Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 586 Agree to go abroad

Chapter 586 Agree to go abroad
Late at night, the moon and stars are scarce, and everything is quiet.

Song Yuening was half lying on the big bed in the master bedroom, watching Xie Mingyuan carefully flipping through the plan in his hand. He couldn't believe what he had just heard, and asked uncertainly.

"What did you just tell me, can you tell me again?"

Xie Mingyuan heard the disbelief in Song Yuening's tone.

In fact, when he heard the news, he was stunned for a few seconds because of shock, so he was not surprised at all by Song Yuening's reaction at this moment.

"I told Zitao that he no longer plans to stay in China. He wants to go abroad. This is a plan he wrote himself. It even includes the university he plans to study in."

Xie Mingyuan raised the document in his hand to Song Yuening, but Song Yuening snatched it away the next second.

Song Yuening, who had always been gentle, showed a toughness that had never been shown in front of her family at this moment.

"Are you kidding? How can he go abroad when he is so young now? Have you told him? Let him stay in the country and manage the company with you? If he doesn't want to, he can come and join me? "

"Although you and I do have some connections abroad, our foundation is not there after all. He is the only one studying abroad. Can he take good care of himself? What if he is bullied?"

Xie Mingyuan listened to Song Yuening's chattering words and the profile of her face carefully flipping through the plan, and he knew that she was worried about Xie Zitao now.

His eyebrows softened for a moment, and he turned over and held Song Yuening in his arms.

The latter put his hands on his chest angrily and pushed him out. His eyes never moved away from the plan from beginning to end.

"Ning Ning, Zitao is no longer the kid you just met back then. He has grown up and has his own considerations and plans. I have also read the plan, and it is very comprehensive and detailed. "

Xie Mingyuan's voice was deep.

"Since he wants to go abroad, I think we should respect his opinion."

Song Yuening didn't say anything, she just read the plan in her hand from beginning to end.

When she closed the plan book, she didn't speak for a long time. Although she had made the most correct choice in her heart, when he was about to speak, she felt like she was stuck in her throat.

Xie Mingyuan did not urge her, but just looked at her quietly.

After a long time, Song Yuening suddenly raised her hand and buried her face in the palm of her hand, and a dull voice slowly sounded.

"I know what you said is right, but how do you expect me to lay down on him with confidence?"

Xie Mingyuan felt a little distressed when he heard her muffled voice. After holding her in his arms and comforting her carefully, the two of them could discuss this topic seriously.

Song Yuening raised her hand and wiped the slightly red corners of her eyes. When she met Xie Mingyuan's eyes, her voice was still choked, but her tone was firm?
"What you said is right. When the child gets older, it's time to let him go out and have a try. But we have to make good preparations for him to study abroad."

It's not like I'm going on a trip, so of course I can't be so casual.

The first thing Song Yuening considered was where Xie Zitao would live and travel after he went abroad, and whether he should have a few people around him to take care of him.

The two discussed it for a long time, and the next day they showed their strong execution ability and started to get things done.

In his spare time, Xie Mingyuan hugged Song Yuening's waist and stroked her bulging belly with soft eyes.

"After Zitao goes abroad, take some time and I will go out with you."

Song Yuening couldn't help laughing, raised her hand to cover the back of his hand, and patted it twice.

"Okay, our boss Xie promised me before that he would take Nian An and I on a trip. This time we can finally fulfill our promise."

"There is no Nian'an, just the two of us."

Just her and Xie Mingyuan?
Song Yuening turned her head to look at the man behind her in surprise, and saw the fiery brilliance in his dark eyes.

The next second the man's palm touched the back of her head, Song Yuening felt relieved and slowly closed her eyes, feeling the man's thin lips falling on her lips. The soft touch came from her lips, and Song Yuening's breathing became a little faster.

Her slender waist was held in Xie Mingyuan's strong arms. As the kiss deepened, the arms slowly tightened, and the distance between the two of them continued to shrink.

After the kiss, the two bodies were completely attached to each other, intimate.

Song Yuening gasped slightly, raised her hand to hammer Xie Mingyuan's chest, and complained softly.

"This is not good for the baby's prenatal education. Also, Nian'an will be unhappy if he knows that we don't plan to take him with us. Have you figured out how to explain it to him?"

Xie Mingyuan curled his lips and spoke in a teasing tone.

"Nian An is a sensible child. As long as I tell her that I want to go out with you to live in a world of two, she will definitely not follow."

Song Yuening rolled her eyes angrily. After thinking about it for a while, she felt angry again and raised her hand to punch him again, but the force was not very strong.

"You know how to talk a lot, hey..."

Perhaps because of the large range of movements, Song Yuening suddenly covered her stomach in the middle of her words and exclaimed softly, which made Xie Mingyuan suddenly nervous.

"What's wrong? You feel uncomfortable in your stomach? I'll take you to the hospital."

Seeing that Xie Mingyuan was about to pick him up, Song Yuening quickly stopped him.

"It's okay, it's just that the baby just kicked me. Counting the time, the baby will be born soon, and I will have a prenatal check-up the day after tomorrow..."

Xie Mingyuan looked at her lowering her head and stroking her belly, then lowered his head and placed a kiss in her hair.

"I remember, I will accompany you the day after tomorrow."


Bai Fangruo's sports car was parked in front of Xie's door.

He watched Xie Mingyuan helping Song Yuening walk into the company, and then watched the two figures walking out side by side. His eyes under the sunglasses were full of calculation and resentment.

"Song Yuening..."

If possible, she really wanted to repeat her old trick and play tricks on Song Yuening's car again.

But she also knew that because of what happened last time, the two of them were very careful about traveling now.

If she did it again, not only might she not be able to harm Song Yuening, but she might also get herself involved, so she could only temporarily suppress the malice in her heart.

However, although she could not attack Song Yuening for the time being, she had other ways to take revenge on this woman.

Bai Fangruo lowered his head and sent a message to a series of numbers.

"We can start our plan. The money will be transferred to you in ten minutes."

The other person responded very quickly.

"Thank you, miss! Don't worry, I promise to complete the mission!"

If Song Yuening were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the phone number belonged to Lu Qiang.

Bai Fangruo put away her phone and looked in the direction where Song Yuening had just left.

She has suffered for so many years. Is it not too much to collect some interest from Song Yuening first?

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