Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 59 He helped himself

Chapter 59 He helped himself

As soon as she arrived at the police station, she saw two policemen at the door of the police station. Cui Fenglan stepped forward quickly: "Comrade police, this little bitch stole my son's ashes. Please arrest her and put her in jail."

"The urn is missing?" The policeman who was about to get into the car paused, glanced at the people in front of him, and said unhurriedly: "You were the one who just called the police and said that the urn was missing?"

"Yes, yes, it's us!" Cui Fenglan nodded repeatedly and turned to point at Song Yuening: "She was the one who stole my son's ashes!"

Listening to Cui Fenglan's accusation, Song Yuening's face was expressionless, and there was not much emotion in her heart.

She didn't know what kind of words this evil mother-in-law could say until today.

The police comrade glanced at Song Yuening and said coldly: "If you have anything to do, go in and talk about it."

Under the arrangement of the police, the three people came to a room.

The policeman took out a pen and paper and looked at the people: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"That's it..." Song Yuening's pink lips opened slightly, but she was interrupted by a voice beside her just as she started to speak.

"Comrade police, my daughter-in-law killed my son and now stole his ashes."

Song Yuening frowned speechlessly: "What nonsense are you talking about? I just found out that Asheng's ashes are missing."

"Don't you know? You just don't have good intentions and want to steal Asheng's property alone!" Cui Fenglan spoke eloquently, word after word.

"Those were originally left by Ah Sheng to me. Didn't you hear what Lawyer Wang said clearly?" Song Yuening was angry in her heart, but she was extremely calm when facing Cui Fenglan.

Cui Fenglan's chest heaved violently with anger, and she stood up suddenly and pointed at her: "You little bitch, I knew..."

"That's enough!" The policeman who had been taking notes suddenly raised his head and interrupted the quarrel between the two: "This is the police station!"

"Explain it clearly bit by bit!" The policeman looked at the noisy Cui Fenglan and shifted his gaze to Song Yuening: "Tell me what's going on."

Under the majesty of the police, Cui Fenglan did not dare to make any mistakes and could only let Song Yuening speak.

Song Yuening explained the whole story, and the police roughly understood it: "So you only found out today that the ashes were missing?"


"Comrade police, don't believe her. Even if she didn't steal the ashes, she is still responsible! As a wife, she can't even keep my son's ashes..." Cui Fenglan started to cry emotionally as she spoke. He stood up and said, "My poor son, the only thing left in this world is gone."

Hearing this, Song Yuening couldn't help but feel sore in her eyes, not because of Cui Fenglan's unsightly acting skills, but just thinking of Lu Sheng, the man he loved so much.

After sniffing and adjusting her mood, she said in a cold voice: "How dare you mention him? From the time he was born to the time he died, have you done anything for him? Have you ever thought about him in the slightest?"

"I didn't see you twice when he was here. Why are you pretending to be a loving mother now?"

"You damn girl, I'm your mother-in-law, how dare you accuse me! I'm warning you, don't think about taking Ah Sheng's inheritance by yourself. It will never be possible as long as A Qiang and I are around!" Cui Fenglan was angry. His eyebrows were knitted together, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Song Yuening said calmly: "But the only heir to his inheritance is me."

This sentence was like a big knife slashing at Cui Fenglan. She was so angry that her face turned livid and her whole body tensed up, like a lion about to become angry.

Cui Fenglan was so angry that she pointed at Song Yuening and cursed.

And the movie-like scenes were recorded one by one by surveillance cameras.

A man sat in front of the monitor and clicked to save the video. The man with his head lowered raised his head and looked around. When he saw no one there, he took out a USB flash drive from his bag and copied the video.

Xie Group.Xie Mingyuan had just finished a video conference, and his assistant came in with coffee.

He held the coffee with his slender fingers. The vibration on the table disturbed his moment of peace. He freed up a hand to answer the phone: "Hello."

"Mr. Xie, Miss Song was sent to the police station." The voice on the other end of the phone was a little awkward.

He held the coffee and put his hand to his lips for a moment, and there was a hint of anxiety in his tone: "What's going on?"

"Our people were preparing to evacuate today when we saw..." the person on the other end of the phone reported.

"I know." Xie Mingyuan put down the cup, and the cup made a dull sound when it hit the table, just like his mood at the moment.

He stretched out his long arms, hooked the coat beside him and stood up to leave.

He had arranged for someone to protect Song Yuening secretly before, but who knew that a car accident would happen. In order not to affect her life, he was ready to have someone evacuate. Who knew that he would receive the news at this moment.

Xie Mingyuan immediately drove to the police station, holding the steering wheel with one hand and taking out his mobile phone with the other hand to make a call.

"Hey, let's deal with Song Yuening's matter..." Xie Mingyuan made arrangements on the phone.

In 10 minutes, the black Maybach arrived at the police station.

In the interrogation room, Cui Fenglan shouted unwillingly: "Comrade police, the disappearance of my son's ashes has something to do with her. You must arrest her."

"Li Yao." A middle-aged man in police uniform suddenly walked into the interrogation room. He waved to Li Yao, who immediately walked over.

After 2 minutes, the middle-aged man walked out. Li Yao walked to the room between the three of them and said, "I know the whole story. Miss Song, you can go."

"Let her go now? Comrade police, how can this be done?" Lu Qiang became anxious when he heard this.

"I have already asked clearly about this matter. Of course she can leave. You two, please wait. I still have some details to ask about." Li Yao turned to Song Yuening and said softly: "Miss Song, please go. If anything happens, we will Will contact you again."

Song Yuening nodded: "Thank you."

Cui Fenglan watched Song Yuening go out and was about to stop him when she was stopped by Li Yao.

Song Yuening walked out of the police station, and a breeze blew, followed by fresh and cool air.

Sure enough, the air was much fresher without the mother and son around.

She closed her eyes slightly, took a breath of fresh air, and heard a familiar voice in her ears: "Are you okay?"

"Mr. Xie?" Song Yuening opened her eyes and was shocked to see the person, and asked doubtfully, "Why are you here?"

Before Xie Mingyuan could answer, his phone suddenly rang. He answered the call first: "Well, the person has come out."

Listening to the conversation between Xie Mingyuan and the person on the phone, she realized that it was Xie Mingyuan who helped her that allowed her to get out of the police station so quickly.

No wonder, she just said why the policeman let her go.

He did himself another favor.

She didn't know why she had the illusion that he always appeared when she needed help.

This feeling is really indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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