Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 70 Emergencies

Chapter 70 Emergencies
Xie Zitao wrapped his arms around Song Yuening's waist consciously, and nuzzled into her arms like a baby.

When he raised his head to look at Song Yuening, those big watery eyes were particularly pitiful.

Song Yuening was originally full of worries, but because of his cuteness, she forgot about those trivial matters. She immediately raised a smile and raised her hand to rub the top of his hair.

"I'm sorry, Zitao, for keeping you waiting."

Xie Zitao shook his head obediently and rubbed his palm against hers.

"It hasn't been long. Teacher Song, can we go outside to play today? I also want to go to the restaurant with you to eat."

Ever since Song Yuening took him out for a walk, Xie Zitao fell in love with the feeling of freedom.

At this moment, he was afraid that Song Yuening would not agree, so he stretched out his arms to hug her and shook her gently. His bright eyes blinked, making a pitiful look.

Song Yuening had always liked his act of coquettishness and obedience, so when she heard this, she couldn't help but bend down and pinch the soft flesh of his cheek.

"Okay, then the teacher will take you to the zoo today, okay?"

Xie Zitao's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily without much hesitation.

"it is good!"

He rarely goes out for shopping and play. Even if Xie Mingyuan occasionally has time to accompany him, he only chats in the back garden of Xie's house, let alone the zoo.

After Xie Zitao agreed, he took Song Yuening to the living room, pushed her to sit on the sofa, and then hurried upstairs.

Before Song Yuening realized what he was going to do, he heard him shout loudly: "Teacher, wait for me, I'll change my clothes and I'll be right back!"

Song Yuening laughed and couldn't help but shook her head.

Really childish.

The zoo in City A is located in the south of the city, a little distance from Xie's house.

When Song Yuening took Xie Zitao out, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to catch a taxi on the roadside, so she had to ask the Xie family's driver to take her and Xie Zitao off.

Along the way, Xie Zitao was extremely excited.

He held Song Yuening's hand, glanced at the scenery outside the window from time to time, and then turned to say a few words to Song Yuening.

He shared the happy things he encountered during this period, and complained from time to time that Xie Mingyuan was too harsh on him.

No matter what he said, Song Yuening listened carefully and attentively without any impatience. From time to time, he would respond with a few words to express his opinions.

When Xie Zitao stopped, Song Yuening handed the water bottle to him at the right time and asked him to drink water to moisten his throat.

Xie Zitao lowered his head and took a sip of hot water obediently. When he saw Song Yuening closing the lid, he threw himself into her arms again.

"Teacher Song, you are so kind. It would be great if you could always stay with me..."

After he finished speaking, he even pouted angrily, mentally blaming his uncle for not working hard at all.

If my uncle can marry Teacher Song home, then he can see Teacher Song every day!
Song Yuening didn't know what he was thinking, she just touched his soft hair distressedly and comforted him softly.

"Isn't the teacher with you now? The teacher was a little busy before, so he didn't have time to see you, but the teacher promises you that he will visit you more often during this time, okay?"

After all, she has been in and out of Xie's house many times. Xie Mingyuan doesn't care, and the Filipino maid in Xie's house has never said anything gossip, so why should she worry more?

Song Yuening's eyes fell on the hair on Xie Zitao's head, and she felt a sense of sadness in her heart.

Moreover, although she didn't say anything, she kept thinking about the child in her heart.

Xie Zitao said that he needed her company, but why didn't she need Xie Zitao's company?

Xie Group.As soon as the photo became a trending topic, the employees went crazy.

Many people have seen the unique preferential treatment given to Song Yuening by Xie Mingyuan when she was still in the company.

There were even private speculations and doubts about the relationship between the two because of those details.

But now, the appearance of that set of photos has brought their suspicions to a climax. Everyone is holding back a lot of words, but they are afraid of Xie Mingyuan's momentum and Tang Wanran's temper and dare not speak freely.

The atmosphere in the entire company is unprecedentedly tense.

When Xie Mingyuan's figure appeared at the door, an employee who happened to be passing by the hall was so shocked that he didn't even hug the documents in his hands and scattered them on the floor.

She originally thought she would be scolded, but Xie Mingyuan's eyes just glanced over her body and walked directly into the elevator without stopping too much.

The elevator kept rising and finally stopped at the top floor.

Xie Mingyuan stepped out of the elevator door with long legs, and the assistant who had been waiting at the door followed him directly to report the situation.


The assistant paused mid-sentence, seeming a little confused about what to say next.

Xie Mingyuan stopped and stood still, looking sideways, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Just say anything."

The assistant gritted his teeth: "But Mr. Xie is coming back soon. He may not want to see those photos flying around, so Mr. Xie, what should we do now?"

The Xie family has a very strict family tradition. Before Mr. Xie stepped down from his position, he acted vigorously and resolutely, and could not tolerate any sand in his eyes.

He couldn't even look down upon someone else's grandson causing a scandal, let alone Xie Mingyuan who was causing such a thing at the moment.

Xie Mingyuan did not give an immediate answer, but asked with a slight frown.

"Grandpa is coming back? When will it happen?"

"Just now, about 10 minutes ago, Mr. Xie's assistant called me and said he wanted to see Young Master Zitao as soon as he got off the plane."

Xie Mingyuan frowned slightly and pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache.

"I understand. It's up to you to take care of the photo. Don't ask me. If the company has any major issues, please contact me."

After that, he turned and left.

In the zoo on the other side.

Xie Zitao looked at Xie Mingyuan's information asking for his location and tilted his head in confusion, but still sent the location.

When Song Yuening turned around after buying oranges and was about to take Xie Zitao to feed the animals, what she saw was him staring at the electronic watch with a frown on his face.

"Zitao? What's wrong? Why are you looking so sad?"

Xie Zitao raised his head and looked at Song Yuening, pouting and showing her the message Xie Mingyuan sent him.

"My uncle suddenly asked me where I was just now. I felt so strange. I always had an ominous premonition."

Song Yuening smiled at his words, put the orange in his hand into his hand, took his hand and walked towards the monkey park not far away.

"Your brother-in-law just cares about you, what's so strange about that?"

But when they walked out of the zoo and saw the black Maybach parked at the door, they understood what Xie Zitao's "ominous premonition" meant.

(End of this chapter)

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