Chapter 82 I Know
The girl's emotions were already broken. It can be said that since Bai Qiuwu appeared, all her hopes were placed on Bai Qiuwu.

The result was such an answer.

Then the girl burst into tears.

Although Bai Qiuwu said that the wish could come true, the girl cried as if her boyfriend was hopeless.

Bai Qiuwu's head was full of questions and he couldn't help but say: "Why are you crying?"

What do you mean, I'm so stupid that I believed you. Is there something wrong with this?

Do you have to have Bai Qiuwu say that your boyfriend is hopeless and prepare to take care of your affairs in order to be credible?
So do you think your boyfriend is good, or do you think your boyfriend is bad?

Bai Qiuwu was confused, but the girl was crying so hard that she was out of breath, and her speech was choked with sobs.

"They are rescuing people inside. They are rescuing people, but you told me that your wish will come true soon. You can't just save the person directly at once, right? Is this possible!"

"Why did I believe your lies? I really thought you were useful. Why did you lie to me? Why didn't you continue to lie to me? What should I do?"

Emotionally broken, she didn't care about her image at all. She burst into tears and seemed to be about to faint from crying the next moment.

Bai Qiuwu still remembered that this sister had another baby in her belly, so he had to help her to a chair first, and then couldn't help but ask: "Why is it impossible?"

"Isn't it normal to bring someone back with one rescue operation?"

The girl shook off Bai Qiuwu's hand, crying and yelling at her: "Listen to what you are saying, don't you understand what rescue means? How could the condition suddenly improve?"

"Can't you tell lies with technical content? Can't you lie to me again?"

She cried and fussed, not listening to any explanation at all. Anyway, she was convinced that he was a liar. With such emotions, she couldn't listen to anything he said.

Bai Qiuwu understood her feelings of collapse, but he was also a little unable to communicate.

The two of them were talking like a duck, and this funny scene was presented to netizens as it was.

For a moment, everyone was speechless and didn't know how to evaluate it.

[No, sister, please put it in a roundabout way. Whoever wins the card game first? The little girl is scared by you. If it were me, I would think you are a liar. If you just say something, maybe your wish will come true tomorrow. , will not cause this effect]

[...It turns out that your wish is so easy to come true. You just open your mouth, but someone has to believe it. Anyway, I don't believe it at all. Now I'm starting to wonder if I'm mentally ill. I'm actually watching this. Cerebral palsy live broadcast]

[No, what kind of occasion is it now? Rescue is going on inside!If you make such a joke now, it’s strange that the girl’s mentality is not broken. I don’t know what you think. You don’t know how to lie with a technical content. It makes the girl angry]

[Although, this scene is so funny. It’s over. My merit deduction is gone. The style of these two people’s paintings is so weird. It feels weird, but it’s unexpectedly funny. I know I shouldn’t laugh in this scene. I I made a mistake, Buddha forgive me! 】

[Am I the only one who really feels sorry for my little sister? It’s really suffocating to put it in perspective. I’m desperate and have no other options. I looked for spiritual sustenance, but I found out that the spiritual sustenance was a liar... Oh my God, I’ve already started to have trouble breathing. Can I? You can't stop making such a joke! 】

[I think you haven’t been slapped in the face enough. You say it’s impossible every time, but when have you failed?Every time you badmouth me, you will definitely be slapped in the face later. Can't you stop calming down after this? Why do you have to make predictions so early? Can't you just watch it honestly?Addicted to being slapped in the face? 】

[Although I also think it’s a bit outrageous that making a wish can make your condition better, but the fulfillment of those previous wishes is not very reliable, right?Therefore, I choose to continue to believe in Bai Daxian!Just wait and see you get slapped in the face! 】


Bai Qiuwu really didn't know what rescue meant.

She didn't know why the little girl didn't believe it after she gave such a positive answer.

But in her perception, her wish was indeed on the way to being realized.

The girl was crying so much that she was completely confused.

Because there was a live broadcast and there were too many netizens, it was difficult to tell her her real name, so Bai Qiuwu tentatively called her Qingfeng.

"Qingfeng, please stop crying. You have not been deceived, and I have not deceived you. Stop crying. Stop crying."

The little girl didn't listen to her and even cried harder.

It was as if her emotions were suppressed to the extreme. She finally found an outlet to vent, and then she started to vent happily.

Amidst her cries, the alarm sound of the machine in the intensive care unit also continued to make harsh sounds, like a tragic duet in the world.

The people listening felt very uncomfortable.

I don’t know how many people have felt the powerlessness of this young lady at this time. No matter how much you love her, no matter how reluctant you are, no matter how many emotions and thoughts you have, you are still so insignificant in the face of life and death.

So they say that there is nothing important in life except life and death, but many people just can't understand this. They live an ordinary life that they think is very boring, but they don't know how many people dream of it.

Just when countless people were affected by the crying and even began to accuse Bai Qiuwu of talking nonsense, the alarm sound in the intensive care unit suddenly stopped.

The young lady was still crying, but when she heard the movement inside stopped, she didn't care about anything else and stumbled towards the viewing window.

But when he got to the window, he didn't dare to look up.

She was afraid that she would get an ending that she couldn't accept.

She was afraid of seeing her beloved turn into a cold corpse.

She couldn't accept it, she really couldn't accept it.

Bai Qiuwu followed her silently. Seeing that she didn't dare to look in, he simply looked for her.

The boy still had his eyes closed, no different from the previous state, but the electrocardiogram next to him was obviously still beating, which at least meant that the person was not dead yet.

So, Bai Qiuwu spoke: "He is fine, he was rescued."

The girl suddenly raised her head. When she saw the beating curve on the electrocardiogram, she breathed a sigh of relief, but then tears began to accumulate in her eyes again.

Bai Qiuwu felt a little dizzy and quickly interrupted the spell: "Don't cry, don't cry. Okay, don't cry. Your boyfriend is fine. I can feel it. His wish is being fulfilled."

"Don't panic, don't panic. Trust me, it's already happening. There will be good news, and it will be there soon."

But at this moment, the power of words was so pale that this young lady didn't believe it at all. She even wanted to turn her anger on Bai Qiuwu.

But just when she raised her head in anger and opened her mouth to curse, the door of the intensive care unit was pushed open from the inside, and a doctor in a white coat came out.

The young lady became silent for a moment. Her attention was diverted almost immediately. She opened her mouth again and again. Everyone could see that she wanted to ask something, but in the end she couldn't ask anything.

People are very cowardly when they are extremely scared.

Bai Qiuwu understood her, so he asked for her.

"How is the patient's condition? We are the family members of the one who was rescued just now." The doctor glanced at them and considered his words: "The situation is stable now, but there is still bad news..."

bad news?How could it be bad news?
Bai Qiuwu was stunned for a moment. She really felt that her wish was being realized, and in a good direction.

The merits of this young couple are quite good, and they will definitely have a happy ending in the end.

But now, why is it bad news?
Without caring so much, Bai Qiuwu subconsciously asked: "What's the bad news?"

"We saw a large shadow in the patient's lungs. At that time, we suspected it was a tumor, and then we took a biopsy and sent it for examination. Now that the pathological analysis has come out, there is a high probability that it is... lung cancer."

Bai Qiuwu: "?"


What cancer can you say again?

Bai Qiuwu was stunned. She did not expect this result at all. Also stunned were the viewers in the live broadcast room who were waiting for the news.

For a time, the whole world was quiet.

The last person to break the silence was the young lady who had an emotional breakdown.

"What did you say?" Because of the excessive shock, the young lady's voice even broke: "Lung cancer? You said he has lung cancer?!"

The doctor looked at her being so excited and frowned, with a helpless expression.

"Don't get excited yet, just listen to me."

"Why don't you make me excited?" But the girl could no longer calm down. Her mood swings were huge. She had already collapsed, but now she was completely crazy.

"He has never smoked, so why did he get lung cancer? Why? Is there a mistake? Is there something wrong somewhere? Can you reanalyze it? He is so young, he is so young..."

As she said this, she cried bitterly again.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room also exploded in an instant.

【WTF?Can you say that again?Lung cancer?Why is it lung cancer?Doesn’t it mean that the wish is coming true?Shouldn’t there be good news next?What the hell is lung cancer?What good news is this? 】

[If I remember correctly, the young lady’s wish seems to be that the partner can come back safely and the two of them can live the happy life before, so what kind of wish is this being fulfilled?Lung cancer, tmd, I’m so fucking speechless. Is there any worse news than this? 】

[The house was broken down during the continuous rain, and the hemp rope was cut at the smallest point. I really don’t know what to say now. How could this happen? The person has not been rescued yet and is still in a coma. How could he be found out again? I have lung cancer, how can I still be saved?There is no way to save this! 】

[Those people in front who said that their wishes are about to come true and those of us who badmouth us will be slapped in the face, why don’t we dare to come out?Keep baptizing for your Lord, doesn’t it mean that your wish is about to come true?Lung cancer?Is there such a thing as wish fulfillment?what does it mean? 】

[This is definitely the most tragic car rollover I have ever seen. Now I suddenly want to interview this "Bai Daxian". He keeps saying that people's dreams will come true. I am exaggerating. I really don't know what the meaning of this kind of live broadcast is. , dedicated to live broadcasting to rub salt into wounds? tmd report! 】

The doctor's words triggered not only the emotionally broken young lady, but also countless netizens who thought this was unreliable.

Lung cancer, there is absolutely no worse news than this.

Pu Xi had always been working behind the scenes. He was always paying attention to the direction of the live broadcast room. Seeing that everyone was excited and started to attack Bai Qiuwu, he couldn't help but become a little anxious.

He started gesturing to Bai Qiuwu constantly, meaning to ask her to explain a few words quickly.

This car did turn over a bit hard.

I just said that my wish would come true, don’t worry, don’t be afraid, everything will get better, but then I was diagnosed with lung cancer.

There is absolutely no more severe slap in the face than this. If you don't handle it well, you may never be able to recover.

Pu Xi was so anxious that her hands almost turned into electric fans.

Of course Bai Qiuwu saw his gesture and understood what he meant, but she did not speak.

Firstly, the car had overturned. Now the explanation is meaningless. On the contrary, it is suspected of being shot from behind.

Secondly... Bai Qiuwu didn't feel like he was overturned.

She had no consciousness of being bombarded by countless people, nor did she care about the little sister crying and wiping away her tears. She looked at the doctor calmly and persistently.

"Doctor, do you still have something to say?"

The doctor was also crying a lot at this moment. When he heard Bai Qiuwu ask, he nodded.

"It's okay, doctor, just tell me. We can handle whatever happens." Bai Qiuwu said.

This statement also attracted countless ridicules.

You're not the person involved, you're just a gossip, what can't you handle?
I have never seen a more shameless person than this!

Bai Qiuwu's finally positive image was destroyed in just a few words.

Now all the comments in the live broadcast room were scolding Bai Qiuwu or mocking Bai Qiuwu. Those who had spoken for her before were all unable to hold their heads up at this moment.

They had just said that others would be slapped in the face if they spoke too soon, but they turned around and were slapped in the face because they trusted Bai Qiuwu too much. It was impossible to say that they had no resentment in their hearts at this moment.

Then in such a scene where everyone was angry and accusing.

The doctor finally spoke hesitantly.

"Although it is basically confirmed that it is lung cancer, it is early stage. If it is discovered early, it can be cured."

"And just now, the congestion in the patient's brain has finally cleared up. The patient is out of the most fatal danger. The situation is getting better. Don't be afraid."

"Lung cancer is still in its early stages. If it hadn't been for this car accident, it wouldn't have been discovered. If it had been delayed until later, there would be no way to save it. This is already a blessing among misfortunes. Don't worry too much."

"Although the situation is very bad, it is not that bad yet. It can even be said that it is getting better."

As soon as the doctor said this, everyone was stunned again.

Bai Qiuwu reacted faster than everyone else this time, and answered immediately: "I knew it, I almost thought I had a wrong sense, so I just said the wish is coming true!"

The crying girl with pear blossoms and rain: "?"

Netizens who are scolding each other on the Internet: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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