Chapter 43 Stay

Tang Wanran's breathing stagnated, and after a long while, he pulled out a somewhat ugly smile.

"Assistant? Mingyuan, is this a little out of line? After all, Ms. Song has only joined the company not long ago, and the company's employees are already quite dissatisfied with her."

"At this time, I will directly transfer her to be an assistant. I am afraid that Miss Song will be gossiped about in the future."

Tang Wanran's tone was full of worry, as if he was really thinking about Song Yuening.

No matter what she said, Xie Mingyuan's thoughts were not shaken in the slightest.

He turned his head slightly and glanced lightly at Tang Wanran in front of him, without any emotion in his eyes.

"When she becomes an assistant, no one will dare to gossip anymore."

Tang Wanran wanted to say something more, but under the gaze of Xie Mingyuan's deep eyes, his hands behind his back slowly clenched into fists, and he had to swallow it back silently.

Such special treatment was actually given to that bitch Song Yuening!

What did Xie Mingyuan like about that woman? Why would he make an exception for her?

The snow-white paper was dumped unceremoniously on Song Yuening's desk by her colleague.

Because of the excessive strength, the neat documents were suddenly scattered, and the information that Song Yuening had just compiled was also mixed up.

"I have something to do today and have to get off work early. You can do this document!"

The colleague fiddled with his watch and said without raising his head.

"Anyway, you've been slacking off for so long, so you can't always let us share the work with you, right?"

Song Yuening's fine and long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her pale cheeks gave her a sense of vulnerability.

Today, many colleagues have thrown tedious work to her, and her current workload is unimaginable.

At this moment, she still did not refuse, but agreed softly.

At this moment, the glass door of their office area was suddenly pushed open.

The HR manager walked in quickly, glanced around the office area, and then fixed on Song Yuening, and then hurriedly walked to her side.

"Song Yuening, please pack your things. You won't have to work here from tomorrow on. Mr. Xie has transferred you to his office as an assistant!"

Assistant General Xie?
It's not break time yet, there are still many people in the office.

After hearing the news, they all covered their mouths and exclaimed, and even whispered.

"Are you kidding? How long has she been in our company? She can actually be directly promoted to assistant?!"

"I would say she must be a related household!"

The center of everyone's discussion, Song Yuening, did not show any expression of surprise or joy after hearing the news.

She frowned, her face was still pale, but the first thing she said was rejection.

"Sorry manager, I think the current position is more suitable for me. Can I not go?"

The HR manager didn't expect that she would refuse such good news. She looked at him in surprise and waved her hand quickly.

"That's not possible. This is an order given by Mr. Xie himself. If you want to refuse, you should go to Mr. Xie in person and tell him! Anyway, I have informed you, so I will leave first!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned and left.

Not far away, Zhou Xiaoyi looked at her fragile appearance and couldn't help but frown and walked over.

"Are you okay? Why do I think you look so ugly today?"

Song Yuening's condition didn't look good, and even Zhou Xiaoyi was afraid that she would faint suddenly.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable because you haven't kept up with your nutrition during pregnancy? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Looking at Zhou Xiaoyi who was standing in front of him with concern, Song Yuening shook his head, with a touch of bitterness on his lips, "It's okay, it's just because of the accidental miscarriage, which caused a lot of damage to the body. It will be fine in a few days." Song Yuening said His understatement, but no one knew the pain hidden under those calm words.


Zhou Xiaoyi's eyes widened suddenly, and she wanted to ask more questions, but she saw that Song Yuening had already stood up.

"I'll go to Mr. Xie's office first."

Taking the elevator to the 27th floor, Song Yuening looked at her face reflected in the elevator and couldn't help but sigh.

With such a fragile look, it's no wonder some people are worried.

"Dong dong dong."

Song Yuening stood at the door of the office and knocked three times. After hearing Xie Mingyuan's voice, she opened the door and went in.

"Thank you, Mr.

Xie Mingyuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. Hearing this, he turned to look at her.

He held a cigarette between his fingertips, but did not light it. After seeing Song Yuening's face clearly, he trembled slightly unnoticeably.

Xie Mingyuan frowned with dissatisfaction, then walked up to her and took her to the sofa to sit down.

"I have said before that there is no need for you to be in such a hurry to come to work in the company. You are currently weak and should take a good rest in the hospital."

Song Yuening avoided Xie Mingyuan's hand that was reaching towards her without leaving a trace, and pursed her lips lightly in response.

"I've been on leave for a long time, and it's against the rules to continue taking a break."

And she also wanted to work early to make money and pay back what she owed Xie Mingyuan as soon as possible.

Xie Mingyuan's eyes fell on her face, and his voice became colder unconsciously.

“What’s more important, body or work?”

"The HR department should have told you, right? Starting from tomorrow, you will stay with me as an assistant. Then no one will gossip about you anymore."

After saying that, he turned around, picked up the paper cup, walked to the water dispenser, and poured Song Yuening a cup of hot water.

Song Yuening thanked her and held the paper cup in both hands but did not drink. Instead, she warmed the palms of her hands with the warmth.

"Mr. Xie, I came to you just for this matter. I feel that my current qualifications are not suitable to be your assistant."

"And with my current physical condition, there is really no way I can continue to serve in the Xie family."

Song Yuening's voice sounded calm, and her eyes were full of determination.

"And the principal also called me not long ago and asked me to go back to school and continue teaching children to read. Mr. Xie, thank you very much for taking care of me during this time, but I still feel that life in kindergarten is more suitable for me."

The seriousness and sincerity of these words left no reason to refuse.

Xie Mingyuan looked at her beautiful face intently and pursed his lips calmly.

"Your current condition shouldn't be suitable for you to go back and teach children, right? You can continue to stay at Xie's as my assistant. Don't worry, the workload will not be too heavy and you can have enough rest time."

Before Song Yuening could refuse, Xie Mingyuan's tone softened slightly.

"What's more, you also understand Mr. Xie's situation. Now there is no suitable person around me who can be an assistant, and you are one of the few people I trust."

"Stay and help me, okay?"

Song Yuening raised her head subconsciously, and her eyes happened to meet his.

Seeing the seriousness in his eyes, Song Yuening hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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