Chapter 96
A piece of news from a long time ago was resurfaced by netizens who love eating melons.

When Song Yuening saw the news report, related memories quickly came to mind.

She pursed her lips, feeling the dull pain coming from her heart, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Although Lu Sheng's life and death are unknown now, if he were still alive and saw these news, would he be sad for what happened to her?
But if he was still alive and knew everything Cui Fenglan and his son had done to her, why didn't he come back to find her and protect her as he promised?
The sudden surge of emotion in her heart could no longer be suppressed. Song Yuening got up and walked to the bathroom, wanting to wash her face and calm down her emotions.

She didn't close the computer, and the content she just read was clearly displayed on the bright screen.

"Shocked! The mother of a corporate executive broke into a house at night and stole the property certificate!"

"Cui forced his daughter-in-law to marry his brother-in-law and staged a drama of brothers and sisters!"

This hot and ridiculous title immediately aroused everyone's curiosity, and many passers-by and netizens started to dig into it.

But when they learned the ins and outs of the matter, they felt that their three views were about to collapse.

Netizen 1: "Huh? Is the world crazy or am I crazy? This damn old woman has bullied a beautiful sister like this and no one cares about her? Now she actually has the dignity to go online to meet beautiful girls, bah!"

Netizen 2: "I know this sister. Isn't she the beautiful teacher who became popular some time ago? I don't understand, are all beauties so miserable now?"

The picture of Cui Fenglan in the news has been screenshotted and saved by netizens, and compared with the face in the current video.

When they discovered that after such a long time, she not only had no intention of repenting, but was even more arrogant, they immediately exploded and expressed their determination to give Song Yuening justice.

After Lu Qiang successfully uploaded the video, he stopped watching it. He played games for a while until his phone ran out of battery, and then he was reluctant to put it down.

When he was about to go to the balcony to smoke a cigarette, he touched his pocket and found only an empty cigarette box.

Lu Qiang cursed irritably, then stood up and walked to the door, grabbed a handful of change from the cabinet at the entrance and went out.

Inside a convenience store.

The landlady quickly scanned the items Lu Qiang took, looked at the amount displayed on the screen, and asked him politely.

"Hello sir, the total is one hundred and three yuan. Would you like to pay in cash or online?"

Lu Qiang's voice suddenly increased: "What the hell? I just took two boxes of cigarettes and a bucket of instant noodles, and you want so much money from me?!"

The smile on the landlady's face froze, and she looked at Lu Qiang with a bit of contempt in her eyes.

They were all clearly marked with prices. Didn't he see the price clearly when he picked them up?
"Sorry sir, we are a twenty-hour convenience store, so the prices are a bit more expensive than other supermarkets. If you don't want it, you can... wait, are you that... Lu Qiang?!"

The proprietress suddenly stopped mid-sentence, then hurriedly took out her mobile phone, opened a page and put it in front of Lu Qiang's face for comparison.

"Why does it look so familiar? So you are the scumbag who bullied my sister-in-law? Damn, get out of here. You are not welcome in our store, so get out!"

After saying that, he walked out from behind the counter, picked up the mineral water bottle on the table and chased him away.

Lu Qiang felt baffled. After being pushed out of the convenience store, he couldn't help but get angry and took a hard sip by the steps.

"What the hell! If you don't sell it, you won't sell it. No one cares about it!"

But I felt a little weird in my heart.

How did she know his name was Lu Qiang?
Lu Qiang had an ominous premonition in his heart and walked quickly towards his home, but along the way he could always feel that someone was looking at him, and he could vaguely hear a few curse words being cursed at him.

In the end, Lu Qiang almost jogged home.But as soon as he got home, he was stunned.

"Mom! What's going on? Why are you crying!"

Lu Qiang stared blankly at Cui Fenglan, who was sitting on the ground. The latter was crying with snot and tears at the top of her lungs. When she saw Lu Qiang coming back, she turned over and rushed towards him.

"Qiangzi, show me quickly, who are these people! They just called me to scold me, and before I could react, they hung up the phone!"

On the screen of the mobile phone are strange numbers from various places, and the call time is not long, only ten seconds.

When Lu Qiang was stunned, a call happened to come in. He subconsciously answered the call, and a rough and unfamiliar male voice immediately rang.

"Cui Fenglan, right? You damn old witch, I've never seen someone as shameless as you. If you're sensible, please delete the online video for me, or I'll call you and scold you every day!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Cui Fenglan stared at the phone screen and suddenly slapped her thigh.

"Video! Let me tell you why so many people are scolding me. It's all because of the video you uploaded!"

As she spoke, she pushed Lu Qiang hard: "Why are you still standing there? Delete that bad video!"

The cold sweat on Lu Qiang's forehead was almost falling. Only then did he realize the seriousness of the problem. With trembling hands, he clicked on the account where he posted the video, but was blocked by countless private messages.

Cui Fenglan next to him kept urging him, so he gritted his teeth and slammed the phone away.

"It's already become such a mess, what's the use of deleting the video? It's all your fault for insisting on listening to that person named Tang. I said they are rich and have evil hearts. You can't get involved with them. You are Do not listen!"

Cui Fenglan looked at Lu Qiang blankly, with tears streaming down her wrinkled face, looking extremely pitiful.

But the next second, her true colors were revealed.

The old face looked particularly ferocious and twisted because of anger. She sat down directly on the ground, slapped the floor with her thick palms, and cried out loudly.

"That damn person surnamed Tang, I trust her so much, so she gave me such a bad idea! And you are such an unfilial son! If something happens, you will blame me! You were in a hurry to marry that vixen, so you pushed me I agree!"

"Why did I give birth to such an incompetent son like you? He's not even one ten thousandth as good as your brother! Oh my God, please open your eyes!"

Cui Fenglan was so angry that she cursed everyone in the circle and suddenly rolled her eyes and fainted.

Song Yuening didn't know anything about the farce happening on their side.

When she calmed down and sat back down at the table, a call came right into her cell phone.

"Hello, is this Song Yuening, Ms. Song?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone was unhurried, light and pleasant, which made people feel good.

Song Yuening subconsciously responded.

"Yes, I am Song Yuening, who are you...?"

(End of this chapter)

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