Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 6 Like Mom and Dad

Chapter 6 Like Mom and Dad
The Maybach stopped at the door of Xie's house.

"Teacher Song!"

The moment Xie Zitao saw Song Yuening, he jumped out of bed and rushed straight towards the woman.

There were two sudden coughs behind him, and the little meat ball suddenly stopped walking, walked slowly to Song Yuening, and tiptoed into her arms.

"Teacher, you are finally here!"

There was a hint of crying in his soft voice, and his eyes were slightly red. He was wearing soft and cute pajamas, and his delicate face was carefully rubbed in Song Yuening's arms.

"What nightmare did you have?" Song Yuening patiently wiped away the tears on his face, with a warm smile on his lips, which immediately calmed the boy's mood a lot.

"I, I dreamed about my parents...they don't want me anymore."

Xie Zitao's tears welled up again and wrapped around Song Yuening's neck.

Song Yuening frowned slightly. Children without parents' love must not feel safe.

She put one arm around him and stroked his back with the other to comfort him: "Zitao, good boy, your parents love you very much. They just went to a far away place. How could they not want you?"

Seeing that Xie Zitao was still sobbing, she had no choice but to turn her gaze to Xie Mingyuan, hoping that he would also comfort him with a few words.

The man stood up, his deep eyes were unperturbed, and his expression didn't know what he was thinking.

He was currently wearing a pair of loose dark blue silk pajamas. His sharp edge was not as sharp as it was during the day, but he looked a bit gentle.

"They're gone."

A cold voice sounded from in front of him, making Song Yuening sigh.

She must have been hallucinating just now!

This man is just a piece of ice that cannot hold any heat!
"He is not young anymore, there is no need to hide it."

As if sensing Song Yuening's surprise, Xie Mingyuan added coldly.

Song Yuening twitched the corners of her mouth with difficulty.

Not hiding anything and talking are completely different things!
What's more, how can such a young child experience the separation of life and death?

Song Yuening felt more and more pitiful about Xie Zitao. Even if he didn't have his parents around, his brother-in-law was still a straight man.

Living in such a family, it's strange to have a good character.

Not sure if it was because of her pregnancy, Song Yuening felt even more distressed by Xie Zitao's experience.

"We, Zitao, are little men, so we can't cry. Go to bed and we'll have a little surprise tomorrow."

Song Yuening gently stroked his head and whispered.

For a child like Xie Zitao, developing character is by no means an overnight thing.

When Song Yuening received the job, she made a plan, and the little surprise was only part of it, which included her handiwork and the expression of her love.

Xie Zitao seemed to understand, and then he pressed his hand into Song Yuening's arms and muttered, "Then I want Teacher Song to sleep with me, and uncle, you have to accompany me too."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Yuening looked surprised, and embarrassment spread all over his body.

She is just a teacher, and there is no such thing in the field she is responsible for, not to mention having to work with another man...

Just as her brain was rapidly thinking about countermeasures, Xie Mingyuan's quiet voice sounded again.

"come over."

Before Song Yuening could recover, she was already dragged to the bed by Xie Zitao.

"It's not good..."

"We can't let Zitao make trouble all night."

As soon as he finished speaking, a maid appeared beside him, respectfully offering a set of red Tencel pajamas to her with both hands.

"Since I want to sleep with Zitao, I have to change my clothes."

The man's sharp eyes fell on Song Yuening, and he could not refuse.

When she thought of the daily salary of [-] yuan, Song Yuening sighed secretly and had no choice but to follow the maid to the dressing room.

Wealthy people have a lot of rules. They dress well when going out. They have to wear home clothes during the day and put on high-quality pajamas at night.

When Song Yuening came out again, she felt uncomfortable all over.

This pajamas is a bit too sexy.It was dark red in color, with a slim-fitting suspender skirt underneath. The sleeves and placket were embroidered with delicate lace. What surprised her was that the dress fit exceptionally well.

It seemed like it was tailor-made for her.

Ever since she found out she was pregnant, Song Yuening has been paying attention to her physical condition.

Because Yue was still young and could not tell any signs of pregnancy, she awkwardly wrapped her coat tightly, held the hem of her skirt tightly, and walked out slowly.

Is this really going to be the case?

The orange-hued warm light in the room was extremely harmonious. Xie Mingyuan was leaning on the bedside, and his handsome profile looked like a lazy lion after a feast under the light.

There is no denying that this man is good-looking.

The facial features are exquisite and the temperament is pure.

"Uncle, tell me a story."

Xie Zitao pulled out a picture book from under the pillow and handed it to the man, abruptly interrupting Song Yuening's thoughts.

"This book was halfway through last time, page No. 30."

"it is good."

The man's eyes fell on the picture book, with a soft light.

The clear-jointed hands slowly unfolded the picture book, and the magnetic voice sounded, but it was covered with a layer of gentleness, which was in sharp contrast to the cedar smell on his body.

Song Yuening was slightly dazed. She didn't expect the straight man to have such a tender side, and her lips couldn't help but curve into a beautiful curve.

Xie Zitao hid under the quilt, pulled Song Yuening's hands to his chest, and motioned for her to pat her to sleep.

Song Yuening looked at the coquettish boy, her heart softened, and she followed suit.

Xie Zitao closed his eyes with satisfaction, "This is how I feel like my parents."

I don't know why, but when she heard this sentence, Song Yuening couldn't help but feel sad.

Her hands subconsciously covered her belly.

Will this child end up in a tragedy like Xie Zitao in the future, or even more miserable than him, having no father's love at birth...

He even had to wander around with her.

Unconsciously, her hands tightened.

Song Yuening secretly made up her mind to find that person no matter what!

Half an hour later, seeing the boy falling into a deep sleep, Song Yuening covered him with the quilt and tiptoed out of bed.

As soon as his nerves relaxed, his stomach churned again.

She covered her mouth and went straight to the bathroom.

This time, it was more violent than before, and the sound of vomiting came out slightly and fell into the man's ears.

She didn't know how long it had been, but she felt like she was about to vomit bile, and she was covered in sweat.

"Boom boom boom——"

"Mr. Song?"

A clear voice came.

It's Xie Mingyuan.

Song Yuening immediately became alert and pushed herself up from the floor, "Here we come."

She turned on the faucet until she splashed water on her face, and she calmed down a little.

"I'm sorry, I'm really not in good health lately."

When Song Yuening opened the door, she saw Xie Mingyuan waiting at the door.

When he raised his head, he saw eyes full of worry, but disappeared in the next moment.

Song Yuening frowned, maybe she had misunderstood. She and him were just in an employment relationship, so how could she be worried about her.

(End of this chapter)

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