Chapter 70 give you another chance

Under the speechless gaze of countless netizens, Bai Qiuwu fulfilled this wish in a few words, as lightly as if he was talking about what to eat tonight.

Of course she can decide what to eat tonight, because she creates dinner, so her light tone and indifferent attitude are normal.

But it's not dinner now.

Some people say they hope they can have a lot of money, which is called getting rich overnight.

But she still agreed so lightly, with no technical content at all. It was just that someone told her her wish, and then she opened her mouth and agreed.

It was simply impossible to tell what she had planned.

At least in the eyes of most people, even the magicians are not so sure, and if you only need 10 yuan to get rich, no one will believe it.

Once more people have such thoughts, various conspiracy theories will emerge.

[This is a script, it must be a script. This person is their employee. If he finds a reason to give out a bonus, wouldn’t it be considered a sudden fortune? He didn’t say the specific amount. 】

[I strongly agree with the previous statement. If this were not the script, I would eat the fucking table and stand on my head to wash my hair!You really don’t even have to pretend anymore, just bring out your own employees and treat everyone as fools, right?]

[He also said that he will definitely resign normally and it will not affect the final result. If you resign for him here and then recommend him to another subsidiary and offer a higher price, isn't it considered that you have a lot of money?Still stable. 】

There were many such doubts, and Bai Qiuwu couldn't stand it for a while. She didn't bother to explain anymore. Anyway, facts speak louder than all words.

She just said calmly: "What is the specific result? Anyway, he will come to check in every day. Interested friends can squat. Besides, there are no more places to make wishes today."

"If you want to make a wish tomorrow, you can contact me backstage. My assistant will screen them out. Tomorrow we will see who needs help more and decide who will be given the quota for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"The next step is the interactive session. If you have any questions or want to ask, you can ask. I will try my best to answer those I can answer."

Bai Qiuwu's main purpose for today's live broadcast is to introduce this new model. As for the response, we have to wait for the results to come out in the future, so everyone's comments are not important.

She simply ignored the man who was spitting out fragrant words and began to answer some sincere doubts seriously.

"As for the price, it is indeed only 10 yuan. I don't know if it will be mentioned later, but it is like this for now. There is no need to return the wish and there is no additional charge."

"The only requirement is that you have to check in every day before your wish comes true."

As she was talking, suddenly a familiar ID came with her eye-catching aristocratic frame.

[Sister Leba from the Entertainment Circle: For those of you who have made a wish before but haven’t fulfilled it yet, can you come and check in?Or ask for after-sales service? 】

Seeing this ID, Bai Qiuwu was stunned for a moment, but still asked: "What after-sales service do you require?"

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: You said that my wish has been fulfilled. My sister did not go to become a monk, but now she is missing. I want to find her.]

Well... Bai Qiuwu scratched his head and expressed doubt sincerely: "Hasn't your sister been found yet?"

Wang Song on the other side of the screen almost cried when he saw this.

Is not this nonsensical?

If her sister found her, would she still be squatting here?

But she could only answer with tears:
[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: No, there has been no news at all since she disappeared two days ago. I also called the police and searched for people, but there was no movement]

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: I really have no choice at all. You asked me to do more good deeds and accumulate more virtues. I went to donate money to the disaster-stricken villages. I also admitted that I was wrong about the rumors I made. I really tried my best. 】

When Wang Song typed these words, her hands were really shaking. When had she been so useless in so many years?

But she can't help it.

Their family was somewhat powerful, so they called the police and used countless human and financial resources, but in the end they only found one result, that is, her cousin left on her own initiative.

My little cousin insisted on becoming a nun. After encountering fierce opposition from her whole family, she ran away. No one knew where she went. She was hidden very deep and there was no trace at all.

Her cousin's family members were almost crazy with anxiety and were crying all day long. Wang Song felt uncomfortable looking at her and felt very guilty.

She regretted more than once, why she had to go too far and made so many wishes. She should not have gone to Bai Qiuwu in the first place.

The love brain is the love brain. If you keep a close eye on it, you won't be stupid. How can you be so rebellious now and just run away from home?

If something happened outside, Wang Song would be condemned by his conscience for the rest of his life.

But there was nothing she could do. She had done everything she could, and the next step was to pray.

But just praying was too mysterious, so she felt that she had to give strong medicine, such as fighting poison with poison, making a wish, or asking for after-sales service.

Because this was really the best way she could come up with.

But it was obvious that others could not sympathize with her desperation, and even did not understand it.

[Sister Pa, if you don’t go to the police station to keep track of this kind of thing, what’s the use of making a wish here?Don’t be deceived and fooled. If you lose someone, just find someone else. Praying to God and worshiping Buddha is of no use...]

[Uh... It's really hard to comment. If Bai Qiuwu didn't have the capital, I would have suspected that she and Sister Ba colluded to write the script. So, was it sponsored by the company behind Bai Qiuwu?Sister Ba finally bowed to money? 】

[Everyone is lost, and they are still here joking and watching the live broadcast. It seems that there is no rush and let’s act. I think this script is a bit outrageous. The acting is very good. You are not allowed to act again next time.]

[Isn’t this just treating people as fools? You don’t even need snacks in the script. Anyone who loses someone and still watches the live broadcast would have gone crazy. Can you use snacks and don’t treat people as fools?]


All kinds of ridiculing barrages came in such a swarm that Wang Song almost had a myocardial infarction.

She finally experienced the scene when Bai Qiuwu was besieged after she spread the rumor.

Bai Qiuwu was scolded even more fiercely at that time, but now he can't stand it anymore just after seeing these few barrages.

Thinking about it this way, spreading rumors is indeed a very wicked thing. No wonder it is said to be harmful to one's merit.

Wang Song was once again deeply aware of her own problems. She was a typical person who would only reflect after being beaten, but now she was obviously beaten, so she began to reflect.

She felt that it was okay to be scolded, but she was really afraid that she would be implicated in Bai Qiuwu. They both knew that they had absolutely no script, but others did not know.

If people misunderstood that all this was Bai Qiuwu's script because of her urgent request, what if Bai Qiuwu got angry and didn't help her find her sister?
Even not helping her find her sister would be frivolous. What if she gets angry and her sister never comes back, making them unable to find anyone again.

After such a series of events, Bai Qiuwu has become a very capable master in Wang Song's heart.She doesn't dare to mess with him at all now.

So she quickly clarified, fearing that it would be too late:

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: I will kill my whole family if I read the script. If you don’t believe it, go check my Weibo. From the time I contacted Ms. Bai until now, someone has recorded every time, clearly and clearly]

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: To be more arrogant, no one in this world can let me act in a script. If you don’t believe it, go to Baidu and search it yourself to see what my background is]

Wang Song dares to be in this line of work, breaking the secrets of celebrities every day, and doing all kinds of sinful things. That background is her biggest protection.

She also doesn't mind others knowing her background, and even hopes that everyone will know it, so that they will not question the authenticity of the content she publishes.

Therefore, her background introduction, including which company shares are owned by her name and which large group CEO's daughter she is, is clearly written on Baidu.

This is different from many eldest ladies who hide their secrets. Wang Song is so open and open for everyone to see. This is why her fans never doubt her scripting.

That is to say, the audience in this live broadcast room is too mixed. Many people don't know her or have heard of her, so they question the script.

Wang Song would not be used to this kind of person.

As soon as she said this, many of her fans immediately helped to speak. In addition, someone specially copied the content from Baidu. For a while, no one dared to mention the script.

The main thing is that there is no way to refute.

It's really unnecessary for someone with this status to work on a script.

Then, the barrage became quieter.

Bai Qiuwu watched these people argue with each other. It was not until Wang Song finally gained a crushing advantage that she spoke slowly and leisurely.

"Generally speaking, you can't ask for after-sales service in this situation, because with me, your wish has been fulfilled. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You made a wish at that time, hoping that your sister would not become a monk and not see the world of mortals. Now your wish has come true. Your sister is indeed no longer obsessed with becoming a monk, so our wish transaction has been completed."

"You make a wish and I help you fulfill it. There should be no intersection between us, so where is the after-sales service?"

Bai Qiuwu's greatest advantage is that he always looks calm, whether he is being scolded, questioned, or being made unreasonable demands like this.

She is always calm, even polite, and seems to be very easy to talk to.

He is the legendary smiling man who can reach out his hand without hitting the smiling man.

When communicating with such a person, it is really difficult for you to get angry with her. Even if she rejects you, you still feel that you are being unreasonable if you hold on to her.

It will make people feel helpless as if they were punched in cotton.

This is how Wang Song feels now.

But she wasn't willing to give in, and she tried to defend herself.

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: But you didn’t say at the beginning that the way to realize your wish was that she would disappear. If you had known earlier, who would make the wish? 】

After listening to the other party's explanation, Bai Qiuwu calmly asked, "Just tell me whether she has continued to become a monk."

[Sister Le Pa from the entertainment industry:...]

"Since she has not continued to become a monk, running away from home also means that she has not seen through the world of mortals. Otherwise, she will definitely not care about your opinions and continue to find a temple instead of running away from home."

"So, your wish has come true perfectly. As for other consequences, such as people disappearing and so on, did I tell you at the beginning that there will be no good results if you make a wish, and it will most likely cause things you don't like? "

"I remember what I said very clearly at the time. Just tell me, did I tell you in advance?"

Of course, she said that in advance, and she said it very directly. She just pointed at her nose and said that even if you make a wish, there will be no good results because you are unethical.

If it hadn't been for being so naked and straightforward, Wang Song wouldn't have felt that he was being ridiculed, nor would he have become angry on the spot, and then caused such a big incident.

It's just that when I heard this at the time, I just felt angry and felt that I was being looked down upon. But now when I hear it again, I feel a sense of realization that it is indeed the case, and a sense of fate that I can't escape after all.

It was as if the impossible words she had said in the past had all turned into bullets, passing through the torrent of time, and at this moment they were all shot into the center of her eyebrows.

There was no way to escape, no way to avoid it, and I even felt that I was so ridiculous back then.

But what happened has already happened, and there is no use regretting it.

And now it was the absolute opponent's market. Bai Qiuwu had the absolute initiative. She could only grit her teeth and endure it. No matter how much dissatisfaction she had, she could only swallow it in her stomach.

She swore she had never been so humble in her life.

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: Let me beg you. I am really worried about her. I already regret it. Please give me another chance. 】

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: I'm not looking for trouble, I'm really worried about her. I'm at the end of my rope. Please have mercy on me. As long as you help me find her, I will definitely be a good person in the future. 】

Not sure if her sincere request for help had any effect, Bai Qiuwu sighed.

"Although I have already told you, I will tell you again. I can give you an extra chance to make a wish, but the good or bad results of my wish fulfillment process all depend on the loss of personal merit."

"You have done many bad things, so even if your wish comes true, it will not satisfy you. For example, Wu Yue, he did many evil things. He made a wish to evade the punishment of the law, and then he died."

"This kind of accident is inevitable and unpredictable. I tried to persuade you last time, but you didn't take it seriously. Do you still want to agree this time?"

Wang Song is no longer taking things seriously like last time.

She heard everything Bai Qiuwu said in her heart, but she had no choice. She really wanted to find him.

So she gritted her teeth and made a wish.

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: Thank you for giving me another chance. Then I will make another wish. 】

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: I hope my cousin can come back safely, without any injuries or accidents, with a healthy and normal mentality, come back happily, and never run away from home again. 】

A speech full of desire for survival.

 Tomorrow's update will be released in advance. I'll take a day off tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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