Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 7: Coming to the door to steal the real estate certificate

Chapter 7: Coming to the door to steal the real estate certificate
"Didn't you wake up Zitao?"

Song Yuening leaned forward and looked in the direction of the bed.

Seeing that the boy was sleeping peacefully, he was completely relieved.

"Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Song. It's getting late. The maid has cooked bird's nest and millet porridge for you. Drink it and go to bed."

As soon as Xie Mingyuan finished speaking, a Filipino servant appeared in front of him carrying an exquisite bowl.

Song Yuening took it with both hands, took a spoonful and put it into his mouth.

A burst of warmth spread instantly, bit by bit, the discomfort all over her body disappeared.

"Looking at you like this, it doesn't sound like you have a gastrointestinal problem, but it looks like you're pregnant."

"Cough cough!"

As soon as the man's words came out, Song Yuening almost choked to death.

"Mr. Xie is really good at joking. I just have a bad stomach."

"Since Zitao has gone to bed, I'll go." Song Yuening smiled awkwardly at Xie Mingyuan, feeling embarrassed in her heart.

I have already eaten here. If I stay at Xie's house, I always feel that the nature has changed.

"When my sister-in-law was pregnant with Zitao, she was like you."

Xie Mingyuan did not answer, but continued to speak pointedly.

A flash of panic flashed through Song Yuening's heart. She needed her current job and even more funds to find the man that night.

If Xie Mingyuan knew that she was pregnant, would Xie Mingyuan choose another teacher with a more suitable physical condition?

It's hard to say.

Song Yuening drank the porridge in one gulp.

"Thank you, I feel much better."

She politely placed the empty bowl on the plate and nodded to the Filipino maid in thanks.

"It's getting late. I still have to prepare for tomorrow's class, so I'll take my leave now." Song Yuening bowed slightly to Xie Mingyuan, turned around and left, not giving him any chance to speak.

The man looked at the back of the figure who left in a hurry, his long eyes narrowed, looking thoughtful.

He had a depressed expression on his lowered eyebrows, and his face fell in the dark, as if shrouded in gloom.

"Master, everything is settled."

On the other end of the phone, the assistant reported the progress of the matter.

"Keep an eye on the mother and son and report back at any time."

Song Yuening's voice suddenly appeared in the man's mind, and he immediately added, "Also, find a few people to protect her."

Song Yuening leaned back on the seat of the taxi, in shock.

After a while, through the rearview mirror, she noticed a strange look from the driver, and then she realized that she hadn't even had time to change out of her pajamas.

Song Yuening subconsciously tightened the hand covering her chest and stroked her swollen eyebrows, but Xie Mingyuan's words echoed in her mind.

Even he saw the clues.

And, more than once.

If other people knew about this, especially her "good mother-in-law", the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Song Yuening couldn't help clenching her fists.

"What on earth do I have to do to find you!"

The man who spent the night with her...

Too many things happened during this period, and Song Yuening was already exhausted.

As soon as I got home, I just fell asleep in this pajamas.

In a daze, she seemed to have returned to that night, and an electric numbness gradually enveloped her body.

And in front of him, Xie Mingyuan's thousand-year-old glacier face suddenly appeared.

Also, a hint of cedar.It's him!

Song Yuening suddenly opened her eyes, and everything familiar around her came into view.

She straightened up suddenly, struggling to calm the rise and fall in her chest.

"Song Yuening, you are too nervous."

After murmuring something softly, Song Yuening then shook her head mockingly.

Since she found out she was pregnant, she became even more determined to find the man.

Regardless of whether he will be responsible in the end, at least he needs to know who the biological father of the child is.

Suddenly there was a slight "squeak" sound in her ears, pulling her away from her thoughts.

It seemed to be coming from the direction of the study.

Song Yuening's heart tightened. Was there a thief in the house? !

When they first bought a house with Lu Sheng, they didn't have much money, so they only chose affordable housing types, and the community was not high-end.And she leaves early and comes home late every day, and she doesn't spend much time understanding the security of the property.

She stepped out of bed cautiously, not even wearing slippers for fear of disturbing the visitor.

With only the sporadic light and shadow cast by the moonlight, she walked towards the source of the sound in the dark.

The sound is getting more and more obvious!
When passing by the kitchen, Song Yuening grabbed a fruit knife to defend herself.

She swallowed unconsciously, clenched her hands, and the moment she pressed against the door, the knife trembled slightly in the darkness.

After taking several deep breaths, Song Yuening gathered up her courage and sneaked into the study sideways.

I saw the dark figure curled up into a ball, squatting beside her desk, seeming to be rummaging for something.

Song Yuening walked around behind the man calmly. Just when she was about to turn around and run out of the room to call the police, the man's small muttering caught her attention.

"It's strange, why can't I find it? I clearly saw her hiding here."

Her heart suddenly seemed to be tugged by something, Song Yuening stared down at the visitor.

Such a familiar voice...

The corner of Song Yuening's lips curled up with a hint of ridicule. The next moment, she kicked the man's ass hard. She only heard an "ouch". Song Yuening grabbed the man's hands, then sat on her, and then The knife fell on the man's neck.

"You're a thief. I'm the one who stole the house. I advise you to obey. Otherwise, the knife in my hand won't have eyes."

If it was really a thief, she might not have the courage.

But who told this person to be Cui Fenglan.

"Song Yuening, oh, be gentle, you..."

Upon hearing Cui Fenglan's call, Song Yuening became even more ruthless, "What are you doing! Tell me, why are you here to steal in the middle of the night? Who asked you to come!"

"Oh, hurry up and drive for me, I'm your mother-in-law!"

It wasn't until she heard the word "mother-in-law" that Song Yuening pretended to be surprised and slowly stood up from the ground.

When the lights in the room came on again, Cui Fenglan's embarrassed appearance on the ground immediately made her feel much better.

"Mom, what are you doing sneaking around here?"

Song Yuening specially emphasized the pronunciation of the word "sneaky".

Cui Fenglan climbed up from the ground and dusted herself off so that she could maintain her original "cold" temperament.

The two haven't seen each other for almost two months, and no matter what, she doesn't want to lose her price in front of this "daughter-in-law".

Song Yuening glanced at the messy drawer through the woman in front of her, "Mom, are you here to steal the real estate deed?"

Otherwise, she would still come to the study in the middle of the night to look for books.

It seems that she was right. At this moment, Cui Fenglan was like a cat with exploded hair. She put her hands on her hips and yelled at Song Yuening: "This is my home. I went into my home to look for something, but you accused me of stealing!"

"When did this become your home? Also, the property certificate is no longer there."

"Then where did you put it?"

(End of this chapter)

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