Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 380: Misfortune falls from the sky

Chen Yingxue and Dior both ate this meal absent-mindedly. They both had their own thoughts, so the meal was not very enjoyable.

Just when Dior was about to find an excuse to leave first, Chen Yingxue suddenly stood up and put her hands on the table, looking particularly anxious.

"I'm sorry, dear, I can't accompany you to dinner. I have something to do and I have to go and do some work first."

"Next time, next time I will treat you to dinner and apologize to you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yingxue picked up her bag and left the restaurant in a hurry without waiting for Dior to respond.

Behind her, Dior, who was sitting in his seat, looked at the untouched food on the table in front of him and sighed softly.

"Yingxue, has anyone really told you that your acting skills look very poor?"

Chen Yingxue clearly didn't look at her phone or answer the phone just now. What could be the emergency?
It's just that I don't want to have this meal with her anymore.

Dior put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip, his brows and eyes full of disappointment and helplessness.

It seemed that the friendship between her and Chen Yingxue was coming to an end.

Before coming, she had thought about whether she should try to save and make up for this relationship.

But now, she has given up this idea.

After all, a relationship depends on two people to maintain it, and it is useless for her to just think about reconciliation.

Chen Yingxue is now clearly focused on Song Yuening, but according to her way of looking at people, how can Song Yuening have the kind of temperament that anyone can mess with?

Chen Yingxue is destined to suffer.

After Chen Yingxue left the restaurant, her anger rushed to the top of her head in an instant, leaving her unable to think at all.

With trembling fingers, she found a number in her phone's address book and dialed it without even thinking.

As soon as the call was connected, Chen Yingxue couldn't wait to say.

"As long as I give you money, you can do anything, right?"

"You help me deal with a person. The more miserable the better, money is not an issue. I can give you a deposit of 50,000 yuan first! When the matter is completed, I will give you another 300,000 yuan!"


Song Yuening had no idea what kind of trouble Dior's momentary loss of speech had caused for him.

Because she had just received a call from her assistant, she temporarily changed her route to go to the studio.

The navigation showed that the road she originally took was extremely crowded due to an accident. Song Yuening thought for a moment and suddenly focused on another road that she had not traveled much before.

She rarely takes this road, firstly because it's a long detour, and secondly because it's closer to Lu Sheng's company.

She was a little repelled by Lu Sheng because of what happened before, so she would avoid this place every time she traveled.

But today...

Thinking of Lu Sheng, who had not heard from him for a long time, Song Yuening shook his head and walked in that direction. So what if I meet Lu Sheng?
She was currently involved in an investigation because of Lu Sheng. If she could meet that bastard Lu Sheng, she would definitely question him about where he had been during this time.

Why can't anyone find him?

Song Yuening didn't know that just as she was walking towards that direction, not far behind her, a group of social youths dressed inconspicuously looked at each other and followed her quietly.

The weather in City A has shown signs of warming recently, but there are a lot of fallen leaves.

Song Yuening was walking on this relatively unfamiliar road, and her eyes were involuntarily attracted to the scenery on the roadside.

By the time she realized that the footsteps behind her had been sounding unhurriedly, obviously following her, there were not many pedestrians on the road.

When those few passers-by saw Song Yuening being surrounded by a group of people who were obviously dressed as delinquent youths, they also walked away quickly, obviously not wanting to participate in this farce.

"Are you Song Yuening?"

The leading delinquent young man put his hands in his pockets and walked up to Song Yuening with straight steps. He raised his chin slightly, looking malicious.

Song Yuening was a little flustered when he saw this, but he also knew that his only way at this moment was to save himself, so he forced himself to calm down and answered.

"That's right, I'm Song Yuening. Do you have anything to do with me? Let me remind you that although this road is a little remote, there are still surveillance videos. No matter what you want to do, you should think carefully before doing it. Better."

Although Song Yuening said this, her steps involuntarily stepped back. At the same time, she kept glancing around her from the corner of her eye, eager to find a breakthrough so that she could break out of the encirclement.

Because no one knows what the surveillance video here is better than her. The surveillance video here has been broken a few days ago, but because of the remoteness of the road, no one has come to repair it.

This is what Qin Zhizhi complained about when she called her a few days ago.

She was still comforting Qin Zhizhi at the time, waiting for a while, maybe someone would take care of it in a few days. Unexpectedly, she happened to be walking on the road today, and she happened to encounter someone looking for trouble.

The only thing she can pray for now is that the group of bad young people in front of her don't know the news, otherwise she will really be in trouble next time.

But it is a pity that this group of people was well prepared before taking action, so when the young man in the lead heard Song Yuening's words, he did not show any fearful expression.

Seeing this, Song Yuening felt troubled in her heart.

Sure enough, what the other party said next made Song Yuening's heart freeze.

"Sister, you are really lying and not drafting. Do you think we don't know? The surveillance video here has been broken a long time ago. It is just a decoration now and is of no use! Even if I am here today to treat you No matter what I did, there was nothing you could do about it.”

Hearing this, Song Yuening bit her lower lip tightly, feeling so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her throat in the next second.

"I don't know why you are coming to trouble me. If you want money, I can give you money. I have some cash in my bag and I can give it to you first. If it's not enough, you can take me to the bank to get it. money."

Song Yuening said that she was about to take something from her bag. She looked scared and frightened, but in fact she wanted to use her mobile phone to call the police.

But the other party snorted coldly, rushed over and snatched the bag from Song Yuening's hand.

"We don't want anything. We just use people's money to do things for them. If you are to blame, blame yourself for not paying attention and offending people you shouldn't offend! You guys, do it!"

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