Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 108 Who Are You?

Chapter 108 Who Are You?

After such an episode, Song Yuening was obviously a little distracted.

Sometimes Xie Zitao holds her hand and asks her what she is thinking, but it takes her a while to respond.

In the end, Xie Zitao understood something and offered to go home.

"I'm sorry Zitao, it's Teacher Song's fault today. He obviously promised to take you shopping, but he keeps getting distracted."

Looking at Xie Zitao who obediently jumped out of the car and waved goodbye to him, Song Yuening felt a little guilty.

She knew her mood was wrong today, but she couldn't get herself out of this state.

Xie Zitao shook his head considerately. After being ignored several times, he not only didn't get angry, but even coaxed Song Yuening in return.

"It's okay, Teacher Song. I know you are thinking about other things. If you have something to do, go ahead and do it first. Anyway, we can go out and play together anytime."

After Xie Zitao said that, he turned around and ran into Xie's house.

Song Yuening looked at his back, lowered her eyes, and her expression became much gloomier.

She knew that she was too sensitive today. Not only did she fail to figure out the relationship between Lin Shubei and the female colleague, she also made Xie Zitao sad.

"Lu Sheng..."

Song Yuening murmured the name, then smiled bitterly.

When will she find out the truth?

Song Yuening returned home a little tired. She was looking for the keys in her bag and was about to open the door, when she heard the door next to her suddenly click and open.

"Teacher Song, why did you come back so late today?"

Song Yuening subconsciously raised her head to look at him. After seeing his figure clearly, her pupils shrank suddenly.

"Lu Sheng?!"

The light in the corridor suddenly went out. The man's back was turned to the light in the room, and his face was blurred for a moment.

When he heard Song Yuening's voice, he suddenly laughed helplessly.

"Teacher Song, I am Lin Shubei. You have mistaken me."

The lights came on again, and his face became extremely clear.

Lin Shubei still looked gentle and polite, with a faint smile on his lips, but there was a different emotion in his eyes when he looked at her.

Song Yuening looked at the man wearing dark blue home clothes leaning against the door, her lips trembling slightly.

"...Where did you get this dress?"

She recognized this outfit. When she and Lu Sheng first lived together, he wore this outfit.

She once approached Lu Sheng from behind with a smile after taking a shower and jumped on his back. At that time, she saw the small pattern on the collar of Lu Sheng's shirt at a glance.

Nowadays, Lin Shubei also has this pattern on his clothes!

"this one?"

Lin Shubei lowered his head in surprise and gently tugged on his shirt.

"I bought it when I passed by a clothing store after get off work. What's wrong, Teacher Song? Is there anything wrong with this dress?"

He paused and suddenly showed an expression of realization.

"You just mistakenly identified me as Lu Sheng. Could it be that... Lu Sheng also has the same style of clothes? What a coincidence."

Song Yuening stared at him closely and shook her head slowly but firmly.

She never believed that there were coincidences in the world, and even if there were, they couldn't happen to the same person over and over again.

Lin Shubei has similar eyebrows and the same style of clothing as Lu Sheng, and he even knows Lu Sheng's female colleagues.

No matter what, Song Yuening could not use all this as a coincidence.

She looked at the gentle face of the man in front of her and asked with difficulty. "who are you?"

What is your relationship with Lu Sheng?Why are you approaching me, why are you saying strange things to me, and what on earth do you want to guide me to do?
Even Song Yuening herself didn't realize that her voice was trembling.

"who am I?"

Lin Shubei chuckled: "Whoever you want me to be, I will be."

After saying such ambiguous words, Lin Shubei took a step back and returned to the house.

His hand rested on the doorknob, and although his tone was gentle, it contained clear rejection.

"It's getting late, I'm going to take a rest. Teacher Song, let's talk next time when we have time."

The heavy security door was closed in front of her, but Song Yuening didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

She looked at the door in front of her, and in her mind, Lin Shubei's face and Lu Sheng's face kept alternating and overlapping.

She closed her eyes, put a hand on her forehead and pressed her temples.

What did Lin Shubei mean by what he just said?
Why did he throw the question back at her?

That night, Song Yuening lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a long time, unable to fall asleep.

She thought a lot, about Lu Sheng and Lin Shubei. In the end, she even thought about Xie Mingyuan.

In the darkness, her black eyes looked particularly bright, but only she knew how sad she was at this moment.

She just wants to live a peaceful life, but why does everything always go against her wishes?

"Are you really dead, Lu Sheng..."

After a long time, Song Yuening turned sideways and buried most of her face in the soft pillow. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes when the sky outside the window gradually became brighter.

In the afternoon, it rained in City A.

Song Yuening looked at the falling rain outside the window and went out holding an umbrella.

She planned to visit Lu Sheng's company again. Even if she couldn't find any useful clues, she could still find a chance to talk to the female colleague who was with Lin Shubei that day.

She was walking on the street, thinking about how to talk, and didn't notice that a Rolls-Royce behind her slowed down and parked slowly beside her.

"Xiao Ning?"

Hearing someone calling her, Song Yuening turned around subconsciously and saw the old lady sitting in the car at a glance.

"Are you...Grandma Gu?"

Song Yuening looked at the energetic old man in front of her with some surprise. Although the old man had experienced a car accident, looking at his current appearance, he should have recovered well in the future.

"Good boy, do you still remember me?"

Grandma Gu smiled and waved to her.

"Come on, let's get in the car and talk. Where are you going on this rainy day? Is it far? Why don't you wear more clothes?"

Song Yuening just walked to the car, but had no intention of getting in the car.

She smiled at Grandma Gu and explained carefully.

"Grandma, I won't go up. I just want to take a walk and relax. It's not cold."

While talking, the other car window slowly lowered.

"Ms. Song, if you have any questions, please come up."

Song Yuening followed the sound and looked over.

In the driver's seat, Gu Xun was wearing a black suit, with a somewhat polite smile on his face, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his straight nose. He had an aura of satisfaction and neglect around him.
He put one hand on the steering wheel and raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw that Song Yuening's eyes were fixed on him without any movement.

"Grandma, she has always been grateful to you for saving her. She has a lot to say to you. If Ms. Song has no other plans today, can you spare a small amount of time for us?"

(End of this chapter)

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