Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 43 This woman is seriously ill

Chapter 43 This woman is seriously ill

Bai Qiuwu didn't think too much when he pounced on him. He only saw the broken bones and the golden light that blinded people.

So her tone was very sincere and gratifying, even mixed with a little excitement, as if she had finally reached her destination after a long journey of thousands of miles, or as if she had picked up a large piece of gold on the roadside.

Pu Yao was stunned for a moment, mainly because the man jumped too unprepared, but he quickly reacted and his brows suddenly furrowed.

This scene was so beautiful and familiar. The last time he was entangled by a drunkard suddenly came into his mind. Puyao's subconscious move was to distance himself from the relationship.

He tried to pull back his sleeve, but it didn't move.

Bai Qiuwu's grip was so tight, he looked more like a money fan than a money fan.

Last time, he accidentally lost track of the person and almost lost the opportunity. Bai Qiuwu must take good care of the person no matter what this time.

As for this man's merit, which is as thick as an Oxford dictionary, as long as his wishes come true a few times, it will be directly comparable to the results of Bai Qiuwu's hard work for several months of live broadcasting.

Who doesn’t like taking shortcuts, and who doesn’t like fragrant spiritual power?

Anyway, Bai Qiuwu likes it very much.

But Fu Fu himself didn't have any of it at all. He was a Dajinshan self-conscious. When he found that his clothes couldn't be pulled off, his face became a little ugly.

"Let go." The man's deep voice contained anger, and he was a little angry.

Not only because of Bai Qiuwu's madness, but also because being seen in public would cause countless troubles.

He didn't want to experience the feeling of being involved in a scandal again.

When Bai Qiuwu heard this, his grip tightened, and he retorted seriously: "Let you go and run away. Then I won't be able to find you. I won't let you go."

How to put it in his tone? He was extremely confident.

As if he thought of something, Bai Qiuwu added before finishing: "Unless you tell me your name and give me your contact information."

She doesn't want to become a crazy person, but the job is not shabby.

Pu Yao almost laughed out loud at her.

This woman is here again. She looks crazy, talks incoherently and has no logic. She is simply a mentally ill prisoner on the run.

It was like this last time, which made him think how much this woman cared about him, but it turned out that he had misunderstood him for a long time. She was actually teasing him and was not willing to sign a contract with him at all.

As a result, the same trick is being used again. What do you mean, do you think he is so easy to deceive?

It's too bad.

Pu Yao's expression became a little ugly, and his tone became more serious: "Miss Bai, I don't know when I have offended you, but please don't play with me in such childish ways again."

"If you don't agree, don't work together. I can understand your choice, but please respect others."

Bai Qiuwu: "?"

A question mark slowly appeared on Bai Qiuwu's forehead.

When did she...when did she disrespect others?Oh no, the idiot's behavior seems a bit disrespectful to others, but when has she ever played tricks on him?
This is absolutely not the case. Bai Qiuwu wishes he could transform into the ultimate dog-licker, okay?
Is there any misunderstanding here?
Just when Bai Qiuwu was puzzled, an incredible female voice finally trembled.

"You, didn't you say you didn't know him?"

Bai Qiuwu's attack was so shocking that Wang Song was so shocked that he only realized it now.

What shocked her was that for a boss as big as Pu Yao with such a cold and serious face, how could anyone really dare to pounce on him to save his life?

Another reason is that Bai Qiuwu said he didn't know this guy. He just wanted to break off the relationship desperately, but why did he pounce on him in the blink of an eye?

No matter how you look at this action, it doesn’t look like you don’t recognize it.At this time, Wang Song finally reacted and asked in shock: "What are you doing?"

It was only at this moment that Bai Qiuwu realized that there was someone next to her. The fact that such a big person could be missed proved how attentive she was.

Bai Qiuwu's eyes were filled with the dazzling Dajin Mountain, and he really didn't even turn his peripheral vision aside.

But she wasn't embarrassed when someone saw her licking a dog. Instead, she asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

Wang Song: "?"

Shouldn’t I ask you this? Hey!
Wang Song was going crazy. She couldn't figure out what was happening now.

On the contrary, it was Bai Qiuwu who reacted the fastest. She looked at Wang Song and then at the man in suits and leather shoes in front of her. She was full of elite temperament at first glance, and she instantly realized something.

"Are you Pu Xi's silly... ahem, cute little brother, Pu Yao?"

Pu Yao glanced at her speechlessly, thinking to himself, wasn't this asking questions knowingly? That's not how you act stupid.

How could someone be so obsessed with finding a benefactor, but end up not even knowing the identity of the benefactor?

But what he didn't know was that Bai Qiuwu really didn't know his identity. Under this dazzling golden light, if he had known his identity earlier, Bai Qiuwu would have come to visit him long ago, okay?

But it's not too late.

Bai Qiuwu's mind was spinning so fast. After knowing this man's identity, he immediately discovered the generous road in front of him and asked decisively.

"Starlight Group belongs to your family, right? Did I remember correctly?"

Pu Yao didn't say anything, and looked at her quietly with a look on his face like I'm wondering what you're doing.

Bai Qiuwu didn't feel embarrassed at all that no one responded. Instead, he recommended himself very seriously: "I remember that you have a very good Starlight Live broadcast. I really want to go, but I don't know if there is still a chance."

Pu Yao: "?"

Wang Song: "..."

This woman changed her attitude too quickly. Before Pu Yao could think of how to respond, Wang Song exploded first.

"Sister Bai, what are you talking about? Didn't you just say that you would never consider Starlight Live? Why did you change your mind?"

Bai Qiuwu's answer was so confident: "At this moment, I suddenly felt that Starlight Live Broadcasting is very promising. Why, can't it?"

Wang Song: "..."

OK, why not?You are really good at it.

Bai Qiuwu didn't care what others thought of her, her goal was all about Pu Yao.

"It doesn't matter what the salary is, but does your company have any benefits? For example, during holidays, you can make wishes to your employees."

Pu Yao: "?"

Are you saying the opposite, making wishes to employees during the holidays?Which company is so abnormal?
Seeing that his expression was wrong, Bai Qiuwu decisively changed his request: "Don't look at me like that. Okay, let's put it another way. If I sign the contract, I don't need any benefits. Can you make a wish to me?"

"I can make any wish come true. I am absolutely innocent."

Bai Qiuwu almost slapped his chest and swore.

Pu Yao looked at her deeply for a long time, and then finally understood why she had been so crazy.

I'm afraid this woman is seriously ill.

(End of this chapter)

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