Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 71 Gradually changing views

Chapter 71 Gradually changing views

Living in this world always requires worldliness.

Those in the profession of Qian Wang Song are exposed to more of the three religions and nine streams.

Of course, her emotional intelligence is very high, and she doesn't like to worry about trivial matters.

But it was such a young lady who was forced to repeat every sentence at this moment.

I am afraid that I have left some language loopholes and something unexpected will happen.

For example, before, I promised my sister to be more open-minded and not be obsessed with love. However, my sister chose to become a monk and see through the world of mortals.

Or maybe he made a wish that she would not insist on becoming a monk and return to the world of mortals, but she simply disappeared.

These two lessons had such a profound impact on Wang Song that she is now afraid of well ropes even if she is bitten by a snake once.

She was really scared. If she just made a wish this time and hoped that her sister would come back, she would come back with missing arms and legs. What's even worse, she would just send a corpse back.

Isn’t that what Wu Yue is like?

This kind of thing is completely possible.

With a clear example like Wu Yue out there, who wouldn’t be scared after seeing this?

Anyway, Wang Song was extremely scared. In those short few seconds, she tried to eliminate all dangers she could think of.

[Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: Everything else is easy to say. I hope that my sister will be safe, healthy, have no mental problems, and have a normal psychology. She will come back safely and never want to run away from home again. , and no longer willful]

Bai Qiuwu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this long message.

However, she didn't find it too troublesome, and said in a very good-tempered manner: "You have a lot of requests. Is there anything else you want to add? Let's finish it all at once."

Wang Song suddenly thought hard, as if he was nipping all word games in the cradle.

But after all, time was too urgent, and there were so many people gloating and watching the fun. She was very nervous and didn't know what to say.

After thinking again and again, she finally said nothing more.

[Sister Leba from the Entertainment Circle: That’s pretty much it. My biggest request is that I hope my sister can be healthy and safe, and have no mental problems. I hope she returns safely and will not come back and leave again. 】

Bai Qiuwu read her request once, and then nodded: "Okay, I accept your wish, and your wish will succeed."

She felt the concentration of obsession and was a little surprised: "I can't tell, you are quite persistent. This time you are more persistent than ever before, which is good. Your wish should come true soon. "

"Although you are jumping in line and it is not part of the normal process, you still have to report the situation every day until your wish comes true."

Bai Qiuwu reminded seriously: "This way I can also tell you how long it will take until your wish comes true."

Wang Song almost burst into tears. The heart that had been worried for so long was finally about to fall.

Not to mention that Bai Qiuwu also gave special instructions. Even if Bai Qiuwu didn't say anything, she would definitely come every day until her little cousin was found.

No matter what others think, Bai Qiuwu's status has been infinitely elevated to her, at least to the level of a hidden master.

Anyway, she no longer dared to confront Bai Qiuwu, and even wanted to be careful.

After all, this kind of powerful person seems to be particularly good at cursing and hexing. How dare she offend him in the slightest, otherwise she would die one day without knowing how.

Just like that Wu Yue, he didn't know why he died until his death. Moreover, this kind of car accident had nothing to do with Bai Qiuwu, making people unable to find any clues.

This is the true modern way of killing people invisible.

Wang Song lacked nothing and was not afraid of anything, but she was only afraid of the unknown. The bloody lessons made her learn well, and also made her demonize Bai Qiuwu.

Not to mention the karma caused by killing people casually, the karma caused by killing people alone is something that even Bai Qiuwu is not willing to touch.

The most fearful thing for a fairy like her who specializes in making wishes is that she is not fair enough. Making wishes for others is also the result of other people's own karma. She is just making the karma come forward.

In essence, she doesn't have much to do with it. At most, she is just a middleman. She can also charge some intermediary fees and get the willpower to increase her spiritual power.

But once she is no longer impartial and takes human lives wantonly, then she will no longer be a wish-making god, and will also cause thunder and disaster, making life and death unpredictable.

So it’s not easy to be a god these days. You have to follow rules in everything you do, otherwise the world will be in chaos.

It's just that others don't know this, and Bai Qiuwu can't explain it. She doesn't even know that she has become such a person in Wang Song's heart.

She felt that she was quite polite. She didn't refute when she was scolded before. She always served with a smile. There should be no reason for Wang Song not to like her.

However, Wang Song thinks too highly of her, but other netizens underestimate her too much.

Or it can't be said to be underestimated, it is simply contempt.

After watching the whole tug-of-war between Bai Qiuwu and Wang Song, many people said it was too dramatic and more like a script than a script.

The storm of criticism did not end until the end of the live broadcast, and was evenly distributed on various social platforms.

Weibo bore the brunt.

Someone posted on the spot.

[Title: Did anyone watch Bai Qiuwu’s latest live broadcast?Come and share your experiences! 】

[Content: Good guy, Bai Qiuwu’s latest live broadcast is simply a large-scale MLM scene, more like an MLM scene than a MLM scene. He has been marketing her before, looking for scolding, and seems to be taking the black and red route]

[As a result, the style suddenly changed today, and I started to create a metaphysical character. What is this? The black and red attracted enough attention, and I started to whitewash it?It’s just that this direction of whitewashing is too careless. You should also set up a more reliable character. If you make it so outrageous, no one will like it even if they want to.]

[A total of two people made a wish today. The first one was directly an employee of their company. He said that he hoped to be rich. He couldn’t even pretend to be pretentious. I bet 5 cents that tomorrow it will definitely be his employee who said that his wish came true. Then Got a sum of money for various reasons] [Yes, this money must have been given by their company, just to attract this wave of attention. The tricks here are too childish. I feel that normal people can come up with N reasons to give People from my own company send money, this is too simple, let’s not mention it for now]

[Another wish is for a marketing account that has been very popular recently, that one about Lepa Sister in the entertainment industry. This is really a good show, and it spans a long time. It can be seen that a lot of thought and hard work have been put into it. The script is so bad, it kind of treats the audience as fools]

[Regarding Bai Qiuwu’s change in style and his appearance in these two scripts, I can only say that he performed very well. He will not act again next time. I don’t know what everyone thinks? 】

Floor 1: How else can I watch it?I sat and watched it, and now I have directly regarded this as a comedy live broadcast. Not to mention, it is really satisfying.

There are still too many people in this world, otherwise why would there be so many fools? Some people believe in this stuff. It is really interesting to witness the diversity of species every day.

2nd Floor: I’m really surprised. Isn’t this a script? Why do people keep saying it’s not a script, just because the bastard’s family is in good condition?But who would think that money is too much? If you have money, you can still make money!
3rd Floor: What you said above is so right. This is how I feel. How can there be such a coincidence? If you make a wish once and find that you are not satisfied with the result, why don’t you run away quickly and make the wish a second time or a third time? What is this if it's not a script?
The funniest thing is that when a person goes missing, he doesn’t go to the police, but goes to make a wish. What’s the difference between this and Xian Li Buddha?Do you really want to find your sister?Still don’t want to?I even have reasonable suspicion that your sister's disappearance has something to do with you.

Floor 4: No, brothers, she disappeared when she said she was missing?Now I wonder if she has this sister. Do you understand that a girl is born out of nothing?Even if you call the police, you will believe it if you just open your mouth, so you are the only one who believes it.

Anyway, I don’t believe it. A normal person’s sister is missing. She is not in a hurry to go to the police station. Instead, she watches the live broadcast online. I don’t think she is in a hurry at all.

Floor 5: I also think she is not in a hurry. There are two possibilities for this. Either she doesn’t care about her sister at all and doesn’t care, or it is a proper script. Her sister is not missing, but just to create a buzz. She will definitely talk about it later. My sister found it and then said that her wish was successful.

I feel that I have figured out the routine inside. With this poor script, no one believes that I have laughed at him for a year. No kidding, only simple-minded people will believe it.

Floor 6: Don’t be so absolute. I think this is really mysterious. Didn’t you see the wishing comparison chart?Bai Qiuwu seems to really have something, and everyone who makes a wish to her really comes true. I think some things are better believed to be present than not believed to be absent. Anyway, even if it doesn't succeed, it will only be a loss of 10 yuan...


There are always a lot of smart people in this world. They are always willing to believe in things within their own knowledge. No matter what else they are, they just firmly disbelieve.

So in this wave of marketing, everything is said. Some people are indeed persuaded and are hesitant to believe it. They want to continue to pay attention to see what happens next, but some people just refuse to believe it.

This kind of people also have a very sense of superiority. They feel that others who believe and doubt are all idiots. The world is full of idiots, as long as they are sober.

They were blaming the sky and the earth, and no one looked down on them with all kinds of yin and yang weirdness. However, just as they were raging, Wang Song suddenly posted on Weibo.

The content of Weibo is very simple, with only a few sentences and two pictures.

Lebajie V from the entertainment industry: I said there is no script. If anyone spreads rumors again, don’t blame me for being rude. I have a whole team of lawyers and a lot of money to play with you. You can decide what to do by yourself @王世集团legal department

Among the two pictures she posted, one was a missing person document registered by the Ministry of Public Security, in which her cousin's name was coded, and the others were clear, especially the official seal on it, which was bright and eye-catching.

The second picture is a lawyer's letter drafted directly by her company's legal department, warning that anyone who spreads rumors will be prosecuted.

Just this operation, so ruthless and accurate, instantly silenced the whole world.

Although they thought that someone might come out to refute the rumors, they all thought that this person must be Bai Qiuwu, or someone else from Starlight Live. After all, the current trend is not suitable for their marketing.

But no one expected that the person who stood up directly would be Sister Leba from the entertainment industry.

And this lady is not refuting the rumors at all, she is just threatening her!

Wang Song is also tired of being chased by people all the time about the script. What is her identity? Who deserves her to act in the script?
Not to mention lowering her standards, what if she angers Master Bai Qiuwu, and then the master becomes angry and refuses to help her realize her wish?
You know her sister hasn’t come back yet!At this time, the boat capsized in the gutter, and she could really be angry to death.

And her domineering reply is simply more effective than any explanation. After all, no matter how much you explain, people will still not listen to what they should, and you can't force them to listen.

And even if you listen, people will still have to bully you. The nature of human beings is to bully people.

It's better to just throw out evidence and threats. She does what she says. If anyone dares to say another word about the script, as long as the number of likes and comments reaches the number, she will directly send a lawyer's letter.

This was her job, and she knew the ropes better than anyone else. She would sue if she wanted to, without any ambiguity.

Probably seeing that her attitude was firm and not a joke at all, everyone restrained themselves and began to change their faces at the speed of light.

People who had previously insisted that this was a script all spoke up, jokingly saying that in this case it must not be a script, and then started to change the topic, but they didn't dare to talk about it anymore anyway.

Who the hell dares to say this?If you are not careful, you will be sued!
It's just a small group at the bottom, so we still have to talk about what we should talk about.

After all, Wang Song is not omnipotent and cannot even control such a small private group, but his case filing document stamped with the official seal of the Ministry of Public Security still convinced a large number of people.

At least now everyone knows that her sister is really missing. If it was really a script, it shouldn't be staged to this extent.

Therefore, the possibility of the script suddenly became smaller.

Then, more people paid attention to this matter.

After all, if it weren't for the script, this would be interesting. It would be a waste not to eat such a delicious melon.

Many people have already said that they must go live broadcast tomorrow night to see when and how her sister can be found back.

The most important thing is to see if Bai Qiuwu is useful!

Suddenly, I don’t know how many people began to look forward to tomorrow’s live broadcast.

But Bai Qiuwu didn't know these.

The trend on the Internet is changing very quickly, and of course there are dedicated people to study it.

After Pu Xi became Bai Qiuwu's assistant, he naturally took over this important task.

At this moment, he was on the phone with Bai Qiuwu.

"Sister, please tell me when their wish will be realized, and whether the way of realizing it will be good or bad. Can I create some publicity in advance?"

"I think public opinion is quite favorable to us now. I want to push back. Give me a rough time and we will build momentum in advance. If nothing happens, our reputation will be established this time."

(End of this chapter)

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