Chapter 46 Online Chat
Wang Song actually felt that there was something wrong with his cousin's brain. Who would be deceived if she wasn't deceived?

If it were a stranger or someone with whom they had a close relationship, they might just ignore it, or even worse, just watch the fun together like these netizens.

But no, this cousin's family has a very good relationship with her family, and they also have business contacts. It can be said that both prosper and lose. This kind of relationship is really inappropriate.

Although she really didn't want to care, she still forced herself to ask again.

After all, this is her fan base. She keeps asking everyone if they don't want to give her face, and then someone replies.

However, it can be seen that these people are not very serious and they all come up with ideas casually.

Don’t eat coriander: How about you make a wish that your sister will never be cheated by a scumbag again?

When Wang Song saw this message, he filtered it through his mind, wondering if there would be any twists and turns or word games that could be exploited.

As a result, before she could figure out the reason, others immediately objected.

Good-looking and thinner: No, you limited the word scumbag. What if she meets a paranoid crazy person next time?In fact, compared to many perverts, scumbags are already good. What if the next time they meet him, they don't need money, but they will kill him.

When Wang Song took a look, it seemed like this was true. Although scumbags were annoying, if they really made such a wish, they would stop being scumbags in the future. What should they do if they encounter perverts?
Wang Song, who has already fulfilled his wish three times, and each time he achieved it so unexpectedly, thinks that maybe this is really a possibility!

Just thinking about it makes my head spin.

So Wang Song decisively agreed with the "good-looking and slimmed-down" netizen's speech, and seriously stated that this kind of thing could really happen.

Most netizens don’t believe it and think it’s not so evil.

Wang Song looked bitter and had no choice but to make a wish to lose weight. As a result, he was seriously ill and was hospitalized and lost weight;
I made a wish to my cousin and Wu Li, but Wu Li died;
And in the end, he made a wish for his cousin to step out of Wu Li's shadow, and then the cousin was coaxed away by the scumbag and completely forgot about Wu Li.

These are simply three gory examples. Of course there are still people who don’t believe it, and some even think she is joking or hyping it up.

But this is her fan base after all, and most people still give her face. Regardless of whether they believe it or not, at least no one jumps out to fight directly.

Seeing that she seemed really worried, someone finally started to take notice and seriously think of a solution.

Shenma stuff: Otherwise, just make a wish and say that you hope your cousin will not be deceived because of feelings in this life.

At first glance, this one is much more reliable than the one above, but before Wang Song could like it, someone immediately objected.

Riding a pig for a ride: Not being cheated, then being domestically abused, or being PUA?Don't be so limited, and don't get caught up in word games anymore.

Shenma stuff: Then just make a wish that you won’t be hurt by your feelings in this life. Is that okay?

Lao Nafa's name is Jehovah: No, how to define this harm?With this girl's love brain, she might think that hitting is a sign of kissing and scolding, but she doesn't think it's hurt at all.

Lao Nie's name is Jehovah: Or just hold two people for three years and be trapped in the marriage and become puppets for the rest of their lives. Do you think this is considered harm?To put it more directly, does mental anguish count as injury?
Shenma stuff: According to what you said, there is no suitable one at all. No matter what you say, if you deliberately misinterpret it, it can be misinterpreted to give another flavor.

As the group talked and talked, the smell of gunpowder gradually became stronger.

Wang Song looked a little confused, because she actually felt that what these people said made sense.

Chinese culture is profound and profound. Sometimes a sentence can have several different meanings as long as you understand it in a different direction.

There seems to be no way to avoid this kind of word play.

However, just when she was anxious and the netizens were about to start a quarrel, a capable person appeared.Yixiu: Then just make a wish, hoping that my cousin’s mind will change, become free and open-minded, and not be trapped by love.

Everyone took a look and said, Hey, this seems to work. Their thinking has changed. Isn't this the most basic love brain problem solved?
If you have a clear mind and are free and open-minded, can you still be deceived and hurt?
This is probably what is called solving the problem fundamentally.

Wang Song's eyes lit up when she saw this reply, but she didn't dare to try it easily, so she chose Aite to find this text flaw.

Then everyone came to see it one after another, and for a while they couldn't find any problems.

This unanimous approval was very convincing. Wang Song immediately became energetic and went back to call Bai Qiuwu.

As a result, no one answered.

Wang Song knew that he might have annoyed people before, so he was very sensible and did not make a series of life-threatening calls, but patiently waited for her to live broadcast.

He also called on netizens to keep an eye on her and notify them if they find her live broadcast.

The curiosity of netizens has now been completely aroused. Each one is paying more attention to the follow-up of this matter, and those who agreed are naturally extremely happy.

What they didn't know was that Bai Qiuwu, who they were paying serious attention to, was arguing with Pu Yao over contract issues.

Bai Qiuwu has no requirements for her salary. What she wants more is promotion so that more people know about herself.

But this contract is a lot of money, but promotion depends on her performance.

Pu Yao even solemnly reminded that it is not that he does not allow feudal superstition, but that the country does not allow it. If you go too far, your account will be banned and the platform will not be preserved.

It was also because of this concern that she did not promise promotion resources at the beginning. Anyway, the money in the contract could be compensated for the company's losses due to her illegal operation.

But if it is not promoted well, it is difficult to value it, so this thing depends on its performance.

When Bai Qiuwu heard this, he almost wanted to scold him to death. Feudal superstition is so superstitious. At this moment, Dajinshan's identity couldn't save him, so Bai Qiuwu just yelled back.

"Baidu said that feudal superstition refers to the imaginary beliefs and thoughts of the people, such as belief in fictitious settings and rumors such as gods, ghosts, religions, etc., or blind and indulgent belief and worship tending to certain characters or heretical sayings. "

"But if I can really achieve this, can this be considered feudal superstition?"

Bai Qiuwu's tone was no longer very good, but Pu Yao remained expressionless and nodded unmoved: "Forget it."

Bai Qiuwu: "?"

"Whether you can achieve it or not, anything involving strange powers and chaos is all feudal superstition. Spreading feudal superstition through live broadcasts will be punished, and the platform will also be punished, so there is no need to discuss this. You must change it."

Bai Qiuwu almost flipped the table over when he heard this.

But before she could get angry, Pu Yao spoke again.

The tone was still so calm, even a little casual.

"Why don't we call you an online escort instead?"

Bai Qiuwu: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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