Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 587: Argument

Chapter 587: Argument
When Xie Mingyuan learned that Song Yuening had an accident and had been sent to the hospital, he hurriedly arrived. Song Yuening was lying on the hospital bed, surrounded by many experts who were examining her body one by one.

"Ning Ning! What happened?"

Xie Mingyuan strode to the hospital bed, and when Song Yuening on the hospital bed saw him coming, a smile barely appeared on her pale cheeks, wanting to comfort him, but suddenly she seemed to have remembered something, her eyes It flashed.

"There was a little accident, it's nothing. Why are you here? I remember your company is busy with something today, isn't it?"

Because he had to accompany Song Yuening for a prenatal check-up tomorrow, Xie Mingyuan planned to finish all the things at hand today.

Song Yuening also knew about this, so after arriving at the hospital, she first told the doctor not to disturb Xie Mingyuan with phone calls.

But the doctor knew Song Yuening's identity. How could he dare to hide such a big thing? So while Song Yuening was checking her body, she called Xie Mingyuan.

"With such a big thing happening, how could I not come?"

When Xie Mingyuan appeared, those experts had already consciously made way for him.

At this moment, Xie Mingyuan sat beside the bed and took Song Yuening's hand, feeling her body temperature and frowning slightly.

"What exactly is going on?"

When Song Yuening went out this morning, she clearly said she was going to the company to deal with some matters, but why did an accident happen and almost kill the baby in her belly?
The doctor next to him had already given the answer when Xie Mingyuan looked over.

"Madam, I don't know if she ate something by mistake, which caused the contractions. Fortunately, she came to the hospital for treatment in time and the situation was under control. But during this period of time, we still need to pay more attention to avoid moving around and avoid being too emotional. Big ups and downs, otherwise..."

The doctor didn't finish what he said, but both the couple understood what Wei Jin's words meant.

If more attention is not paid, Song Yuening is still likely to have a miscarriage, and they will lose the child they have been looking forward to.

The moment Song Yuening heard the doctor's words, she unconsciously grabbed Xie Mingyuan's hand. He closed his eyes, making his already bloodless face look even weaker.

"I understand, thank you doctor."

After the doctor said some more words and explained some precautions, he and other experts exited the ward.

When only Song Yuening and Xie Mingyuan were left in the ward, Xie Mingyuan spoke again and raised the question just now.

"Ning Ning, weren't you busy in the studio today? What happened and what did you eat to cause this situation?"

"Did something happen?"

Song Yuening pursed her lips and did not answer immediately. Instead, she slowly turned her head and looked at the window.

Because of her current status, the ward she is in is a VIP room on the top floor, and she can clearly see the blue sky and scenery outside the window.

She quietly watched the birds flying across the sky, and after a while, she spoke, but her voice sounded a little difficult.

"It was just an accident. I didn't expect that there would be anything in the food I ate that could cause this."

Song Yuening's vague appearance attracted Xie Mingyuan's attention.

He was keenly aware that things might not be as simple as Song Yuening said, but Song Yuening clearly didn't want to talk more at the moment.

Considering Song Yuening's physical condition, Xie Mingyuan didn't say much in the end. He just calmed her down and watched her fall asleep. He found someone to look after her in the ward for five hundred and five days before returning to the company. .

But as soon as he stepped into Xie's hall, there was a figure in front of him.

"Miss Bai, what are you doing here?"

Looking at Bai Fangruo in front of him, Xie Mingyuan's tone was not very good, but Bai Fangruo didn't care at all. He just looked at him quietly and suddenly smiled.

"I came to see Mr. Xie today, of course, to discuss cooperation with Mr. Xie. I know Mr. Xie may not want to talk to me about this now, but in order to prove my sincerity, I brought you a piece of news. I believe Mr. Xie should would be very interested.”

Xie Mingyuan was upset now. He just wanted to know what happened to Song Yuening, so he walked past her without looking at her and prepared to go back to the office.

However, the next second, Bai Fangruo's words stopped him in place.

"I saw Mrs. Xie today. He was meeting a man. I happened to take a photo. Mr. Xie doesn't want to know who the man he met is?" Xie Mingyuan turned around suddenly and narrowed his eyes to look at Bai Fangruo.

"What did you say?"


Song Yuening looked at the snow-white ceiling of the ward, and her thoughts drifted back to this morning.

She received a call from Lu Qiang this morning. The other party said that there was something about her grandma that she wanted to give her.

Grandma has always been irreplaceable to Song Yuening, so after hearing these words, she immediately decided to go to the appointment.

What Lu Qiang took out was the jade bracelet that her grandma left for her when she was preparing to marry Lu Sheng, but it was later stolen by Cui Fenglan.

She always thought it was lost, but she didn't expect it was still there.

Although it is not valuable, for Song Yuening, it is a thought.

She missed her grandma too much and didn't want to shed tears in front of Lu Qiang, so she lowered her head to drink water to cover up her gaffe, but she didn't expect that what was inside made her almost miscarry.

The reason why she didn't tell Xie Mingyuan just now and concealed the truth was that she didn't want him to know that she had met Lu Qiang for fear that he would misunderstand him. Secondly, it was because there was no evidence. He had been very busy recently because of Xie Zitao. She Don't want him to worry.

Song Yuening's eyes turned slightly cold when she thought of this.

She knew this was a plot against her, and after she was discharged from the hospital, she would not easily bypass Lu Qiang.

Song Yuening's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a strong door push. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the door. After seeing Xie Mingyuan, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Why are you here? Didn't you mean..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xie Mingyuan without hesitation.

The man's eyes were cold and his voice was questioning.

"You went to see Lu Qiang today."

Song Yuening was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"how do you know?"

Seeing that Song Yuening did not deny it, Xie Mingyuan laughed at himself.

"Let me guess what reason he used to ask you out. It's Lu Sheng, right?"

Song Yuening heard such a sentence before she could recover from the shock of Xie Mingyuan knowing the truth of the matter.

"What do you mean by that?"

Xie Mingyuan sneered.

"Song Yuening, since you are hiding it from me, it means you know in your heart that you shouldn't go to see Lu Sheng because of his matter. Since you know you shouldn't, why do you do it?"

"Have you considered my feelings? Have you considered the child in your belly? Or, you don't want him at all!"

These words were a bit harsh. Song Yuening looked at Xie Mingyuan's eyes, her chest rising and falling.

"What do you mean by that? Are you doubting me?"

Xie Mingyuan looked at her figure trying to push herself up from the bed, and tried hard to suppress the pity and intolerance in his heart.

He just looked at her coldly, and the words he spoke were like knives, piercing her heart every word.

"If you still can't let go of Lu Sheng, fine, I'll help you."

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