Chapter 97 Contribute
Song Yuening was holding her cell phone, while her other hand was unconsciously fidgeting with the water glass on her left hand, and she listened quietly to the self-introduction on the other side.

"I am the person in charge of Qidi Rural Education Institution, and my name is Wang Yue."

Song Yuening's fingertips paused slightly, and she was stunned for a few seconds before reacting.

Rural educational institutions?

What are they doing with her?
Only then did this doubt appear in Song Yuening's mind. Wang Yue on the other side of the phone seemed to have guessed what she was thinking and quickly explained her purpose.

"Ms. Song, you may not know me, but I have been following you for a long time. I have been following you since your first teaching video went viral."

Wang Yue explained to her in a soft voice.

"I have watched all the videos you posted on the platform. You are a very patient, responsible teacher who cares about the children. I am contacting you today because our institution will recently organize a group of teachers to assist villages and towns. development of education.”

"I would like to know, Ms. Song, if you are willing to join us? If you are willing, you will be the initiator of this assistance plan and you will lead the team to complete it."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, she didn't say anything more. Only her shallow breathing on the phone reminded Song Yuening that she was waiting for her answer.

Assist in the development of education?

Song Yuening's heart suddenly beat faster.

She had paid attention to rural education institutions when she was in school.

She knew that this was a public welfare organization with the purpose of improving rural education levels and improving the learning conditions and environment of rural children.

She once told Lu Sheng that if she had the opportunity in the future, she would definitely join this organization to provide some help to those children who are eager to learn but cannot go to school.

But too many things happened after graduation that made her forget her original ideal for a while.

But now, they took the initiative to find her and gave her such great trust. Should she refuse?
Song Yuening barely hesitated and responded directly.

"Ms. Wang, I am very grateful for your trust in me. I am willing to join you in helping those children."

She paused, then continued.

"Can you tell me the specific departure time? I need to arrange my itinerary."

Wang Yue chuckled and replied: "The time has not been set yet. I will notify you as soon as there is a specific time."

"Finally, welcome to join us."

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuening looked at the 5-minute call record and felt as if a century had passed.

She raised her hand, put the back of her hand against her cheek, feeling the slightly hot temperature, and suddenly pursed her lips and smiled.

That smile was different from before, it was a smile that was sincerely joyful and without any haze.

Song Yuening lowered her eyes slightly and murmured in a low voice: "Lu Sheng, if you knew, you would be happy for me..."

She didn't stay immersed in her emotions for too long when the sudden ringing of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts.

She stood up and walked to the entrance to open the door. After seeing the figure standing outside the door clearly, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Teacher Song! Long time no see, I miss you so much!"

The moment the door opened, Xie Zitao eagerly opened his arms and threw himself into Song Yuening's arms.

The sudden impact forced Song Yuening to take a few steps back before hugging him firmly.

She lowered her head and looked at the furry little head rubbing against her arms with a bit of laughter. She couldn't help but reach out and flick his forehead. "What are you talking about? Didn't we just meet yesterday?"

Today was her rest time, so she didn't go to Xie's house to teach Xie Zitao.

But she had only met Xie Zitao yesterday, and strictly speaking, they had not seen each other for more than 20 hours at most. How could it be so long?
Xie Zitao raised his head in Song Yuening's arms, pouted and said pitifully.

"I don't care, anyway, for me, not seeing Teacher Song for an hour is like three autumns!"

Song Yuening laughed out loud at the idiom he changed randomly. She curled up her index finger angrily and lightly scratched his nose.

"Your mouth is so sweet. Did you eat honey when you went out?"

Xie Mingyuan, who had been successfully ignored by the two, stood outside the door, looking at the cute interaction between them, his eyebrows slightly raised, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Sorry, Teacher Song, I have to disturb you again today."

Xie Mingyuan's deep magnetic voice sounded, successfully diverting Song Yuening's attention to him.

Realizing that she had just snubbed Xie Mingyuan, Song Yuening pursed her lips in embarrassment.

With such a big living person standing in front of her, why did she forget to say hello to him first?
"It's okay, Zitao is very obedient, and I also enjoy spending time with him. I can't say it's anything to disturb."

Song Yuening said, pulling Xie Zitao to move a little bit, and asked Xie Mingyuan politely.

"Mr. Xie, do you have anything else to do later? If you are not in a hurry to leave, you can come in and sit for a while, drink a glass of water before leaving."

When Xie Mingyuan finished speaking, before Xie Mingyuan said anything, Xie Zitao kept nodding his head and looked at Xie Mingyuan with bright eyes without blinking, as if he couldn't wait to answer for him.

Xie Mingyuan only glanced at him and knew what he was thinking.

He raised his eyebrows, his eyes shimmered, his thin lips parted slightly, but the words he spoke made Xie Zitao's shoulders sag instantly like a deflated rubber ball.

"I appreciate Teacher Song's kindness, but I still have to go to the company, so I'll trouble you."

After a pause, he spoke again casually.

"Please ask Teacher Song to help take care of Zitao today. If Teacher Song comes to you tonight, I would like to treat you to a meal as a token of my gratitude."

Xie Mingyuan's eyes stared at her unblinkingly, with an indescribable meaning in those deep eyes.

Song Yuening was slightly stunned, and the strange feeling that she had suppressed in her heart came to her again.

It seemed that Xie Mingyuan had taken great care of her from the beginning. No matter what trouble she encountered, he would appear at the right time to help her.

Do you need to do this to your nephew's teacher?

Sometimes she would narcissistically wonder if Xie Mingyuan had thoughts about her.

But if you think about it carefully, as the CEO of the Xie family, what kind of woman does Xie Mingyuan want? Would he fall in love with a married woman like himself?

Song Yuening pursed her lips and sighed secretly in her heart before looking at him and speaking in a gentle and calm tone.

"Mr. Xie is so polite. I am Zitao's teacher. Taking care of him is what I should do. There is no need to express special thanks."

"It's getting late. If Mr. Xie has something to do, please feel free to do it. Don't waste your time."

(End of this chapter)

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