Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 51 Leaving the Xie family

Chapter 51 Leaving the Xie family
"Are you really ready to leave?"

Xie Mingyuan's dark pupils were locked tightly on the woman in front of him.

Although it was a normal sentence, Song Yuening actually heard a hint of regret and a desire to stay.

Will her leaving make Xie Mingyuan sad?
Song Yuening looked up, and happened to bump into a pair of cold and passionate phoenix eyes, and saw her own reflection in them.

She took the lead in retracting her gaze and looked at the vase aside.

"Think about it."

Thinking carefully in her mind, Song Yuening put a smile on her lips: "My expertise is not here. I wanted to change jobs at first because of my health. Now I have no worries. I still want to do what I like back."

What's more, she still remembers Tang Wanran's ridicule that day.

If you continue to stay, I'm afraid there will be a lot of inconvenience and misunderstanding by others.

Song Yuening's words made Xie Mingyuan frown, "The environment this year is not very good, as well as your health. I think..."

He hesitated to speak, pursed his lips, moved forward, and crossed his hands on the table.

"Why don't you think about it again, huh?"

After he finished speaking, Xie Mingyuan's eyes never shifted from Song Yuening.

After all, he had worked in the Xie Group for a while, so Song Yuening naturally understood the situation in the outside world.

It's a pity that she has already made her choice.

Taking a step back, Song Yuening shook her head firmly: "Thank you very much for your care during this period. But, I have already decided.

Seeing that she was so determined to leave, Xie Mingyuan picked up the resignation letter at hand, signed the place where she agreed, and handed it to her.

"The future is bright!"

Song Yuening couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw him signing the letter readily, and reached out to receive the resignation letter: "Thank you, Mr. Xie!"

"If you have any difficulties in the future, just say it."

This is Xie Mingyuan's promise to her and what he owes her.

As Xie Mingyuan spoke, his eyes swept over her belly, and finally landed on the files on the desktop.

Song Yuening didn't pay attention to his gaze. She looked down at the resignation letter in her hand and heard his words: "I have been very grateful to Mr. Xie for this period of time."

This was undoubtedly a thank you for his promise, but he would not accept it readily.

Xie Mingyuan helped her so much, how could she dare to appear in Xie Mingyuan's world again in the future.

Song Yuening left the office with her resignation letter.

Indoors, Xie Mingyuan slowly sat down, his back looking lonely and vicissitudes of life.

Colleagues were all surprised when they learned that Song Yuening had resigned. At the same time, they also hurriedly moved away from her like a plague.

If Song Yuening doesn't leave after offending Secretary Tang, who will?
They don't want to have too much contact and be contaminated with bad luck.

However, Song Yuening didn't know about these things. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care and would leave.After completing the handover work at hand, she will no longer have anything to do with the Xie Group.


The sun sets in the west and it's time to get off work.

Xie Zitao, carrying a small schoolbag on his back and a water cup co-branded with the mechanical armor in his hand, pushed open the door and barged in.

"Uncle, I'm here."

He walked straight towards Xie Mingyuan's tall figure and threw himself into the man's arms.

Xie Mingyuan was standing at the floor-to-ceiling window with a cigarette in his hand. He was bumped by Xie Zitao who suddenly appeared. He quickly stretched out his hand to hug the little guy.

The other hand quickly pinched out the cigarette butt, and then waved the secondhand smoke around him, and then looked at Xie Zitao, whose face was full of joy.

"How come so quickly?"

Xie Mingyuan touched his head. He had just finished school a while ago, and the distance between the kindergarten and the company was not close.

"It's not because I was anxious to see Teacher Song, so I urged the housekeeper to hurry up and hurry up on the way." Xie Zitao raised his head and looked at him expectantly.

His watery eyes were filled with happiness, and his fingers sticking to the seam of his trousers were circling slightly.

Xie Zitao desperately wanted to get Xie Mingyuan's permission so that he could see Song Yuening as soon as possible.

He really missed Teacher Song.As the kindergarten teacher said in class, not seeing each other for one day is like several autumns?

Xie Mingyuan had a doting smile on his face, "It's still a while before get off work ends. I'll handle the remaining work documents and take you to Teacher Song later."

Patting Xie Zitao's shoulder, Xie Mingyuan turned around and walked around to the desk.

Xie Zitao pursed his lips, fearing that if he didn't agree, Xie Mingyuan wouldn't let him go.

"Okay, I'll be obedient."

He sat on the sofa obediently, while Xie Mingyuan smiled and said nothing, and continued to look down at the documents in his hands.

About half an hour later, the clock on the wall rang, and Xie Mingyuan also put down the pen in his hand.Xie Zitao jumped off the sofa with great discernment.

"Uncle, can you go find Teacher Song? She's off work."

Xie Zitao carried his schoolbag and hurried to his desk and took Xie Mingyuan's hand.

"Well, let's go."

Xie Mingyuan picked up the suit jacket on the side and led Xie Zitao to Song Yuening's office area.

However, Song Yuening's seat was empty.

Xie Mingyuan looked down and saw that the off-duty time for this quarter had been adjusted. He had remembered the wrong time and Song Yuening had left normally.

"Uncle, has Teacher Song left already? Let's chase him quickly?!" Xie Zitao stood there and looked around, pouting and shouting.

Xie Mingyuan nodded and took his little hand downstairs.

I just hope that there is still enough time and Song Yuening has not gone far.

As soon as their car drove out of the underground garage, they saw Song Yuening standing on the roadside waiting for the car.

Xie Mingyuan was about to direct the driver to go over, but he saw Song Yuening getting on the bus outside the Fourth Ring Road.

This is her?
A trace of suspicion flashed in the man's eyes.

"Little uncle, isn't that Teacher Song? Follow me quickly!"

Xie Zitao also saw Song Yuening's figure, shaking Xie Mingyuan's arm with a roar.

Xie Mingyuan ordered coldly, "Follow me."

However, the route became more and more wrong. This was not the direction back to Song Yuening's residence.

Xie Mingyuan frowned, where did Song Yuening plan to go?

He was suspicious and worried that something had happened.

Xie Zitao got out of the car with a fuss, and Xie Mingyuan didn't have time to think about it, so he hugged him and followed him.

Returned to the rented apartment.

Song Yuening tiredly took out the key to open the door and turned on the indoor light. She rubbed her shoulders and sat down to change her shoes.

Looking up at the small apartment again, I felt a sense of melancholy in my heart.

From now on, she should live here alone for a long time.

Song Yuening stood up and sighed.


A crisp knock on the door disrupted her thoughts.

She rented this apartment alone and never told anyone. Who could it be now?

Song Yuening raised her hand in confusion and turned her cat eyes, looking out through the glass container, her pupils instantly contracted.

It's him?

He hurriedly put his jade fingers on the handle and opened the door. When Song Yuening saw one big boy and one boy standing in front of him, the expressions on the faces of the uncle and nephew were one of grievance.

Song Yuening stood at the door in surprise.

"You...why are you here?" Song Yuening looked at Xie Mingyuan with some embarrassment. She hadn't told them about her move yet.

(End of this chapter)

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