Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 60 So Familiar Taste

Chapter 60 So Familiar Taste
Song Yuening raised her head slightly, met those deep eyes and said sincerely: "Thank you."

Even though Xie Mingyuan helped her in everything because of Xie Zitao, she was still grateful.

Xie Mingyuan's tall figure stood in front of him, blocking most of the sunlight, but some light still fell on her.

Under the thin light and shadow, there was a faint layer of sadness covering her body. It seemed that Cui Fenglan had not been taught enough and had caused a lot of trouble for her.

"If you believe me, I can do my best to help you with these troubles." His voice was low and sexy, lingering in her ears.

Song Yuening took a shallow breath and shook her head in rejection: "Thank you, Mr. Xie, I'd better handle these matters myself."

"You don't trust me?" Realizing this, Xie Mingyuan felt a little annoyed.

Song Yuening quickly shook her head and explained: "No, you have helped me enough."

It's not that she doesn't trust him, it's just that she doesn't want to trouble him anymore.

"Since it's not distrust, there's no problem. What do you need my help with now?"

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she paused for a few seconds before speaking: "I do have something to ask you for help here."

"Say." Xie Mingyuan's attitude was lukewarm, like a machine without temperature.

"Please help me check on my husband's death. I want to know if he is really dead."

Lu Sheng's death was so mysterious that it would be difficult for her to investigate it alone, but Xie Mingyuan was different, just like he could take her out of the police station so quickly.

If he helps with the investigation, I believe these things will be clear soon.

Xie Mingyuan's pupils shrank. What she wanted to investigate was whether her husband was dead or not...

Faced with this problem, he suddenly felt at a loss what to do, but this feeling only lasted for a moment, and he immediately responded: "No problem."

"Mr. Xie, could you please help me check someone out?" Song Yuening continued without noticing the change in his expression.

"You said."

"I don't know this person's name. Can I look it up?" Song Yuening's eyes were full of hope.

"It should be fine if you give me some clues about him." Xie Mingyuan did not dare to guarantee her 100%.

Song Yuening frowned slightly, trying to recall the memories and clues about him that night: "I only remember that he had a faint smell of cedar, and that he was very tall, about the same as you. The rest..."

"There is nothing else." At this point, Song Yuening couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. What kind of clue was this description?How do I find someone?
But other than that, she really didn't know anything.

Xie Mingyuan lowered his eyelids and stared at him, his eyes a little complicated.

After a moment, he said: "I can't find just this little clue. Are there any others?"

"Does it count that he went to Room 25 of Mia Hotel on March 302?" Song Yuening almost blurted out.

When she said these words, she regretted a little. Did she make it too clear to Xie Mingyuan?

Xie Mingyuan's pair of dark pupils were like the deep and invisible seabed, making it impossible to read his emotions.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Song Yuening thought it was not easy to investigate: "Is it difficult to investigate? If it's not easy to investigate, forget it."

It is indeed difficult to find a needle in such a haystack.

"I'll check." Xie Mingyuan just said these words lightly.

At this moment, Xie Mingyuan changed the subject: "I also have something to ask you for help."

"Mr. Thank you, please tell me."

"Please continue to take care of Zitao."

Mentioning this warm little boy, Song Yuening's eyes became gentle: "I also like Xi Zitao very much and want to take care of him all the time, but Mr. Xie has also seen that I have too many things recently, and I may not be able to tell them apart. Too much time to take care of him.”

"Well, you take care of your business first."

She hasn't been in a good state recently, and he also wants her to deal with these troublesome things first.

"Get in the car and take you back." Knowing Xie Mingyuan's kindness, Song Yuening did not refuse.

Getting on the passenger seat, Xie Mingyuan sat in the driver's seat.

As soon as she got in the car, Xie Mingyuan's body suddenly leaned towards her, and a faint fragrance hit her nostrils.

This smell is so familiar...

It smells like cedar.

"Remember to fasten your seat belt when you get in the car."

Before Song Yuening could react from her thoughts, Xie Mingyuan had fastened her seat belt and returned to her seat.

"Well..." Song Yuening suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The vehicle was driving slowly all the way, and Xie Mingyuan's favorite music was playing in the vehicle. Apart from the sound of the music, the entire interior of the vehicle was very quiet.

Neither Song Yuening nor Xie Mingyuan spoke.

When the vehicle arrived at the place where Song Yuening lived, Song Yuening said goodbye: "Mr. Xie, I'm going up first."

"I send you."

"No need, Mr. Xie should go back early to accompany Zitao." Xie Mingyuan had helped her so much, and she was really embarrassed to trouble him again.

Xie Mingyuan put his slender arms on the steering wheel and watched her get out of the car and leave.

Until her figure disappeared, he did not start the vehicle and leave, but took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it.

White smoke was exhaled from his mouth, and the circles of smoke enveloped his face. Under the white smoke, his angular face became a little more sexy.

When the cigarette was half-burned, he gently pressed down the cigarette butt, took out the mobile phone next to him and sent a text message, then started the vehicle and left.

Dusk falls, the sunset glow gradually fades, and the sky is gradually shrouded in layers of black.

It was also at this time that Cui Fenglan and Lu Sheng finished taking notes from the police station.

The two took a taxi home, and both mother and son abused Song Yuening along the way.

The two got out of the car cursing, but when they got off the car they saw two tall men standing nearby.

Cui Fenglan had a vague misconception in her heart.

The two men saw Cui Fenglan and her son getting out of the car and approached them step by step.

The man was tall, about 1.8 meters tall. Under the pressure of his body, Cui Fenglan became afraid unconsciously: "You, what are you doing?"

"Leave this woman to you, don't be too harsh." A man walking on the left walked in the direction of Lu Qiang.

"What are you going to do...ah!" Cui Fenglan exclaimed before the questioning finished.

"Damn it, stop it!" Lu Qiang stretched out his hand to retort, but he was no match at all.

The wailing sounds of mother and son could be heard throughout the alley.

After 10 minutes, the two men stopped. By this time, the mother and son were already bruised and bruised.

Cui Fenglan was slightly better, but Lu Qiang was seriously injured after just two punches.

After finishing their work, the two men were about to leave. Lu Qiang behind him shouted unwillingly: "You guys stop for me!"

"Who are you? Why do you beat people?"

The two men stopped, and after turning around, one of them said, "Who do you have offended that you don't know?"

"Are you sent here by that dead girl?" Cui Fenglan reacted shrewdly.

(End of this chapter)

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