Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 9: Spiritual but not fully spiritual

Chapter 9: Spiritual but not fully spiritual
Pu Xi simply couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if Bai Qiuwu was really a worldly master if he offended her.

What if you randomly grab a few hundred yuan and catch someone on the roadside making a wish, saying that they hope Puxi will also go bankrupt?
Pu Xi was a little anxious and quickly sent a message to explain.

Pu Xi: Sister, in the afternoon I was a little blind, so you, the adults, don’t care about the little ones, okay?

Pu Xi: Good sister, can you spare me this time?I apologize to you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

It took a long time before the other party slowly returned.

Bai Qiuwu: Do you believe what I said?
In fact, Pu Xi only believes at most three points now, and more is still doubtful. But just this three points of belief makes him not dare to neglect.

In fact, many times, the richer people are, the more superstitious they are.

Pu Xi has believed in these messy things since he was a child, maybe because he is always very unlucky, or maybe their whole family is unlucky.

Their family always had various problems, and it wasn't until they invited a senior monk to perform a ritual that things got better.

So much so that Pu Xi has been in awe of these metaphysical powers since he was a child.

At this moment, Bai Qiuwu regarded Bai Qiuwu as a hidden master, and he replied with great caution.

Pu Xi: Sister, of course I believe you.

Pu Xi: Worship the Master.jpg
Bai Qiuwu was still in the ward at this moment. She looked at the emoji of the little man kneeling and kowtowing on the screen of her mobile phone, and paused her fingers slightly.

Did anyone believe her so quickly?
It seems that she is not far away from making her career prosperous!
Bai Qiuwu was immediately full of hope for his future. He didn't even feel sleepy anymore and directly picked up his mobile phone to start the live broadcast.

The little nurse next door had been lying in bed for two days and had been discharged from the hospital to go home to recuperate. She was the only one left in the huge ward, and there was not even anyone to visit her.

Bai Qiuwu didn't care at all, didn't feel lonely, and even felt that it was more convenient to be alone.

For example, no one says she is disturbing the public when she broadcasts live late at night.

She first posted a live broadcast link on Weibo, ignored the question marks that filled the screen in the reply, and started the live broadcast with confidence.

Her popularity is still there, but it's not the same as it was in the first two days. The number of people watching has decreased by half, and even the barrage is much deserted.

[It’s true, this woman is just trying to gain popularity]

[Help my family, why is this guy still here? Why hasn't he been beaten yet?Wu was finished, and so was the company, so why was she left? 】

[What kind of monster is this? 】

Bai Qiuwu looked at these barrages that were not friendly to him, coughed twice, and smiled: "Still the old rules, you can make a wish with 1000 yuan. Is there anyone here?"

The screen was filled with question marks and exclamation points, mixed with some barrages such as "Sisters are not as persistent in committing fraud as you are" and "Chuunibyou is also a disease and needs to be cured."

Bai Qiuwu was not discouraged. Instead, he explained seriously: "Why don't you believe me? It's really effective. Is it because 1000 yuan is too expensive? How about I lower the price to [-] yuan?"

[Don’t say a hundred, no one came for ten yuan. We know that you owe the King’s Clause and have no money, but you are not so poor, right?Are you cheating this little money? 】

[Hey, Yaoyao Zero, someone is committing fraud here! 】

[You said you are so beautiful, why are you doing a live broadcast? Are you doing a live broadcast to make wishes? Do you think everyone is a fool?What wishes have you fulfilled? 】

To be honest, the last barrage was entirely meant to ridicule Bai Qiuwu, and the yin and yang atmosphere almost overflowed the screen.

But no one expected that Bai Qiuwu would actually reply to such a taunting barrage.

He also had a serious expression and a sincere tone: "So far, a total of four people have made wishes to me, namely to get rich suddenly, Wu Li to collapse his house, to lose weight suddenly, and Zhi'an Entertainment Company to close down." "The wish to get rich suddenly has come true, and the house will collapse. It has been realized, and the bankruptcy and extreme weight loss are on the way to be realized, and it should be realized in the next two days. I am really smart, I won’t lie to you.”

Bai Qiuwu was naturally good-looking, and even among the beauties everywhere in the entertainment industry, she was still one of the best beauties. When she got serious like this, she really looked like that.

Many people were in a daze, and the barrage paused for a long time.

Until someone gradually came back to his senses.

[I almost believed it. 】

[Oh my god, I’ve never seen anyone so rude. When did Zhi’an Company get involved with you again?Who made the wish, why didn’t I know? 】

[In front of you, this woman is just messing around. Whoever believes it will lose]

[I have never seen such a shameless person, here is my hand, Sister Aite, have you lost weight?Come and slap the unscrupulous anchor in the face! 】

Bai Qiuwu was a little depressed when he saw these barrages. She was so sincere, but everyone just didn't believe her.

It seems that silly boys like Pu Xi...oh no, there are still only a few people with such simple hearts.

Knowing that she couldn't convince everyone, Bai Qiuwu had no choice but to log off the live broadcast. She knew that her operation would definitely lead to trouble again, so she simply stopped reading Weibo, threw away her phone, and went to sleep!

What she didn't know was that just when she was peacefully falling asleep, the dispute on Weibo had just begun.

As she expected, her live broadcast once again brought a lot of dirty information. She didn't know how many people scolded her for being shameless and doing anything to gain popularity.

However, there have been too many people scolding her during this period, and these did not cause any splash. At most, they made people think she was even more clownish.

What really caused a stir was the reply from the entertainment circle sister Leba late at night.

It’s funny to say that Bai Qiuwu’s behavior is seen as shameless publicity by others. Many people wanted to see her slap in the face, so they all came to Weibo to post about Sister Leba from the Aite entertainment circle.

This bastard girl also has millions of fans and is considered a well-known big v blogger. Many people are familiar with her and know that she made a wish to lose weight in the live broadcast room.

Everyone hopes that Sister Ba can stand up and say that although it has only been two days, even if she does not eat or drink, she will not lose any weight, but who made Bai Qiuwu talk so much and say that it will be achieved in these two days.

If Sister Pa's weight doesn't change at all, doesn't it prove that Bai Qiuwu is talking nonsense and bragging?

In the first half of the night, Sister Leba from the entertainment industry did not come out to reply. Everyone thought that she had fallen asleep or had something else to do and would not come out.

As a result, she was silently bubbling up for the rest of the night.

Sister Leba from the entertainment industry: I saw a lot of fans texting me, and I’m really sorry that I only came out to reply now.

The main reason was that I had eaten bad food in the past two days and had some gastrointestinal problems. I had vomiting and diarrhea and couldn't eat anything. I was admitted to the hospital.

As for the weight issue that everyone is concerned about, emm, I just went to weigh myself and found that I have lost 8 pounds. I don’t know if this is considered extreme weight loss/waterfall sweat.


ah this? ? ?

The comments below are full of question marks.

(End of this chapter)

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