Is Chapter 8 so mysterious?

When Zhi'an Entertainment broke off the relationship with Bai Qiuwu, it showed its face harshly. At that time, many people praised him for stopping losses in time and doing a good job.

Even the hot search for that entry has completely disappeared. It is listed behind dozens of people. Many people have an impression of this company.

Then at this moment, sudden and shocking news appeared.

It's the same as Wu Li's time but different.

Similarly, Wu Li's house collapsed suddenly, without any warning.

The difference is that Wu Li's information was exposed by well-known celebrities, and then they denied it, struggled, and then the police intervened, and then they took action.

As for the information from Zhi'an Entertainment, more than a dozen artists under their name jointly filed a complaint and went directly to court. The information on Weibo was only revealed after the court had accepted the case.

To put it simply, it eliminates the struggle process of Zhi'an Entertainment Company and kills it with one blow.

The reason why Weibo has such a huge response is that the worst among the dozen or so artists are all female Internet celebrities with millions of fans, and there are even one or two moderately famous female celebrities.

With so many people joining forces, the sensation it created was simply incredible.

It's just...why so sudden?

That night, a tall building sprang up under a certain post on Weibo.

[Title: About the person behind the collapse of a certain entertainment company]
[Content: One of the co-signers is my friend. Everyone is curious about why it happened so suddenly. I was also curious, so I went to ask her.

Because their original plan was not for today, but they suddenly had a sudden impulse and unanimously felt that today was a good time, so they rushed straight away. Their evidence had been prepared for a long time.

What do you think about this? ]
Floor 1: What do you think?I smiled.

Floor 2: Why is today a good time?Is it because the incident between the entertainment company and Bai Qiuwu has become a hot topic?You guys really know how to seize the opportunity.

Floor 3: It’s too sudden. The recent collapse of these two houses has been so inexplicable, but the evidence has been collected long ago, as if they deliberately waited to be revealed in the past two days.

Floor 4: Am I the only one who finds it terrifying to think about it? Both Wu Yue and Zhi An Entertainment just offended the same person, and then they were gone in the blink of an eye...

5th Floor: You upstairs can just report Bai Qiuwu’s ID card, but what does this matter have to do with her?How can she do this?

Didn’t you say everything?People have been collecting evidence for these two things for a long time, and they just happened to come together.

Just because Bai Qiuwu has become crazy and mysterious recently, don't doubt that she really has magical abilities. Please wake up, everyone!We must believe in science!

Pu Xi scrolled all the way to this point, then pointed his finger, and his mind was filled with these five words "Believe in science".

But, but, how can this make him believe in science?
Unlike others, he witnessed Bai Qiuwu finding someone to make a wish, and then something like this happened that night...

And this is not the first time. If you want to talk about coincidence, three coincidences in just three days? !
Even if Pu Xi is a staunch materialist, he can't help but waver at this moment.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally called Pu Yao, who was working overtime in the company.

"Hey, brother." Pu Xi said with hesitation, "Have you seen what happened at Zhi'an Entertainment Company?"

The male voice opposite was still calm, as if nothing could move him: "I saw it."

"Then what do you think?" Pu Xi couldn't hold back and asked curiously: "What do you think is going on in this matter?"

Pu Yao was silent for a while and then asked: "What exactly do you want to ask?"

Zhi'an Entertainment's contract issues have been criticized for a long time, but every time they raised their voices before, they were suppressed. These people also knew that one person could not affect the company, so they simply joined forces secretly.

Look at the evidence presented here. You can tell at a glance that it was not a one-day effort. This is self-inflicted. What’s so good about it?Pu Yao didn't think Pu Xi couldn't understand what was going on here, so his questions to him were very strange.

Pu Xi swallowed her saliva, considered her words, and asked cautiously: "Then, do you think there is a possibility that this matter broke out so suddenly because of metaphysics?"

Pu Yao: "?"

Listening to the long silence on the other end of the phone, Pu Xi felt even more depressed, so he tried to explain: "That's it, I think this matter may have something to do with Bai Qiuwu."

Pu Yao: "???"

"What does it have to do with that little star? She is also a member of the collaboration?"

"That's not true." Pu Xi lowered her voice nervously: "This afternoon, someone made a wish to her, saying that she hoped that Zhi'an Entertainment Company would collapse, and then this happened at night."

Worried that his brother would think he was crazy, he quickly added: "Not only this time, but also before, about Wu Yue. Someone made a wish to her, and then Wu Yue's house collapsed immediately."

"Also, a little nurse in the hospital made a wish to become rich, and then she was hit by a car. She really became rich!"

The more he talked, the more mysterious it became, and his words gradually became incoherent.

Pu Yao, who was sitting in the office at this moment, finally realized that something was wrong. He put down the document in his hand and rubbed his temples.

"Pu Xi." He said earnestly: "Are you too tired recently?"

Pu Xi: "What?"

"If you feel tired, take a rest. Don't think about these things all day long. If you have any physical problems, such as paranoia or something, go to the hospital."

Pu Xi reacted for a while before he realized what his brother meant, and he suddenly became angry: "You don't understand at all. That Bai Qiuwu is very mysterious!"

Pu Yao: "Hmm, when are you going to see the doctor? Do you need me to make an appointment for you?"

Pu Xi: "..."

Pu Xi hung up the phone angrily.

He didn't believe in these messy things at first, but after analyzing it just now, he didn't convince his brother, but convinced himself.

It just seems more and more wrong the more I think about it.

No, we have to research what's going on.

Pu Xi decisively took out her cell phone and sent Bai Qiuwu a message.

Pu Xi: Sister, are you there?
Pu Xi: Cat Probe.jpg
The other party didn't reply for a long time, Pu Xi couldn't help but scroll through Weibo, and found that as long as Bai Qiuwu was mentioned, there was no good word.

And the most mainstream thing at present is to laugh at Bai Qiuwu, who is in the advanced stage of his secondary illness and talks nonsense all day long.

Pu Xixin said, "Master, they don't believe you but I do. Please reply to me quickly."

Then as he wished, he finally received a belated reply from Bai Qiuwu——

Bai Qiuwu: What, have you thought about how to make me look good?

Pu Xi: "..."

Pu Xi recalled the way she looked when she left angrily in the afternoon, and the cruel words she said...

If Bai Qiuwu really has the ability to make wishes for others, does this mean he has offended people severely?
So is it too late for him to kneel down and admit his mistake?
(End of this chapter)

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