Chapter 5

Bai Qiuwu firmly believed that he was not in trouble, and felt that his assistant was somewhat nosy.

Little did she know that her assistant also thought there was something wrong with her.

Seeing that Bai Qiuwu didn't look fake, Pu Xi almost shut himself up on the spot.

He thought about many possibilities, including but not limited to Bai Qiuwu getting entangled with his brother, trying to crawl into bed like other female celebrities.

But what he didn't expect was that Bai Qiuwu didn't know his brother.

So the big boss of DaYi Capital, people in this circle don’t understand him?No wonder he rushed to the street!
But Pu Xi was unwilling to give in and was still trying to sell it hard.

He will never allow there to be female stars in the world who don't know his brother.

As a result, he talked a lot and boasted about things in the sky and on the earth, as if he was trying his best to sell.

Bai Qiuwu felt a little amused: "Okay, okay, I know you have a perfect brother. If it's okay, you can go back first. I also need to rest."

This is chasing customers.

Pu Xi was very reluctant, but not so shameless, so she turned around and walked away.

When the little nurse in the ward saw this, she couldn't help but secretly asked: "Do you really not know Pu Yao?"

Bai Qiuwu glanced at her: "You know?"

"I have seen the rich list, and he is the most handsome among them." The little nurse swallowed her saliva: "The handsome man's legs are weak, and he is a real-life domineering president."

Bai Qiuwu: "Oh."

"Then you want to see him?"

"not see."

The little nurse didn't understand very much: "Why? Pu Yao is so rich. As long as you are willing to meet him, you can definitely change the reputation."

"How come you've been scolded so much? Why do you feel like you're not worried at all?"

Bai Qiuwu lazily lay back on the hospital bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep: "Be more confident and get rid of the feeling. I really am not in a hurry."

Then the next day, Bai Qiuwu, who was not in a hurry, was bombarded with conspiracy theories.

That reply of hers was a bad thing, and everyone was stamping their approval on it. She was confident and had expected it.

After all, what happened to Wu Li was so sudden that even a fool would not believe it if no one was behind it.

Bai Qiuwu danced so happily again and decisively entered the suspicion list.

However, Wu Yue's collapse was too serious and the evidence was complete. No one could say that he was innocent.

So the final public opinion is that dog bites dog. I don’t know how many people called on the paparazzi to pick up Bai Qiuwu and send her in with her.

This is the classic combination of a scumbag and a bitch.

Bai Qiuwu's Weibo was once again in trouble, with fans angrily criticizing her for not going to jail and being a disgusting person in the circle.

The popularity remains high, and it has been included in several hot searches.

Bai Qiuwu was awakened by the ringing of his phone, and the word "Cui Fei" on the caller ID flashed like crazy.

Bai Qiuwu tentatively connected, and was immediately sprayed in the face by the roar inside.

"Bai Qiuwu, you have grown up, haven't you? How many times have I told you not to talk nonsense, but you just don't listen, right?!"

"You think you have no future now, so you just drag everyone to die together? Let me tell you Bai Qiuwu, the company is very angry at your behavior! Do you know the relationship between Wu Li Studio and the company?!"

"How dare you report Wu Yue? I think you don't want to be around anymore. Who dares to kill you if you do this? What company doesn't have some secrets? You don't want to report the company anymore, do you?"

Bai Qiuwu was a little confused: "It's not Wu Yue who I reported!"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't you?" Cui Fei didn't believe it at all: "I'll give you a week, and the compensation won't be less than a penny, otherwise you'll sue immediately, and you'll be waiting to go to jail, you bitch!"

After saying that, she hung up the phone directly, and Bai Qiuwu could feel her anger through the screen.

"How could she think so?" Bai Qiuwu scratched his head.

The little nurse next to me was also woken up. She heard something vaguely and couldn't help but said: "Now the Internet is saying that it was you who reported it, and it spread to people with noses and eyes." Bai Qiuwu didn't pay much attention to Weibo last night. The nurse watched it all night, mainly because such a big melon was right next to her, and it would be a waste not to eat it.

Bai Qiuwu picked up her phone and logged on to Weibo. She found that she accounted for three more of the top ten hot searches. The top one was "Dog bites dog? Bai Qiuwu, get out of the entertainment industry."

After her clarification yesterday, it seems that more people are scolding her.

There was an unread message on WeChat. Bai Qiuwu clicked on it and saw that it was his assistant. Pu Xi sent an emoji with a probing head and a sentence saying that if you can't hold on any longer, you can find his brother.

Bai Qiuwu stared deeply at his brother's words for a long time, and then decisively posted a message on Weibo to broadcast live, which was quickly launched.

This time more people came in than last time, and in addition to anti-fans, there were also gossipers watching the fun.

In an instant, the entire screen was occupied by dense barrages.

[Oh my god, sister, you are so brave, don’t you know there is a word called “avoiding the limelight”?Or do you just like to be scolded? 】

【What do you want to clarify?I just want to see how you talk nonsense. 】

[Bai Qiuwu, get out of the entertainment industry, Bai Qiuwu, get out of the entertainment industry, Bai Qiuwu, get out of the entertainment industry! 】

At a glance, there is no harmonious barrage.

Bai Qiuwu ignored these discordant words and said to himself: "I think everyone has misunderstood me recently, so I came here to explain it."

"Wu Yue's matter has nothing to do with me. It was a wish made by that sister, and I fulfilled it."

[Do you believe this if you listen to it?Who do you think you are and still fulfilling other people's wishes. 】

[I’m laughing so hard, my family, I’m afraid this person is delusional, and he’s still suffering from secondary diseases at his old age]

[You said it was not you who reported Wu Yue, but who could it be?Can you tell who it is? 】

"Well, I happen to know who it is." Bai Qiuwu nodded seriously.


Isn't that the right answer?

Meanwhile, on the other side.

In the streamlined and low-key office, Pu Xi shrugged his head with a look of decadence and did not even dare to raise his head.

The man opposite him was wearing a meticulous suit. He looked somewhat similar to Pu Xi, but his facial features were deeper and his lines were sharper.

He looks very superior, but his expression is a bit serious, he looks meticulous, and he is not easy to get close to.

"Brother, I really tried my best. That little star is not smart and doesn't play by the rules at all. She doesn't want to see you either."

Pu Yao did not feel that Bai Qiuwu's refusal to see him was outrageous like Pu Xi did. He just asked calmly: "Why don't you want to see him?"

"She firmly believes that evil will be punished, and she doesn't think she is in trouble at all." Pu Xi almost cried: "I have never seen such an outrageous person."

Pu Yao was still calm: "I don't think there are really strange people in this world. It's just that we don't understand her and are unwilling to see me. Maybe we just want a specific offer."

"You mean she wants to refuse but welcomes you?" Cui Fei suddenly realized: "I just said how could there be a celebrity who doesn't know you? She must just want to attract your attention."

"If this is the case, maybe she will take the initiative to please us later?"

"What is she doing now?" Pu Yao didn't comment on this idea, just asked.

"If something like this happened, it's impossible for her company to want her. If she doesn't terminate the contract, she will go into hiding. She can't stay in the entertainment industry. What is she going to do now?"

"Get ready to go live." Pu Xi took out her mobile phone from her arms, decisively clicked on a live broadcast room, and then handed it to Pu Yao: "She is live broadcasting now."

Then the two brothers heard a lazy and pleasant female voice say at the same time: "Yes, I know who reported Wu Yue."

"It is said that he is called Yao Yao. I can't remember his name. He is the president of Starlight Group."

Pu Yao: "?"

Pu Xi: "!"

(End of this chapter)

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