Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 42 New Assistant

Chapter 42 New Assistant

Xie house.

The Filipino maids all left when Xie Mingyuan came back.

In the living room, Xie Mingyuan was leaning on the leather sofa, his narrow eyes half-squinted, and his eyes were already a little misty.

There were an unusually large number of empty wine bottles on the table in front of him, but Xie Mingyuan still drank by himself without any restraint.

If Tang Wanran were here, his hatred for Song Yuening would definitely deepen.

President Xie, who has always been restrained, actually got drunk because of a woman alone at home?

At the corner of the stairs, Xie Zitao was holding the doll that Song Yuening had given him to accompany him to sleep, and looked worriedly at Xie Mingyuan downstairs.

He was taken away by his assistant at the scene of the car accident that day. He only knew that Teacher Song was in danger.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you? Why are you drinking? Where is Teacher Song? How is Teacher Song?"

Xie Zitao frowned and watched as the bottle of wine that Xie Mingyuan had just opened quickly bottomed out.

He stepped forward, ran downstairs and rushed in front of Xie Mingyuan, reaching out and grabbing the hem of the man's shirt.

The lights in the living room had long been turned off, leaving only a night light in the corner.

Although the dim light affected his vision, Xie Zitao could still see Xie Mingyuan's cheeks that were red due to alcohol.

Hearing Xie Zitao's voice, Xie Mingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, as if trying to clear up his blurred consciousness, but in the end, his Adam's apple moved slightly. He supported the sofa with one arm, stood up unsteadily, and walked towards the wine cabinet.

If nothing had happened to Song Yuening, the child in her belly would have grown to be the same size as Zitao in a few years.

Maybe he will be just as naughty.

He smelled strongly of alcohol, and Xie Zitao suddenly wrinkled his nose when he smelled it.

"Uncle, didn't you tell me that drinking is not good before? What happened to you today? Why did you drink so much? Where is Teacher Song? Is Teacher Song okay? Where is my sister?"

Xie Zitao's last words made Xie Mingyuan feel like he was suddenly awakened.

He stood in front of the wine cabinet, silently putting his hands on the glass window to steady himself, and didn't speak for a long time.

Xie Mingyuan stood in the shadows and didn't move for a long time, like a sculpture. Then he said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Don't mention my sister's affairs in front of Teacher Song in the future. Do you understand?"

After saying that, he went straight upstairs, leaving Xie Zitao alone who had no idea what was going on.

He was so anxious and eager to know what happened that he finally waited until dawn. Before Xie Mingyuan woke up, he hurriedly found the Xie family's driver and asked him to take him to the hospital.

"Teacher Song!"

Song Yuening had insomnia again. Seeing the dawn outside the window and the bright light shining through the curtains into the ward, she gave up all thoughts of sleeping.

She was just about to get up and go for a walk outside when she heard a childish voice that was all too familiar to her.


Song Yuening's eyes widened slightly, and she looked at Xie Zitao, who was still feeling cold in the morning. She immediately pulled him into the ward with distress and covered him with a thin blanket on the bed.

"Why did you come here alone? Why didn't you wear more clothes when you went out? Is it cold?"

Song Yuening wrapped Xie Zitao's little hand with her palms, breathed hot air into it and rubbed it gently, hoping to warm him up as soon as possible.

And Xie Zitao looked at Song Yuening, who had soft eyebrows, and the grievances he had suppressed for a long time finally broke out at this moment.

He choked and threw himself into Song Yuening's arms, saying aggrievedly.

"Teacher Song, I miss you so much. I originally wanted my uncle to take me to see you, but yesterday my uncle drank a lot of wine for some reason. I asked him what happened to you, but he ignored me."

Song Yuening did not speak, but silently hugged him tighter, put one hand on the back of his head, and pushed him into her arms.

But where Xie Zitao couldn't see, Song Yuening's eyes slowly turned red.

good?Of course it's not good.

Whenever she closed her eyes in the past few days, the scene of that day would appear in her mind, and the blood flowing out from under her body was particularly bright red and dazzling.She asked herself countless times in her dream why she couldn't be more careful.

If she had changed her way of traveling, would the child in her belly have survived?

She originally thought that after these days of silence, she had calmed down.

But when she saw Xie Zitao, she realized that the pain had always been in her heart and had never left her.

"Teacher Song, are you crying?"

Perhaps it was because Song Yuening's slightly trembling fingers made Xie Zitao feel something, and he struggled to get up from Song Yuening's arms.

"No, I'm fine. Zitao, don't worry about the teacher."

Song Yuening suppressed the sobs in her throat and coaxed Xie Zitao softly.

Xie Zitao hadn't seen her for a long time and was very clingy.

Song Yuening stayed with him the whole day, and it was not until the Xie family's driver came to pick him up at night that he reluctantly left.

That night, Song Yuening was lying on the hospital bed, looking at the white ceiling, and suddenly made up her mind.

Now that the matter has come to this, no matter how much she blames herself, there is nothing she can do to save the child.

That being the case, it's time to cheer up.

Even if it wasn't for herself, she should work hard, at least finish the work in the company, and pay back the surgery and hospitalization expenses to Xie Mingyuan.

Early the next morning.

When Song Yuening appeared at Xie's house, everyone was shocked.

Especially Zhou Xiaoyi's eyes widened when he saw her pale cheek.

Not a vacation?Why did you end up like this?Where's the belly?

Song Yuening smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. My work has been hard during this period, and you have shared it for me. Is there any work you need me to do? You can leave it all to me."

Her words made everyone return to normalcy and they could go back to work, so they should be fine.

Zhou Xiaoyi didn't say anything, but another female colleague next to her suddenly stuffed a stack of documents into her arms.

"You're here just in time. Go and sort out this document. This is what Secretary Tang will use during meetings. Don't mess it up!"

"By the way, you haven't come to work for so long. Remember to work overtime today to make up for all the previous work!"

The thick stack of paper pressed against Song Yuening's arm, almost making her lose her balance.

But the female colleague didn't seem to hear anything and directly pulled Zhou Xiaoyi away from Song Yuening.

Tang Wanran stood at the door and took in all this. He raised his hand and fiddled with his newly made manicure carelessly, the disdain in his eyes clearly showing.

This bitch actually has the nerve to come to work in the company.

But it doesn't matter. She believes that few people can survive a month in the face of such difficulties in the workplace.

When Song Yuening resigns herself, she will never appear in front of Xie Mingyuan again.

With a ruthless look in his eyes, Tang Wanran turned around and walked into the elevator back to the 27th floor.

"Ming Yuan, I saw Miss Song coming to work. I just went to say hello and asked them not to arrange too much work for Miss Song, so as not to..."

Before Tang Wanran finished speaking, Xie Mingyuan interrupted her directly.

"Go and talk to the human resources department and transfer Song Yuening to the 27th floor. She will be my assistant from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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