Sword of Immortals

Chapter 11 Bloodbath

"Hmph!" Helian Ba ​​snorted coldly, "Boy, today is your death day."

"Crack!" Helian Ba ​​suddenly threw the teacup on the ground, immediately, more than a dozen martial arts masters at the eighth or ninth level of martial arts rushed in from outside the hall, and surrounded Daoyi.

In fact, Helian Ba ​​had already arranged it long ago, if the Mongolian medicine didn't work, he would use force to get rid of morality.

Daoyi took a glance, sneered twice, and suddenly shouted: "If you don't want to die, get out!"

Helian Ba ​​glared at Daoyi angrily, and ordered: "Go! Kill him!"

More than a dozen people looked at each other, then surrounded and killed them, slashing at Daoyi with their knives.

"No..." Helian Fei on the side wanted to stop him, but found it was too late, because they all rushed up.

"Looking for death!" A cold shout.

Suddenly, afterimages flashed and blood splattered, more than a dozen people stopped in an instant, and Daoyi appeared outside the encirclement.When he turned around, more than a dozen people fell to the ground with a bang, a long and thin wound appeared on the neck, and blood kept gushing out from it.

Helian Ba ​​was shocked by this scene, and his face suddenly turned pale.Because this was too unexpected for him, he never thought that more than a dozen strong men in the eighth or ninth level of martial arts would be so vulnerable in front of morality, that they couldn't resist even one of his moves.This made him feel chills in his heart, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, it was cold from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

At this moment, He Lianfei felt so regretful!In fact, he knew that if the war started, such a result might happen, but he still couldn't accept it.At the same time, he now also regrets the past, regretting that he failed to stand firm and dissuade his elder brother.But now it was too late, he could only move forward, because these elite men couldn't die in vain.

"Daoyi, you are too cruel!" He Lianfei shouted angrily with some heartache.

Daoyi said coldly: "Ruthless! Am I as ruthless as you? Am I as ruthless as you?"

The murderous aura of morality is getting colder and colder, as if coming to hell, it makes people shudder!You must know that he came to hell, not to mention that he was murdered in hell for ten days and ten nights, his murderous aura is naturally not covered.

"Stinky boy, I'm going to tear your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" Helian Ba ​​yelled angrily, swiping his fingers to condense out a sword gang, stabbing towards him at top speed.

Daoyi squinted his eyes, turned around and used Feiyundu, and in an instant, he came in front of Helianba, and swung his palm on his chest.

"Boom!" Helian Ba's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. At the critical moment, he sacrificed his innate qi, and at the same time protected his chest with his left hand.Although a lot of the impact was removed, he was still repelled.

Daoyi gained the momentum, kicked up with his left foot sideways, with the strength of a knife, hitting the innate qi, bursting out bright sparks of light, just like fireworks.

At this moment, He Lianfei stabbed with his sword, directly grabbing Daoyi's back.

Daoyi turned his head slightly, and clenched his fists with both palms. Suddenly, a huge aura erupted from his body. In an instant, the long sword was shattered, and He Lianfei was blown away together.

"Bang!" At the same time, Daoyi's right foot kicked up to the sky, kicking Helian Ba's jaw, and the innate stellar energy of the body guard burst immediately.His whole body flew out like a sharp arrow, making a big hole in the wall, and fell into the yard.

Daoyi's figure flashed again, and instantly appeared in front of He Lianfei, who was also kicked away by a whirlwind kick.

"Too weak!" Daoyi flipped his palms and roared to the sky, the surrounding seat dust and sawdust were swept away by the explosion, which was cleaner than the wiped floor.

"Damn it!" Helian Ba ​​was furious, swiped his right finger violently, eight sword gangs appeared, and flew out at a high speed.In an instant, it passed through the wall, leaving eight small holes.

At the same time, He Lianfei also used the same move, but his eight swords were obviously not as strong as Helian Ba's, because his cultivation base was weaker.

Adding two and two together, the sixteen sword gangs came towards Daoyi, cutting off all his escape routes, which meant to annihilate him under the sword gangs.

The corners of Daoyi's mouth raised, showing a sneer, and he opened his arms suddenly. In an instant, a circular golden energy shield was formed, blocking all sixteen sword gangs from the outside.

"Chi Chi..." The sound continued, sparks splashed, and Jian Gang was still attacking the energy shield.

Suddenly, two figures flashed, Helianba and Helianfei appeared above Daoyi's head, and bombarded down with their shining palms with all their strength.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Daoyi sneered.

As soon as he embraced his arms, the sixteen sword gangs outside the energy shield appeared on his chest.Immediately afterwards, he swung his arms upwards suddenly, and the sixteen swords passed through the energy shield in an instant, spread out and turned into a lotus flower, attacking the two of them.

Helian Ba ​​and Helian Fei turned pale with shock, they hurriedly withdrew their hands and dodged sideways, but they were still a step too late.

"Chi..." The innate qi of the two of them couldn't withstand the bombardment of the sword qi at all, but were pierced through their bodies, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

After a while, the clothes of the two people's bodies were dyed blood red.The two hurriedly sealed their acupoints with zhenqi to avoid excessive blood loss and death.

"You... who the hell are you?" Helian Ba ​​looked at Daoyi with trepidation, because now that the battle has progressed, he already clearly knows the gap between himself and him, and they are not on the same level at all.

"Hell Messenger!" Daoyi's tone was cold, without any emotion, it was chilling!

He Lianfei dragged his wounded body to Daoyi, knelt down suddenly, and said, "Brother Dao, we were wrong! Can you give us another chance and forgive us?"

Daoyi sneered, and said: "I never thought of killing you, but how did you treat me, revenge, poison, surround and kill, do everything you can, it's really chilling! You asked for it all Yes, people have to pay for what they have done, and your price is death!"

Daoyi accentuated the word "death" very strongly, which shocked the Helian brothers, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

At this time, the other people in Zhuangbao rushed over.When they saw the mess and the second master kneeling on the ground, they all showed consternation in their eyes.

Who would have thought that the second master, who used to be aloof, would kneel in front of a young man begging for mercy today. Such a huge contrast really shocked their hearts, and they couldn't accept it for a while.Or wondering if I am dazzled, is it true?

"Father!" Suddenly, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl ran over from the crowd crying and came in front of Helian Fei.

The little girl looked at the wound on He Lianfei's body and said, "Father, do you hurt?

He Lianfei stroked the tears under the little girl's eyes, and said, "Yan'er! Don't cry, Daddy doesn't hurt!"

Then, he turned his head to look at Daoyi and said, "Brother Dao, it doesn't matter if I die, I beg you to let my daughter go, she is still young!"

Daoyi looked at this pink little girl and asked himself, can he really handle such an innocent and cute little girl?

"Pfft!" Blood spattered!He Lianfei took advantage of the moment when Daoyi was distracted, and hit his abdomen with the finger of his right hand, and the sword pierced through his body immediately.

"You..." Daoyi's mouth was full of blood, he never thought that He Lianfei was such a despicable and shameless villain.

"Boom!" He Lianfei struck Daoyi's chest again, and Daoyi immediately flew out like a kite with a broken string.

"Haha..." Helian Ba ​​laughed loudly, and said, "Boy, as I said, you are too young!"

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