Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 6, Chapter 6: Sincerity is the ultimate skill

Chapter 6, Chapter 6: Sincerity is the ultimate skill
When Bai Qiuwu said the word "Pu Yao", everyone's original thoughts were:

Who is going to take the blame for this bitch's nonsense again?Pu Yao?Who is this?Is there such a person in the entertainment industry?
Then the next second I heard Bai Qiuwu add his identity: "President of Starlight Group."

[This name sounds familiar, please check your ears.jpg]

[Starlight Group?What Starlight Group?I have only heard of Starlight Entertainment Company. Wait, Starlight Group is not the boss behind Starlight Entertainment Company, right? 】

[You told the truth upstairs, so the real mastermind behind the scenes is President Xingguang?Pu Yao?This name sounds so familiar. 】

【I’m back from Baidu!By the way, I brought some personal information about Pu Yao:
Pu Yao, male, 189cm tall, is currently the president of Starlight Group. He is 27 years old this year. He controls more than 20 companies and is among the top [-] richest people in China. ps: Are these ID photos serious?Is the boss so handsome? 】

[How handsome is the man upstairs? !No wait, there really is such a person?Top 20 rich people?I knocked, what a big melon! 】

Of course, there are also doubts.

【You say so?Where is the evidence?Just open your mouth to slander others. Do you know how to write the word "rumor"?Be careful if someone sends you a lawyer's letter! 】

Bai Qiuwu saw this barrage, dragged his chin and said seriously: "I really don't have the evidence, but this news was told to me by others, and I think it is quite true."

How sincere and sincere should that look.

【Who said that?It couldn't have been Pu Yao who told you personally, right?As a celebrity like you, do you think you can meet such a high-end person?There must be limits to talking nonsense. 】

"It's not that Pu Yao said it himself." Bai Qiuwu smiled and said a little shyly: "I just happen to know his brother, and his brother told me personally."

"His brother's name is Pu Xi. He is my assistant and he keeps saying he wants to help me."

[Wait a minute, let me explain, so the brother of a certain CEO is your assistant. Seeing that you were hacked by Wu Yue, he helped you to act righteously and reported Wu Yue directly? 】

[Does this count as revealing the financial backers behind the scenes?I said you have no ability at all, how can you still be so prosperous in the entertainment industry? It turns out that someone is supporting you! 】

[Holy crap, this is definitely a self-destruction!President of Starlight Group 666! 】

The barrage gradually moved in a direction that Bai Qiuwu couldn't understand, but Bai Qiuwu had a good habit of not getting entangled in it even if he couldn't understand it, and calmly changed the subject.

"Anyway, Wu Li's matter has nothing to do with me. Does anyone want to make a wish now?"

"It's only 1000. You can't buy it and you won't be deceived. Does anyone want to try it?"

The popularity this time was even stronger than before. Tens of thousands of netizens squatted in the live broadcast room, eagerly discussing what Bai Qiuwu just said.

Bai Qiuwu was a little disappointed and said again unwillingly: "Does anyone make a wish? If not, I will cancel the broadcast."

Yes, launching this live broadcast to clarify is secondary. The most important thing is to ride on the popularity and see if anyone wants to make a wish.

But no one seems to buy it.

Bai Qiuwu sighed, and was just about to think about downloading the broadcast. At this moment, another bomb special effect appeared on the barrage.

Bai Qiuwu instantly brightened up and read out the name of the rewarder with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Sister Leba from the entertainment industry, for the reward. Do you have any wishes that you want to realize?"

That person was confused, and it took him a long time to send a barrage.

[I just don’t want you to go off the air and reveal any more information. I don’t have any wishes. 】

This person is actually a well-known gangster in the industry. Seeing her show up, there are many fans who are making noises, saying that gangster is a good person and so on.

Bai Qiuwu scratched his head: "But I have already told you all the news I know. Why don't you just make a wish? As long as you are sincere, any wish can come true."

It’s not like she is greedy for the 1000 yuan, she still needs others to make a wish so that she can get the spiritual power.As soon as she said these words, all kinds of ridicule came up, saying that she was overestimating her abilities, saying that she was a clown, and many people tried to persuade the entertainment industry sister Le Pa to make a wish, and wanted to slap Bai Qiuwu in the face. .

The enthusiasm of the crowd was so intense that Sister Pa could not help it, so she hesitated and said:

[Then I will make a wish to lose weight suddenly. I have been losing weight for a long time, but I just can’t lose weight. 】

When Bai Qiuwu saw this barrage, she immediately smiled with relief. She looked at the screen with great sincerity and said very seriously: "Your wish will come true."

No one believed her in the barrage of "Che", and some people ridiculed that no sponsor could help her realize this wish.

Bai Qiuwu was not angry, and even went live happily in a good mood, leaving only netizens who were very upset.

As soon as the live broadcast was turned off, Bai Qiuwu found that her caller ID was blown up. There were incoming calls during the live broadcast, so she didn't pay attention.

Let’s go live now, my dear, there are dozens of missed calls, most of them are from Cui Fei, and the remaining few are from Pu Xi.

Probably because they really couldn't get through to her, the two chose to send messages again.

Pu Xi: Sister!Stop talking nonsense, help!

Pu Xi: Sister, what are you doing? Damn it, you don’t want to live anymore. Don’t expose me, don’t expose me!
Pu Xi: Damn it, you are awesome

It is not difficult to detect the changes in Pu Xi's emotions from his words, but Cui Fei's side is much simpler.

Cui Fei: Bitch, are you crazy?Do you know who Starlight Group is?Do you dare to arrange Pu Yao?

Cui Fei: You are really crazy. The company originally did not want to kill everyone, but you insist on seeking death, so no one else can blame you.

Cui Fei: From now on, the company has nothing to do with you. Prepare to go to court. The summons will be sent to you immediately. See you in court.

Bai Qiuwu tried to message her back, but then showed that he had been blocked.

He looked like he was hurrying to clarify the relationship.

The most awesome one is Zhi'an Entertainment. They directly posted a Weibo message to her using the official account Aite, which meant that she had bad moral character and the company chose to terminate her contract and decided to sue her.

There were a lot of applause at the bottom, some said that Zhi'an Entertainment Company did not know people well, and some people were worried that Zhi'an Entertainment Company was implicated by her.

It's such an official account, and it directly gained tens of thousands of followers just because of this Weibo post.

For a time, everyone was congratulating Zhi'an Entertainment for getting rid of the cancer, and some people went to Bai Qiuwu's Weibo to post weird comments.

Someone even created a special post to celebrate Bai Qiuwu's departure from the entertainment industry, and hundreds of thousands of people caroused there, as if they had won the Anti-Japanese War.

Bai Qiuwu suddenly seemed to have turned into a street rat, the kind that everyone shouted to beat.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the company keeps its word, and no one knows what kind of relationship it has used. The court summons was delivered to Bai Qiuwu that night, and the gauze on her head had not yet been removed.

The subpoena clearly stated that Bai Qiuwu violated the contract due to her misconduct, and the company required her to pay compensation and liquidated damages, and also forcibly terminated her contract.

The price of 5 million yuan has also increased, directly turning into 000 million yuan. If she can't get it out, she will be put in jail. She is obviously going to take action.

But let alone 6 million, Bai Qiuwu doesn't even have 500 now, and he almost has no money to pay for medical expenses.

Could it be that she was really going to jail for making a wish to God?
(End of this chapter)

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