, but the troubles of the Situ family are increasing. Situ Yongyi himself cannot be too anxious. The problems of the Situ family are like the ice that is three feet thick and it didn't freeze overnight. If Situ Yongyi still thinks that Bai Qiuwu can solve the threat of the Situ family in one go, then Situ Yongyi will only make the Situ family threatened. Bai Qiuwu will not guarantee Situ Yongyi that the Situ family will not be in trouble, but even if Situ Yongyi gets Bai Qiuwu's guarantee, I am afraid he will not feel at ease.

"Miss Bai is right. The Situ family has indeed had a lot of troubles, but the Situ family is more sincere, so many troubles in the future will naturally be reduced. Many people in the Situ family will no longer have other hidden dangers. In the future, everyone in the Situ family needs to thank Miss Bai."

"The Situ family has already had a lot of troubles, and the threats from the Situ family have increased. This is unavoidable. Some of the previous mistakes do require a price to be paid. The Situ family is also prepared. When solving the problem, there will be a lot of sincerity, and there will definitely be no other tricks."

Situ Yongyi couldn't say much else. There were too many threats from the Situ family. Situ Yongyi couldn't handle them by himself, and Bai Qiuwu couldn't solve them immediately. Now Bai Qiuwu deceived the people of the Situ family and coaxed Situ Yongyi, and then Bai Qiuwu made these people of the Situ family feel no pressure. Situ Yongyi's plan shouldn't have too many problems. The Situ family still had to be safer. Situ Yongyi couldn't rely on Bai Qiuwu, nor could he rely on the help of others to ensure that the Situ family would have no other hidden dangers.

At the moment, Situ Yongyi still has to find a way to prevent the Situ family from having any additional conflicts. This is more important. If Situ Yongyi's plan can succeed and Bai Qiuwu is satisfied with the Situ family, then Situ Yongyi still has a certain chance. It's not that the Situ family is in trouble, but Situ Yongyi has no way to keep the Situ family stable. Now Situ Yongyi has more opportunities. At least Bai Qiuwu doesn't hate the Situ family for the time being.

Situ Yongyi needs to ensure that there are no other crises for the Situ family, so Situ Yongyi can only have certain plans, otherwise the threat to the Situ family will increase. Situ Yongyi is filling a hole for the Situ family, otherwise the threat to Situ Yongyi will increase, which is a bigger threat. The Situ family needs to try their best to find a way to prevent Situ Yongyi from having any other risks. The Situ family needs Situ Yongyi to win over Bai Qiuwu, so the Situ family is willing to take certain actions, and Situ Yongyi still has to wait as much as possible.

Many people in the Situ family no longer have any other pressure. What Situ Yongyi can do is to ensure that the Situ family will not have any other risks in the future. The current Situ Yongyi also needs to think carefully so that the Situ family will not have any other risks in the future. This is actually extremely important. Situ Yongyi cannot be anxious in the future, and these people in the Situ family cannot be anxious either. In the future, Situ Yongyi will try his best to ensure that the Situ family will not have any other conflicts.

And Situ Yongyi needs someone to provide certain help, so that the Situ family will not be threatened by other means. Situ Yongyi must try his best to make the Situ family truly stable. Now Situ Yongyi still needs to be as careful as possible, so that there will be less trouble in the future. As long as the big figures of the Situ family are still thinking about it, they will try their best to make Situ Yongyi no threat. Many threats to the Situ family will be directly solved, and Situ Yongyi’s current troubles will gradually be eliminated. The Situ family will face many threats.

"The hidden dangers of the Situ family cannot be placed on Bai Qiuwu. Some people in the family are just daydreaming. How could Bai Qiuwu be so stupid? The Situ family has been in a lot of turmoil. Now these people in the Situ family have a lot of calculations, which is even more troublesome."

"Let most of the Situ family be safe for the time being, and then I will report and try to solve all the problems that the Situ family has had for so many years, so that there will be no additional hidden dangers. The crisis of the Situ family can only be resolved at a certain price, and then there will be no threat to the Situ family."

Now Situ Yongyi also knows that the Situ family has many problems. It is impossible for Situ Yongyi to have no troubles. He is actually dreaming to think that the Situ family has no risks. These hidden dangers of the Situ family cannot be transferred to Bai Qiuwu, which is also more troublesome. Situ Yongyi himself also wants to make the Situ family safer, but at this time, Situ Yongyi can only hope that he will be more stable in the future.

In the past, Situ Yongyi would not directly plan other plans, and what the Situ family needs now is to reduce the pressure on Situ Yongyi and the threats of the Situ family. Situ Yongyi should try his best to deal with the crisis of the Situ family. It seems that Situ Yongyi has no pressure, but there are still certain troubles, which are like a shadow hanging over the heads of the people of the Situ family. Situ Yongyi can only think about making the Situ family more stable, so that Situ Yongyi can feel at ease. The threats of the Situ family are not few. Now Situ Yongyi should also try his best to make the people of the Situ family realize that some of their previous plans are indeed problematic. If Situ Yongyi's plan is successful, the Situ family will not have other troubles in the future. Otherwise, if Situ Yongyi is not careful, the threats of the Situ family will only increase in the future, which will also make Situ Yongyi more stressed. This group of people in the Situ family should not have other plans all the time.

Situ Yongyi has been trying his best to make the Situ family more stable and avoid any other turmoil in the future. However, Situ Yongyi's idea cannot make the Situ family free of threats. Situ Yongyi still needs to make certain preparations himself. Only then can the Situ family be truly stable in the future. Situ Yongyi's pressure will also be reduced. Only by ensuring the long-term stability of the Situ family will Situ Yongyi no longer have any other sense of crisis. The threat to the Situ family needs Bai Qiuwu's help to deal with it temporarily.

And Situ Yongyi knows that these troubles of the Situ family can only be handled by Situ Yongyi, otherwise the Situ family will only have additional variables, and it will be difficult for Situ Yongyi to keep the Situ family free of troubles. Now Situ Yongyi can't just calculate that he will have many opportunities in the future. The risks of the Situ family will increase, and Situ Yongyi will actually be affected. The troubles of the Situ family need to be handled by Situ Yongyi himself.

"Since the Situ family is in trouble, it is natural for Miss Situ to find a way to make the Situ family safer. Even if I tell Miss Situ that there will be no threat to the Situ family in the future, I will not be able to handle the crisis of the Situ family. So Miss Situ still needs to make preparations for herself now so that she can be safe in the future."

"Miss Situ is willing to be sincere now, so the threats to the Situ family will naturally not increase, allowing the Situ family to be safe. The subsequent Situ family will naturally be much safer, and the troubles of the Situ family will also be solved naturally. This is an opportunity for the Situ family."

For the time being, the Situ family has no reaction to Bai Qiuwu's many plans for Situ Yongyi. Situ Yongyi himself can't trust many people in the Situ family now. For Situ Yongyi, making the Situ family more stable will prevent Situ Yongyi from having more troubles in the future. The many threats to the Situ family must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise Situ Yongyi's crises will continue to increase. As the Situ family is facing more crises now, all Situ Yongyi can do is to prevent the Situ family from having any more conflicts.

When the Situ family was in a certain crisis, Situ Yongyi wanted Bai Qiuwu to help the people of the Situ family. Then Bai Qiuwu could help Situ Yongyi. After all, without Bai Qiuwu's help, the Situ family would not have too many crises without Bai Qiuwu's help. In fact, Situ Yongyi and the Situ family would not have too many crises. Bai Qiuwu was icing on the cake. But if Situ Yongyi thought that the Situ family faced many threats, it would be unnecessary for Situ Yongyi to ask Bai Qiuwu to help the Situ family.

No matter what troubles the Situ family still has, Situ Yongyi has actually already made certain plans to temporarily prevent the Situ family from having any other conflicts. Situ Yongyi himself cannot just think that if Bai Qiuwu helps the Situ family solve the current risks, Situ Yongyi will not have any additional troubles in the future. The crisis of the Situ family requires Situ Yongyi to find a way. The Situ family may be safer in the future, and Situ Yongyi does not have to worry about these people in the Situ family all the time.

At this moment, Situ Yongyi also knew that the Situ family was not so safe, and Situ Yongyi also understood that the people of the Situ family might have done something wrong, so at this time, Situ Yongyi was also thinking about what he should do so that the Situ family would not have any additional conflicts in the future. This was more critical. Situ Yongyi had to find a way to deal with the crisis of the Situ family as soon as possible. After all, Situ Yongyi could already feel the indescribable huge pressure.

Preventing the Situ family from having any more turmoil in the future is more critical for Situ Yongyi. What the Situ family needs to do is to truly stabilize Liu San and his wife, as well as other people who want to deal with the Situ family in secret. Situ Yongyi knows very well that it will not be very difficult for the Situ family to deal with Liu San and his wife, but if Situ Yongyi wants to make sure that the Situ family has no trouble, then the things Situ Yongyi has to do will increase sharply, and the threat from the Situ family will also be resolved in the future.

"It's great that Situ Yongyi has changed to some extent now. As for all the people in the Situ family, they are just like Situ Yongyi and are willing to make the Situ family change. This is naturally impossible. Situ Yongyi himself knows that it is impossible to make everyone in the Situ family change."

"So Situ Yongyi is thinking that if she does a good job of investigating in Huangquan Town, the Situ family won't suffer too much loss in the matter of Liu San and his wife, then Situ Yongyi's plan will naturally not have any problems. This is very important. The Situ family must be more careful. Situ Yongyi must investigate as soon as possible."

At this moment, Bai Qiuwu knew about the troubles of the Situ family, and he also knew that Situ Yongyi would no longer think about solving everything quickly. The crisis of the Situ family was not something that Situ Yongyi could handle immediately. The subsequent people of the Situ family needed to be prepared as soon as possible. Only Situ Yongyi in the future would be able to truly solve more threats. Otherwise, the crises of the Situ family would increase, and Situ Yongyi's risks would increase. It was impossible for the Situ family not to pay more.

Situ Yongyi has certain plans in Huangquan Town, and will try his best to eliminate future troubles. This is an opportunity for the Situ family, but Situ Yongyi is not prepared to ensure that the people of the Situ family will not face any other threats. Situ Yongyi himself thinks that maybe if Bai Qiuwu takes action, the Situ family will not face any additional conflicts.

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