Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 320: Solve it as soon as possible, long-term benefits

Chapter 320: Solve it as soon as possible, long-term benefits

In the restaurant in Huangquan Town, vegetarian noodles were already placed on the table. There were no other dishes, just simple boiled egg noodles. The other members of the Situ family could only make do with it, but Situ Yongyi was pampered, so how could he get used to it? On the other hand, Situ Yongyi was under pressure, so he naturally had no appetite. Now, could it be that Situ Yongyi was still thinking of letting the Situ family deal with some people in the dark, and then Situ Yongyi could pretend to be deaf and dumb and continue to keep the Situ family from having any trouble? This was impossible.

Situ Yongyi and the people of the Situ family can no longer pretend that nothing has happened. For Situ Yongyi, some people of the Situ family may be able to pretend that there are no troubles, but as a direct descendant of the Situ family, Situ Yongyi naturally knows how troublesome the current situation is. Situ Yongyi also needs to plan as soon as possible so that the Situ family will not face any other risks in the future. Situ Yongyi naturally also knows that there have been many crises in the Situ family, but Situ Yongyi's move is a case of closing the fold after the horse has bolted.

According to Situ Yongyi's plan, many people in the Situ family will have a chance to make amends, and then Situ Yongyi can think of ways to prevent the Situ family from facing a greater crisis in the future. Situ Yongyi does this only to prevent the Situ family from having additional risks. After all, Situ Yongyi is very clear that the Situ family is actually riddled with holes. If Situ Yongyi simply wants to keep the Situ family out of trouble, then Situ Yongyi must think about changing the ideas of the people in the Situ family first.

Situ Yongyi could not refute Bai Qiuwu's words, and the threat from the Situ family also required Situ Yongyi to be prepared himself. Otherwise, the Situ family would only face additional threats in the future. All Situ Yongyi could do was to reduce the crisis on the Situ family's side. For Situ Yongyi at the moment, there was no problem with Bai Qiuwu's plan, and the risks to the Situ family would be even less in the future. Situ Yongyi had to make plans of his own to make the Situ family safer.

At the moment, Situ Yongyi also knew that the Situ family was not actually safe, so Situ Yongyi wanted Bai Qiuwu to help resolve the threat to the Situ family. However, Situ Yongyi himself knew that the Situ family needed no other hidden dangers, so Situ Yongyi could only think it over on his own and then resolve more hidden dangers. Otherwise, the threats to the Situ family would increase, and Situ Yongyi would naturally be in trouble. Dealing with the crisis of the Situ family was what Situ Yongyi should do.

"In the future, the threat from the Situ family will indeed be reduced. It is a good thing that the Situ family can get the assistance of Miss Bai. Now that Miss Bai is helping, the troubles of the Situ family will gradually decrease. I will find a way to make the people of the Situ family change. The previous idea was inappropriate."

"The Situ family has undergone some changes. If the Situ family still has some troubles, please help Miss Bai and try to prevent the Situ family from any other threats. The Situ family is willing to make compensation. I can represent the Situ family and agree to many people's requests. Miss Bai can rest assured about this."

Situ Yongyi is very cautious now. If the Situ family's troubles are to be solved, then Situ Yongyi also needs to make the Situ family pay a certain price. If Situ Yongyi's plan succeeds, the Situ family will naturally not have any additional troubles in the future. But if there is a problem with Situ Yongyi's plan, the Situ family will naturally be unstable. Situ Yongyi himself must first be prepared so that he will not be targeted by the Situ family. This is an opportunity for Situ Yongyi, and the threat of the Situ family must be resolved.

At this time, Situ Yongyi was already planning to prevent the Situ family from facing any other threats. If Situ Yongyi and many people in the Situ family really had some cooperation and conducted an investigation in Huangquan Town as soon as possible, Situ Yongyi's troubles in the future would be reduced directly. Instead of the threat from the Situ family, Situ Yongyi knew it in his mind, but he didn't really think about preventing the Situ family from facing any other crisis. Now Situ Yongyi has already made many plans.

What Situ Yongyi can do is to reduce the troubles of the Situ family, but now that Situ Yongyi has arrived in Huangquan Town, looking at the dilapidated scene here, Situ Yongyi actually has no way to solve the troubles of the Situ family. After all, there is still a certain connection between the Situ family and the children of Liu San and his wife. Situ Yongyi also has a lot of troubles on his side. These people in the Situ family may not care about the children of Liu San and his wife, but Situ Yongyi is really sincere about solving the risks of the Situ family, and Situ Yongyi must be prepared.

If Situ Yongyi could handle the many threats from the Situ family by himself, then there would certainly be no additional conflicts in the Situ family in the future. But Situ Yongyi himself knew that the Situ family would not be so peaceful, and Situ Yongyi would no longer have any other troubles. The many hidden dangers of the Situ family were already increasing. Situ Yongyi could not just think about some superficial gains. These people in the Situ family were already unsafe, so Situ Yongyi had to prepare as soon as possible.

At present, many people in the Situ family have already made many plans, and all Situ Yongyi can do is to prevent the Situ family from having any other turmoil. Situ Yongyi still needs to be prepared. After all, the Situ family has already had many troubles and crises. Situ Yongyi still needs to act as soon as possible to prevent the Situ family from having any other troubles. In fact, Situ Yongyi himself does not know whether he can stabilize the Situ family. He can only try his best to make the Situ family not threatened.

"For the Situ family's affairs, we really have to rely on Bai Qiuwu now. In the future, the Situ family will not have any other troubles. The troubles that the Situ family had in the past will increase. However, as long as we make it clear with Bai Qiuwu now, we can always find a way to solve the many troubles of the Situ family later. Bai Qiuwu knows it well."

"What Bai Qiuwu needs now is stability. If the Situ family is in great danger, then the company, the Situ family and more people will be in trouble. Bai Qiuwu will find a way to prevent the Situ family from having other threats. This is the Situ family putting pressure on Bai Qiuwu, but the Situ family will compensate Bai Qiuwu."

At this time, the threat from the Situ family needs Bai Qiuwu's help to solve. Situ Yongyi also knows that some of the Situ family's plans are likely to make Bai Qiuwu dissatisfied, but Situ Yongyi has no other strategy. The Situ family is in risk, and Situ Yongyi always has to consider the people of the Situ family. Instead of thinking about how to make Bai Qiuwu avoid trouble and then get benefits quickly, the Situ family cooperates with Bai Qiuwu, and Situ Yongyi can give Bai Qiuwu many benefits.

The Situ family is indeed in trouble, and Situ Yongyi has no way to solve the threat of the Situ family, but Situ Yongyi suggested to find a way to make the Situ family more stable, so that Situ Yongyi's pressure will really decrease in the future, otherwise the Situ family will have more troubles. Situ Yongyi always has pressure in his heart. The threat of the Situ family needs Situ Yongyi to deal with it himself, so that there will be no additional threats to the subsequent Situ family. Situ Yongyi needs to have a certain plan. The current Situ family is not so stable, and Situ Yongyi can only prepare as soon as possible, so that the troubles of the Situ family will decrease in the future. Otherwise, if Situ Yongyi is not prepared at all, I am afraid that the Situ family will only have more risks at that time. Situ Yongyi can't think that he is not prepared at all at the moment. Many people are secretly watching the Situ family, so Situ Yongyi must be extremely cautious, so that the crisis of the Situ family will decrease in the future.

Situ Yongyi has his own plans. First, he has to ensure that the current Situ family can truly stabilize, then Situ Yongyi's risks will naturally be reduced. Otherwise, Situ Yongyi will not be able to solve the many threats from the Situ family. Then the crises of the Situ family will increase, and Situ Yongyi will face more crises in the future. The Situ family is already uneasy, so Situ Yongyi needs to think about how to solve the threats from the Situ family. This is an opportunity for Situ Yongyi.

"The current Situ family is indeed unstable, but Miss Situ doesn't need to worry too much. Will there be any additional troubles for the Situ family in the future? The Situ family has certain troubles, but the threat of the Situ family can be resolved. After all, as long as it does not put pressure on all parties and the Situ family is sincere, it will be fine."

"Many people in the Situ family think that if there are certain changes, then the troubles of the Situ family will naturally not increase. After all, the Situ family has dealt with the threats themselves, so why should the Situ family worry about the many risks in the future? Moreover, the Situ family has experienced these risks, so they will naturally be more restrained."

Bai Qiuwu comforted Situ Yongyi by saying that many people in the Situ family are very worried now, and some troubles cannot be solved, so it is better to deal with many people in the dark directly. However, Situ Yongyi was influenced by Bai Qiuwu and knew that the Situ family is in certain troubles now. Situ Yongyi must find a way himself and make the Situ family pay the price. Only then will Situ Yongyi's troubles become less in the future. Otherwise, the crisis of the Situ family will only increase, and Situ Yongyi will be under more pressure.

If Situ Yongyi finds a way to take action himself so that the Situ family will not have any other troubles, then Situ Yongyi now also needs to have a certain plan to ensure that the people of the Situ family are slightly safer. If Situ Yongyi has no way to take action and deal with the threat from the Situ family, then Situ Yongyi will only face more threats, and the crisis of the Situ family will increase. If Situ Yongyi still wants to think about whether he will have extra opportunities in the future, it depends on his luck. Now the troubles of the Situ family can be dealt with.

For Situ Yongyi at the moment, the Situ family has already had a lot of troubles, and whether Situ Yongyi can be well prepared to make the Situ family more stable in the future actually depends on whether Situ Yongyi at this time has other plans. Many threats to the Situ family can no longer be eliminated. Now Situ Yongyi should plan as soon as possible to stabilize the Situ family. Situ Yongyi has already understood that he has no other opportunities and the Situ family will no longer be threatened.

Situ Yongyi is already trying his best to plan and ensure that no one of the Situ family will be at risk, even though Situ Yongyi himself is not sure whether he can handle some of the future calculations well. But at this time, the threats to the Situ family have increased, and Situ Yongyi must have certain plans to reduce the hidden dangers of the Situ family. For Situ Yongyi, there will be no other troubles in the future. This is more critical. The Situ family still needs to make certain preparations on their own.

In the past, Situ Yongyi was not really prepared to ensure that the Situ family would not be threatened in the future. But at this time, Situ Yongyi himself understood that the overall situation was out of control, and the Situ family still had to try their best to ensure that Situ Yongyi would not be in crisis. Otherwise, the risk to the Situ family would indeed be unsolvable. Situ Yongyi was already planning to ensure that the Situ family would not be threatened in the future. Situ Yongyi had to be prepared to ensure that the Situ family would not be in crisis in the future.

"Situ Yongyi still thinks too simply about many things of the Situ family. If he wants to keep the Situ family out of trouble, Situ Yongyi still needs to plan as early as possible. Only then will the threat from the Situ family be reduced in the future. Situ Yongyi always wonders whether the crisis of the Situ family can be dealt with as soon as possible."

"If the Situ family's troubles are resolved as soon as possible, then Situ Yongyi will be under great pressure in the future. After all, the threats from the Situ family will increase as soon as possible. This is the risk for Situ Yongyi. Situ Yongyi knows the crisis of the Situ family well. If the Situ family is more stable, Situ Yongyi will not be threatened."

As for the crisis of the Situ family, Bai Qiuwu naturally knew how to stabilize the situation. Situ Yongyi and Situ Shanyun also knew what the Situ family should do. Moreover, some old guys of the Situ family behind Situ Yongyi understood that a certain amount of compensation was needed to avoid other troubles. However, many people in the Situ family knew Situ Yongyi and Bai Qiuwu's ideas, but they might not be able to do it. After all, if Situ Yongyi followed Bai Qiuwu's plan, the Situ family would suffer losses.

Situ Yongyi is a direct descendant of the Situ family. Even if the Situ family suffers certain losses, the Situ family will still train Situ Yongyi. And the compensation that the Situ family gives to all parties is deducted from the hands of many people in the Situ family. Most people in the Situ family are naturally unwilling to let themselves suffer losses. As for Situ Yongyi and the bigwigs of the Situ family, they are worried that the company may take action and use some excuses to deal with the Situ family. In fact, many people in the Situ family are very calm.

Today's Situ Yongyi is naturally not worried about the compensation from the Situ family, but this is the gap between Situ Yongyi and many people in the Situ family. Situ Yongyi cannot understand what most people in the Situ family are going to do.

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