Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 306 Flying Guests

Since the trip to the amusement park, the relationship between Song Yuening and Xie Mingyuan has been heating up rapidly. Anyone can feel the ambiguous atmosphere between the two.

As a major contributor to the development of their relationship, Song Nian'an also received a lot of "sugar-coated bullets" from Xie Mingyuan.

Song Nian'an looked at the large bag of snacks stuffed into his arms, his bright eyes flashing brightly, and he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

"Thank you, uncle, we have a great time cooperating!"

Xie Mingyuan looked at Song Nian'an with a shrewd look, and couldn't help but curse in his heart. If others saw this look, they would probably just sigh that he was carved in the same mold as he was when he was a child.

He raised his hand and flicked his forehead with his knuckles, and glanced in the direction of the study.

"If you make your voice louder, your mother will hear what you are secretly plotting with me, and your bag of snacks will be confiscated by then."

After hearing this, Song Nian'an glanced in the direction of the study very nervously. Seeing that the study door was still closed, he knew that Song Yuening was still busy, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Xie, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to hide the snacks first, otherwise my mother will scold us both if she sees it!"

After Song Nian'an said this, he trotted back to his bedroom with snacks in his arms.

Xie Mingyuan didn't want to know where she put her favorite snacks, so he didn't follow her. Instead, he looked at the study door and pondered.

I don’t know what Song Yuening is doing inside.

In the study room.

Song Yuening, who didn't know what Xie Mingyuan and Song Nian'an were secretly plotting, was talking to Ji Xia on the phone.

After the last studio breakup, the two of them, who had just become friends, began to become "net friends" on a daily basis.

Every day they exchange interesting stories about their experiences today with each other, and also talk about their opinions on certain events.

Song Yuening surprisingly found that the three views between her and Ji Xia were very consistent, and they even had a tacit understanding.

This made Song Yuening feel like she had met a confidant.

So when Ji Xia invited her to participate in her variety show, she agreed without much hesitation.

"Okay, I wish I could be the exclusive designer for our movie queen."

On the phone, Ji Xia couldn't help but snorted when she heard Song Yuening's teasing voice.

"I am honored to have a great designer like you."

"Okay, let's make an agreement then. I'll find an opportunity to ask my agent to send the invitation to you later, and we'll meet at the variety show."

Song Yuening responded with a smile and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuening began to think seriously.

Ji Xia just called her to invite her to participate in a variety show called "My Great Designer".

Song Yuening has never participated in a variety show before, and she doesn't usually watch these things, so she doesn't really understand what this variety show is about.

She thought about it and suddenly thought of someone in the living room.

She doesn't understand variety shows, but that doesn't mean Xie Mingyuan doesn't understand them.

As far as she knows, the Xie Group also has companies involved in the entertainment industry.

She asked Xie Mingyuan. Even if she couldn't get anything too specific, she could always give a general idea, right?

Song Yuening thought of this, turned around and left the study, ready to find Xie Mingyuan to answer for herself.

"Variety show?"

Xie Mingyuan didn't expect Song Yuening to ask him this question. After thinking about it for a while, he found some information about this program from the corners of his memory.

"I remember that this was a program created for celebrities and their personal styling teams." After Xie Mingyuan's explanation, Song Yuening finally understood what this program was for.

The variety show is divided into three links. In each link, a different environment is set up for the stars, and their designers are required to design costumes for the stars on the spot according to the requirements and environmental atmosphere.

This not only tests the basic functional abilities of designers, but also tests their tacit understanding and degree of integration with celebrities.

After all, it would be too embarrassing if a designer who knew nothing about the celebrity designed clothes that were not suitable for the celebrity to wear and could not highlight the body curves. In the end, the judges gave a low score and were eliminated.

"Of course, sometimes it's not just for celebrities, it's probably for other people."

"In short, this program has too many routines."

After Song Yuening listened to the rules explained to him by Xie Mingyuan, Song Yuening nodded thoughtfully.

"So Ji Xia should trust me very much..."

After all, she had never designed clothes for Ji Xia, and her knowledge of her basically only depended on online conversations.

Ji Xia was able to invite her to participate in this variety show, and his trust in her was obviously self-evident.

She also had to prepare well, at least not to live up to Ji Xia's trust in her.


The show scene.

After the host briefly introduced several permanent guests, he did not announce the start, but spoke mysteriously to the audience.

"In addition to the old friends we are all familiar with today, there is also a mysterious flying guest. Guess who this mysterious person is?"

The host made a listening gesture with an exaggerated expression, and the audience started talking.

"Mysterious flying guest? Why haven't you heard of it before? Generally speaking, if there is a flying guest coming to the show, shouldn't there be some news in advance?"

"Who knows? I don't know who is coming, but it must not be the one I hate the most, otherwise I won't be able to watch this show for a second!"

Seeing that the audience's appetites were whetted by him, the host grinned and then announced the official answer unhurriedly.

"Let us welcome the latest newcomer in the design circle, Song Yuening. Designer Song is here!"

Ji Xia was leaning on the sofa, her two slender white legs crossed together, with a smile on her lips. She looked at Song Yuening who walked out slowly from the backstage and took the lead in applauding.

After all, it was Song Yuening's first time to participate in this kind of program, and she had never rehearsed before, so she was a little nervous for a while, but she looked calm and calm on her face, showing no signs of stage fright.

But Ji Xia has been living in front of the camera for so many years recently, and Song Yuening's discomfort can be seen with just one glance.

She chuckled softly, secretly thinking something strange.

A great designer who is praised by everyone as an excellent designer actually has such a moment.

However, she did not watch the show, but silently mouthed to Song Yuening: "Don't be nervous, I'm here."

Miraculously, Song Yuening was comforted by her silent words.

She took the microphone from the host, nodded and smiled at the camera.

"Hello everyone, my name is Song Yuening. I am very happy to be a flying guest and record this episode with all the big stars. I hope everyone will pay attention to me."

As soon as these humble words came out, he immediately won the favor of the passers-by and the audience.

Some of them do not pay attention to the design circle, and some of them have seen photos of Song Yuening on the Internet before.

But no matter what, this is the first time they have met Song Yuening offline.

And Song Yuening's performance was enough to attract their attention.

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