Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 109 The Gu family’s intention

Chapter 109 The Gu family’s intention
Speaking of which, Song Yuening couldn't refuse.

She put away her umbrella, opened the car door and sat in the back seat side by side with Grandma Gu.

The car is filled with the smell of oud, which is thick, pure and restrained.

Song Yuening was a little surprised that Gu Xun would use this scent as car fragrance.

Because in her impression of Gu Xun, although he was a calm, quick and capable person, he was also humorous and knew how to communicate with others.

She wandered slightly, looking in the rearview mirror of the car to see Gu Xun's eyes falling on her, and she chuckled at him.

"It seems that we are going to disturb Grandma Gu and Mr. Gu today."

Grandma Gu took her hand and smiled kindly.

"Why bother? If you really want to care about it, then it's me, an old woman, who has wasted your time."

"By the way, it will be dinner time in a while. You haven't eaten yet, right? Grandma knows a restaurant with very good food. You must go there with grandma to try it today."

Grandma Gu's attitude was very firm, leaving Song Yuening no way to refuse.

Helpless, she had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Seeing this, Gu Xun looked away and asked, "Ms. Song, do you have anything taboo?"

Song Yuening responded to Grandma Gu, thought about it carefully, and then shook her head.


Gu Xun nodded slightly, turned the steering wheel with one hand, and drove in the other direction.

Looking at the familiar door in front of her, Song Yuening couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

This is really... what a coincidence.

She also didn't expect that the "restaurant" Grandma Gu mentioned would be Jing Xiuyuan.

Thinking of the night when she took Xie Mingyuan away from here, Song Yuening couldn't help but shook her head and shook off the memories that came to her mind.

Why did you think of him again?
"Xiao Ning, what's wrong? Do you not like it here?"

Grandma Gu was helped out of the car by Song Yuening's arm. She keenly noticed the change in Song Yuening's expression and immediately spoke with concern.

"It's nothing, I just remembered something."

Song Yuening smiled: "Grandma, let's go in first?"

The three of them entered the private room and sat down. Gu Xun ordered a few dishes according to Grandma Gu's taste and then handed the menu to Song Yuening.

Song Yuening only ordered two symbolic dishes and handed the menu to the waiter waiting next to her.

The waiter took the menu and bowed his head respectfully, closed the door and went out.

The private room became a little quiet for a while. When Song Yuening was thinking of finding some topics to lighten the atmosphere, Grandma Gu suddenly pulled her hand over.

"Xiao Ning, after grandma was discharged from the hospital, she originally wanted to thank you in person. I heard from Xiao Xun that he had your contact information, so I thought he would contact you and invite you out for a meal."

"It's just... we just came back from abroad not long ago, and we have too many things to be busy with, so this matter has been delayed until now."

Hearing Grandma Gu's words, Song Yuening subconsciously looked at Gu Xun beside her.

He was lowering his head to roll up the cuffs of his white shirt. The curvature of his profile made Song Yuening feel dazed for a moment.

A strange feeling came over her.

Obviously she and Gu Xun had only met twice, but why did she feel a special sense of familiarity when she looked at Gu Xun like this now?

Did they meet somewhere a long time ago?
Song Yuening was distracted, but she heard Grandma Gu call her name softly.

"Xiao Ning, please don't mind."

She came back to her senses immediately and shook her head helplessly.

"Grandma, why would I mind? I didn't save you just to get you to repay me. When I went to the hospital to see you, didn't you already tell me thank you in person?"

"For me, a word of thanks is enough." Grandma Gu looked at her clear and bright eyes and didn't speak for a long time, but just patted the back of her hand a few times.

"Good boy, really good boy..."

Seeing the tears welling up in Grandma Gu's eyes, Song Yuening immediately changed the topic.

"Grandma, you just said that you just came back from abroad not long ago?"

Gu Xun, who had been silent next to him, responded.

"Yes, we are back to find someone."

Find someone?

Song Yuening was a little surprised.

It is not difficult to tell from Gu Xun's demeanor that they must be from a wealthy family.

If a family like this wants to find someone, can't they just provide money?

And she remembered that when she and Gu Xun met for the first time, the other party said that they were not from City A.

So who is it that deserves him to take Grandma Gu all the way back to China and come to the unfamiliar city A?

After Song Yuening thought this way, she naturally asked.

Grandma Gu gave a bitter smile and slowly shook her head under Song Yuening's gaze.

"Xiao Ning, you don't know something. It's not that Xiao Xun insists on taking me back to the country, but that I want to come back."

"Actually...our Gu family lost a child many years ago, and no trace of her was found for more than 20 years. Later, we finally found some clues and learned that she might be in City A."

Grandma Gu looked at Song Yuening's beautiful face and raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes.

"Although there is no definite information, I have only found this one clue in all these years. How can I, an old man, still sit still? Of course I urged Xiaoxun to take me back to China to find someone."

Unexpectedly, he mentioned the old man's sadness when he asked casually, and Song Yuening felt a little guilty for a moment.

She took out a tissue and wiped Grandma Gu's tears while comforting her softly.

"Since you know that the person is in City A, then look for him slowly. Don't be in a hurry. City A is so big and you will find him one day. Grandma, don't be sad. It's not good for your health. You have to take good care of it. See her physically, right?"

Grandma Gu said "Hey" and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Xiaoning, you are right!"

Gu Xun did not speak, but quietly watched the scene where Song Yuening and Grandma Gu were getting along, with a different kind of light shining in his eyes.

The food was quickly brought to the table by the waiter. Looking at the delicacies in front of him, Song Yuening picked up his chopsticks and placed a shrimp on the plate.

"Grandma, if you want to be in good health, you have to eat well. I'll help you peel the shrimps and we can chat while we eat, okay?"

Song Yuening put on her gloves and started peeling the shrimp, and at the same time, she did not forget to give Grandma Gu a "reassuring injection".

"Don't worry, I'm from City A, and I'm familiar with this place. You also need to find someone, and I can help you find someone. There is strength in numbers, right?"

Grandma Gu nodded and looked at her lovingly, feeling extremely satisfied with her.

But when his eyes fell on Gu Xun, he felt disgusted.

"Look at Xiao Ning, and then look at you. If you were half as considerate as Xiao Ning, I would be relieved!"

Gu Xun didn't expect that he would be shot even while lying down. He raised his eyebrows and said lazily.

"There's nothing you can do about it, grandma. I'm already that old and my temper has already been set. Even if you dislike me again, it's too late."

Song Yuening was amused by his words, covered her lips and chuckled.

I didn't expect that Gu Xun would have such a side in front of his family.

(End of this chapter)

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