Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 47: Make a relationship first

Chapter 47: Make a relationship first

"Chat online? Me?" Bai Qiuwu pointed at himself in disbelief, with a tone of confusion.

She, the majestic wishing god, was living in the human world, and she actually got to the point where she wanted to chat with her?

Seeing Bai Qiuwu's expression freeze, Pu Yao calmly added: "Don't even think about spreading feudal superstition. It's not up to you to decide whether it is feudal superstition or not."

"And not only my Starlight Live APP, but any live broadcast APP in our country, this is expressly prohibited. Spreading feudal superstition is illegal. Do you want to be invited into the bureau to drink tea?"

"You did so many fancy operations before and countless people reported you, but because not many people believed you, I had people suppress these reports. If I hadn't suppressed you, I would have gone in to drink tea by now."

"If this situation is promoted and you continue to walk the tightrope, I can guarantee you that within three days, you will be detained."

Pu Yao spoke calmly but loudly, with a professional look on his face that made it impossible not to believe him.

Bai Qiuwu had never understood this before, and he was even more confused now. He felt that his career had suffered the biggest disaster since he came to the human world.

And these words directly put an end to her idea of ​​finding other platforms to take advantage of. If it is true what Pu Yao said, then she will not be able to go anywhere.

As a result, Bai Qiuwu finally wavered.

"Then what should I do? Chat with me? But the netizens who come to me must want to make wishes to me. Can this content be broadcast?"

Pu Yao glanced at her indifferently and asked, "Why not?"

"Now even Master Zhou Yi of Zibo has changed his stall and has changed it to paid chatting. You have to learn to adapt to the changes of the times."

"As for the content of the paid chat... Anyway, it was the netizens who started the topic. You are just doing your duty to chat with me. If there is really weird and disturbing content, what does it have to do with you?"

"You are just an ordinary chat host."

When Bai Qiuwu heard this, his eyes gradually lit up.

"Is there such an operation?" She couldn't help but sigh, realizing that human intelligence is really infinite. There are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

Seeing her move, Pu Yao raised his eyebrows: "Do you have any more questions?"

Bai Qiuwu shook his head decisively, feeling much happier this time and signed his name neatly.

After reaching a consensus, the atmosphere became much calmer. Bai Qiuwu wanted to take this opportunity to get closer and trick Pu Yao into making a few wishes.

As a result, after Pu Yao collected the contract with his backhand, he gave Bai Qiuwu a business card.

"This is the executive director of your company. Ask him all your follow-up questions. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After saying that, he stood up, straightened his suit, and said in a polite tone: "The order has been purchased. I wish you a pleasant meal."

The food hasn't been served yet.

Bai Qiuwu's eyes widened in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Pu Yao: "Literally."

He only came out this time to sign a contract. If Bai Qiuwu wasn't valuable enough and the person was really difficult to deal with, there would be no need for him as the CEO to come out.

As soon as this is signed, it will be packed up and left immediately.

He had not forgotten that he and Bai Qiuwu had been involved in a scandal, and they had to avoid suspicion. If someone was photographed having lunch alone, he would not be able to explain it with ten words of mouth.

After all, she was a strategic partner who had just reached a cooperation. In order to prevent the other party from misunderstanding that he disliked her, Pu Yao reluctantly explained in two words: "Avoid suspicion."

Bai Qiuwu understood what he meant instantly.

To be honest, this was what she had thought before.

Because she had a slight involvement with Pu Yao, it was said on the Internet that there was a financial backer behind her, which almost caused her wish-making career to fail miserably.

So she couldn't wait to post the clarification in the live broadcast room. She got angry when people talked about the funder, and she wanted to draw a hundred boundaries with Pu Yao.

But at that time, she didn't know that Pu Yao was the Dajinshan.

If she had known earlier, she would have had to clarify.

What a great way to get closer.

But obviously Pu Yao doesn't think so.

Pu Yao obviously thought that there was a scandal, so he wanted to clarify, because there were already rumors, so he didn't want to avoid suspicion, and his thoughts were clear.So he withdrew decisively.

Bai Qiuwu couldn't stop him.

She is not a person who likes to be warm and cold, but Pu Yao's wish can really save her years of struggle.

Who doesn't like to take shortcuts?

And if the shortcut is easy, how can it be called a shortcut?

The depressed Bai Qiuwu comforted herself in this way and told herself that she must not give up easily. This was the most important thing for her to return to heaven as soon as possible.

After finishing his inspirational speech, Bai Qiuwu silently opened his cell phone and called Pu Xi directly.

Pu Xi has been trying to contact her in the past few days, but Bai Qiuwu didn't pay much attention. She didn't want to be related to Starlight Live at first, so she didn't want to talk to Pu Xi either.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes now.

Fortunately, Pu Xi had no intention of losing his temper at being left out. He quickly answered the phone and started howling.

"Great Immortal, you finally remembered me. I thought you had forgotten me."

Bai Qiuwu was so noisy by the demonic voice that he subconsciously took away his cell phone, and then comforted him very gently: "How could it be? I'm just very busy recently."

Although it was true that he had forgotten about him, this of course could not be said.

Pu Xi's worship of the Great Immortal has become deeper and deeper. At this moment, he immediately said: "It's normal for the Great Immortal to be busy. Are you free now?"

Bai Qiuwu: "Well, to be honest, I actually came to you this time because I wanted to ask you something."

"What's the matter? Great Immortal, please tell me." Pu Xi was in awe.

Bai Qiuwu didn't go around and around and hit the ball directly: "How is your brother?"

Pu Xi was immediately stunned by this straight shot. He blinked blankly and even suspected that he heard wrongly: "What?"

"Let me tell you, how is your brother?" Bai Qiuwu repeated patiently: "Didn't I have an affair with your brother before? I feel a little embarrassed and have always wanted to apologize. How about..." I'm the host, I Invite you to a meal.

Before Bai Qiuwu could say the next words, Pu Xi had already replied naively: "Oh no, I can't blame you for that, and my brother doesn't care either."

Of course Bai Qiuwu knew that he didn't care, but she did.

So she said tactfully: "This is not good, why don't I express my feelings."

"It's okay." Pu Xi replied nonchalantly. Bai Qiuwu was speechless, thinking that he was really an idiot.

But she was too embarrassed to scold, so she could only insist on showing off.

Pu Xi stopped her for a long time, but seeing how serious she was, she finally realized something was wrong.

He pondered for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Sister, I understand what you mean!"

Bai Qiuwu breathed a heavy sigh of relief, thinking that this idiot finally understood, and he was exhausted.

Didn't she just want to ask Pu Yao out for dinner and build a relationship? Why was it so difficult?

However, what she didn't know was that what Pu Xi was thinking about at this moment was——

Bai Qiuwu was so polite and still worried about the original scandal. She must have wanted to clear up the relationship with his brother. After all, she hated his brother so much.

Just holding his nose and treating guests to dinner must be a sign of breaking up the relationship. Maybe this is a compromise based on his brother's identity and background.

Can he make the master compromise?
Of course not!
So, Pu Xi said decisively: "Don't worry, my brother has taken care of me! No need to treat me to dinner, I guarantee that he will not care about what happened before!"

Bai Qiuwu: "..."

It seems that something is a little strange.

But it seems okay to ignore those things in the past. Isn't it just that Pu Yao is afraid of having more contact with her because of the scandal?
If we don’t care about it, then we can contact him, right?
Isn't this the first step to bring the relationship closer and remove the barriers?

"Then thank you, Xiaoxi." Bai Qiuwu said happily.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll take care of it!" Pu Xi replied with the same confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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