Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 381 Comes to the rescue

Song Yuening looked at the gradually shrinking encirclement, feeling unprecedentedly nervous.

She clenched her fists tightly and held the key in her hand tighter, preparing to wait for the right moment to stab someone and run out.

She didn't know what the consequences of hurting someone would be, and she didn't know whether her actions would be considered excessive defense.

She only knew that she could not fall into the hands of this group of people no matter what.

Because she saw the mobile phone raised in the hand of the leading delinquent young man.

"Hey, hurry up. The boss is still waiting for the video acceptance. Do you want to eat later?"

As soon as the leading young man finished his urging words, he felt a sudden pull behind him.

He staggered and almost fell down, but because the man tightened the collar of his clothes, he staggered to his feet.

The panic on Song Yuening's face had not yet dissipated. The moment she saw Xie Mingyuan appeared, her eyes suddenly burst into joy.

"Ming Yuan? Why are you here..."

Before Song Yuening could finish her sentence, she was frightened by the expression on the man's face. She was startled for a moment and was speechless for a moment.

Xie Mingyuan's face showed a venom that Song Yuening had never seen before. He grabbed the delinquent young man's collar with force, veins bursting out on the back of his hands, and the joints were turning slightly white.

He clenched his fist and punched the man in the face, fast and hard.

Then, before the bad young man could react, he threw him down again, then raised his knee and hit him hard in the stomach.

"Ah! Help, help!"

Under Xie Mingyuan's hands, the delinquent young man had absolutely no room to fight back. He even only let out a short scream and didn't even bother to ask for help. He started begging for mercy like a grandpa suing a grandma.

"I was wrong, brother, brother, I was so wrong, ah!"

Song Yuening came to her senses amidst his screams and quickly stepped forward to stop Xie Mingyuan.

The bad young man almost crawled away from Xie Mingyuan and returned to his own small group as if he was running away.

He was even frightened by Xie Mingyuan's actions just now. Even though there were more people around him than Xie Mingyuan, he still didn't dare to let people come back in revenge, but looked at him and Song Yuening with horrified eyes.

"Ning Ning, are you injured?"

Xie Mingyuan frowned fiercely. When he saw Song Yuening's slightly red eyes, he felt a trace of distress in his heart. He glanced coldly at the delinquent young man standing not far away, who trembled with fright.

"Brother, please calm down first. I promise you, I didn't touch your wife! I didn't mean it. I just used people's money to help others solve their problems. You really don't blame me today!"

The delinquent young man never dreamed that he would get into such a big trouble just because he was just trying to make extra money. At this moment, he wished he could go back to a few hours ago and choose to reject this hot potato.

Song Yuening listened to what this bad young man said, and then she remembered what they had just said when they stopped her.

She first raised her hand to press down Xie Mingyuan's hand, which was about to call the police. Then she raised her fingers, gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and walked up to the bad young man.

"You just said that you used people's money to help others eliminate disasters. Let me ask you, whose money did you receive, and whose advice did you listen to to come to me?"

The identities of prey and hunter between the two men were instantly reversed.

How dare the bad young man say no to Song Yuening at this moment? After Song Yuening finished speaking, he hurriedly took out his phone from his pocket, opened the chat history, held the phone in both hands, and handed it to Song Yuening respectfully. "Look, it's all because of this. I took money from this woman named Chen, so I came to trouble you. If I knew..."

The bad young man's eyes glanced at Xie Mingyuan, who was standing next to Song Yuening like a king of hell, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

If he had known that Song Yuening had such a ferocious protector following him, he would never have accepted this business. He had really made this little girl named Chen miserable!

"By the way, in addition to chat records, there are also call recordings!"

"The two of us were on the phone at the time, and I clearly knew what she said. It was recorded. If you don't believe me, just listen to it!"

When Song Yuening heard the surname "Chen", she already had suspicions in her mind, but she was not sure.

But after she read and listened to the chat records and audio recordings between this delinquent young man and the so-called woman named Chen, she was sure that the person who paid them to deal with her was Chen Yingxue.

Song Yuening wanted to laugh for a moment.

She had always thought that Chen Yingxue had a calm temper, but now she saw that she had overestimated Chen Yingxue.

It was just because there was a conflict at a private party that day and she gave Chen Yingxue a slap in the face in public. She couldn't hold it back anymore and started to vent her anger in this unflattering way.

Behind Song Yuening, Xie Mingyuan clearly confirmed the chat history between Chen Yingxue and the delinquent youth and the contents of the phone call.

Xie Mingyuan's face suddenly changed, as if it was covered with a layer of frost. The temperature all over his body dropped to freezing point, making people feel extremely cold.

"I'll handle this matter."

Because of his previous relationship with Chen Yingxue and the fact that the Xie family has maintained a good cooperative relationship with the Chen family over the years, Xie Mingyuan has always treated Chen Yingxue coldly.

But he never expected that Chen Yingxue would actually do things to such an extent with his indifferent attitude.

If he hadn't happened to pass by here today and saw Song Yuening, what would have happened is unimaginable.

Song Yuening shook her head and looked at Xie Mingyuan with rejection and determination in her eyes.

"I want to solve this matter myself, let me do it, okay?"

Song Yuening knew Xie Mingyuan's concerns and also knew why Xie Mingyuan didn't attack Chen Yingxue before.

Although this incident was caused by Xie Mingyuan and was a love debt, in the end it was also a feud between her and Chen Yingxue.

It's not like she has no ability to get close to him, and since he now has evidence in his hand, it won't be difficult for her to deal with Chen Yingxue.

Xie Mingyuan originally disagreed, but Song Yuening insisted. In desperation, Xie Mingyuan had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After Song Yuening backed up all the chat history and call recordings in the hands of the bad young man, he returned the phone to him.

After the group of bad youths fled quickly, Song Yuening had time to ask Xie Mingyuan.

"I just wanted to ask you, why are you here? I remember you were busy at the company today, weren't you?"

After Song Yuening calmed down, the fear and fear in her heart had disappeared, and she could even talk to Xie Mingyuan as usual.

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