Chapter 71
The man who got off the car was only wearing a white shirt, and his suit jacket was casually draped in his arms. The collar was a little messy, and he looked like he had rushed here in a hurry.

Xie Mingyuan walked up to Song Yuening, nodded slightly at her, and then extended his hand to Xie Zitao, who had shrunk behind Song Yuening, pretending that he did not exist.

"Zitao, come home with me. I have something to do today. You can play with Teacher Song next time."

His tone was coaxing, but his words were not gentle and sounded like orders.

Xie Zitao tightly grasped the hem of Song Yuening's clothes. Hearing this, he hid himself back, pressed his forehead against her back, and raised his voice to refuse.

"I don't want it! Why should I listen to you? I want to be with Teacher Song!"

Xie Mingyuan frowned slightly, and his voice suddenly became colder.


This strong and straightforward word made Song Yuening take a few steps back with some discomfort and distanced herself from him.

"Mr. Xie, could you please have a nice talk with Zitao?"

Song Yuening turned sideways slightly and hugged Xie Zitao behind him directly into her arms as a protective gesture.

She looked at the depressed man in front of her and added calmly.

"You promised Zitao to play with me today, but now you suddenly said that you want him to go home."

"Mr. Xie, honestly speaking, if someone broke their trust with you, would you be happy?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Xie Mingyuan suddenly raise his eyes, and their eyes happened to collide with his.

The deep eyes stared at her for a long time, and then he spoke.

"Zitao, grandpa is back. He wants to see you, so you have to go back with me."

Xie Mingyuan raised his hand and pressed the bridge of his nose, softening his tone.

"I'm sorry, my uncle didn't explain it clearly to you just now. But grandpa loves you so much, can you bear to make grandpa sad because he can't see you? Huh?"

Before Xie Zitao could say anything, Xie Mingyuan spoke again.

"My uncle promises you that after you meet grandpa, I will promise you that you can come out to play whenever you want, okay?"

For this reason, even if Xie Zitao couldn't let go of Song Yuening, he had no choice but to withdraw from her arms obediently.

It's just that there's no smile on that face anymore, and there's a bit more sadness in his eyes.

He glanced at Song Yuening and said goodbye to her reluctantly: "Teacher Song, I have to leave. Let's play together next time, okay?"

His cautious inquiry fell into Song Yuening's ears, making her feel a little distressed.

Song Yuening half-bent down and gently touched the top of his hair.

"Okay, as long as Zitao wants to go out and play, you can contact the teacher at any time, and the teacher can accompany you at any time."

Xie Zitao then forced a smile, and then slowly climbed into the back seat of the car under Xie Mingyuan's gaze.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Song, I made your trip today in vain."

Song Yuening shook her head: "It doesn't matter."

"Mr. Xie, since you have something to do, please leave first. I won't waste your time."

Xie Mingyuan originally wanted the driver to take Song Yuening back, but Song Yuening shook his head and politely rejected his offer on the pretext that he had other things to do.

The black Maybach drove away, Song Yuening pursed her lips, but did not do anything else, but went straight home.

She closed the door, placed her bag at the door, and walked straight into the bedroom.She walked to the cabinet next to the bed, squatted down, opened the last drawer, and took out the bank card that was pressed at the bottom.

Looking at this familiar bank card that had not appeared in front of her for a long time, Song Yuening was in a trance for a moment, and her thoughts were drawn back to the past.

The two of them went to the bank to apply for this bank card together when Lu Sheng was still there.

At that time, they agreed that they would withdraw a small portion of their monthly salary and deposit it in it.Then, during the annual holidays, I will use this money to travel and relax.

She and Lu Shenglian had planned their annual travel itinerary, but it was a pity...

"Lu Sheng, it would be great if you really weren't dead..."

Song Yuening's fingers holding the thin bank card trembled slightly, and the corners of her lips raised a bitter arc.

After taking out the bank card, Song Yuening did not put it back.

She put her bank card on the bed, picked up her mobile phone, checked her savings in her commonly used bank cards, and started planning for the future.

Now there are doubts about Lu Sheng's death, but she has no useful clues, so naturally there is no way to further explore the truth.

She still remembers what Cui Fenglan said when she came to ask for money a few days ago. She knows that Cui Fenglan is not the kind of person who talks in vain. She can do no matter how vicious things are.

So if nothing else happens, the uncle and the others may come to visit us in a while.

Thinking of those mean faces, Song Yuening bit her lower lip unconsciously.

The money belongs to Lu Sheng, and she won't give them a cent.

But the problem is, what if she breaks up with her uncle and the others and they no longer have any scruples about doing anything to her?
Song Yuening fell on her back on the soft bed, raised her arms to cover her eyes, and let out a long sigh.

"We need to think carefully about how to deal with uncle and the others, as well as grandma. It would be great if we could take this opportunity to keep grandma in City A."

Song Yuening's voice was very low, like mumbling to herself.

She just looked at her pay card.

Because her consumption is not high, she has saved a considerable amount of savings.

Coupled with the money that he and Lu Sheng had before, it was not a big problem to support his grandma.

But the difficulty lies in how to bypass the uncle and his family, without giving them a penny, and to take the custody rights of grandma into his own hands.


Outside the corridor, the noisy voices made Cui Fenglan's already bad mood sink.

She picked up the phone with a sullen face and took a look at it. When she saw that there was still no message or call from Song Yuening, she immediately put her face down and slammed the phone on the table.

The TV in the living room was still on, but Cui Fenglan didn't have the intention to watch it. Instead, she grabbed a handful of melon seeds and paced back and forth while eating them.

"This dead girl is really tough, okay, don't bow your head, right? I have to watch you being torn off by that big family!"

But as soon as she thought that the money left by Lu Sheng would be tainted by Song Yuening's family and relatives, Cui Fenglan felt quite unhappy.

She never dreamed that that little kid Lu Sheng could be so capable and earn such a large sum of money.

If I had known he was so promising, I should have paid more attention to him.

But this little brat is really a heartless white-eyed wolf. He clearly has his own mother and younger brother to support, but he directly designated the heir to the inheritance.

So much money was given to Song Yuening, that loser, what a waste!

(End of this chapter)

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