Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 305 He feels at ease

Weekends, playground.

Song Yuening appeared at the gate of the amusement park wearing casual clothes and holding Song Nian'an who was also wearing sportswear.

Behind them is Xie Mingyuan, who is wearing blue and black casual clothes.

The man who usually sits in the office for a long time and only wears high-end suits has changed his attire now, but he still looks outstanding. His tall figure looks out of place among the many parents in the playground, and he feels like he stands out from the crowd.

And the baseball cap he wore because he was low-key gave him a mysterious feeling at the moment. It was impossible to detect the low-key meaning at all, and it only made people feel more and more difficult to get close to him.

Song Nian'an held Song Yuening's hand and almost looked back at Xie Mingyuan who was walking behind them.

Suddenly, she didn't know what she thought of, turned her head, covered her mouth, and laughed softly.

Song Yuening looked at her with some curiosity, so she leaned down to her mouth and asked in a low voice.

"Nian'an has thought of something happy again. Can we tell our mother about it?"

Song Nian'an turned around and took a peek at Xie Mingyuan, and found that he was buying tickets honestly, so he directly said everything he had been thinking.

"Mom, do you think Uncle Xie is like a giant who appeared in Lilliput? He doesn't fit in here at all, just like a weirdo who broke in for no reason."

Song Yuening had a feeling that Song Yuening's temperament didn't fit in here. After Song Nian'an said this, she felt more and more that Xie Mingyuan was out of place here.

Especially his unfamiliar movements when he bent down and took two adult tickets from the ticket seller made her want to laugh even more.

So when Xie Mingyuan returned to the two of them, he saw that he was covering his mouth and snickering in unison.

Xie Mingyuan's first reaction, who was not sure why, was to look at Song Yuening, but he saw that she not only turned her head away, avoiding eye contact with him, but even directly started to change the topic with Song Nian'an.

"Nian An, I remember you said you wanted to ride the Ferris wheel before, right? Let's go now."

After Song Yuening said that, she was about to take Song Nian'an's hand and walk towards the Ferris wheel.

But Song Nian'an didn't know what he suddenly thought of. He hugged Song Yuening's arm with both hands and stood there, refusing to move.

When Song Yuening lowered her head to look at herself, she blinked her innocent eyes like black grapes and said.

"Mom, I suddenly don't want to ride the Ferris wheel anymore. How about we go ride the roller coaster? You and Uncle Xie come with me, otherwise I will be scared."

Although Song Yuening didn't know why Song Nian'an suddenly changed her mind, when she heard what she said, she only attributed it to the child's changeable ideas, and agreed to her without much hesitation without thinking about anything else.

"Okay, mom will take you there."

Song Yuening has lived in Longfeng Township since she was a child and has no experience of going to amusement parks, so naturally she doesn't know how "scary" roller coasters are.

Song Nian'an obviously knew her, so before Xie Mingyuan was about to get in the car, he suddenly took his hand and hooked his fingers at him to indicate that he would bend down and listen to her words.

"First of all, mom has never been on a roller coaster before, so she doesn't know how scary it is. I have given you the opportunity. You have to behave well from now on!"

After hearing this, Xie Mingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Song Nian'an with a sweet smile on his face in surprise.

"People are as big as little devils."

He didn't expect that Song Nian'an could come up with such an idea to bring him and Song Yuening together.

However, if Song Nianan worked so hard, how could he let her good intentions go to waste?


After the staff once again confirmed whether the passengers on the bus were fastening their seat belts, they backed away from the platform and walked behind the operating console to announce the announcement.

"Dear passengers, please be prepared, our Dream roller coaster is about to start!" Song Yuening didn't take it seriously at first, and was even in the mood to chat with Song Nian'an on her left as the roller coaster started slowly.

"What would Nian An want to eat for lunch? Mom can agree to anything except junk food."

Song Nian'an looked at Song Yuening's rosy face and apologized repeatedly in her heart.

I'm sorry, Mom, I didn't mean it, but for the happiness of you and Uncle Xie, I have wronged you this time!

Because of her guilty conscience, Song Nian'an did not pester Song Yuening to take her to eat those "junk foods" this time. Faced with Song Yuening's request, she readily agreed.

Just when Song Yuening was wondering why she was so obedient today, the roller coaster slowly reached the top and began to fall rapidly.

Song Yuening was already on the verge of asking a question, but was interrupted by a sudden feeling of weightlessness.

The color on her face disappeared completely in an instant, and there was only the sound of hunting wind in her ears, and her mind went blank.

For a moment, she didn't even remember where she was, only a sense of fear facing the unknown.

She didn't know when the roller coaster would stop, nor at which moment its slowing down speed would suddenly increase.

She even dared to close her eyes and try to ignore her current situation, not even daring to see how long it was until the end.

This kind of scary amusement park can actually be played by children? !

As soon as this thought appeared in Song Yuening's mind, she felt the back of her hand suddenly covered with warm warmth.

Then, a magnetic, deep male voice sounded in her ears.

"Scream if you're afraid."

It's Xie Mingyuan.

Song Yuening closed her eyes tightly. Although she wanted to open her eyes to see him, her fearful nature prevented her from opening her eyes. She just tilted her head slightly to get closer to Xie Mingyuan.

Xie Mingyuan didn't wait for Song Yuening's scream. When he saw her biting her lower lip, he knew that she was too frightened to speak. After thinking for a moment, he found a way to deal with it.

"Song Yuening, are you actually afraid of this kind of children's entertainment?"

The teasing tone in her tone made Song Yuening finally couldn't help but shout.

"Xie Mingyuan!"

The moment she called out Xie Mingyuan's name, she subconsciously opened her eyes and glared at Xie Mingyuan angrily.

But the latter held her hand tighter under her glare.

Xie Mingyuan's palm was broad and warm, and when it wrapped her fist inside, Song Yuening felt like an electric current was flowing through her body.

She paused, and the words she was about to say back disappeared without a trace in her brain.

She only felt that her heart was beating much faster than before, as if reminding her of some kind of throbbing.

Song Yuening lowered her eyes, looked at her hand wrapped by Xie Mingyuan amidst the screams and gusts of wind, and unconsciously shook it back.

Then, she felt Xie Mingyuan's grip on her hand became lighter, but the vaccine was then a little stronger than before.

When the roller coaster was about to fall again, Song Yuening heard Xie Mingyuan's voice.

"I'm here."

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