Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 83 Wish Fulfillment in Progress

Chapter 83 Wish Fulfillment in Progress

My boyfriend accidentally got into a car accident and was seriously injured and fell into a coma with brain congestion. He still hasn't woken up. However, during the examination, he was accidentally diagnosed with lung cancer. What was it like?
Thanks for the invitation, I just fainted from crying.

This young lady whose ID is Qingfeng Xuyou is completely confused at this moment.

She knew every word the doctor said, but when they were put together, she couldn't understand them.

Her brain seemed to be rusty, and she couldn't turn around for a long time, unable to regain consciousness.

Not only her, but the hundreds of thousands of viewers and netizens who were watching the situation through the live broadcast at the moment were also dumbfounded.

It is true that what this doctor said contained so much information that people didn’t know what to do for a moment.

Only Bai Qiuwu was very calm from beginning to end, and she knew very well that the wish was coming true, so there must be a reversal.

It can be said that she has been waiting for this reversal, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she has been prepared for it.

So when the reversal really came, she reacted almost instantly and repeated it calmly and rationally.

"In other words, the patient's current situation is that the congestion in the brain is being eliminated, the most dangerous situation has passed, and the lung cancer discovered is also in the early stage. Can it be treated?"

The words were spoken clearly and the logic was clear. After Bai Qiuwu repeated this, the doctor immediately nodded. He was very awake. It was not that both family members were dizzy with excitement. At least there was still one who could communicate.

It's just that this seems a little too rational. Why don't you feel any emotional fluctuations?

The doctor didn't know that Bai Qiuwu was not a family member at all, and had been prepared for this for a long time, so there would naturally be no fluctuations.

After getting the doctor's exact answer, Bai Qiuwu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she knew that her induction was absolutely correct and her wish was coming true, it was coming true, but the process was a little unexpected, but when she just heard the doctor say cancer, she was actually a little confused in her heart.

She almost suspected that the young couple had not done many good things as he thought, so they wanted to fulfill their wish in reverse.

For example, if the man dies of illness, and then the woman dies in love, the two of them go to another world to continue their harmony and love. This idea of ​​realizing their wishes is actually not impossible.

But fortunately, it didn't explode like that.

Bai Qiuwu was really happy for this little girl, because she could feel that this little sister really loved her.

"Look, I'll just say it's okay."

Bai Qiuwu reached out and patted the stunned girl on the shoulder, trying to comfort her: "If it weren't for this car accident, there would be no way to detect cancer at an early stage. It's a blessing among misfortunes."

"Your wish is that your boyfriend's illness will get better and that he and you can live the happy life before. Therefore, cancer, a factor that will destroy your wish, has also been discovered. I'm not lying to you, your wish is true. is coming true.”

The doctor was immediately confused by what he said. What wish came true, it sounded like a fraud scene.

But he didn't say much, he just treated these two people as crazy.

After a few more explanations, the doctor returned to the ward, but Bai Qiuwu was still talking.

"I said, your wish will come true. Your wish will definitely come true. I didn't lie to you. Don't worry about it. I'm still pregnant with it."

These words were spoken from the bottom of his heart. Bai Qiuwu admired this young couple. In this world where people are increasingly impetuous, this kind of life-and-death relationship is like a rarity and rare to see.

The young lady was really shocked at this moment and was too shocked to react. But after Bai Qiuwu said so much, she blinked and finally came back to her senses.

Tears were still hanging on my face, but I couldn't cry anymore. But let's face it, I didn't seem to know whether I should laugh or not.

At this moment, she was more at a loss.

She even felt like she was dreaming. One second she was still breaking down and angrily blaming God for being unfair. How come the next second, she felt like she was hit by a huge pie?
She stared blankly at Bai Qiuwu who was talking eloquently, and it took a long time before he hesitated to speak: "...Will my wish really come true?"

It seems that the little girl is not confident anymore.

Bai Qiuwu patted her shoulder earnestly and said in an extremely affirmative tone: "Yes, it is already in the process of being realized."

"How long will it take for it to be completely realized?" The girl was a little uneasy, nervously stirring her fingers: "Can it really be cured? Is it really going to be okay?"

Bai Qiuwu understood her fear and was not bothered. He said seriously again: "Yes, nothing will happen."

She sensed it carefully and finally gave the girl the exact answer: "Within a week, your wish will almost come true within a week."

The course of treatment should be long, and it will definitely not be cured in at least one week. However, you can feel from the induction that half of your wish is completed in one week.

At that time, this young lady’s wish was that her boyfriend could wake up and the two of them could live their old lives again.

And achieving half of it means that her boyfriend will wake up within a week.

Now that everyone is awake, the condition must be stable, and the young lady can rest assured. It can be said that it is almost achieved.

Bai Qiuwu's tone didn't change much at first, and he made his assertions so lightly.

The girl felt at first that she had been deceived, wondering how her wish could come true with just a few words. Then she felt that Bai Qiuwu was indeed a big liar.

But after the baptism from hell to heaven just now, this little girl was completely confused. She didn't know whether all this had anything to do with Bai Qiuwu.

But at this moment, she would rather believe that it exists than believe that it doesn't exist. The little girl finally chose to believe it.

She nodded hesitantly, and even her voice of thanks was filled with confusion and confusion.

It was quite sudden, and there was a feeling of being suspended in the air, with my feet unable to touch the ground.

She doesn't even know whether she should be happy or not.

Her confused expression and hesitant mood were clearly visible to countless netizens watching online.

This reversal was explosive enough, and netizens reacted greatly at this moment.

After all, just now, they were criticizing Bai Qiuwu for committing fraud and rubbing salt into other people's wounds. They were unethical and so on. [I feel confused now, very confused. My expression is exactly the same as this young lady’s. I can’t understand at all. Why was it that I still had cancer just now and couldn’t be saved, but then I got this huge surprise the next second?I don’t feel happy at all. Why?]

[It’s because it’s too sudden and abrupt. I don’t feel happy. I just feel confused. This development is too dramatic. If it weren’t for the fact that the doctor didn’t really look like he was acting, I would have doubted it. This is a script, damn, it feels a little outrageous]

[The above, can you say that this is a bit outrageous?This is obviously a bit outrageous, okay?Even TV dramas don’t dare to film like this, and novels don’t dare to write like this. I can only say that it’s too early to conclude. Do those who cursed just now feel hurt? 】

[I apologize. I just scolded Daxian, wow, wow, that’s awesome. Damn it. It’s really hard not to be scared. It’s hard not to believe it. So how did you do it? The front foot is still a car accident + cancer. There is no solution. Game, the next second will be dark and bright, who can withstand this?】

[It’s really hard to comment on this situation. Being in a car accident is a very sad thing, but I can’t help but think that if there had been no car accident and no hospitalization examination, the early stage of the cancer would not have been detected. What would happen later? What will happen?If lung cancer is in the advanced stage and the cancer cells have metastasized, it will be really hard to save.】

[Although cancer has been detected, I am really glad that it is in the early stage. Early stage cancer is really difficult to detect. It basically has no symptoms. Once discovered, it is basically in the middle and late stages and cannot be cured at all.

I think this car accident is both unfortunate and lucky. This young lady must be able to make a wish. Not only does she hope that people will wake up, but she also mentions that she hopes she will be as good as before. Isn’t this an accurate prediction? of cancer]

[Holy crap, what you said before makes me really scared when I think about it. If this young lady can only wake up by wishing, will the cancer not be detected?seriously?Is it so amazing?Why do I feel that the more I talk about it, the more outrageous it becomes. Is this really a great fairy? 】

[I don’t care whether Daxian is true or false. I only care about those people who just said that Daxian has no professional ethics, rubs salt on other people’s wounds, and talks nonsense. Why don’t you come out and run around now?Why don't you laugh? Is it because you don't like to laugh by nature?Does your face hurt? Do you want some ointment to apply on it? It’s all swollen after all.]


The reaction from netizens must be quite intense, because this reversal is worth it.

And because of the ups and downs of the plot, more people came to watch. I don’t know how many people were crazy about Aite’s relatives and friends at this time, calling friends in various ways, just to witness this miracle on the spot.

Whether Bai Qiuwu is a liar or not, the person who had firmly sworn that he was a few minutes ago is now hesitant, laughing to death, his face is swollen, and he dare not say anything at all.

Of course, Bai Qiuwu didn't know this.

She comforted the young lady a few more words, so that she finally felt at ease temporarily and was ready to retreat.

You can just pay attention to the situation here when the boy is discharged from the hospital, and netizens who are curious about the situation here can also follow the news of the young lady on their own.

This young lady always likes to share her life. From the time when she was in love to the time when she collapsed, she has been sharing videos. Those who are curious can just keep squatting.

Bai Qiuwu stepped out of the way at this moment, but it didn't have any impact.

The young lady was obviously very reluctant to let Bai Qiuwu leave. She simply wanted to keep him until her wish came true.

But this was obviously unrealistic. In the end, the young lady could only say goodbye with regret, and said that she would definitely share her daily life, and then expressed her sincere thanks again.

The two said goodbye, and Bai Qiuwu breathed a sigh of relief after walking out of the hospital.

She concluded to the camera: "This wish is a typical example of good people getting rewarded. This young couple should have always been kind-hearted. Their merits are quite deep, so the wish is realized in a positive way."

"Not only will the injuries from the car accident be healed, but the hidden dangers will also be detected. Buy 1 and get 1 free. So it is definitely useful to do more good deeds in daily life. It does not mean that if you don't report it, the time has not come yet."

After saying these few words that were similar to chicken soup, Bai Qiuwu didn't say too much and went straight to the broadcast.

Seeing that it was still early, she and Pu Xi also began to discuss whether they should go back now or go to the next stop.

Pu Xi expressed her suggestion: "Why don't we go to that little boy's place? He is closer to us."

Bai Qiuwu felt the speed at which the remaining two wishes were fulfilled, and after realizing that they were almost there, he didn't care anymore and nodded in agreement.

"Then go to that boy's city."

The boy lived in a small fourth-tier county in T city. Although it was not far away, it was very troublesome to change trains. The three of them traveled all the way, and it was already late at night when they arrived, and they were all very tired.

Everyone went back to rest first, and waited until the second day to feel energetic and ready to start the battle.

In the morning, Pu Xi was eating breakfast while talking to Bai Qiuwu about yesterday's events.

"It was so popular last night that it was on another trending search. However, I didn't spend any money on it. I thought that all three wishes would come true later, and I would do something big again."

"The response has been very good. Now everyone is guessing what level you are. Some people say you are a hidden master, while others say you are a monster turned spirit. It's quite outrageous."

"But it's a good thing. As long as the heat can be maintained, it's a good thing. I'll send people here to keep an eye on it and keep an eye on the wind direction."

Bai Qiuwu didn't know anything about this, so naturally he wouldn't express an opinion and just nodded in agreement.

After talking about operational matters, Pu Xi started to care about today's schedule again.

"Today we went to visit the little boy's neighbors. Have you read the little boy's information?"

Bai Qiuwu did a rough scan last night, and there was nothing special about the information. It was just an ordinary family, like thousands of families in the world, it was not perfect, and there were endless quarrels.

"Can you feel how long it will take for this wish to come true? I'll see how to arrange the momentum."

Bai Qiuwu was still very cooperative and carefully sensed it. As a result, his expression changed immediately after sensing it.

Pu Xi had been looking at her, and naturally noticed the strangeness in her expression, and immediately asked nervously: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Bai Qiuwu's expression was a little surprised: "It's okay, but this time's wish seems a bit unusual."

The three wishes made by the three people in the live broadcast room at that time were probably the most mundane of the little boy's. They did not involve life or long-cherished wishes, but simply wanted revenge.

Bai Qiuwu didn't do too much research at that time. He just agreed after discovering that he was indeed obsessed.

After special sensing at this moment, Bai Qiuwu immediately discovered something unusual.

"The wish will probably come true in two days, but this time it seems that it may come true unexpectedly."

"Hmm... maybe it will be a big surprise."

(End of this chapter)

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