Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 52 Living alone is too pitiful

Chapter 52 It’s too pitiful to live alone

Xie Mingyuan stared at Song Yuening, and through her slender figure, he could clearly see the layout of the house.

Simple and warm, this is Song Yuening's style.

Could it be that she moved?

It's just that her original house was better than the current one in terms of layout and transportation convenience.Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Xie Mingyuan's eyebrows showed a touch of gentleness.

"Zitao is making a fuss and wants to see you."

He finished speaking, and as soon as Song Yuening lowered her head, she noticed that Xie Zitao's delicate little face was full of grievances.

"I miss Teacher Song so much!"

Xie Zitao's appearance made Song Yuening extremely distressed.Who can resist a soft little bun acting coquettishly at him?Her heart ached with pain, and she quickly knelt down and hugged Xie Zitao.

"I miss the teacher, why don't you call the teacher?"

Song Yuening pinched his little face and sighed helplessly.

Xie Mingyuan watched the interaction between the two quietly. If it weren't for Xie Zitao's insistent request, he might not have chosen to come rashly.

But he couldn't tell whether he couldn't resist Xie Zitao's request or was too worried about Song Yuening's safety.

Xie Zitao raised his smile and said, "I wanted to give Teacher Song a surprise, but when I went to the company to find you, the teacher was already off work."

The little guy muttered an explanation, and Song Yuening looked at Xie Zitao apologetically.

"Sorry, Zitao, I blame Teacher Song for not waiting for you a little longer." Song Yuening coaxed softly and invited the two of them in again.When she turned around, Song Yuening took an orange and patiently squatted in front of Xie Zitao to peel it.

"Why did you move here?"

Xie Mingyuan's voice came from above her head.

Song Yuening choked at the question and twitched her lips uncomfortably, "Because..."

She can't tell all the bad things that happened with Cui Fenglan some time ago, right?

While waiting for Song Yuening's answer, Xie Mingyuan looked at the layout of the apartment. The house was not big, and comprehensive facilities could be seen at a glance.

On the left is the bedroom, on the right is the kitchen, and beyond that there is a small balcony.

Perhaps because she had just moved in, the balcony was a bit empty and there were no green plants like her home.

After thinking for a while, Song Yuening reluctantly came up with some words to deal with it, "My house over there is going to be renovated. So I found a temporary place to stay. I just came here not long ago, and it's a bit messy."

Song Yuening slowly explained, but Xie Mingyuan tightened his lips and did not answer.

But there was no doubt that I didn't believe what she said. I thought there was something unspeakable hidden behind it.

"I think it's very beautiful here. Teacher Song's decoration is very beautiful!"

Xie Zitao couldn't understand the twists and turns between the adults, so he kept swaying with his feet on the sofa, his eyes constantly looking at the room, and he praised.

The little expression on his face was extremely satisfied. Even in Xie Zitao's opinion, any place with Teacher Song was good and he liked it.

"Thank you Zitao for your compliment. The teacher hasn't had time to arrange it yet. For example, your favorite doll hasn't been put out yet." Song Yuening squinted her eyes slightly and couldn't help but touch his little face.

Xie Zitao also leaned over naturally.

"Because wherever there is Teacher Song, there will be the flavor of my mother. Of course I like it."

Xie Zitao held her arm and kept coming back to rub it.

These words made the two adults in the room tremble in each other's hearts, and they all felt sorry for Xie Zitao.His parents died too young and he was unable to fully feel their parents' love.

Song Yuening turned around and entered the room and took out the Pikachu that Xie Zitao loved to play with last time.

Xie Zitao hugged Pikachu in surprise, took Song Yuening's hand and talked about the interesting things in the kindergarten today.Xie Mingyuan sat quietly on the sofa, watching the harmonious scene between the two.

Xie Mingyuan has never seen such Xie Zitao and Song Yuening.

Time flies and it’s dinner time in a blink of an eye.Xie Mingyuan originally wanted to take Xie Zitao away, but the little guy's face was full of reluctance and his brows were knitted together.

"Xie Zitao."

Xie Mingyuan increased his tone.

Seeing this, Song Yuening naturally took his little hand and said, "Zitao, just stay here and have dinner before leaving."

She said softly: "I just bought some vegetables at home."

The woman looked at Xie Mingyuan, trying to get his nod of agreement.

Xie Zitao also looked over hopefully, unable to resist the shining eyes of the big and small, Xie Mingyuan could only nod, "I won't do this next time."

Song Yuening has already been working for a whole day, which is very hard.

Xie Mingyuan's eyes flashed with distress, and Xie Zitao happily hugged Song Yue's legs, "That's great! I can eat Teacher Song's cooking again!"


In the cozy apartment, two dishes and one soup were placed on the small dining table, emitting a rich aroma.

Naturally, Xie Mingyuan also contributed to this.

He personally helped Song Yuening and washed the vegetables.

During the entire cooking process, Song Yuening was under tremendous pressure. Who dares to believe that Xie Mingyuan, the president of the dignified group, would help with the cooking? ?
He put down his rolled-up sleeves, and Song Yuening placed the bowl of rice in front of Xie Zitao, got him chopsticks, and turned around to arrange a portion for Xie Mingyuan as usual.

When she raised her eyes, Song Yuening suddenly met his smiling gaze and turned away slightly panicked.

"I don't know if the dishes I cook are to your liking. Can you give it a try?"

Xie Zitao responded very cooperatively and looked at Song Yuening with a smile on his face.

"Teacher Song's cooking tastes like my mother's, so it must be delicious! Uncle, try it too. The shrimps made by Teacher Song are more delicious than those made by Auntie Kai Rui at home!"

Song Yuening almost subconsciously picked up food for Xie Mingyuan, but when she realized what she had done, her hands paused slightly.

When he raised his head, he fell into a pair of extremely deep eyes.

"Thank you for giving it a try, if you don't like it..."

It seems that there is no way.

Without much hesitation, Xie Mingyuan put the shelled prawns into his mouth.

"It was really delicious."

There was even a moment when Xie Mingyuan really envied Zitao for being able to taste the food cooked by Song Yuening himself.

Facing the man's sincere praise, Song Yuening was stunned for a moment, and then immediately lowered her head.

But Xie Zitao still saw the base of her ears that were slowly turning red.

He blinked and said nothing, but the smile on his face became brighter. Teacher Song was actually shy!The character Xiaomei in the cartoon is shy when facing the handsome guy she likes.

Does Teacher Song like little uncle? !

Then he had to help his uncle catch up with the teacher. Xie Zitao made up his mind.

After a meal, it's not too early.

Xie Zitao had to go to class tomorrow. When he saw Xie Mingyuan standing up, Song Yuening also got up from the sofa, ready to see them off.

When he walked to the door, Xie Zitao held Xie Mingyuan's thigh and looked up at Song Yuening pitifully.

"Uncle, can't I live with Teacher Song?"

Teacher Song lives alone, how pitiful it is.

(End of this chapter)

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