Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 44: Making a wish can’t save the love brain

Chapter 44: Making a wish can’t save the love brain

Bai Qiuwu completed a god-level operation that no one else could understand except himself.

Pu Yao's big heart, which he had honed over many years of working in shopping malls, was well adapted to the absurdity of the moment. He calmly comforted himself that at least he could take away this money tree.

Anyway, after signing and throwing away, the live broadcast company will be worried. What does it have to do with him? No matter how crazy this woman is, she can't be around him.

Thinking of this, Pu Yao suddenly felt that it was nothing. Compared with other money, this was already very profitable, he just had to endure this night.

What he didn't know was that Bai Qiuwu, who looked at him as a cash cow, was also looking at a glittering treasure when he looked at him.

The two of them had their own secrets, but the atmosphere in the scene was actually quite harmonious.

Wang Song watched with a blank expression as she and Pu Yao entered the restaurant they had just come out of, with no intention of bringing her as a middleman.

Wang Song was stunned, but he was unwilling to leave just like that, and followed him in with a shy face.

But before she could walk in, her phone suddenly rang.

Wang Song subconsciously picked it up and took a look, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat.

The caller ID said Auntie the nurse.

Her cousin Xiaoyue was very troublesome, and her parents happened to be away, so Wang Song arranged everything for her hospitalization. He didn't have time to take care of her at the moment, so he hired this nurse.

The nurse also knew that Wang Song was busy at work and would not disturb her under normal circumstances.

What happened to the sudden call now?
Wang Song was worried and quickly answered the call.

"Auntie, what's wrong?"

"Ms. Wang, please come to the hospital quickly. Something is wrong with your sister."

The aunt's tone was a little frightened and very nervous.

"Don't panic. Tell me in detail what happened." Wang Song comforted her and drove away in a hurry, heading straight to the hospital.

It took the aunt on the other end of the phone a long time to calm down and start describing what was wrong.

"I just don't know why. I always disappear from time to time. I don't know where I went. In fact, there have been this sign for the past two days, but usually I come back after a few hours. When I asked her, she said it was fine. I just wanted not to disturb you."

"As a result, today, it's been a whole morning and I haven't seen anyone come back. I searched everywhere and couldn't get through on my mobile phone. I asked the monitoring hospital to prevent me from seeing him. I had no other choice, so I came to contact you."

Wang Song also started to feel dizzy when he heard this.

Xiaoyue's hospitalization was mainly due to a severe mental shock. There was actually nothing wrong with her body, at most she had some stress reactions.

This also shows that as long as Xiaoyue calms down a little, her legs and feet are completely intact and she can go wherever she wants.

As for the fact that the hospital surveillance was not allowed to be seen, it was probably because the aunt was not a family member. Wang Song was a little worried and rushed to the hospital without stopping.

Then they checked surveillance cameras and searched for people everywhere. Wang and Song began to wonder if Xiaoyue had been kidnapped by someone for blackmail, and they almost called the police.

In the end, it was discovered that Xiaoyue had not left the hospital at all.

The surveillance showed that she ran to the doctor's office in the surgery building next door. When Wang Song went to arrest her, he saw his little cousin having a lively conversation with a male doctor in a white coat. He couldn't hide his fiery eyes.

Wang Song was so angry that his brain ached.

She went up and pulled out the careless cousin, and scolded her.

Xiaoyue felt wronged by being scolded, but she didn't dare to say anything more. She waited until Wang Song finished scolding before she dared to whisper: "I didn't run around, I just wanted to play with him."

"Who is that man?" Wang Song finally had the time to care about this matter. She took a look at the man just now and found that he looked pretty good and he looked like a human being.

"He's Dr. Chen." Xiaoyue said with a nymphomaniac look on her face: "Isn't he very handsome? I really like him."

Wang Song: "?"

The confusion in Wang Song's eyes at that moment could not be expressed in words.

"Why do you like it so much? Don't you still remember the man named Wu in your heart?" "Oh, let the past be bygones. After all, Wu Yue and I are destined to have no connection. There is nothing I can do about it. Dr. Chen is different. Yes, he cares about me."

Wang Song's mood at this moment was indescribable. Her first reaction was that Bai Qiuwu wouldn't be a real immortal if I fucked her.

Tmd Her cousin was so madly in love a few days ago, it was as if she was blinded by lard. It has only been a few days, and it feels like she has changed immediately after she made her wish.

By the way, what was her wish at that time?

I hope my sister can get out of Wu Li's misery as soon as possible?

Do you want to be so smart?
Wang Song's heart was pounding, but he still asked dutifully: "Why does he care?"

Anyway, my cousin's family is rich, so as long as the man is not bad, it usually doesn't matter at all.

And it should be rare to find a man as bad as Wu Li.

So I still have to go to Bai Qiuwu to make a wish. 100 yuan for a man is a huge profit.

Wang Song was just thinking when he heard his little cousin say: "He complimented me on how good-looking I am. He also said that I have good taste. He said that my necklace and watch are very beautiful."

As she spoke, she touched the large diamond necklace around her neck and shook the 24k rose gold watch on her hand.

Wang Song twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, "What next?"

"He also asked me the price of these things, and then asked me if it would be financially stressful for a girl to buy too many things. I said no, I have a lot of these gadgets."

"Then he asked about my family situation, asked me where I lived, gave me things, and asked my attending doctor to pay more attention to me. Wow, he really made me cry to death."

"I have decided that I want to have a vigorous love affair with him!"

Wang Song: "..."

You really made me cry to death too.

Isn't this just a typical case of seeking wealth?

Why on earth is her cousin so infatuated with love?

Wang Song felt like he was having a heart attack, but the woman in front of him looked like she was in love.

Wang Song knew that no matter how much he said, this person wouldn't listen, so he simply leaned on the wall and went to the side, and decisively called Bai Qiuwu.

At that time, Bai Qiuwu was promoting to Pu Yao how effective his wish was.

She spoke eloquently and eloquently, but the man opposite her had an expressionless face and looked unmoved.

Bai Qiuwu suddenly found it a bit difficult to deal with.

Just then the phone rang, she gestured and answered the phone.

Then, before he could speak, Wang Song's loud voice came out with great penetrating power.

"Sister, you are my biological sister, and the wish I made to you has come true!"

Bai Qiuwu asked in her heart, "Isn't that normal? It would be wrong not to realize it." She silently turned up the volume of the call, glanced at the man opposite, and said reservedly:

"Really? Congratulations. This is your third wish that has come true. Don't thank me too much. I just want to help others."

When Pu Yao on the opposite side heard this conversation, he raised his eyes with interest.

Then he saw the little girl in front of him raising her eyebrows proudly at him.

It looked like a peacock with its tail spread out, all gaudy.

Seeing the other party looking over, Bai Qiuwu was very proud, but the next second she couldn't laugh anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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